Material thoughts about beekeeping №1
my #container for articles about #beekeeping about #bees about #beekeepingproducts everything related to this.
Material thoughts about beekeeping №1
my #container for articles about #beekeeping about #bees about #beekeepingproducts everything related to this.
Practice is always better than theory, but if you don't start with the theoretical part, practice can be doomed to failure, this also applies to such a matter as #beekeeping.
Based on this thought, I take steps towards my dream of becoming a #beekeeper and making #beekeeping not only my hobby, but also a profitable #business.
Any business is associated with risks to one degree or another, and in order to minimize them, a future #beekeeper must have a large amount of knowledge about this difficult and, sometimes, dangerous for #health business.
Sometimes people don't care about their health and put their dream above all else, but we won't go down that path, we don't need the risks associated with #beekeeping, which we can't avoid to one degree or another.
Many have heard about #beekeeping and it is not easy to be original when talking about it, but I will try to do it, especially since it is pleasant to talk about my dream.
I first thought about #beekeeping as my life's work in 2015 when I bought a plot of land on top of a hill, and on the opposite hill I saw a forest of blooming #acacia, the aroma of which overcame several hundred meters.
#Acacia is highly valued by #beekeepers, as it gives bees a huge amount of nectar from its flowers and this is one of the best periods of honey collection, but the main thing for a beekeeper is not to be lazy, I learned about this later.
Also, after some time, when I drove around all the outskirts of the village where my land was located, I saw huge blooming gardens of fruit trees and even later, huge sunflower plantations, which looked like paradise for #beekeeping.
Over time, having met my neighbors on the land, I learned that many of them are very actively involved in #beekeeping and even some of them migrate from the south to the north of the country during the #honey collection periods.
If you are engaged in industrial #beekeeping, or close to it, then the nomadic way of life is something you will have to get to know.
Flowering #plants first bloom in the south, a couple of weeks later in the center of the country and then, even later, they begin to bloom in the north, this is used by #beekeepers in #beekeeping to increase the #honey harvest.
One of my neighbors has as many as 130 #hives that he moves around the country, but I haven't thought about this option, I'm thinking of starting with 4, maybe six hives, for starters.
When I mentioned that I wanted to become a #beekeeper advice poured in from all sides, sometimes they contradicted each other and I decided not to listen to anyone not to take any side, until I learned as much as possible about #beekeeping.
So, wanting to learn as much as possible about #beekeeping, I read many books and articles on different forums and beekeepers' websites, watched thousands of videos about beekeeping, accepted some, and discarded others.
As in any business, it is important that the debit matches the credit, as accountants say, and at the same time, it would be nice to see the margin from #beekeeping
Critical mistakes in #beekeeping can be made by both beginners and experienced beekeepers, I have heard and told many stories about unpleasant moments that knocked you off your feet, or forced you to start all over again.
I had to filter the wise advice from beekeepers, #beekeepers, like all people, are divided into three types: those who are pure in heart and wish you well, those who don't care about you and those who want to deceive you.
The concept of #cheating in #beekeeping is very common and an inexperienced person who has a small stock of #knowledge in this area can easily succumb to deception.
For example, if you do not know that bees can fly 15 kilometers and return to the seller after selling, you can buy bee colonies in the same village where you plan to create an apiary, buying bees from satisfied neighbors.
Your neighbors will be very happy to help you with this, because they can sell you the same #bees several times lol.
You may also be offered to buy an old #hive at a low price, you don’t know the history of the #bees that lived in it, and here you can jeopardize your entire #dream.
You can be deceived even in a specialized #beekeeping #shop, selling you wax foundation that will be made mostly of #paraffin, and not of #beeswax.
Without any experience in #beekeeping and sufficient #knowledge to start, it is very difficult to be sure that you were sold the #breed of #bees declared at the time of sale, and not a mix of different breeds, which is found everywhere.
Each breed of #bees has its own characteristics and not all breeds of bees can #work in your area.
For example, the Caucasian breed #bees is genetically predisposed to live at a height in the mountains where it is quite cold, but, with a thaw, and it goes down to a warm valley where it collects nectar and returns to the mountains.
In the valley #the bee warms up, gains strength and returns to #hive.
If there are such #bees to be diluted on the uniform, where there are no such sharp temperatures towards the heat, then they will simply freeze without finding the focus of the heat.
The chances of the novice #beekeeper to receive such information in the first days of the start of its #beekeepword are almost zero.
Such #the beekeeper needs to arm yourself with a huge shovel and dig information from the depths that are not visible from the surface.
But, on the other hand, when the right path of #beekeeping begins to emerge, you begin to enjoy the knowledge you have gained and narrow the search area for the right paths to success.
I have seen the successes of #beekeepers who have minimized their costs in the production of #hives, making them from wooden logs and not buying #bee colonies.
Yes, you can catch other people's #swarms of #bees that have flown away and build your #apiary on this.
But even here you need knowledge, for example, how to make a #trap for swarms of #bees, how to attract bees specifically to your trap and where to #install this trap.
For now I am discussing a general concept such as a novice #beekeeper, but later we will talk in detail about each nuance of #beekeeping.
My opinion is that at first, you need to try to #save on everything, but wisely, to understand whether #beekeeping is your business, or you need to look for another application in life lol.
Imagine a situation where you have enough #money to buy an expensive automatic line for processing bee products, to buy hundreds of hives and bee colonies, you do this, but at the first encounter with a #bee sting you slow down.
These are expenses that you will not quickly return, therefore, it is better to get to know #bees better before you start pouring money into #beekeeping as a #business.
This is a small introduction to #beekeeping for beginners, which can become a very exciting journey and lead to love for #bees and their activities.
I will continue the conversation about #beekeeping, saying only what I learned about #bees and this fascinating business.
So, first, I needed to understand where exactly I plan to do #beekeeping and I already had this understanding, because my land is in an ideal place for this.
The presence of huge areas of gardens, sunflower fields, acacia forests, Moldovan sun, hillside shade and a small river make this place simply ideal, a paradise for #bees.
The presence of water near the #apiary is a must, or you should make sure that the #bees have the opportunity to drink water.
When #bees fly for nectar on the way back they eat some of the #nectar that they carry in their mouths, the further they go the more they need which means that the closer the #honey collection point, the more honey you will get in the end.
This indicator may differ for different breeds of #bees. There are tables of the ratio of the distance from the #apiary to the honey collection and the amount of nectar that bees bring for each breed.
Personally, I have to choose between the following breeds of #bees, which are more or less popular in our area: #carnica, #buckfast, #carpathian, #italian, #centralrussian, #ukrainiansteppe, I will not pay attention to the #caucasian bee.
As a novice #beekeeper, if I decide to follow the path of quality and easing my work, I will probably pay attention to the Italian breed of #bees, which are distinguished by high productivity and a docile nature.
The quality characteristics of the Italian breed of bees are directly related to the diligence of the #beekeeper, who will need to maintain the efficiency of #bees by expanding the nest.
The nest body of the #hive will expand in width, or upwards, depending on the design of the hive, by adding frames with wax foundation and built-up #bees frames.
The nest body of the #hive is the part of the hive from which the #beekeeper does not remove the #honey frames and it is there that the #queen bee lays her eggs in the honeycomb.