I think I already asked this before but always nice to hear multiple points of view... do you think content creation on Hive will shift more towards short content with time?
Where will LeoAI be located? Will it somehow sit on chain and therefore be impossible to switch off unless all witnesses get killed or the power goes down for good?
… with threads alone already for a while now and there’s no stopping that with the addition of short vids just recently … 💪🏼🦁👍🏼 … you could as well ask if water is wet or if grass is green 😉
not everybody jumps into the virtual world fulltime, most people have to get shit done irl, whatever it is … some because it‘s lucrative and others because they have to do it, etc etc
if you’re young stop wasting time learning to code unless you want to code ai related stufff, everything else will be done better, cleaner and faster by ai in about 5 - 10 years!
i get that 👍🏽 but it‘s not necessarily always about exact reproduction, but in many cases a summarized answer of something behind a paywall might suffice …
The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine saved me a few times, and FAILED to save me many more countless times. It only stores a static version of the pages on it... Web2 sites aren't always stored well.
The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is at times very selective what pages it wants to be preserved. All things considered, it proved useful to my research many times, especially in recent years.
Keeping data and records is something I'm very familiar with, especially when I have to research films made 20+ years ago, and find so many sources that had been online for decades vanish overnight.
it will become obsolete to think about, because all the tech disappears into the background, we just talk with the tech and stuff happens … book recommendation: Neal Stephenson, Diamond Age 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼
Couldn't parse the time for your reminder. Please use a valid format such as 'in 2 hours' or a specific date like '12th of April'.
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Confirmed! You'll be notified on Friday, September 06, 2024 at 05:00 PM (UTC)
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Attention @ahmadmanga!! Here's your reminder to check back on this conversation!
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
From my experience you can already do "Text to Action" with ChatGPT, at least to a limited degree... While developing my bot, I only got weird code that I couldn't use 5% of a time.
Inleo is working on a feature that people can subscribe to you, and you can post threads for "subscribers only."
Encrypted means that the only way for users to see this data is to pay the subscriber fee to you, and other interfaces won't be able to read it on the blockchain.
Yeah, I noticed it and I was wondering why it had the referral code. I understand it now, it'll help track referrals better. I have seen it on Ecency links and I wondered if there was a special way to generate it, lol.
They could also make it so that to publish on the inleo page you first need to stake 150 Leo or pay a membership of 2 leo tokens per month #leofinance #pepe #creativecoin
make only healing votes for the group of lion brothers and that the members of the group have to stake a minimum of 10,000 leo token so Leo would become a very expensive coin #inleo #pepe #creativecoin
es, it seems to me that LEO is simply irrevocably doomed to success, you just need to squeeze all the possibilities out of him like juice from a lemon, and there is something to squeeze :) !ALIVE
Practice is always better than theory, but if you don't start with the theoretical part, practice can be doomed to failure, this also applies to such a matter as #beekeeping.
Based on this thought, I take steps towards my dream of becoming a #beekeeper and making #beekeeping not only my hobby, but also a profitable #business.
Any business is associated with risks to one degree or another, and in order to minimize them, a future #beekeeper must have a large amount of knowledge about this difficult and, sometimes, dangerous for #health business.
Sometimes people don't care about their health and put their dream above all else, but we won't go down that path, we don't need the risks associated with #beekeeping, which we can't avoid to one degree or another.
Many have heard about #beekeeping and it is not easy to be original when talking about it, but I will try to do it, especially since it is pleasant to talk about my dream.
I first thought about #beekeeping as my life's work in 2015 when I bought a plot of land on top of a hill, and on the opposite hill I saw a forest of blooming #acacia, the aroma of which overcame several hundred meters.
#Acacia is highly valued by #beekeepers, as it gives bees a huge amount of nectar from its flowers and this is one of the best periods of honey collection, but the main thing for a beekeeper is not to be lazy, I learned about this later.
Also, after some time, when I drove around all the outskirts of the village where my land was located, I saw huge blooming gardens of fruit trees and even later, huge sunflower plantations, which looked like paradise for #beekeeping.
Over time, having met my neighbors on the land, I learned that many of them are very actively involved in #beekeeping and even some of them migrate from the south to the north of the country during the #honey collection periods.
Flowering #plants first bloom in the south, a couple of weeks later in the center of the country and then, even later, they begin to bloom in the north, this is used by #beekeepers in #beekeeping to increase the #honey harvest.
One of my neighbors has as many as 130 #hives that he moves around the country, but I haven't thought about this option, I'm thinking of starting with 4, maybe six hives, for starters.
When I mentioned that I wanted to become a #beekeeper advice poured in from all sides, sometimes they contradicted each other and I decided not to listen to anyone not to take any side, until I learned as much as possible about #beekeeping.
So, wanting to learn as much as possible about #beekeeping, I read many books and articles on different forums and beekeepers' websites, watched thousands of videos about beekeeping, accepted some, and discarded others.
As in any business, it is important that the debit matches the credit, as accountants say, and at the same time, it would be nice to see the margin from #beekeeping
Critical mistakes in #beekeeping can be made by both beginners and experienced beekeepers, I have heard and told many stories about unpleasant moments that knocked you off your feet, or forced you to start all over again.
I had to filter the wise advice from beekeepers, #beekeepers, like all people, are divided into three types: those who are pure in heart and wish you well, those who don't care about you and those who want to deceive you.
The concept of #cheating in #beekeeping is very common and an inexperienced person who has a small stock of #knowledge in this area can easily succumb to deception.
For example, if you do not know that bees can fly 15 kilometers and return to the seller after selling, you can buy bee colonies in the same village where you plan to create an apiary, buying bees from satisfied neighbors.
You may also be offered to buy an old #hive at a low price, you don’t know the history of the #bees that lived in it, and here you can jeopardize your entire #dream.
Without any experience in #beekeeping and sufficient #knowledge to start, it is very difficult to be sure that you were sold the #breed of #bees declared at the time of sale, and not a mix of different breeds, which is found everywhere.
For example, the Caucasian breed #bees is genetically predisposed to live at a height in the mountains where it is quite cold, but, with a thaw, and it goes down to a warm valley where it collects nectar and returns to the mountains.
If there are such #bees to be diluted on the uniform, where there are no such sharp temperatures towards the heat, then they will simply freeze without finding the focus of the heat.
But, on the other hand, when the right path of #beekeeping begins to emerge, you begin to enjoy the knowledge you have gained and narrow the search area for the right paths to success.
I have seen the successes of #beekeepers who have minimized their costs in the production of #hives, making them from wooden logs and not buying #bee colonies.
But even here you need knowledge, for example, how to make a #trap for swarms of #bees, how to attract bees specifically to your trap and where to #install this trap.
My opinion is that at first, you need to try to #save on everything, but wisely, to understand whether #beekeeping is your business, or you need to look for another application in life lol.
Imagine a situation where you have enough #money to buy an expensive automatic line for processing bee products, to buy hundreds of hives and bee colonies, you do this, but at the first encounter with a #bee sting you slow down.
These are expenses that you will not quickly return, therefore, it is better to get to know #bees better before you start pouring money into #beekeeping as a #business.
So, first, I needed to understand where exactly I plan to do #beekeeping and I already had this understanding, because my land is in an ideal place for this.
The presence of huge areas of gardens, sunflower fields, acacia forests, Moldovan sun, hillside shade and a small river make this place simply ideal, a paradise for #bees.
When #bees fly for nectar on the way back they eat some of the #nectar that they carry in their mouths, the further they go the more they need which means that the closer the #honey collection point, the more honey you will get in the end.
This indicator may differ for different breeds of #bees. There are tables of the ratio of the distance from the #apiary to the honey collection and the amount of nectar that bees bring for each breed.
As a novice #beekeeper, if I decide to follow the path of quality and easing my work, I will probably pay attention to the Italian breed of #bees, which are distinguished by high productivity and a docile nature.
The quality characteristics of the Italian breed of bees are directly related to the diligence of the #beekeeper, who will need to maintain the efficiency of #bees by expanding the nest.
The nest body of the #hive will expand in width, or upwards, depending on the design of the hive, by adding frames with wax foundation and built-up #bees frames.
The nest body of the #hive is the part of the hive from which the #beekeeper does not remove the #honey frames and it is there that the #queen bee lays her eggs in the honeycomb.
Beginners in #beekeeping are often advised to start with a horizontal #hive, which can accommodate 24 Dadan frames horizontally and develop a #bee colony horizontally, separating it from the #honey compartment with a solid plywood divider.
Among the advantages of a lying #hive, we note that it is cheap to manufacture, its frames are interchangeable with Dadan system #hives, there are no problems with purchasing frames with #bee families.
If the #bees work well a honey body for 24 Dadan half-frames is installed on a lying #hive. The average weight of a half-frame filled with honey is about 1-1.5 kilograms so it will be difficult to work alone without an assistant.
Usually, the #nest body and #honey body of the hive are separated by a mesh partition, the cells of which allow worker #bees to cross, but the #queen bee, due to its large size, cannot cross and always remains in the nest.
Both methods of #beekeeping in a lying #hive can bring positive results, but, personally, I would separate the nest and #honey body of the hive with a net.
The design of a #lying#hive is simple, economical in its production and allows you to get all types of beekeeping products: #honey #wax #propolis #perga #pollen and royal jelly dead bees, drone hemogenate with some additional manipulations.
A lying #hive is usually considered as a stationary hive on your land plot, because it is heavy and very problematic to transport it from place to place, or as they say on #dots.
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@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
AI agents are trained from LLMs. LLMs are trained on data that is created by humans. AI agents create synthetic data which humans can interact with. Hence, we have a feedback loop where AI agents are really nothing more than derivatives of humans. The difference is the speed and the scaling that is possible.
A ideia é de aumentar a comunidade para poder jogar os jogos da plataforma. É bem legal, tem também o incentivo dos upvotes que a gente recebe de vez em quando.
Vc pode também comprar NFTs que está disponível ainda para a venda. 4 HBD cada unidade. Esses NFTs podem ser usados também no jogo.
Caso compre, não esqueça de criar uma thread para poder ser votado e coloque a tag #darkcloaks.
Lembrando que, não é obrigado comprar NFT para ter o voto da conta do darkcloaks.
A daily #threadcast for fitness and physical health, where the goal is to motivate and inspire each other to get/stay active in our daily routines.
In this threadcast you can discuss and share anything relating physical health. Tell us about your training program, your goals and your progress. Learn from what others are doing, and share your own knowledge. Use the blockchain to hold yourself accountable and get rewarded for your efforts!
Oh, that's good. At times I reach 10k steps and other days I may not hit half the target. I use my smart watch to track my steps which is connected to my phone, so I shared my report from my phone.
Mastering Pull-Ups: Expert Advice for Rapid Improvement
Pull-ups are a challenging yet rewarding exercise that many fitness enthusiasts aspire to master. Whether you're struggling to perform your first pull-up or aiming to increase your rep count, this article offers expert advice on how to improve your pull-up performance quickly and effectively.
The key to improving your pull-ups lies in frequency rather than intensity. Traditional wisdom suggests focusing on pull-ups during back workouts once or twice a week, but this approach is not as effective as the method proposed by our experts.
Practice, Don't Work Out
Instead of treating pull-ups as part of a workout, think of them as a skill to practice daily. Here's how:
Install a pull-up bar in a doorway at home.
Perform pull-ups multiple times throughout the day.
Do fewer reps than your maximum capacity each time.
For example, if your maximum is three pull-ups, do just one or two reps four to five times a day. This low-to-moderate intensity, high-frequency approach leads to rapid strength gains and skill improvement.
Progressive Overload with Caution
While progressive overload is a proven method for strength gains, it should be applied carefully when using the high-frequency method:
Start with a low number of reps (even just one) and maintain this for a week.
Evaluate your progress weekly and increase reps or resistance gradually.
Avoid the temptation to do more, even if it feels easy initially.
Improving your pull-up performance doesn't require grueling workouts or excessive time in the gym. By focusing on frequent, low-intensity practice and gradual progression, you can make rapid strides in your pull-up ability. Remember, consistency is key, and patience with the process will yield impressive results. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your skills, these expert tips can help you achieve your pull-up goals more efficiently than ever before.
I have walked 5,710 steps today and it will still increase, I'm about to get something done which I would walk a distance and will use vehicles at some point, let's see if I will hit my target of 10,000 steps today or at least get close. #fitness #exercise #healthyliving #freecompliments #dailydook
Oh, that's good. I haven't used Actifit. I use my smart watch to track my steps which is connected to an App on my phone that is recommended for the smart watch.
During the walk take your phone with you with actifit installed in it. You can share a post at end of day on Hive and earn the rewards with walk2earm move2earn concept.
#actifit #freecompliments
#gmfrens! Got some awesome news a bit ago that my director is talking to at least one of my dealership's owners about getting us another full-time employee! Productivity has seen an uptick with new hires and we're almost saturated!
Problems with inleo today: switching between accounts does not work, throws to the authorization page, cannot open the profile of other users #feedback
Getting annoyed to hear the same 30 classic rock songs... again... and busting my ass trying to keep up with the extra work because of new hires in the shop.
Couldn't parse the time for your reminder. Please use a valid format such as 'in 2 hours' or a specific date like '12th of April'.
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
🧵 1. Dealers raise alarm over high stock levels in the automobile industry, with inventory reaching 70-75 days and valued at Rs 77,800 crore. #business
🧵 2. FADA urges manufacturers to calibrate dispatches to curb stock overflow but claims requests are being ignored. Manufacturers say inventory levels are not as high as depicted by FADA.
🧵 3. Industry exec refutes FADA's claims, stating the max inventory is around 415,000-420,000 units valued at Rs 51,000 crore with an average vehicle price of Rs 12-13 lakh.
🧵 4. Maruti Suzuki reduces stock days to 36 from 38 in July, plans no further corrections as festive season approaches. Other manufacturers claim to maintain a month's inventory.
🧵 5. Hyundai Motor India reportedly has dealer inventory of less than a month. Disagreement persists between FADA and manufacturers over actual stock levels.
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 9/6/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
I reached a point in my bot development that I can say it's stable. Check out the Announcement Post here! and/or type !RemindMe in 3 hours for a reminder for Lion's Den or something.~
Disclaimer: The bot isn't running all the time, so any notification might be late for you. Fixing that is the second stage, but I'll be taking a break.~
Confirmed! You'll be notified on Friday, September 06, 2024 at 04:41 PM (UTC)
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Attention @ahmadmanga!! Here's your reminder to check back on this conversation!
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
OpenAI is gearing up to release its next frontier model, unofficially dubbed "GPT-5," later this year. According to the CEO of OpenAI Japan, this model's effective computational load is expected to be 100 times greater than GPT-4. The new model will likely utilize OpenAI's "Strawberry QAR" technology for training, which creates synthetic data to enhance the model's capabilities.
Elon Musk's XAI Builds Massive AI Training Cluster
XAI, Elon Musk's AI company, has brought online a 100,000 H100 GPU training cluster named "Colossus." This system, claimed to be the most powerful AI training system in the world, was built in just 122 days. Plans are already in place to double its size to 200,000 H100 GPUs in the coming months, further cementing XAI's position in the AI hardware race.
Project Sid: 1,000 Autonomous AI Agents in Minecraft
Researchers have introduced Project Sid, a simulation of 1,000 truly autonomous AI agents collaborating in the virtual world of Minecraft. These agents demonstrate emergent behaviors, including forming economies, cultures, religions, and governments. The project aims to explore whether AI can cooperate at a scale similar to human societies.
Meta's AI assistant has rapidly gained popularity, reaching 400 million monthly users and 40 million daily users by early August. This growth is largely attributed to Meta's ability to integrate the assistant across its platforms, including Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook.
OpenAI's Valuation Soars to $100 Billion
OpenAI is in talks to raise funding that would value the company at more than $100 billion. This represents a significant increase from its previous valuation of $29 billion just a year ago. Apple and Nvidia are rumored to be potential investors in this round, joining existing backers like Microsoft and Thrive Capital.
US Government Collaborates with OpenAI and Anthropic on AI Safety
The U.S. government has announced formal collaborations with OpenAI and Anthropic for AI safety research, testing, and evaluation. This agreement will give the AI Safety Institute (AISI) access to major new models from both companies prior to their public release, including potential early access to GPT-5.
MidJourney Ventures into Hardware
AI image generation company MidJourney has announced its entry into the hardware space. While details are scarce, the company has been hiring hardware engineers, including a former Apple Vision Pro engineer, suggesting a potential focus on AR/VR or AI-enhanced imaging devices.
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong reported the first instance of AI-to-AI cryptocurrency transactions. This development allows AI agents to use crypto wallets to transact with humans, merchants, and other AIs, potentially opening up new possibilities for AI autonomy and resource acquisition.
According to Reuters, Amazon plans to integrate Claude AI, developed by Anthropic, into its Alexa voice assistant. This upgrade, expected around October, aims to significantly enhance Alexa's conversational abilities and overall functionality.
These developments highlight the rapid pace of innovation in AI, from advances in large language models to new applications in autonomous agents and voice assistants. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see more integration into everyday technologies and potentially transformative impacts across various industries.
AI's Growing Impact on Software Development: Industry Leaders Weigh In
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance at a rapid pace, its potential impact on various industries, particularly software development, has become a topic of intense discussion. Recently, several tech industry leaders have shared their thoughts on how AI might reshape the landscape of software development in the coming years.
Amazon's Perspective: Shifting Focus from Coding to Innovation
Matt Garman, Amazon Web Services (AWS) CEO, made headlines with his comments during an internal fireside chat in June. According to a leaked recording, Garman suggested that within 24 months, it's possible that "most developers are not coding." He emphasized that coding is merely the language used to communicate with computers, not the core skill itself.
Garman believes the fundamental skill for developers will shift towards innovation and understanding customer needs. He stated, "The job of software developer will change... each of us has to get more in tune with what our customers need and what the actual end thing is that we're trying to build."
However, Garman's tone was not alarmist. He presented this potential shift as an opportunity for growth, mentioning that AWS is helping employees upskill and learn about new technologies to increase productivity with AI assistance.
Microsoft's Vision: Democratizing Programming
Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, offers a perspective that aligns with but also expands upon Garman's view. Nadella suggests that the traditional emphasis on learning computer science and programming might be giving way to a new paradigm.
"It is our job to create computing technology such that nobody has to program," Nadella stated. He envisions a future where the programming language is human, effectively making everyone in the world a programmer. This democratization of technology, according to Nadella, closes the technology divide and allows domain experts in various fields to leverage AI tools without needing traditional coding skills.
Nadella also highlighted that engagement with AI is now easier than ever before in computing history. He emphasized the importance of upskilling everyone to take advantage of these new AI capabilities.
Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, took a slightly different approach when discussing the future of technology and education. While not directly addressing software development, Huang pointed to digital biology as a field with immense potential.
Huang suggested that understanding human biology, traditionally a complex scientific field, is becoming increasingly important. He envisions a future where life sciences transition from a field of sporadic discovery to one of systematic engineering, similar to how software and computer hardware have evolved.
"Digital biology will be a field of engineering, not a field of science," Huang predicted, encouraging a new generation to consider careers in this emerging sector.
Stability AI's Forecast: The End of Traditional Programming?
Perhaps the most dramatic prediction came from Emad Mostaque, former CEO of Stability AI. Mostaque stated bluntly, "There are no programmers in 5 years." He based this assertion on current trends, noting that 41% of all code on GitHub is already AI-generated, and that ChatGPT can pass a high-level programmer exam.
Mostaque suggests that instead of teaching children traditional programming languages, we should focus on helping them understand how to ask great questions or give effective directions to AI systems.
Microsoft's Optimistic Outlook on Developer Growth
Despite these transformative predictions, Satya Nadella of Microsoft maintains an optimistic outlook on the future of software development. He noted that developers using GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered code completion tool, are 50% more productive.
Nadella believes that while AI will change the nature of software development, it will also lower the barriers to entry, potentially increasing the global number of professional developers from the current 100 million to as many as a billion.
Conclusion: Adapting to a Changing Landscape
The consensus among these industry leaders is clear: AI is set to dramatically reshape the field of software development. While opinions vary on the extent and timeline of this transformation, all agree that the role of developers will evolve. The focus is shifting from writing code to understanding user needs, innovating, and effectively leveraging AI tools.
As the industry adapts to these changes, there's a growing emphasis on continuous learning and upskilling. The future of software development appears to be one where AI augments human capabilities, potentially democratizing the field and opening up new opportunities for innovation across various domains.
For current and aspiring developers, the key takeaway is the importance of adaptability. As AI takes over more routine coding tasks, the most valuable skills will likely be those that AI can't easily replicate: creativity, problem-solving, and the ability to understand and translate human needs into technological solutions.
Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of founder Pavel Durov in France Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of Pavel Durov.
Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of founder Pavel Durov in France last month over “crimes committed by third parties” on the platform.
The messaging app, which serves nearly 1 billion monthly active users, has long maintained a reputation for minimal supervision of user interactions. The earlier language on the FAQ page said the private chats were protected from moderation requests. “All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them,” the FAQ page earlier started.
On Thursday night, Telegram began implementing changes to its moderation policy. “All Telegram apps have ‘Report’ buttons that let you flag illegal content for our moderators — in just a few taps,” the company states on its updated frequently-asked-questions page.
The platform has also provided an email address for automated takedown requests, instructing users to include links to content requiring moderator attention.
It’s unclear how, and whether, this change impacts Telegram’s ability to respond to requests from law enforcement agencies. The company has previously cooperated with court orders to share some information about its users.
With the biggest companies in the world throwing billions of dollars at generative AI startups, traditional VCs are struggling to find their place in the boom.
Amazon Web Services CEO Adam Selipsky speaks with Anthropic CEO and co-founder Dario Amodei during AWS re:Invent 2023, a conference hosted by Amazon Web Services, at The Venetian Las Vegas in Las Vegas on Nov. 28, 2023.
Almost three years into a largely dormant IPO cycle, venture capitalists are in a tough spot.
The private market is dotted with richly valued artificial intelligence startups, including some that are described as generational companies. But venture firms in need of exits aren't going to get relief from AI anytime soon.
That's because, unlike prior tech booms, VCs aren't at the center of this one. Rather, the biggest companies in the industry — Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Nvidia — have been pouring in billions of dollars to fuel the growth of capital-intensive companies like OpenAI, Anthropic, Scale AI and CoreWeave.
With some of the most well-capitalized companies on the planet flinging open their wallets to fund the generative AI craze, the normal pressures to go public don't apply. And even if they did, this batch of startups is nowhere near showing off the profitability metrics that public investors need to see before taking the plunge.
Tech giants have more than money. They're also throwing in tangible benefits like cloud credits and business partnerships, packaging the types of incentives that VCs can't match.
"The AI startups we talk to are having no problems fundraising at robust valuations," Melissa Incera, an analyst at S&P Global Market Intelligence, told CNBC. "Many are still reporting having too much unsolicited investor interest at the moment."
Earlier this week, the EU's lead privacy regulator ended its court proceeding related to how X processed user data to train its Grok AI chatbot
Earlier this week, the EU’s lead privacy regulator ended its court proceeding related to how X processed user data to train its Grok AI chatbot, but the saga isn’t over yet for the Elon Musk-owned social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has confirmed to TechCrunch that it’s received — and will “examine” — a number of complaints that have been filed under the bloc’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
“The DPC will now examine the extent to which any processing that has taken place complies with the relevant provisions of the GDPR,” the regulator told TechCrunch. “If, further to that examination, it is established that TUIC [Twitter International Unlimited Company, as X’s main Irish subsidiary is still known] has infringed the GDPR, the DPC will then consider whether the exercise of any of its corrective powers is warranted and, if so, which one(s).”
X agreed to suspend data processing for Grok training in early August. The undertaking X made to it was then made permanent earlier this week. That agreement committed X to delete and stop using Europeans users’ data to train its AIs which it had collected between between May 7, 2024 and August 1, 2024, according to a copy TechCrunch obtained. But it’s now clear there is no requirement on X to delete any AI models trained on the data.
Salesforce has acquired Own Company, a New Jersey-based provider of data management and protection solutions, for $1.9 billion in cash.
Salesforce has acquired Own Company, a New Jersey-based provider of data management and protection solutions, for $1.9 billion in cash.
Own is Salesforce’s biggest deal since buying Slack for $27.7 billion in 2021. The company reportedly considered — but ultimately decided against — purchasing data management software firm Informatica earlier this year.
In a press release, Salesforce GM Steve Fisher said the acquisition “underscores [Salesforce’s] commitment to providing secure, end-to-end solutions that protect our customers’ most valuable data.”
“Data security has never been more critical, and Own’s proven expertise and products will enhance our ability to offer robust data protection and management solutions to our customers,” Fisher continued.
The dispute between X and Brazil is spilling over to Elon Musk's other businesses.
SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell made a public plea to one of Brazil’s top judicial figures on Thursday, asking him to “please stop harassing Starlink” amid the ongoing battle in the country against Elon Musk’s social media business X.
Musk has been engaged in a months-long dispute with the Brazilian courts, which have been waging a war against X for hosting accounts that the courts say spread extremism and misinformation.
After X refused to comply with court orders last month asking it to remove certain accounts, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered an immediate, country-wide suspension of the platform. That ban, backed by Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, was unanimously upheld earlier this week.
But the feud has been spilling over to Musk’s other businesses, chiefly SpaceX, which sells its satellite internet service Starlink in the country. Immediately after banning X, Brazil reportedly froze Starlink’s company accounts, in order to guarantee X pay the more than $3 million in fines it owes Brazilian courts, local media reported.
That order is specifically focused on Starlink Brazil Holding Ltda and Starlink Brazil Servicos de Internet Ltda, which have provided internet access to around 250,000 customers inside the country since January 2022. Many of those customers are located in regions of the country underserved by traditional telecom infrastructure. It’s likely one of Starlink’s largest markets outside of North America.
SpaceX did not immediately respond to TechCrunch’s request for comment.
The advancement of generative AI tools has created a new problem for the internet: the proliferation of synthetic nude images resembling real people.
The advancement of generative AI tools has created a new problem for the internet: the proliferation of synthetic nude images resembling real people. On Thursday, Microsoft took a major step to give revenge porn victims a tool to stop its Bing search engine from returning these images.
Microsoft announced a partnership with StopNCII, an organization that allows victims of revenge porn to create a digital fingerprint of these explicit images, real or not, on their device. StopNCII’s partners then use that digital fingerprint, or “hash” as it’s technically known, to scrub the image from their platforms. Microsoft’s Bing joins Facebook, Instagram, Threads, TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, Pornhub and OnlyFans in partnering with StopNCII, and using its digital fingerprints to stop the spread of revenge porn.
In a blog post, Microsoft says it already took action on 268,000 explicit images being returned through Bing’s image search in a pilot through the end of August with StopNCII’s database. Previously, Microsoft offered a direct reporting tool, but the company says that’s proven to be not enough.
“We have heard concerns from victims, experts, and other stakeholders that user reporting alone may not scale effectively for impact or adequately address the risk that imagery can be accessed via search,” said Microsoft in its blog post on Thursday.
You can imagine how much worse that problem would be on a significantly more popular search engine: Google.
Google Search offers its own tools to report and remove explicit images from its search results, but has faced criticism from former employees and victims for not partnering with StopNCII, according to a Wired investigation. Since 2020, Google users in South Korea have reported 170,000 search and YouTube links for unwanted sexual content, Wired reported.
More antitrust woes for Google. The U.K'.s competition watchdog said on Friday that it suspects the company of adtech antitrust abuses.
More antitrust woes for Google. The U.K’.s competition watchdog said on Friday that it suspects the company of adtech antitrust abuses. The tech giant will now have a chance to respond to the provisional findings before the regulator reaches a final decision.
Confirmed violations of U.K. competition law can lead to corrective orders and fines of up to 10% of annual worldwide group turnover. So the outcome of this case is likely to be closely watched.
The U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been investigating Google’s role in the adtech stack over suspected abuses of dominance since May 2022. The new development is the sending of a formal statement of objections to Google setting out provisional findings that accuse the adtech giant of self-preferencing its own ad exchange at the expense of customers and rivals.
The CMA said it believes Google’s practices could be harming “thousands” of UK publishers and advertisers who rely on its adtech to bid for and sell advertising space.
Ilya Sutskever's New AI Venture: Safe Super Intelligence Inc (SSI)
In a significant development in the artificial intelligence landscape, Ilya Sutskever, one of the original founders of OpenAI, has launched a new company called Safe Super Intelligence Inc (SSI). This move comes after a series of dramatic events at OpenAI and represents a new chapter in the pursuit of advanced AI technologies.
Background: The OpenAI Controversy
In November 2023, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, was unexpectedly fired in what appeared to be a coup led by Ilya Sutskever and other board members.
The official reason given was that Altman "was not consistently candid in his communications with the board."
Within days, Altman was reinstated as CEO, with Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella playing a key role in negotiations.
Speculation arose about what Sutskever might have seen within OpenAI that prompted such drastic action, possibly related to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) developments.
Talent Acquisition: SSI is focused on hiring individuals with "extraordinary capabilities" and good character, rather than emphasizing traditional credentials.
Computing Power: The company plans to partner with cloud providers and chip companies to meet its computing needs.
Corporate Structure: Unlike OpenAI's complex structure, SSI has adopted a regular for-profit structure.
Potential Conflicts: The involvement of a16z and Sequoia in both SSI and OpenAI raises questions about potential conflicts of interest.
The emergence of SSI with substantial funding and a high-profile team signals intensifying competition in the race to develop advanced AI systems. It also highlights the growing emphasis on AI safety and the different approaches companies are taking to address this crucial aspect of AI development.
As the AI landscape continues to evolve, the impact of SSI and its focus on safe super intelligence will be closely watched by industry observers, researchers, and policymakers alike.
Here is how the chipmaking conglomerate did versus LSEG consensus estimates for the quarter that ended Aug. 4:
Earnings per share: $1.24 adjusted vs. $1.20 expected
Revenue: $13.07 billion vs. $12.97 billion expected
Broadcom projects current-quarter revenue of $14 billion, versus $1.36 per share on $14.04 billion expected.
The Sam Altman-led company's new artificial intelligence models, such as Strawberry and Orion, likely won't be cheap.
OpenAI is reportedly considering high-price subscriptions for its next-generation AI models. Those models could include its upcoming "reasoning model" codenamed Strawberry as well as GPT-4o successor, Orion.
According to a new report from The Information, OpenAI executives are weighing charging users as much as $2,000 (over an undetermined amount of time) for access to their most advanced AI models. For comparison, ChatGPT Premium currently costs $20 per month, a fee that enables the use of GPT-4o, the company's current flagship model.
In July, Bloomberg reported that OpenAI had defined five stages of AI innovation, with the first being chatbots like GPT-4o, and the second being "reasoners," capable of human-level problem solving. It's an open secret in Silicon Valley that OpenAI is currently deep in development on its own reasoning model, named Strawberry. Such a model could be capable of reasoning through problems in a multi-step process, making them better equipped to deal with challenges that current models struggle with, such as solving complex math problems. The Information previously reported that Strawberry could be released as soon as this fall.
OpenAI is also supposedly developing a new large language model, codenamed Orion. The Information has reported that Strawberry is being used to generate high-quality training data for Orion, which could help to reduce hallucinations and other errors.
OSOM always had a difficult road, with plans to launch a privacy-focused handset.
Launching a phone company is a remarkably difficult — some even say foolish — thing to do. OSOM Products, a phone startup that rose from the smoldering ashes of Essential in 2020, is closing shop. Android Authority was first to report the news, after gaining access to an internal announcement from CEO Jason Keats.
OSOM always had a difficult road, with plans to launch a privacy-focused handset. And much like Essential before it, the company dealt with its own legal struggles — namely a lawsuit filed by a former employee alleging financial mismanagement.
For its part, the company did manage to release a mobile device, though not the first-party phone it had announced. Rather the company lent its technology to a web3-focused device from Solana.
OSOM did manage to bring a product to market under its own name. The OSOM Privacy Cable is effectively a USB cord whose data transfer can be disabled in situations where “juice jackers” might be present.
“The report in Android Authority is correct, OSOM is sadly shutting down. In May of 2024, having no customers for a mobile phone despite concerted efforts, OSOM at the time decided to pivot to a new project,” CEO Jason Keats said in a statement provided to TechCrunch. “OSOM was forced to let go of a number of employees at that time to reduce our burn rate.”
The “new project” would appear to refer to an “AI-powered camera” it planned as a follow-up to its unreleased smartphone. According to initial reports, Keats had attempted to sell the company off to HP, but was unable to strike a deal.
The U.S. government indictment demonstrated deep knowledge of the Russian spies' activities, including their real-world meetings at a cafe in Moscow.
On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice accused five members of Russia’s military intelligence agency of hacking several Ukrainian government agencies, an unnamed U.S. government agency in Maryland and computers belonging to 26 NATO countries, among other victims.
The DOJ announced the indictment of the five members of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate, also known as GRU, and in particular its hacking Unit 29155. The indictment names Russian GRU colonel and commanding officer of cyber operations, Yuriy Denisov; lieutenants Vladislav Borovkov, Denis Denisenko, Dmitriy Goloshubov and Nikolay Korchagin; and a civilian co-conspirator, Amin Stigal, who was previously indicted for some of the same crimes.
Prosecutors allege that the six indicted individuals were behind the WhisperGate cyberattack, an operation that was designed to appear like a ransomware attack on the Ukrainian government, but was actually a destructive attack that would make the targeted computers unusable. The Russian government has been accused of launching WhisperGate in support of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022.
Britain's competition watchdog provisionally found that Google's ad tech practices are impacting competition in the U.K.
Britain's competition watchdog on Friday issued a statement of objections over Google's ad tech practices, which the regulator provisionally found are impacting competition in the U.K.
In a statement, the Competition and Markets Authority alleged that the U.S. internet search titan "has harmed competition by using its dominance in online display advertising to favour its own ad tech services."
The "vast majority" of the U.K.'s thousands of publishers and advertisers use Google's technology in order to bid for and sell space to display ads in a market where players were spending £1.8 billion annually as of a 2019 study, according to the CMA.
The regulator added that it is also "concerned that Google is actively using its dominance in this sector to preference its own services." So-called "self-preferencing" of services by technology giants is a key concern for regulators scrutinizing these companies.
The CMA further noted that Google disadvantages ad technology competitors, preventing them from competing on a "level playing field."
"Many businesses are able to keep their digital content free or cheaper by using online advertising to generate revenue. Adverts on these websites and apps reach millions of people across the UK — assisting the buying and selling of goods and services," Juliette Enser, interim executive director of enforcement at the CMA, said in a statement Friday.
Wired: Therapy Sessions Exposed by Mental Health Care Firm’s Unsecured Database
Video and audio of therapy sessions, transcripts, and other patient records were accidentally exposed in a publicly accessible database operated by the virtual medical company Confidant Health.
Reuters: X global affairs head Nick Pickles resigns
Pickles, who joined the company in 2014, said he had decided to leave X several months ago and was working with the Chief Executive Linda Yaccarino through the transition.
When OpenAI debuted SearchGPT, the demonstrations suggested everything about how people look for things online would immediately change forever. But, “wow” became “wow, that’s “embarrassing” when examples of the AI search engine at work proved somewhat flawed. The challenge to Google’s reign as search engine king is still undergoing revisions.
According to a new piece in The Washington Post, SearchGPT is still wobbly on the facts. Google may not have to worry about losing its digital search throne any time soon, even as it moves at breakneck speed to implement its own AI search tools.
The issues are not hard to understand. SearchGPT is supposed to meld OpenAI’s AI models with real-time web data for faster, more accurate answers. Questions and keywords return a summary of the requested information instead of the standard Google links. It can be fast and informative. Unfortunately for OpenAI, that initial error of fact is starting to look more like the rule than the exception. As the Post pointed out, early testers saw SearchGPT claim that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was speaking at a tech conference in the near future that he wasn’t actually scheduled to attend. That’s a hallucination just as bad as anything made up by ChatGPT.
And even if SearchGPT were guaranteed to only state the truth, that’s not much of a salve when it has no way to answer your questions. Tests shared with the Post especially disparaged SearchGPT’s abilities to help out with local information. That information has to come from somewhere. Google’s decades of refined data on vast numbers of businesses and the products and services they provide make it a snap to find most of the information people might want about the places around them. And if there is anything it doesn’t already have in its databanks, its partners and subsidiaries can likely fill it in for them. SearchGPT and OpenAI have no such database access and so the responses are either nonsense or nothing.
Samsung finally unveiled its latest projectors, The Premiere 9 and The Premiere 7, in late August after first offering a sneak peek at CES 2024 and at IFA 2024 I got to see the Premiere 9 in action.
When it comes to the visuals, there's wasn't much surprising going on – it has a 'triple laser' projection design, the colors were rich and nuanced, and combined with the brightness of over 3,000 ANSI Lumens, it looked rich even with the lights on, and very impressive with them off.
But it wasn't the picture quality that I was most interested in (especially given it wasn't overall ideal viewing conditions – we'll review the Premiere 9 and get serious about that stuff later). Instead, the 2.2.2-channel Dolby Atmos sound system is the most fun part.
Samsung's demo footage was designed to show off what it can do with height and width, and you can really tell the system has the benefit of upfiring drivers, because even in a sub-optimal conference center room, elements of the sound steered across the 130-inch screen with precision, and burst up way higher than the low profile of the projector's body. The positioning had some specificity too, it didn't just run up or to the side – it felt like it had more of a clear point of height and width.
It was a pretty dynamic sound, and offered a solid grasp on detail and clarity, though not as strong as the best soundbars can go, if you spend a lot of month just on that, rather than having it bundled into your projector price.
But I was seriously impressed with the spatial sound and general home theater effect of the Atmos reproduction, and I don't think you'd need a soundbar in many cases, with one serious issue: bass.
Samsung has certainly tried to put bass into the Premiere 9 (it does claim two sub channels, after all!), but there's simply no physical way to put a really impactful subwoofer in a unit that large if you're also squeezing in a whole projector.
OpenAI on Friday announced an art gallery collaboration, allowing artists access to its unreleased artificial intelligence tools for a New York showcase.
OpenAI announced Friday a New York City art gallery collaboration that gives artists access to unreleased artificial intelligence tools.
The exhibit, a series called "Strada Nuova: New Road" on view at Strada Gallery will run for three weeks and centers on a "diverse group of artists [that] is curated to consist of brilliant researchers, academics, and creators working between physical and digital artwork," according to Strada founder Paul Hill.
Hill told CNBC he reached out to OpenAI to suggest the project. Talks began about six months ago and the plan came together with OpenAI offering artists access to tools including its Sora video generator, its Voice Engine voice generator, its DALL-E 3 image generator and ChatGPT, its viral chatbot, as well as educational resources and artist stipends.
Minne Atairu, an interdisciplinary artist who has specialized in using AI in art for the past four years — before ChatGPT even launched — uses image generation, both 2D and 3D, as well as video generation in her art to highlight "understudied gaps" in Black historical archives. For this exhibit, she said she used Sora to create an AI-generated video, "Regina Gloriana," inspired by supernatural horror films produced in Nigeria in the 1990s.
he use of AI in art, in many forms, is part of a wide-ranging debate that has generated heaps of controversy — and an increasing number of lawsuits over alleged copyright infringement and training data.
Anthropic, the Amazon-backed AI startup, was recently hit with a class-action lawsuit in California federal court by three authors over alleged copyright infringement. Last year, a group of prominent U.S. authors, including Jonathan Franzen, John Grisham, George R.R. Martin and Jodi Picoult, sued OpenAI over alleged copyright infringement in using their work to train ChatGPT. And last January, a group of artists filed a class-action lawsuit against Stability AI, Midjourney and DeviantArt over alleged copyright infringement by their AI image-generation tools.
The upgraded AI agent from Honor will look to compete with the likes of Samsung's Bixby and Apple's Siri.
Honor announced its first artificial intelligence assistant on Friday, as it looks to jump ahead of companies like Apple and introduce software it hopes will spur users to buy its latest devices.
Honor's digital assistant Yoyo has got an AI upgrade and will be coming to users in China in the near future, with international markets to follow, the company said. Yoyo is not new — but the AI infusion is. honor is calling it the Honor AI Agent.
In one demonstration seen by CNBC ahead of the announcement, Honor showed how a user could ask Yoyo to find automatic subscriptions across WeChat and Alipay, the two most popular payment apps in China. During the exercise, Yoyo found the subscriptions, then asked the user whether to cancel them.
So-called AI agents have been touted by smartphone makers as way to make the experiences on phone devices more personal and efficient. The idea is that these agents could learn a user's behavior and make suggestions based on that.
While digital assistants like Apple's Siri or Samsung's Bixby have been around for a while, their abilities have been limited. Companies are now looking at ways to infuse such virtual helpers with AI, following the emergence of ChatGPT and large language models (LLMs), which are trained on huge amounts of data and underpin conversational chatbots.
Honor's competitors are taking similar steps. TM Roh, the head of Samsung's mobile division, told CNBC that the company will be unveiling a further upgraded Bixby this year that uses the South Korean technology giant's own LLM. Apple is also gearing up to roll out Apple Intelligence which has an improved Siri, though it is unlikely to come to China this year.
Today, at INLEO, I learned and tried an interesting technology for accumulating information, which can be safely used as a draft of any book, this is the creation of containers :) !VSC
For the first time, scientists have managed to switch the nucleus of a thorium atom from one state to another using a laser, an effect that can be used for high-precision measurements and has enabled the creation of the world's first nuclear clock.
The study, led by professor Thorsten Schumm, from the Technical University of Vienna, was published on Wednesday (4), in the journal Nature.
Every clock needs something to act as a timer — like the regular movement of the pendulum in a grandfather clock. Today's high-precision watches often use the oscillation of electromagnetic waves from a laser beam, but even the frequency of a laser can change slightly over time and need to be adjusted.
“That's why, in addition to the laser, you need a quantum system that reacts extremely selectively to a very specific laser frequency,” explained Schumm.
Atomic clocks use cesium or strontium atoms, for example, so that if the laser frequency changes, the atoms are no longer excited efficiently and the laser can be readjusted.
If the nucleus of an atom could be used in this same way, the clock would be even more accurate, according to scientists' predictions. Atomic nuclei are much smaller than atoms and, therefore, react less to external disturbances.
Although the world's first nuclear clock has not yet surpassed the precision of existing atomic clocks, Schumm expects it to do so within the next two to three years.
“Our goal was to develop a new technology. Once it is there, the increase in quality comes naturally, this has always been the case,” he explained. “The first cars were no faster than carriages. It was all about introducing a new concept. And that is exactly what we have now achieved with the nuclear clock.”
A musician who can be considered unknown (until now) named Michael Smith, aged 52, made around $10 million dollars in approximately 7 years. This raised suspicions from the authorities, who decided to investigate and discovered that he used artificial intelligence to create his works.
He was arrested by the FBI on September 4, 2024 and could receive a sentence of up to 60 years. According to US authorities, he faces fraud charges and will be brought before a US magistrate judge in North Carolina. Understand below what he did.
US Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, Michael Smith fraudulently streamed songs created with artificial intelligence billions of times to steal royalties.
Through his brazen fraud scheme, Smith stole millions in royalties that should have been paid to musicians, songwriters, and other rights holders whose songs were broadcast legitimately. Today, thanks to the work of the FBI and the career prosecutors of this Office, it is time for Smith to face the music."
According to the indictment in Manhattan federal court, "these royalties were taken from a royalty fund that streaming platforms must set aside for artists who broadcast sound recordings that incorporate musical compositions," the indictment states.
Certainly his ethics as a musician are quite questionable and his methods were not the most noble, but many internet users question whether he really should have been arrested for fraud.
It is worth mentioning that these platforms have systems that identify this type of practice and delete the accounts, but Smith managed to circumvent them all for years in an exceptional way. The fact that they are considered frauds is one of the arguments that claim that his arrest is more than fair, as he artificially leveraged his numbers.
Trying to share links to my threads on a few different sites, but they don't render the thumbnail nor description anywhere. Is that something that can be fixed on our end? #feedback
As far as I know that on the other end. You can still use the link and also use an images from your post to work around this. I do this often when I share things on X (Twitter) when this happens.
It's weird that pretty much any URL from other sites do work on those sites, but not InLeo. I'm sure there's something that can be done on this end, but could be wrong, which is why I'm asking
New users will NOT be patient when downtime is random and often. Please, please, please create a schedule that we know about before updating and breaking the site. Each update is 1 step forward and 2 back for retention #feedback
Right, it takes attention away from content. Think of the person who spent hours on an article 10 mins after sharing the site goes down. That work just went down the drain and they will be very unhappy. Established users will be pissed too
Day 73 of the #foodtalk on Leo, 6/9/2024 for 5/9/2024
DiscussionJoin the #threadcast for . It's time for some meal inspirations. Let's get into the discussion, learn and connect. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.
Let's share some meal inspirations and healthy meals from all over the world.
Do you think cheat days will negatively affect weight loss journey?
What suggestions do you have about healthy food?
Which fruits and vegetables do you add to your diet?
Share other food related content here. Let's engage.
More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast. Upvote the comments you find interesting, engage and connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie
Welcome friends to the #foodtalk on Leo. This is the threadcast which was to hold yesterday 5/9/2024, unfortunately, it wasn't possible, but here we are, let's get it rolling.
When it comes to the Igbo culture of the southeastern part of Nigeria which I am from, we are known for our "taste bud striking soups" like Ofe Oha, Ofe Owerri, Ofe Onugbu, Ofe Akwu, Egwusi, Ofe Okazi, Ofe Uziza, Ofe Achara and Ofe Nsala (white soup). These soups are best served with the Nigerian swallow, Utara ji (pounded yam) or Akpu is well-known as Fufu (made from cassava), enjoyed with our finger and not cutleries. 😋😁 #foodtalk #igbosoups #nigerianfood #cuisine #foodshttps://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-rnvgkd3c?referral=winanda
If you are on a weight loss journey or fitness journey, having cheat days are risky and could negatively affect the results you are looking forward to achieving in your weight loss journey, rather, cheat meals are more appropriate which you can have in a little portion once or twice a week of which you can decide to have healthy ones which are safer. Example of healthy treats: unsweetened Greek yoghurt, smoothie popsicles, popcorn, nuts, banana oat cookies. #foodtalk #weightloss #cheatmeals #healthytreats #food #foodie #healthyeatinghttps://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-jucewgxq?referral=winanda
There are several healthy foods we can consume, they are in different categories which can be incorporated into our diets. These healthy foods are: Whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits in general, plant-based milk, sweet potatoes, oats, vegetables (especially leafy greens), Greek yoghurt, lean meat, fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, eggs, spices, dark chocolate, extra virgin olive oil and avocado. There could be more. #foodtalk #food #healthyfoods #healthyeating #foodiehttps://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-enx2rwyi?referral=winanda
The from Groq which means might not be completely accurate.
While there is no single "best" food that can combat diabetes, a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods can help manage blood sugar levels and improve overall health. Here are some of the best foods to include in your diet if you have diabetes:
Leafy Greens: Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.
Berries: Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are high in antioxidants and fiber, and have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation.
Fatty Fish: Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity.
Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds like almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, and can help improve insulin sensitivity.
Avocados: Avocados are high in healthy fats, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals, and have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation.
Whole Grains: Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat bread provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and can help improve insulin sensitivity.
Legumes: Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are high in protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals, and can help improve insulin sensitivity.
Herbs and Spices: Certain herbs and spices like cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and may help improve insulin sensitivity.
Fermented Foods: Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut contain probiotics, which can help improve gut health and insulin sensitivity.
Green Tea: Green tea is high in antioxidants and has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation.
Refined Carbohydrates: Refined carbohydrates like white bread, sugary snacks, and sweetened beverages can cause a spike in blood sugar levels and worsen insulin resistance.
Processed Meats: Processed meats like hot dogs, sausages, and bacon are high in saturated fat and sodium, and can increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Fried Foods: Fried foods like french fries, fried chicken, and doughnuts are high in calories, fat, and sodium, and can increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
High-Fat Dairy Products: High-fat dairy products like cheese, whole milk, and cream can increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Sugary Drinks: Sugary drinks like soda, sports drinks, and sweetened tea and coffee can cause a spike in blood sugar levels and worsen insulin resistance.
“This week was not the best, we produced little and that discourages us, but that does not mean that we are bad, every new day is a new opportunity and anything can happen, including improving our efficiency!”
It is your choice to re-thread some music, here are some artist tag. Double click on any artists of your choice, copy link of any of their songs and post it under the entertainment threadcast.
On September 6, 1995, Baltimore Orioles shortstop Cal Ripken Jr. plays in his 2,131st consecutive game, breaking “Iron Horse” Lou Gehrig’s record for most consecutive games played. “The Iron Man” was credited with reviving interest in baseball after a 1994 work stoppage forced the cancellation of the World Series and soured fans on the national pastime.
🧵 1. "Ice cream before work, Dad?" I chuckled as we got in the car. The Irish summer was finally here, and my father's love for ice cream was unbeatable. #world
🧵 2. In 2010 Ireland, life was tough for a young man like me. Stuck in my hometown, working at my father's struggling pub, the economic crash hit us hard.
🧵 3. Despite the financial pressure, my father insisted on keeping Guinness prices low. It wasn't just a drink, it was part of Irish culture, he'd say.
“It was amazing what the guys did, they waited 7 years, put a new person in, opened the door for a female vocal and the album is exactly "from scratch", that is, a new beginning!”
This was just an example of what you could do. I have invested in other things besides Bitcoin, and I also see Hive as an investment with an entertainment factor, which is fun. I like to have fun but I also like to earn passive income.
Just something to share: I you have taken the time to react to someone, I think it is decent to also give at least a small vote to their post too... No obligation, just elementary decency in my opinion. #dailydook #bbh
Here is the #threadcast for today's episode of The Lion's Den. It will start at 1 PM eastern time.
We will discuss what is required for Leo success and how the focus must shift.
What do you think are the essential factors that would make LEO to be successful in the Web3 space?
I'm getting results from some polls now, so I would say people have look every weekend for the tag #topauthors and drop their votes there
Sounds like a cool initiative. Looking forward to hear more about this
Alright, that's cool. Is it only long-form authors?
Yes, the communities launch their polls so select the best long form authors of the week
I see now that this has been going on for a while without me noticing. I'll have to have a closer look at this. Thanks for mentioning it
Yeah! haha the communities drop their polls on the weekend to select the best authors of the week. Everyone can vote
Hi there!!! our favorite Friday show!
How many other Friday shows are there? LOL
IDK but this is my favorite xD
i'm late to the party plz don't hit me again
Thank you ma'am may I have another?
Is that reverse psychology you are using?
damn it you know me too well
Many servers are hosted by the same service, though, which can be a vulnerability.
I believe that community engagement is needed for LEO's long-term success and engagement has been made easy through microblogging on INLEO.
So here is my question: How can we get more people to be active on threads and shorts?
Yip! And i‘m gonna prepare myself a tasty salad for dinner while listening 🤤 #foodtalk 😉
Wen task without shades?
Good morning. @untamedsarge will be in attendance.
I can't miss this one!!! I pray my internet speed doesn't slow down while the space is on!!!!
I think I already asked this before but always nice to hear multiple points of view... do you think content creation on Hive will shift more towards short content with time?
Khal‘s in da house 💪🏼🦁👍🏼
Greetings everyone 😊😀😊😀, happy Lions Den Day to everyone 🌻🌻🌻💕🤠🤠.
I’m excited to hear the convo on how we can all make LEO more successful
Always have so many ideas, but we need the mastermind lions to come together
Where will LeoAI be located? Will it somehow sit on chain and therefore be impossible to switch off unless all witnesses get killed or the power goes down for good?
very very interesting times ahead when LeoAI will arrive! 💪🏼🦁👍🏼
Look around lions! It‘s in full swing …
… with threads alone already for a while now and there’s no stopping that with the addition of short vids just recently … 💪🏼🦁👍🏼 … you could as well ask if water is wet or if grass is green 😉
Wow, $2000 per month for GPT5?!! ....Just how more powerful is is compared to GPT4?!!!
not everybody jumps into the virtual world fulltime, most people have to get shit done irl, whatever it is … some because it‘s lucrative and others because they have to do it, etc etc
I have missed a huge part of this space, I will need to listen to the recording later.
if you’re young stop wasting time learning to code unless you want to code ai related stufff, everything else will be done better, cleaner and faster by ai in about 5 - 10 years!
After shifting some roadmap priorities, one of our next major feature releases is Creator Subscriptions
It’s time to take what @taskmaster4450le has said for years and make it reality: turn your #hive / INLEO account into a business
This is great 😃😃😃😃😃..
How would that work? Can people see the post using a block explorer for example? Or will these be encrypted except for subscribers?
OnlyLEO's Is Here!
aaaaand gone! thx, bye, see y‘all onchain 💪🏼🦁👍🏼
Thanks for the show. See you around.
Who is taskmaster?
#ai feeder
It's another day for the Lion's Den show. 🦁
You are welcome my dear winanda 😉😉😉😉...
I know that someone is gonna say "Caleb has started again" 🤣🤣🤣...
You know yourself 😜😜.
i get that 👍🏽 but it‘s not necessarily always about exact reproduction, but in many cases a summarized answer of something behind a paywall might suffice …
Hey all, happy friday! Hope everything is going smoothly on your end
I think that the people are already here need to keep engaging with the content that is being shared. More and consistent activity will help.
I think that will happen, especially as more people join. Most people are NOT bloggers!
😱 Aaahhh, bots on INLEO 😱
Wen boobots? 👀 Asking for friends 😜
The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine saved me a few times, and FAILED to save me many more countless times. It only stores a static version of the pages on it... Web2 sites aren't always stored well.
The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is at times very selective what pages it wants to be preserved. All things considered, it proved useful to my research many times, especially in recent years.
They don't have infinite storage, I persume...
Great Lions
Great 👍👍👍👍.
I love that X, Meta and Google are only safe from being sued because they have more data than they could ever need in their OWN servers.
(Aaaaaand artists on instagram just lost all the rights to their hardwork...)
Google is run by lizard kids-blood sucking illuminati - everyone knows that.
(You're welcome, LeoAI!)
Glad you are here 😊😊
yes I am happy
You are welcome my dear 😃😃😃😃..
What I am looking forward to the most is the automatic long post to threadstorm conversion.
if on a mac build yourself a shortcut that does that … input: article link, output: thread bites to copy over or even let it do that too … 💪🏽😎👍🏽
The space keeps tripping off, I don't know why. Whoelse is experiencing it?
Keeping data and records is something I'm very familiar with, especially when I have to research films made 20+ years ago, and find so many sources that had been online for decades vanish overnight.
BTW speaking about AI on Twitter:
If you keep consistent enough, any #threadcast will get more and more people who join frequently over time!
I've heard computer languages will soon become non-binary too. Or they could prefer not to say at least ;)
it will become obsolete to think about, because all the tech disappears into the background, we just talk with the tech and stuff happens … book recommendation: Neal Stephenson, Diamond Age 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼
just tell the friggin ai how many words you want for an answer! 🤓 😏
It's confirmed that "subscriber-only" threads will be encrypted!!! @taskmaster4450le
It will be interesting to see that threads are incorporated.
I keep forgetting that leofinance is actually a witness!
Its 14 minutes to go for the lions Den...
Be sure to support this:
This is great, I will check it out.
this is so cool! @ahmadmanga really did an awesome job with this
Its another day for the great Lions to meet and evaluate our activities...
My internet is a bit slow... I stopped the bot from running just to listen for this!
Glad you're mentioning my bot! @taskmaster4450le
update your X bio you degenerate
About subscribers only … that data must be excluded from the AI or the AI must be somehow restricted to output that data anywhere 🧐
I'll really have to go now.
It was nice to have a conversation with you. Remember to test my !RemindMe bot, and tell me if it worked as intended for you or not.
Couldn't parse the time for your reminder. Please use a valid format such as 'in 2 hours' or a specific date like '12th of April'.
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
!RemindMe in 40 Minutes!
Confirmed! You'll be notified on Friday, September 06, 2024 at 05:00 PM (UTC)
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Attention @ahmadmanga!! Here's your reminder to check back on this conversation!
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Could anybody share the link to X?
Since khal is here...
WEN LEOAI?!!!!!!
The nature of the call today.
1 Minutes few seconds to goooo
The space is live.
lets a go
I like when the threadcast actually starts on time :)
bitch at him all day
it will kick him into gear
Me too. Except when I'm late, then I prefer it when they start late too. !LOLZ
It was a weapon of math disruption.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
@taskmaster4450, I sent you anawaglad to join
Network kicked me out the last time, o network be fair to me today
If #3speak reached "Rumble" levels, I'll be happy!
Maybe I should put more of my conversations with ChatGPT on threads, I just don't want to spam.
make it a threadstorm ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Wen we ask Wen LeoAI, we always mean the "next" consumer-facing feature!!!!
From my experience you can already do "Text to Action" with ChatGPT, at least to a limited degree... While developing my bot, I only got weird code that I couldn't use 5% of a time.
yip, you‘re still on 👍🏽
Learning the basics of coding, (psuedo code,) will still be very valuable for years to come!
It's basically like learning basic math, you need to know 1+1=2 even if you could use calculators to do it!
Riding a horse is a frightening experience... You can feel him/her breathing under you!!!
„Computer! Tea, Earl Grey, hot!“ #quote #captainpicard
no need to code, just talk
🤓 🫖
What's this about? I'm lost.
Inleo is working on a feature that people can subscribe to you, and you can post threads for "subscribers only."
Encrypted means that the only way for users to see this data is to pay the subscriber fee to you, and other interfaces won't be able to read it on the blockchain.
That's amazing, this is like Medium and Substack.
Yup!! Can't wait for this feature to arrive!!
Same here.
I love it, this is cool.
Interesting, I get it now.
yo, all links got the referral code added now!
Does it add anything? Or will it apply when the Ads revenue is rolled out?
copy any link of any of your threads or posts and it‘ll have your referralcode added at the end of the link
Yeah, I noticed it and I was wondering why it had the referral code. I understand it now, it'll help track referrals better. I have seen it on Ecency links and I wondered if there was a special way to generate it, lol.
Yeah, so it works both ways.
What about our referral code as usual, can you also use it in onboarding new users?
MY shorts?
Well, you could do special curation raffles on quality publications for people who stake a certain amount of the Leo token #leofinance #pepe
They could also make it so that to publish on the inleo page you first need to stake 150 Leo or pay a membership of 2 leo tokens per month #leofinance #pepe #creativecoin
make only healing votes for the group of lion brothers and that the members of the group have to stake a minimum of 10,000 leo token so Leo would become a very expensive coin #inleo #pepe #creativecoin
success is a sure thing where successful people are leading
es, it seems to me that LEO is simply irrevocably doomed to success, you just need to squeeze all the possibilities out of him like juice from a lemon, and there is something to squeeze :) !ALIVE
Who's "Tasknaster450"?
Material thoughts about beekeeping №1
my #container for articles about #beekeeping about #bees about #beekeepingproducts everything related to this.
Practice is always better than theory, but if you don't start with the theoretical part, practice can be doomed to failure, this also applies to such a matter as #beekeeping.
Based on this thought, I take steps towards my dream of becoming a #beekeeper and making #beekeeping not only my hobby, but also a profitable #business.
Any business is associated with risks to one degree or another, and in order to minimize them, a future #beekeeper must have a large amount of knowledge about this difficult and, sometimes, dangerous for #health business.
Sometimes people don't care about their health and put their dream above all else, but we won't go down that path, we don't need the risks associated with #beekeeping, which we can't avoid to one degree or another.
Many have heard about #beekeeping and it is not easy to be original when talking about it, but I will try to do it, especially since it is pleasant to talk about my dream.
I first thought about #beekeeping as my life's work in 2015 when I bought a plot of land on top of a hill, and on the opposite hill I saw a forest of blooming #acacia, the aroma of which overcame several hundred meters.
#Acacia is highly valued by #beekeepers, as it gives bees a huge amount of nectar from its flowers and this is one of the best periods of honey collection, but the main thing for a beekeeper is not to be lazy, I learned about this later.
Also, after some time, when I drove around all the outskirts of the village where my land was located, I saw huge blooming gardens of fruit trees and even later, huge sunflower plantations, which looked like paradise for #beekeeping.
Over time, having met my neighbors on the land, I learned that many of them are very actively involved in #beekeeping and even some of them migrate from the south to the north of the country during the #honey collection periods.
If you are engaged in industrial #beekeeping, or close to it, then the nomadic way of life is something you will have to get to know.
Flowering #plants first bloom in the south, a couple of weeks later in the center of the country and then, even later, they begin to bloom in the north, this is used by #beekeepers in #beekeeping to increase the #honey harvest.
One of my neighbors has as many as 130 #hives that he moves around the country, but I haven't thought about this option, I'm thinking of starting with 4, maybe six hives, for starters.
When I mentioned that I wanted to become a #beekeeper advice poured in from all sides, sometimes they contradicted each other and I decided not to listen to anyone not to take any side, until I learned as much as possible about #beekeeping.
So, wanting to learn as much as possible about #beekeeping, I read many books and articles on different forums and beekeepers' websites, watched thousands of videos about beekeeping, accepted some, and discarded others.
As in any business, it is important that the debit matches the credit, as accountants say, and at the same time, it would be nice to see the margin from #beekeeping
Critical mistakes in #beekeeping can be made by both beginners and experienced beekeepers, I have heard and told many stories about unpleasant moments that knocked you off your feet, or forced you to start all over again.
I had to filter the wise advice from beekeepers, #beekeepers, like all people, are divided into three types: those who are pure in heart and wish you well, those who don't care about you and those who want to deceive you.
The concept of #cheating in #beekeeping is very common and an inexperienced person who has a small stock of #knowledge in this area can easily succumb to deception.
For example, if you do not know that bees can fly 15 kilometers and return to the seller after selling, you can buy bee colonies in the same village where you plan to create an apiary, buying bees from satisfied neighbors.
Your neighbors will be very happy to help you with this, because they can sell you the same #bees several times lol.
You may also be offered to buy an old #hive at a low price, you don’t know the history of the #bees that lived in it, and here you can jeopardize your entire #dream.
You can be deceived even in a specialized #beekeeping #shop, selling you wax foundation that will be made mostly of #paraffin, and not of #beeswax.
Without any experience in #beekeeping and sufficient #knowledge to start, it is very difficult to be sure that you were sold the #breed of #bees declared at the time of sale, and not a mix of different breeds, which is found everywhere.
Each breed of #bees has its own characteristics and not all breeds of bees can #work in your area.
For example, the Caucasian breed #bees is genetically predisposed to live at a height in the mountains where it is quite cold, but, with a thaw, and it goes down to a warm valley where it collects nectar and returns to the mountains.
In the valley #the bee warms up, gains strength and returns to #hive.
If there are such #bees to be diluted on the uniform, where there are no such sharp temperatures towards the heat, then they will simply freeze without finding the focus of the heat.
The chances of the novice #beekeeper to receive such information in the first days of the start of its #beekeepword are almost zero.
Such #the beekeeper needs to arm yourself with a huge shovel and dig information from the depths that are not visible from the surface.
But, on the other hand, when the right path of #beekeeping begins to emerge, you begin to enjoy the knowledge you have gained and narrow the search area for the right paths to success.
I have seen the successes of #beekeepers who have minimized their costs in the production of #hives, making them from wooden logs and not buying #bee colonies.
Yes, you can catch other people's #swarms of #bees that have flown away and build your #apiary on this.
But even here you need knowledge, for example, how to make a #trap for swarms of #bees, how to attract bees specifically to your trap and where to #install this trap.
For now I am discussing a general concept such as a novice #beekeeper, but later we will talk in detail about each nuance of #beekeeping.
My opinion is that at first, you need to try to #save on everything, but wisely, to understand whether #beekeeping is your business, or you need to look for another application in life lol.
Imagine a situation where you have enough #money to buy an expensive automatic line for processing bee products, to buy hundreds of hives and bee colonies, you do this, but at the first encounter with a #bee sting you slow down.
These are expenses that you will not quickly return, therefore, it is better to get to know #bees better before you start pouring money into #beekeeping as a #business.
This is a small introduction to #beekeeping for beginners, which can become a very exciting journey and lead to love for #bees and their activities.
I will continue the conversation about #beekeeping, saying only what I learned about #bees and this fascinating business.
So, first, I needed to understand where exactly I plan to do #beekeeping and I already had this understanding, because my land is in an ideal place for this.
The presence of huge areas of gardens, sunflower fields, acacia forests, Moldovan sun, hillside shade and a small river make this place simply ideal, a paradise for #bees.
The presence of water near the #apiary is a must, or you should make sure that the #bees have the opportunity to drink water.
When #bees fly for nectar on the way back they eat some of the #nectar that they carry in their mouths, the further they go the more they need which means that the closer the #honey collection point, the more honey you will get in the end.
This indicator may differ for different breeds of #bees. There are tables of the ratio of the distance from the #apiary to the honey collection and the amount of nectar that bees bring for each breed.
Personally, I have to choose between the following breeds of #bees, which are more or less popular in our area: #carnica, #buckfast, #carpathian, #italian, #centralrussian, #ukrainiansteppe, I will not pay attention to the #caucasian bee.
As a novice #beekeeper, if I decide to follow the path of quality and easing my work, I will probably pay attention to the Italian breed of #bees, which are distinguished by high productivity and a docile nature.
The quality characteristics of the Italian breed of bees are directly related to the diligence of the #beekeeper, who will need to maintain the efficiency of #bees by expanding the nest.
The nest body of the #hive will expand in width, or upwards, depending on the design of the hive, by adding frames with wax foundation and built-up #bees frames.
The nest body of the #hive is the part of the hive from which the #beekeeper does not remove the #honey frames and it is there that the #queen bee lays her eggs in the honeycomb.
Beginners in #beekeeping are often advised to start with a horizontal #hive, which can accommodate 24 Dadan frames horizontally and develop a #bee colony horizontally, separating it from the #honey compartment with a solid plywood divider.
Among the advantages of a lying #hive, we note that it is cheap to manufacture, its frames are interchangeable with Dadan system #hives, there are no problems with purchasing frames with #bee families.
If the #bees work well a honey body for 24 Dadan half-frames is installed on a lying #hive. The average weight of a half-frame filled with honey is about 1-1.5 kilograms so it will be difficult to work alone without an assistant.
Usually, the #nest body and #honey body of the hive are separated by a mesh partition, the cells of which allow worker #bees to cross, but the #queen bee, due to its large size, cannot cross and always remains in the nest.
But, some #beekeepers do not separate the cases with a net, allowing the #queen bee to sow offspring in the #honey cases of the #hive.
Both methods of #beekeeping in a lying #hive can bring positive results, but, personally, I would separate the nest and #honey body of the hive with a net.
The design of a #lying#hive is simple, economical in its production and allows you to get all types of beekeeping products: #honey #wax #propolis #perga #pollen and royal jelly dead bees, drone hemogenate with some additional manipulations.
A lying #hive is usually considered as a stationary hive on your land plot, because it is heavy and very problematic to transport it from place to place, or as they say on #dots.
The remindme bot is running right now! #freecompliments #cent #bbh
Use it like this:
!RemindMe 90 Minutes
That's amazing! You did it, congrats :D Gotta try this right away
!RemindMe 15 Minutes
Confirmed! You'll be notified on Friday, September 06, 2024 at 08:50 AM (UTC)
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Attention @mightpossibly!! Here's your reminder to check back on this conversation!
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Confirmed! You'll be notified on Friday, September 06, 2024 at 10:01 AM (UTC)
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Attention @ahmadmanga!! Here's your reminder to check back on this conversation!
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
on pretty cool
AI Is A Derivative Of Humans
by @taskmaster4450le#ai #technology #aiagentsAI is humans right hands
AI agents are trained from LLMs. LLMs are trained on data that is created by humans. AI agents create synthetic data which humans can interact with. Hence, we have a feedback loop where AI agents are really nothing more than derivatives of humans. The difference is the speed and the scaling that is possible.
And it can't be any other way !MEME
Credit: rickonthemoun10
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ HiveMe.me!
Transcrição para o português:
Os agentes de IA são treinados a partir de LLMs.
Os LLMs são treinados em dados criados por humanos.
Os agentes de IA criam dados sintéticos com os quais os humanos podem interagir.
Portanto, temos um loop de feedback onde os agentes de IA são nada mais do que derivados de humanos.
A diferença é a velocidade e a escala que é possível.
Boa sexta galera! Vamos com mais um #threadcast
Metereologia: o frio acabou e agora chegará uma onda de calor intenso!
Hoje em SP: 15ºC 🤡
Não sei quem tá errando mais: o mercado financeiro na previsão do PIB ou os metereologistas
Sexta feira é aquela torcida de sempre: espero que não apareça nenhum problema
Pablo Marçal cresceu bastante nas pesquisas mas agora parece que estacionou e sua rejeição tem crescido também
Alguém envolvido no Darkcloaks?
Eu mano!
É maneiro? Onde posso saber mais?
A ideia é de aumentar a comunidade para poder jogar os jogos da plataforma. É bem legal, tem também o incentivo dos upvotes que a gente recebe de vez em quando.
Vc pode também comprar NFTs que está disponível ainda para a venda. 4 HBD cada unidade. Esses NFTs podem ser usados também no jogo.
Caso compre, não esqueça de criar uma thread para poder ser votado e coloque a tag #darkcloaks.
Lembrando que, não é obrigado comprar NFT para ter o voto da conta do darkcloaks.
Vc pode comprar NFT aqui:
Mais informações podem ser vistas na conta do @simplegame.
Ele está a frente de todos o projeto.
Falta um pouco menos de 3 levels pra desbloquear uma nova missão no Rising Star. Agora o progresso está bem lento em termos de level
Não que isso vá ter um impacto gigantesco, mas é legal progredir
Parece bem legal essa ideia
Boa tarde pessoal!
Amém! Boa sexta pra todos!
É sempre bom um final de semana pra gente repor as energias.
Para quem quiser falar de qualquer coisa relacionado a esportes.
Alguém escuta Detonautas?
Merda, acabo de saber que o gás vai subir quase 10%
Haven't received a #leobounties in about 6 days. Anyone else having issues?
Got mine yesterday just missing one from today, don't know if there is a problem or just a bit late.
Yeah, I've missed a few here and there but seven in a row seems out of the ordinary. I'm sure it will right itself sooner or later.
what is #leobunties ?
A typo I assume. lol. Can't get into inleo to check it right now.
At sea in Italy... #photographers #photography #photocast #leotravel #landscape
Welcome to The #fitnesscast – Day 10!
A daily #threadcast for fitness and physical health, where the goal is to motivate and inspire each other to get/stay active in our daily routines.
In this threadcast you can discuss and share anything relating physical health. Tell us about your training program, your goals and your progress. Learn from what others are doing, and share your own knowledge. Use the blockchain to hold yourself accountable and get rewarded for your efforts!
Example topics
If you have any suggestions for how this threadcast should work, don't hesitate to share your thoughts below.
Let's get moving! 💪🏃♀️
Here is my steps record for today, I will update it later before the day ends. #fitness https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-leothreads-37o7zbajd?referral=winanda
Love to see it! Keep it up.
My daily target is also around 10k steps. I'm pretty good at reaching it, but now always. Do you track steps with your phone or other?
Thanks so much.
Oh, that's good. At times I reach 10k steps and other days I may not hit half the target. I use my smart watch to track my steps which is connected to my phone, so I shared my report from my phone.
I really need to get around to doing this.. I had it in my old apartment. Do you have a pull-up bar at or near your house?
yep 💪🏽😎👍🏽
Congrats to @anderssinho for winning the daily reward of 300 $AFIT, sponsored by @actifit, for participating in the Fitnesscast Day 9!
Congrats to @winanda for winning the daily reward of 300 $AFIT, sponsored by @actifit, for participating in the Fitnesscast Day 10!
Awww, thanks so much dear friend. I wasn't expecting it.
Happy Sunday.
Welcome back to another day of movement inspiration
Training tips to build strength for pull-ups. Summary below ⬇️
Mastering Pull-Ups: Expert Advice for Rapid Improvement
Pull-ups are a challenging yet rewarding exercise that many fitness enthusiasts aspire to master. Whether you're struggling to perform your first pull-up or aiming to increase your rep count, this article offers expert advice on how to improve your pull-up performance quickly and effectively.
The Power of Frequency
The key to improving your pull-ups lies in frequency rather than intensity. Traditional wisdom suggests focusing on pull-ups during back workouts once or twice a week, but this approach is not as effective as the method proposed by our experts.
Practice, Don't Work Out
Instead of treating pull-ups as part of a workout, think of them as a skill to practice daily. Here's how:
For example, if your maximum is three pull-ups, do just one or two reps four to five times a day. This low-to-moderate intensity, high-frequency approach leads to rapid strength gains and skill improvement.
Progressive Overload with Caution
While progressive overload is a proven method for strength gains, it should be applied carefully when using the high-frequency method:
This cautious approach prevents overtraining and allows for consistent, sustainable progress.
Weighted Pull-Ups for Advanced Gains
For those who can already perform multiple pull-ups, adding weight can accelerate progress:
Strategies for Beginners
If you can't perform a single pull-up yet, don't worry. Here are some strategies to get started:
Case Study: Rapid Progress
The expert shared a success story of a female client who went from zero to 5-6 pull-ups in just 30-45 days using the following method:
Applying the Method to Other Exercises
This high-frequency, low-intensity practice method can be applied to other exercises as well. For example, to improve barbell squats:
Improving your pull-up performance doesn't require grueling workouts or excessive time in the gym. By focusing on frequent, low-intensity practice and gradual progression, you can make rapid strides in your pull-up ability. Remember, consistency is key, and patience with the process will yield impressive results. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your skills, these expert tips can help you achieve your pull-up goals more efficiently than ever before.
26 $/L in 2022 ?
How insane, crazy is this !¿!
Nigeria is ₦1,200 per litre of fuel - $0.75
It's indeed insane
Apparently they can afford it :) !BEER
too much.
That is hyper inflation
View or trade
Hey @onealfa, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use
that is really insane
What's your daily steps target?
I have walked 5,710 steps today and it will still increase, I'm about to get something done which I would walk a distance and will use vehicles at some point, let's see if I will hit my target of 10,000 steps today or at least get close. #fitness #exercise #healthyliving #freecompliments #dailydook
i do atleast 5000 steps most of the days
That's good. At times I go below 5000 steps when I'm engrossed with my work.
I target for 10k but ended normalfrom 7k to 8k.
That's a good one too.
Yup.. I am using the actifit a walk2earn dapp.
what about you?
#freecompliments #actifit
Oh, that's good. I haven't used Actifit. I use my smart watch to track my steps which is connected to an App on my phone that is recommended for the smart watch.
During the walk take your phone with you with actifit installed in it. You can share a post at end of day on Hive and earn the rewards with walk2earm move2earn concept.
#actifit #freecompliments
When you use this steps app, do you hold your phone in your hand or it will still count even if it's inside your wallet?
#freecompliments !DOOK
#gmfrens! Got some awesome news a bit ago that my director is talking to at least one of my dealership's owners about getting us another full-time employee! Productivity has seen an uptick with new hires and we're almost saturated!
Problems with inleo today: switching between accounts does not work, throws to the authorization page, cannot open the profile of other users #feedback
Is this still an issue?
Everything is working fine now. Thank you! !VSC
I cant open my own profile page.
I hope that everything will be restored soon, but for now it looks like lard without garlic and salt !LOLZ !BEER
Seems they are doing some stuff on the site. A bit wonky today.
Even in bakeries there is a stocktaking and a sanitary hour :) !BEER
View or trade
Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
All of them.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an
I managed to log into my profile if I tried to open it in a new tab.
LOL have to figure work arounds. I will keep that in mind for the next time.
No workarounds anywhere :) !LOLZ
A cartridge in a bare tree.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
@taskmaster4450le, I sent you anHere's the question, if @beemd votes through a different interface, will the recipient of the LEO vote get it?
I believe so as long as the original post/thread being voted upon was done through Leo.
But you might want to send a thread with feedback on the top like to Khal for clarification.
Thank you, I will do so, but I see that, for example, posts written in Esensi but with the tag leofinances earn LEO :) !VSC
View or trade
Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.blasting 200 Stab Wounds & working. how's your Friday?
No work today... I have to go at Sunday to my next working block.
nice! enjoy the weekend
Thank you, you too!
Getting annoyed to hear the same 30 classic rock songs... again... and busting my ass trying to keep up with the extra work because of new hires in the shop.
damn, that would drive me nuts.
#leoentertainment #jokesonleo #dailydook #mmvfunny
This is insane!
#cent #xempire #tap2earn
Such an empire, brilliant.
I am live streaming with the team right now on twitch
if you want to stop by and ask any questions.
It just instantly disappears and I can not vote#feedback when i click to vote on the mobile keychain InLeo.
The site was down for many hours, still so many things not working, properly.
Should be fixed now. Tag me if not
I am posting this from keychain mobile browser.
What do you recommend to use for mobile ?????
so seems fixed
I prefer safari (IOS) or whatever preferred mobile browser + LeoAuth
will try that.
End of an era... #memes #meme #memesonleo #leomemes #jokesonleo
Wen Avenger finds new super power and is hungry. :) !BBH !DOOK
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(20/100)@pele23! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
(html comment removed:
Well it looks like I can finally log in today.
#gmfrens #ownership_mindset #dailydook #cent
Just posted the Announcement Post for @Reminder.Ping, the "!RemindMe" bot!!
Link with current features and planned direction in the comments! Any #feedback about it is appreciated! #freecompliments #cent #bbh
Post Link: https://inleo.io/@reminder.ping/announcing-reminderping-the-hive-blockchain-reminder-2xu
Couldn't parse the time for your reminder. Please use a valid format such as 'in 2 hours' or a specific date like '12th of April'.
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
I'll be catching a flight out to Split tomorrow! I'm looking forward to this year's @hivefest. Come say hi if you see me wondering around.
#Software #development gets you in the end... the participants know about what I talk.... #meme #devs
I have indeed seen the development 😅
I started filling the container about #beekeeping, I will be glad to see advice and comments if I am doing something wrong. 😃 https://inleo.io/threads/view/barski/re-leothreads-drl8tnsl
This looks great! Nice information organizing 😎
The weekend has finally come. Let's make the best of it!
It has been a long week for sure
Hell yeah!
🧵 1. Dealers raise alarm over high stock levels in the automobile industry, with inventory reaching 70-75 days and valued at Rs 77,800 crore. #business
🧵 2. FADA urges manufacturers to calibrate dispatches to curb stock overflow but claims requests are being ignored. Manufacturers say inventory levels are not as high as depicted by FADA.
🧵 3. Industry exec refutes FADA's claims, stating the max inventory is around 415,000-420,000 units valued at Rs 51,000 crore with an average vehicle price of Rs 12-13 lakh.
🧵 4. Maruti Suzuki reduces stock days to 36 from 38 in July, plans no further corrections as festive season approaches. Other manufacturers claim to maintain a month's inventory.
🧵 5. Hyundai Motor India reportedly has dealer inventory of less than a month. Disagreement persists between FADA and manufacturers over actual stock levels.
🧵 Read more at: https://www.financialexpress.com/business/express-mobility-dealers-sound-fresh-alarm-on-high-stock-manufacturers-dispute-claim-3602871/
Healthy night with fruits. Me and my friend chat during night and eat some fresh fruits🍇🍋🟩🍒
#freecompliments #cent #photographers
#leoentertainment #jokesonleo #dailydook #mmvfunny
Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 9/6/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.
Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.
I reached a point in my bot development that I can say it's stable. Check out the Announcement Post here! and/or type !RemindMe in 3 hours for a reminder for Lion's Den or something.~
Disclaimer: The bot isn't running all the time, so any notification might be late for you. Fixing that is the second stage, but I'll be taking a break.~
Confirmed! You'll be notified on Friday, September 06, 2024 at 04:41 PM (UTC)
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
Attention @ahmadmanga!! Here's your reminder to check back on this conversation!
@reminder.ping is an experimental bot. It's currently running on a local machine for a few hours per day so your notifications may come late and you might experience some inconviences. Still, your support is highly apprecieated.
I have not followed what is going on here but I will check out the link. Thanks for the share.
GPT-5 SOON!! #ai #newsonleo #technology
Summary below ⏬
Yes. But Altman is quickly becoming public enemy #1 in the tech world. I will not support that at all.
Have to feed the other systems.
100%. I strongly dislike openai too. I will still use the most powerful model available to build here though
AI News Roundup: GPT-5, Meta AI, and More
OpenAI's Next Frontier Model: GPT-5
OpenAI is gearing up to release its next frontier model, unofficially dubbed "GPT-5," later this year. According to the CEO of OpenAI Japan, this model's effective computational load is expected to be 100 times greater than GPT-4. The new model will likely utilize OpenAI's "Strawberry QAR" technology for training, which creates synthetic data to enhance the model's capabilities.
Elon Musk's XAI Builds Massive AI Training Cluster
XAI, Elon Musk's AI company, has brought online a 100,000 H100 GPU training cluster named "Colossus." This system, claimed to be the most powerful AI training system in the world, was built in just 122 days. Plans are already in place to double its size to 200,000 H100 GPUs in the coming months, further cementing XAI's position in the AI hardware race.
Project Sid: 1,000 Autonomous AI Agents in Minecraft
Researchers have introduced Project Sid, a simulation of 1,000 truly autonomous AI agents collaborating in the virtual world of Minecraft. These agents demonstrate emergent behaviors, including forming economies, cultures, religions, and governments. The project aims to explore whether AI can cooperate at a scale similar to human societies.
Meta AI Assistant Reaches 400 Million Users
Meta's AI assistant has rapidly gained popularity, reaching 400 million monthly users and 40 million daily users by early August. This growth is largely attributed to Meta's ability to integrate the assistant across its platforms, including Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook.
OpenAI's Valuation Soars to $100 Billion
OpenAI is in talks to raise funding that would value the company at more than $100 billion. This represents a significant increase from its previous valuation of $29 billion just a year ago. Apple and Nvidia are rumored to be potential investors in this round, joining existing backers like Microsoft and Thrive Capital.
US Government Collaborates with OpenAI and Anthropic on AI Safety
The U.S. government has announced formal collaborations with OpenAI and Anthropic for AI safety research, testing, and evaluation. This agreement will give the AI Safety Institute (AISI) access to major new models from both companies prior to their public release, including potential early access to GPT-5.
MidJourney Ventures into Hardware
AI image generation company MidJourney has announced its entry into the hardware space. While details are scarce, the company has been hiring hardware engineers, including a former Apple Vision Pro engineer, suggesting a potential focus on AR/VR or AI-enhanced imaging devices.
AI-to-AI Crypto Transactions Emerge
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong reported the first instance of AI-to-AI cryptocurrency transactions. This development allows AI agents to use crypto wallets to transact with humans, merchants, and other AIs, potentially opening up new possibilities for AI autonomy and resource acquisition.
Alexa to be Powered by Claude AI
According to Reuters, Amazon plans to integrate Claude AI, developed by Anthropic, into its Alexa voice assistant. This upgrade, expected around October, aims to significantly enhance Alexa's conversational abilities and overall functionality.
These developments highlight the rapid pace of innovation in AI, from advances in large language models to new applications in autonomous agents and voice assistants. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect to see more integration into everyday technologies and potentially transformative impacts across various industries.
Amazon's LEAKED Conversation Reveals Stunning Truth About The Future Of Software Engineering #ai #technology #newsonleo
Summary below ⬇️
Nice on the summary.
I use claude for these. The prompt I'm using is something like this:
#promptingtips #promptideas #ai
Here is how one turned out from Llama3.1
This means LeoAi will do it also.
Let me try that with Meta.
AI's Growing Impact on Software Development: Industry Leaders Weigh In
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance at a rapid pace, its potential impact on various industries, particularly software development, has become a topic of intense discussion. Recently, several tech industry leaders have shared their thoughts on how AI might reshape the landscape of software development in the coming years.
Amazon's Perspective: Shifting Focus from Coding to Innovation
Matt Garman, Amazon Web Services (AWS) CEO, made headlines with his comments during an internal fireside chat in June. According to a leaked recording, Garman suggested that within 24 months, it's possible that "most developers are not coding." He emphasized that coding is merely the language used to communicate with computers, not the core skill itself.
Garman believes the fundamental skill for developers will shift towards innovation and understanding customer needs. He stated, "The job of software developer will change... each of us has to get more in tune with what our customers need and what the actual end thing is that we're trying to build."
However, Garman's tone was not alarmist. He presented this potential shift as an opportunity for growth, mentioning that AWS is helping employees upskill and learn about new technologies to increase productivity with AI assistance.
Microsoft's Vision: Democratizing Programming
Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, offers a perspective that aligns with but also expands upon Garman's view. Nadella suggests that the traditional emphasis on learning computer science and programming might be giving way to a new paradigm.
"It is our job to create computing technology such that nobody has to program," Nadella stated. He envisions a future where the programming language is human, effectively making everyone in the world a programmer. This democratization of technology, according to Nadella, closes the technology divide and allows domain experts in various fields to leverage AI tools without needing traditional coding skills.
Nadella also highlighted that engagement with AI is now easier than ever before in computing history. He emphasized the importance of upskilling everyone to take advantage of these new AI capabilities.
NVIDIA's Insight: The Rise of Digital Biology
Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, took a slightly different approach when discussing the future of technology and education. While not directly addressing software development, Huang pointed to digital biology as a field with immense potential.
Huang suggested that understanding human biology, traditionally a complex scientific field, is becoming increasingly important. He envisions a future where life sciences transition from a field of sporadic discovery to one of systematic engineering, similar to how software and computer hardware have evolved.
"Digital biology will be a field of engineering, not a field of science," Huang predicted, encouraging a new generation to consider careers in this emerging sector.
Stability AI's Forecast: The End of Traditional Programming?
Perhaps the most dramatic prediction came from Emad Mostaque, former CEO of Stability AI. Mostaque stated bluntly, "There are no programmers in 5 years." He based this assertion on current trends, noting that 41% of all code on GitHub is already AI-generated, and that ChatGPT can pass a high-level programmer exam.
Mostaque suggests that instead of teaching children traditional programming languages, we should focus on helping them understand how to ask great questions or give effective directions to AI systems.
Microsoft's Optimistic Outlook on Developer Growth
Despite these transformative predictions, Satya Nadella of Microsoft maintains an optimistic outlook on the future of software development. He noted that developers using GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered code completion tool, are 50% more productive.
Nadella believes that while AI will change the nature of software development, it will also lower the barriers to entry, potentially increasing the global number of professional developers from the current 100 million to as many as a billion.
Conclusion: Adapting to a Changing Landscape
The consensus among these industry leaders is clear: AI is set to dramatically reshape the field of software development. While opinions vary on the extent and timeline of this transformation, all agree that the role of developers will evolve. The focus is shifting from writing code to understanding user needs, innovating, and effectively leveraging AI tools.
As the industry adapts to these changes, there's a growing emphasis on continuous learning and upskilling. The future of software development appears to be one where AI augments human capabilities, potentially democratizing the field and opening up new opportunities for innovation across various domains.
For current and aspiring developers, the key takeaway is the importance of adaptability. As AI takes over more routine coding tasks, the most valuable skills will likely be those that AI can't easily replicate: creativity, problem-solving, and the ability to understand and translate human needs into technological solutions.
Those are great clips. Lots of stuff to grab. Glad you can find content from some of these spaces.
Good source of shorts, for sure
Telegram permits private chat reports as founder defends app post-arrest
Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of founder Pavel Durov in France Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of Pavel Durov.
Telegram has quietly updated its policy to allow users to report private chats to its moderators following the arrest of founder Pavel Durov in France last month over “crimes committed by third parties” on the platform.
#telegram #socialmedia #moderation
The messaging app, which serves nearly 1 billion monthly active users, has long maintained a reputation for minimal supervision of user interactions. The earlier language on the FAQ page said the private chats were protected from moderation requests. “All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them,” the FAQ page earlier started.
On Thursday night, Telegram began implementing changes to its moderation policy. “All Telegram apps have ‘Report’ buttons that let you flag illegal content for our moderators — in just a few taps,” the company states on its updated frequently-asked-questions page.
The platform has also provided an email address for automated takedown requests, instructing users to include links to content requiring moderator attention.
It’s unclear how, and whether, this change impacts Telegram’s ability to respond to requests from law enforcement agencies. The company has previously cooperated with court orders to share some information about its users.
AI craze is distorting VC market, as tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon pour in billions of dollars
With the biggest companies in the world throwing billions of dollars at generative AI startups, traditional VCs are struggling to find their place in the boom.
Amazon Web Services CEO Adam Selipsky speaks with Anthropic CEO and co-founder Dario Amodei during AWS re:Invent 2023, a conference hosted by Amazon Web Services, at The Venetian Las Vegas in Las Vegas on Nov. 28, 2023.
#aws #newsonelo #ai #newonleo #vc
Almost three years into a largely dormant IPO cycle, venture capitalists are in a tough spot.
The private market is dotted with richly valued artificial intelligence startups, including some that are described as generational companies. But venture firms in need of exits aren't going to get relief from AI anytime soon.
That's because, unlike prior tech booms, VCs aren't at the center of this one. Rather, the biggest companies in the industry — Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Nvidia — have been pouring in billions of dollars to fuel the growth of capital-intensive companies like OpenAI, Anthropic, Scale AI and CoreWeave.
With some of the most well-capitalized companies on the planet flinging open their wallets to fund the generative AI craze, the normal pressures to go public don't apply. And even if they did, this batch of startups is nowhere near showing off the profitability metrics that public investors need to see before taking the plunge.
Tech giants have more than money. They're also throwing in tangible benefits like cloud credits and business partnerships, packaging the types of incentives that VCs can't match.
"The AI startups we talk to are having no problems fundraising at robust valuations," Melissa Incera, an analyst at S&P Global Market Intelligence, told CNBC. "Many are still reporting having too much unsolicited investor interest at the moment."
Elon Musk's X could still face sanctions for training Grok on Europeans' data
Earlier this week, the EU's lead privacy regulator ended its court proceeding related to how X processed user data to train its Grok AI chatbot
Earlier this week, the EU’s lead privacy regulator ended its court proceeding related to how X processed user data to train its Grok AI chatbot, but the saga isn’t over yet for the Elon Musk-owned social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has confirmed to TechCrunch that it’s received — and will “examine” — a number of complaints that have been filed under the bloc’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
#x #elonmusk #grok #ai
“The DPC will now examine the extent to which any processing that has taken place complies with the relevant provisions of the GDPR,” the regulator told TechCrunch. “If, further to that examination, it is established that TUIC [Twitter International Unlimited Company, as X’s main Irish subsidiary is still known] has infringed the GDPR, the DPC will then consider whether the exercise of any of its corrective powers is warranted and, if so, which one(s).”
X agreed to suspend data processing for Grok training in early August. The undertaking X made to it was then made permanent earlier this week. That agreement committed X to delete and stop using Europeans users’ data to train its AIs which it had collected between between May 7, 2024 and August 1, 2024, according to a copy TechCrunch obtained. But it’s now clear there is no requirement on X to delete any AI models trained on the data.
Salesforce acquires data management firm Own for $1.9B in cash
Salesforce has acquired Own Company, a New Jersey-based provider of data management and protection solutions, for $1.9 billion in cash.
Salesforce has acquired Own Company, a New Jersey-based provider of data management and protection solutions, for $1.9 billion in cash.
Own is Salesforce’s biggest deal since buying Slack for $27.7 billion in 2021. The company reportedly considered — but ultimately decided against — purchasing data management software firm Informatica earlier this year.
#newsonleo #salesforce #data #own #technology
In a press release, Salesforce GM Steve Fisher said the acquisition “underscores [Salesforce’s] commitment to providing secure, end-to-end solutions that protect our customers’ most valuable data.”
“Data security has never been more critical, and Own’s proven expertise and products will enhance our ability to offer robust data protection and management solutions to our customers,” Fisher continued.
'Stop harassing Starlink,' SpaceX president tells Brazilian judge
The dispute between X and Brazil is spilling over to Elon Musk's other businesses.
SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell made a public plea to one of Brazil’s top judicial figures on Thursday, asking him to “please stop harassing Starlink” amid the ongoing battle in the country against Elon Musk’s social media business X.
Musk has been engaged in a months-long dispute with the Brazilian courts, which have been waging a war against X for hosting accounts that the courts say spread extremism and misinformation.
#newsonleo #brazil #spacex #starlink
After X refused to comply with court orders last month asking it to remove certain accounts, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered an immediate, country-wide suspension of the platform. That ban, backed by Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, was unanimously upheld earlier this week.
But the feud has been spilling over to Musk’s other businesses, chiefly SpaceX, which sells its satellite internet service Starlink in the country. Immediately after banning X, Brazil reportedly froze Starlink’s company accounts, in order to guarantee X pay the more than $3 million in fines it owes Brazilian courts, local media reported.
That order is specifically focused on Starlink Brazil Holding Ltda and Starlink Brazil Servicos de Internet Ltda, which have provided internet access to around 250,000 customers inside the country since January 2022. Many of those customers are located in regions of the country underserved by traditional telecom infrastructure. It’s likely one of Starlink’s largest markets outside of North America.
SpaceX did not immediately respond to TechCrunch’s request for comment.
Microsoft gives deepfake porn victims a tool to scrub images from Bing search
The advancement of generative AI tools has created a new problem for the internet: the proliferation of synthetic nude images resembling real people.
The advancement of generative AI tools has created a new problem for the internet: the proliferation of synthetic nude images resembling real people. On Thursday, Microsoft took a major step to give revenge porn victims a tool to stop its Bing search engine from returning these images.
#newsonleo #porn #deepfake #bing #technology
Microsoft announced a partnership with StopNCII, an organization that allows victims of revenge porn to create a digital fingerprint of these explicit images, real or not, on their device. StopNCII’s partners then use that digital fingerprint, or “hash” as it’s technically known, to scrub the image from their platforms. Microsoft’s Bing joins Facebook, Instagram, Threads, TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, Pornhub and OnlyFans in partnering with StopNCII, and using its digital fingerprints to stop the spread of revenge porn.
In a blog post, Microsoft says it already took action on 268,000 explicit images being returned through Bing’s image search in a pilot through the end of August with StopNCII’s database. Previously, Microsoft offered a direct reporting tool, but the company says that’s proven to be not enough.
“We have heard concerns from victims, experts, and other stakeholders that user reporting alone may not scale effectively for impact or adequately address the risk that imagery can be accessed via search,” said Microsoft in its blog post on Thursday.
You can imagine how much worse that problem would be on a significantly more popular search engine: Google.
Google Search offers its own tools to report and remove explicit images from its search results, but has faced criticism from former employees and victims for not partnering with StopNCII, according to a Wired investigation. Since 2020, Google users in South Korea have reported 170,000 search and YouTube links for unwanted sexual content, Wired reported.
Right on time buddy 😅
How are you doing today?
Any plans for the weekend?
Threading. How about you?
Trolling 🤣
#technology #newsonleo #thread2earn #ai
Google faces provisional antitrust charges in UK for ‘self-preferencing’ its ad exchange
More antitrust woes for Google. The U.K'.s competition watchdog said on Friday that it suspects the company of adtech antitrust abuses.
More antitrust woes for Google. The U.K’.s competition watchdog said on Friday that it suspects the company of adtech antitrust abuses. The tech giant will now have a chance to respond to the provisional findings before the regulator reaches a final decision.
Confirmed violations of U.K. competition law can lead to corrective orders and fines of up to 10% of annual worldwide group turnover. So the outcome of this case is likely to be closely watched.
#technology #newsonleo #google
The U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been investigating Google’s role in the adtech stack over suspected abuses of dominance since May 2022. The new development is the sending of a formal statement of objections to Google setting out provisional findings that accuse the adtech giant of self-preferencing its own ad exchange at the expense of customers and rivals.
The CMA said it believes Google’s practices could be harming “thousands” of UK publishers and advertisers who rely on its adtech to bid for and sell advertising space.
Ex-OpenAI Founder Ilya Sutskever Strikes Back! #technology #ai #newsonleo
Summary below ⏬
Ilya Sutskever's New AI Venture: Safe Super Intelligence Inc (SSI)
In a significant development in the artificial intelligence landscape, Ilya Sutskever, one of the original founders of OpenAI, has launched a new company called Safe Super Intelligence Inc (SSI). This move comes after a series of dramatic events at OpenAI and represents a new chapter in the pursuit of advanced AI technologies.
Background: The OpenAI Controversy
Sutskever's Departure from OpenAI
The Birth of SSI
Safe Super Intelligence Inc was founded by Ilya Sutskever along with two other prominent figures in the AI field:
SSI's Mission and Approach
Recent Funding and Valuation
Key Points and Considerations
Industry Implications
The emergence of SSI with substantial funding and a high-profile team signals intensifying competition in the race to develop advanced AI systems. It also highlights the growing emphasis on AI safety and the different approaches companies are taking to address this crucial aspect of AI development.
As the AI landscape continues to evolve, the impact of SSI and its focus on safe super intelligence will be closely watched by industry observers, researchers, and policymakers alike.
Broadcom says it will sell $12 billion in AI parts and custom chips this year
Broadcom CEO Hock Tan said in a statement that the company expects to record $12 billion in sales from AI parts and custom chips in fiscal 2024.
Broadcom reported fiscal third-quarter results on Thursday that beat Wall Street expectations for revenue and earnings.
Broadcom shares fell 7% in extended trading after guidance was in-line with expectations.
#newsonleo #boradcom #ai #technology
Here is how the chipmaking conglomerate did versus LSEG consensus estimates for the quarter that ended Aug. 4:
Earnings per share: $1.24 adjusted vs. $1.20 expected
Revenue: $13.07 billion vs. $12.97 billion expected
Broadcom projects current-quarter revenue of $14 billion, versus $1.36 per share on $14.04 billion expected.
OpenAI's Next-Generation Models Could Reportedly Cost $2,000
The Sam Altman-led company's new artificial intelligence models, such as Strawberry and Orion, likely won't be cheap.
OpenAI is reportedly considering high-price subscriptions for its next-generation AI models. Those models could include its upcoming "reasoning model" codenamed Strawberry as well as GPT-4o successor, Orion.
According to a new report from The Information, OpenAI executives are weighing charging users as much as $2,000 (over an undetermined amount of time) for access to their most advanced AI models. For comparison, ChatGPT Premium currently costs $20 per month, a fee that enables the use of GPT-4o, the company's current flagship model.
#newsonleo #openai #ai #democratization
In July, Bloomberg reported that OpenAI had defined five stages of AI innovation, with the first being chatbots like GPT-4o, and the second being "reasoners," capable of human-level problem solving. It's an open secret in Silicon Valley that OpenAI is currently deep in development on its own reasoning model, named Strawberry. Such a model could be capable of reasoning through problems in a multi-step process, making them better equipped to deal with challenges that current models struggle with, such as solving complex math problems. The Information previously reported that Strawberry could be released as soon as this fall.
OpenAI is also supposedly developing a new large language model, codenamed Orion. The Information has reported that Strawberry is being used to generate high-quality training data for Orion, which could help to reduce hallucinations and other errors.
Osom is shutting down on Friday, as it had 'no customers for a mobile phone'
OSOM always had a difficult road, with plans to launch a privacy-focused handset.
Launching a phone company is a remarkably difficult — some even say foolish — thing to do. OSOM Products, a phone startup that rose from the smoldering ashes of Essential in 2020, is closing shop. Android Authority was first to report the news, after gaining access to an internal announcement from CEO Jason Keats.
OSOM always had a difficult road, with plans to launch a privacy-focused handset. And much like Essential before it, the company dealt with its own legal struggles — namely a lawsuit filed by a former employee alleging financial mismanagement.
#newsonleo #osom #mobile #technology
For its part, the company did manage to release a mobile device, though not the first-party phone it had announced. Rather the company lent its technology to a web3-focused device from Solana.
OSOM did manage to bring a product to market under its own name. The OSOM Privacy Cable is effectively a USB cord whose data transfer can be disabled in situations where “juice jackers” might be present.
“The report in Android Authority is correct, OSOM is sadly shutting down. In May of 2024, having no customers for a mobile phone despite concerted efforts, OSOM at the time decided to pivot to a new project,” CEO Jason Keats said in a statement provided to TechCrunch. “OSOM was forced to let go of a number of employees at that time to reduce our burn rate.”
The “new project” would appear to refer to an “AI-powered camera” it planned as a follow-up to its unreleased smartphone. According to initial reports, Keats had attempted to sell the company off to HP, but was unable to strike a deal.
US charges five Russian military hackers with targeting Ukraine's government with destructive malware
The U.S. government indictment demonstrated deep knowledge of the Russian spies' activities, including their real-world meetings at a cafe in Moscow.
On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice accused five members of Russia’s military intelligence agency of hacking several Ukrainian government agencies, an unnamed U.S. government agency in Maryland and computers belonging to 26 NATO countries, among other victims.
#newsonleo #ukraine #russia #technology #hacking
The DOJ announced the indictment of the five members of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate, also known as GRU, and in particular its hacking Unit 29155. The indictment names Russian GRU colonel and commanding officer of cyber operations, Yuriy Denisov; lieutenants Vladislav Borovkov, Denis Denisenko, Dmitriy Goloshubov and Nikolay Korchagin; and a civilian co-conspirator, Amin Stigal, who was previously indicted for some of the same crimes.
Prosecutors allege that the six indicted individuals were behind the WhisperGate cyberattack, an operation that was designed to appear like a ransomware attack on the Ukrainian government, but was actually a destructive attack that would make the targeted computers unusable. The Russian government has been accused of launching WhisperGate in support of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022.
British competition regulator objects to Google's ad tech practices
Britain's competition watchdog provisionally found that Google's ad tech practices are impacting competition in the U.K.
Britain's competition watchdog on Friday issued a statement of objections over Google's ad tech practices, which the regulator provisionally found are impacting competition in the U.K.
In a statement, the Competition and Markets Authority alleged that the U.S. internet search titan "has harmed competition by using its dominance in online display advertising to favour its own ad tech services."
#newsonleo #google #ads #britian #regulation
The "vast majority" of the U.K.'s thousands of publishers and advertisers use Google's technology in order to bid for and sell space to display ads in a market where players were spending £1.8 billion annually as of a 2019 study, according to the CMA.
The regulator added that it is also "concerned that Google is actively using its dominance in this sector to preference its own services." So-called "self-preferencing" of services by technology giants is a key concern for regulators scrutinizing these companies.
The CMA further noted that Google disadvantages ad technology competitors, preventing them from competing on a "level playing field."
"Many businesses are able to keep their digital content free or cheaper by using online advertising to generate revenue. Adverts on these websites and apps reach millions of people across the UK — assisting the buying and selling of goods and services," Juliette Enser, interim executive director of enforcement at the CMA, said in a statement Friday.
The Guardian: YouTube to restrict teenagers’ exposure to videos about weight and fitness
The Guardian: M&S using AI as personal style guru in effort to boost online sales
The Guardian: UK signs first international treaty to implement AI safeguards
The Guardian: Pavel Durov: Telegram founder says France arrest is ‘misguided’
Wired: Therapy Sessions Exposed by Mental Health Care Firm’s Unsecured Database
BBC: Man accused of using bots and AI to earn streaming revenue
BBC: Crash dummies and robot arms: How airline seats are tested
BBC Video: Police drone finds missing child in massive cornfield
BBC: Microsoft is turning to AI to make its workplace more inclusive
Reuters: US calls on Big Tech to help evade online censors in Russia, Iran
Reuters: Dutch government retakes export control over two ASML tools from US
Reuters: Google abusing power over website ads, UK regulator says
Reuters: Broadcom shares slump as revenue target disappoints investors hoping for big AI boost
Reuters: Social media platforms leave alleged Russian influence network largely untouched
Reuters: X global affairs head Nick Pickles resigns
Reuters: YouTube terminating Tenet Media channel after US indictment
Reuters: Vietnamese police raid tech company VNG
Reuters: Broadcom forecasts lukewarm quarterly revenue despite AI chip surge, shares fall
If you think SearchGPT is ready to replace Google, you’re hallucinating too
When OpenAI debuted SearchGPT, the demonstrations suggested everything about how people look for things online would immediately change forever. But, “wow” became “wow, that’s “embarrassing” when examples of the AI search engine at work proved somewhat flawed. The challenge to Google’s reign as search engine king is still undergoing revisions.
According to a new piece in The Washington Post, SearchGPT is still wobbly on the facts. Google may not have to worry about losing its digital search throne any time soon, even as it moves at breakneck speed to implement its own AI search tools.
#searchgpt #google #search #technology
The issues are not hard to understand. SearchGPT is supposed to meld OpenAI’s AI models with real-time web data for faster, more accurate answers. Questions and keywords return a summary of the requested information instead of the standard Google links. It can be fast and informative. Unfortunately for OpenAI, that initial error of fact is starting to look more like the rule than the exception. As the Post pointed out, early testers saw SearchGPT claim that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman was speaking at a tech conference in the near future that he wasn’t actually scheduled to attend. That’s a hallucination just as bad as anything made up by ChatGPT.
And even if SearchGPT were guaranteed to only state the truth, that’s not much of a salve when it has no way to answer your questions. Tests shared with the Post especially disparaged SearchGPT’s abilities to help out with local information. That information has to come from somewhere. Google’s decades of refined data on vast numbers of businesses and the products and services they provide make it a snap to find most of the information people might want about the places around them. And if there is anything it doesn’t already have in its databanks, its partners and subsidiaries can likely fill it in for them. SearchGPT and OpenAI have no such database access and so the responses are either nonsense or nothing.
I tried Samsung's new 4K projector with built-in Dolby Atmos speakers, and it can replace a soundbar… with one big catch
Samsung finally unveiled its latest projectors, The Premiere 9 and The Premiere 7, in late August after first offering a sneak peek at CES 2024 and at IFA 2024 I got to see the Premiere 9 in action.
When it comes to the visuals, there's wasn't much surprising going on – it has a 'triple laser' projection design, the colors were rich and nuanced, and combined with the brightness of over 3,000 ANSI Lumens, it looked rich even with the lights on, and very impressive with them off.
#samsung #dolby #technology
But it wasn't the picture quality that I was most interested in (especially given it wasn't overall ideal viewing conditions – we'll review the Premiere 9 and get serious about that stuff later). Instead, the 2.2.2-channel Dolby Atmos sound system is the most fun part.
Samsung's demo footage was designed to show off what it can do with height and width, and you can really tell the system has the benefit of upfiring drivers, because even in a sub-optimal conference center room, elements of the sound steered across the 130-inch screen with precision, and burst up way higher than the low profile of the projector's body. The positioning had some specificity too, it didn't just run up or to the side – it felt like it had more of a clear point of height and width.
It was a pretty dynamic sound, and offered a solid grasp on detail and clarity, though not as strong as the best soundbars can go, if you spend a lot of month just on that, rather than having it bundled into your projector price.
But I was seriously impressed with the spatial sound and general home theater effect of the Atmos reproduction, and I don't think you'd need a soundbar in many cases, with one serious issue: bass.
Samsung has certainly tried to put bass into the Premiere 9 (it does claim two sub channels, after all!), but there's simply no physical way to put a really impactful subwoofer in a unit that large if you're also squeezing in a whole projector.
OpenAI gives artists access to unreleased tools like Sora for New York gallery exhibit
OpenAI on Friday announced an art gallery collaboration, allowing artists access to its unreleased artificial intelligence tools for a New York showcase.
OpenAI announced Friday a New York City art gallery collaboration that gives artists access to unreleased artificial intelligence tools.
The exhibit, a series called "Strada Nuova: New Road" on view at Strada Gallery will run for three weeks and centers on a "diverse group of artists [that] is curated to consist of brilliant researchers, academics, and creators working between physical and digital artwork," according to Strada founder Paul Hill.
#openai #sora #artists #technology
Hill told CNBC he reached out to OpenAI to suggest the project. Talks began about six months ago and the plan came together with OpenAI offering artists access to tools including its Sora video generator, its Voice Engine voice generator, its DALL-E 3 image generator and ChatGPT, its viral chatbot, as well as educational resources and artist stipends.
Minne Atairu, an interdisciplinary artist who has specialized in using AI in art for the past four years — before ChatGPT even launched — uses image generation, both 2D and 3D, as well as video generation in her art to highlight "understudied gaps" in Black historical archives. For this exhibit, she said she used Sora to create an AI-generated video, "Regina Gloriana," inspired by supernatural horror films produced in Nigeria in the 1990s.
he use of AI in art, in many forms, is part of a wide-ranging debate that has generated heaps of controversy — and an increasing number of lawsuits over alleged copyright infringement and training data.
Anthropic, the Amazon-backed AI startup, was recently hit with a class-action lawsuit in California federal court by three authors over alleged copyright infringement. Last year, a group of prominent U.S. authors, including Jonathan Franzen, John Grisham, George R.R. Martin and Jodi Picoult, sued OpenAI over alleged copyright infringement in using their work to train ChatGPT. And last January, a group of artists filed a class-action lawsuit against Stability AI, Midjourney and DeviantArt over alleged copyright infringement by their AI image-generation tools.
And to not to be too serious:
#joke #jokesonleo
Honor looks to get ahead of Apple in China with its own AI assistant
The upgraded AI agent from Honor will look to compete with the likes of Samsung's Bixby and Apple's Siri.
Honor announced its first artificial intelligence assistant on Friday, as it looks to jump ahead of companies like Apple and introduce software it hopes will spur users to buy its latest devices.
Honor's digital assistant Yoyo has got an AI upgrade and will be coming to users in China in the near future, with international markets to follow, the company said. Yoyo is not new — but the AI infusion is. honor is calling it the Honor AI Agent.
#honor #apple #china #ai #technology
In one demonstration seen by CNBC ahead of the announcement, Honor showed how a user could ask Yoyo to find automatic subscriptions across WeChat and Alipay, the two most popular payment apps in China. During the exercise, Yoyo found the subscriptions, then asked the user whether to cancel them.
So-called AI agents have been touted by smartphone makers as way to make the experiences on phone devices more personal and efficient. The idea is that these agents could learn a user's behavior and make suggestions based on that.
While digital assistants like Apple's Siri or Samsung's Bixby have been around for a while, their abilities have been limited. Companies are now looking at ways to infuse such virtual helpers with AI, following the emergence of ChatGPT and large language models (LLMs), which are trained on huge amounts of data and underpin conversational chatbots.
Honor's competitors are taking similar steps. TM Roh, the head of Samsung's mobile division, told CNBC that the company will be unveiling a further upgraded Bixby this year that uses the South Korean technology giant's own LLM. Apple is also gearing up to roll out Apple Intelligence which has an improved Siri, though it is unlikely to come to China this year.
Today, at INLEO, I learned and tried an interesting technology for accumulating information, which can be safely used as a draft of any book, this is the creation of containers :) !VSC
Scientists present the world's first nuclear clock
For the first time, scientists have managed to switch the nucleus of a thorium atom from one state to another using a laser, an effect that can be used for high-precision measurements and has enabled the creation of the world's first nuclear clock.
The study, led by professor Thorsten Schumm, from the Technical University of Vienna, was published on Wednesday (4), in the journal Nature.
Every clock needs something to act as a timer — like the regular movement of the pendulum in a grandfather clock. Today's high-precision watches often use the oscillation of electromagnetic waves from a laser beam, but even the frequency of a laser can change slightly over time and need to be adjusted.
#newsonleo #technology #science
“That's why, in addition to the laser, you need a quantum system that reacts extremely selectively to a very specific laser frequency,” explained Schumm.
Atomic clocks use cesium or strontium atoms, for example, so that if the laser frequency changes, the atoms are no longer excited efficiently and the laser can be readjusted.
If the nucleus of an atom could be used in this same way, the clock would be even more accurate, according to scientists' predictions. Atomic nuclei are much smaller than atoms and, therefore, react less to external disturbances.
Although the world's first nuclear clock has not yet surpassed the precision of existing atomic clocks, Schumm expects it to do so within the next two to three years.
“Our goal was to develop a new technology. Once it is there, the increase in quality comes naturally, this has always been the case,” he explained. “The first cars were no faster than carriages. It was all about introducing a new concept. And that is exactly what we have now achieved with the nuclear clock.”
Man arrested by FBI for using AI to create music and make over $10 million profit
A musician who can be considered unknown (until now) named Michael Smith, aged 52, made around $10 million dollars in approximately 7 years. This raised suspicions from the authorities, who decided to investigate and discovered that he used artificial intelligence to create his works.
He was arrested by the FBI on September 4, 2024 and could receive a sentence of up to 60 years. According to US authorities, he faces fraud charges and will be brought before a US magistrate judge in North Carolina. Understand below what he did.
#newsonleo #technology #ai
US Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, Michael Smith fraudulently streamed songs created with artificial intelligence billions of times to steal royalties.
Through his brazen fraud scheme, Smith stole millions in royalties that should have been paid to musicians, songwriters, and other rights holders whose songs were broadcast legitimately. Today, thanks to the work of the FBI and the career prosecutors of this Office, it is time for Smith to face the music."
According to the indictment in Manhattan federal court, "these royalties were taken from a royalty fund that streaming platforms must set aside for artists who broadcast sound recordings that incorporate musical compositions," the indictment states.
Certainly his ethics as a musician are quite questionable and his methods were not the most noble, but many internet users question whether he really should have been arrested for fraud.
It is worth mentioning that these platforms have systems that identify this type of practice and delete the accounts, but Smith managed to circumvent them all for years in an exceptional way. The fact that they are considered frauds is one of the arguments that claim that his arrest is more than fair, as he artificially leveraged his numbers.
Damn inleo was not working for me last night had to post my long form on another front end and couldn't get my #dailydook on 😭 Glad we back now
Those days hurt you also miss out on any leo earnings.
I know sucks but I am glad we back on !DOOK !BBH
@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/50)@bitcoinflood! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
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Trying to share links to my threads on a few different sites, but they don't render the thumbnail nor description anywhere. Is that something that can be fixed on our end? #feedback
As far as I know that on the other end. You can still use the link and also use an images from your post to work around this. I do this often when I share things on X (Twitter) when this happens.
It's weird that pretty much any URL from other sites do work on those sites, but not InLeo. I'm sure there's something that can be done on this end, but could be wrong, which is why I'm asking
I don't know... I know enough sites where sharing a link doesn't work as I expect not just Hive / Leo links.
@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(5/20)@bushcraftbites! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.
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Can you try again? Pushed an update for this
Yes of course, thank you
New users will NOT be patient when downtime is random and often. Please, please, please create a schedule that we know about before updating and breaking the site. Each update is 1 step forward and 2 back for retention #feedback
I would agree. It's quite annoying when the site is down for several hours.
Right, it takes attention away from content. Think of the person who spent hours on an article 10 mins after sharing the site goes down. That work just went down the drain and they will be very unhappy. Established users will be pissed too
Well, articles are another story and will be seen with other frontends. But threads are InLeo exclusive.
@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/20)@alphahippie! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.
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Report feedback with screenshots and they'll be fixed quickly. Report it without, and they will be fixed slowly
✈️ Travel Talk #threadcast
Ep54 Fri 06-Sep-24
ℹ️ This is the #travelcast where we chat all things #travel on Leo
💬 Talk about your trips, discuss adventures and enjoy the world's delights!
Have fun! 🧳 🛫
Friday TravelCast is on the go! Any trips lined up, or stories of past adventures?
Previous edition:
Weekend travel woes as flights cancelled at Heathrow and M62 to close
Article via Metro
Our 2024 travel trends — right in time for the holidays
Article via Google Blog
Transport for London cuts data feeds to travel apps amid cyber-attack
Article via The Guardian
Advantage seeks suggestions to replace ‘outdated’ term travel agent
Article via Travel Gossip
Thomas Cook acquired by Polish travel group eSky
Article via FT
Britons given fresh Europe travel warning as new system to launch within months - how your holidays will be affected
Article via GBN
‘Turkey gave us one of the most exhilarating experiences of our lives’: readers’ travel tips
Article via The Guardian
My costly lesson with Ryanair and EasyJet over a suitcase with wheels
Article via Express
AI is coming for business travel
Article via Hospitality Investor
LeoTravel community:
My 2022 travel round-up…
my life will never be short I must live to fulfil my destiny in Jesus name Amen.
Hello foodie Lions 🦁! Happy Friday. Welcome to today's show. 🥗🍲🫕
Day 73 of the #foodtalk on Leo, 6/9/2024 for 5/9/2024

DiscussionJoin the #threadcast for . It's time for some meal inspirations. Let's get into the discussion, learn and connect. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.
More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast.
Upvote the comments you find interesting, engage and connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie
Catch some fish and then roast them.
Wow! This is cool. There are lot of that same specie of fish, they will be easy to catch.
Yes, you're right. It will be very easy.
Have you ever caught and eaten your own fish, Task?
I haven't fished in years.
Yeah each time I go to the fish counter at the supermarket.
Look... I can even imagine that there is a space dedicated to fishing in the supermarket and people can buy their fresh fish.
It wouldn't be a bad idea.
Hi, @coyotelation,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
What did you have for breakfast today or did you have brunch? #foodtalk
Welcome friends to the #foodtalk on Leo. This is the threadcast which was to hold yesterday 5/9/2024, unfortunately, it wasn't possible, but here we are, let's get it rolling.
Which food is associated with your culture? #foodtalk #food
Do you think cheat days will negatively affect your weight loss or fitness journey? #foodtalk
What suggestions do you have about healthy foods? #foodtalk #food
Which fruits do you add to your diet? #foodtalk #food #fruits #diet
Which vegetables do you add to your diet? #foodtalk #food #fruits #diet
What's your favourite cuisine? #foodtalk #cuisine #foodie
What's your favourite food? Has it always been one particular food or was there a switch? #foodtalk #foodie
Hmm...which food do you think is overrated? #foodtalk https://inleo.io/threads/view/sabrinah/re-winanda-pb3b5qpf?referral=sabrinah
When it comes to the Igbo culture of the southeastern part of Nigeria which I am from, we are known for our "taste bud striking soups" like Ofe Oha, Ofe Owerri, Ofe Onugbu, Ofe Akwu, Egwusi, Ofe Okazi, Ofe Uziza, Ofe Achara and Ofe Nsala (white soup). These soups are best served with the Nigerian swallow, Utara ji (pounded yam) or Akpu is well-known as Fufu (made from cassava),
enjoyed with our finger and not cutleries. 😋😁 #foodtalk #igbosoups #nigerianfood #cuisine #foods https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-rnvgkd3c?referral=winanda
If you are on a weight loss journey or fitness journey, having cheat days are risky and could negatively affect the results you are looking forward to achieving in your weight loss journey, rather, cheat meals are more appropriate which you can have in a little portion once or twice a week of which you can decide to have healthy ones which are safer. Example of healthy treats: unsweetened Greek yoghurt, smoothie popsicles, popcorn, nuts, banana oat cookies.
#foodtalk #weightloss #cheatmeals #healthytreats #food #foodie #healthyeating https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-jucewgxq?referral=winanda
There are several healthy foods we can consume, they are in different categories which can be incorporated into our diets. These healthy foods are: Whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits in general, plant-based milk, sweet potatoes, oats, vegetables (especially leafy greens), Greek yoghurt, lean meat, fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, eggs, spices, dark chocolate, extra virgin olive oil and avocado.
There could be more. #foodtalk #food #healthyfoods #healthyeating #foodie https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-enx2rwyi?referral=winanda
Do you know the best food for a diabetic patient? #foodtalk https://inleo.io/threads/view/sabrinah/re-winanda-2cxsv4fbt?referral=sabrinah
The from Groq which means might not be completely accurate.
While there is no single "best" food that can combat diabetes, a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods can help manage blood sugar levels and improve overall health. Here are some of the best foods to include in your diet if you have diabetes:
Foods to Avoid:
What do you think is the best food for the brain? #foodtalk #healthyeating https://inleo.io/threads/view/sabrinah/re-winanda-h3zzsf9b?referral=sabrinah
“This week was not the best, we produced little and that discourages us, but that does not mean that we are bad, every new day is a new opportunity and anything can happen, including improving our efficiency!”
#freecompliments #phrases
Threading and re-thread of your shorts of all kinds
Jokes, Music etc
#threadcast #leoentertainment 06/09/2024
It is your choice to re-thread some music, here are some artist tag. Double click on any artists of your choice, copy link of any of their songs and post it under the entertainment threadcast.
#luckydube #boneym #kellyclarkson #jimmycliff #dollyparton #westlife #blacksherif #bobmarley #wyclefjean #jimreeves #donwilliams #psquare #akon #atifaslam #jmartins #asa #billieeilish #dimitryvegas #juicewrld #xxxtentacion #dax #ericdonaldson #2face #burningspear #duncanmighty #simi #ub40 #kennyrogers #culture #snoopdogg #50cent #oritswilliki #top100musicvideo
More stuffs for you to play with..
Greetings my dear friends how is your weekend going?
lets keep on rolling
Hello entertainment room! Happy friday
Greetings to you sir.....
I'm sure someone already posted this here, but just because it's so good. I want to hear the full song though! Long-form videos are working on Inleo now, just saying 😉
#splinterlands battle
Love the sound of nature
#freecompliments #nature
The fractal textures of nature
#photography #plants
‘Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.’ – Samuel Beckett
#motivationalquote #dailydook
Patience gives you permission to dream bigger. - GARY VEE
#life #motivation
I agree , patience breeds dedication
Indeed 🤘🏽
#leoentertainment #jokesonleo #dailydook #mmvfunny
#leoentertainment #jokesonleo #dailydook #mmvfunny
They all are very funny.
Today in #historyonleo
On September 6, 1995, Baltimore Orioles shortstop Cal Ripken Jr. plays in his 2,131st consecutive game, breaking “Iron Horse” Lou Gehrig’s record for most consecutive games played. “The Iron Man” was credited with reviving interest in baseball after a 1994 work stoppage forced the cancellation of the World Series and soured fans on the national pastime.
🔗 Source in Comments
🔗 Source:
🧵 1. "Ice cream before work, Dad?" I chuckled as we got in the car. The Irish summer was finally here, and my father's love for ice cream was unbeatable. #world
🧵 2. In 2010 Ireland, life was tough for a young man like me. Stuck in my hometown, working at my father's struggling pub, the economic crash hit us hard.
🧵 3. Despite the financial pressure, my father insisted on keeping Guinness prices low. It wasn't just a drink, it was part of Irish culture, he'd say.
🧵 4. The Rose of Tralee Festival was a lucrative time for bars like ours. But even in the chaos, my dad stood by his principles of fair pricing.
🧵 5. An intimate glimpse into a father-son bond amidst economic turmoil and cultural preservation in a small Irish town.
🧵 Read more at: https://medium.com/digital-global-traveler/were-we-nearly-murdered-e1ca2ccfde49
“It was amazing what the guys did, they waited 7 years, put a new person in, opened the door for a female vocal and the album is exactly "from scratch", that is, a new beginning!”
#freecompliments #phrases
This was just an example of what you could do. I have invested in other things besides Bitcoin, and I also see Hive as an investment with an entertainment factor, which is fun. I like to have fun but I also like to earn passive income.
#leo #cent #bbh #dailydook https://inleo.io/threads/view/chaosmagic23/re-leothreads-knztudy7?referral=chaosmagic23
💩 #dailydook starting off in first, maybe you should thread a #dailydook thread first LOLZ 💩
I !DOOK'ed before I turned on the computer.

Mi like dis' one! !BBH !DOOK
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(22/100)@ahmadmanga! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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Just something to share: I you have taken the time to react to someone, I think it is decent to also give at least a small vote to their post too... No obligation, just elementary decency in my opinion. #dailydook #bbh
I agree but sometimes you are just in recovery mode to fill up your voting power again. Luckily we have some tipping tokens.
I understand, that can happen, but some just don't bother to vote. I just don't like that...
There is nothing you can do. We also stress often that engagement is key, still, people believe we are talking some alien shit.
@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(6/20)@pele23! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.
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