I hope she starts to feel better, and that it is just the normal back to school after the holidays cold. Over here they just refer to it as the Kenai Crud, it goes around every year in Jan and Feb.
Still anything that causes a fever in a person this past two years can be something to worry over. I hope you are able to get some sleep, and you may want to double up on the vitamin C or what ever people historically took in your current neck of the woods, listen to the old folks. Ask you wifes mom or dad what they did for seasonal cold.
Yeah, these are just normal flus and stuff, but it is draining, as it disrupts everything for us, even if she just has a slightly blocked nose. She has no fever.
Fluids, Vitamin C and D - rest, socks on the feet...
That works for most things flu and cold related. I need to start taking some vitamin D on a regular basis, for some reason it is the one I blank on a lot.