Chained in

in LeoFinance3 years ago

After almost a couple weeks of break, it has taken Smallsteps 3 days back at daycare for her to get a flu again - but you know, masks stop the spread of Corona, just not other flus... It is pretty tiring and I am up with her singing, trying to get her to relax enough to fall back to sleep. So many nights over the last 5 years have been spent like this.

Tomorrow is a public holiday for the Epiphany, whatever that is, and we had a lake walk and sausage grill planned, but that isn't happening now and it looks like the last half of my work leave, is going to be spent inside the home - just for something different.

I am going a bit stir-crazy.

Not that we can do so much anyway, since everywhere is demanding a Corona Passport, which I don't have. Pretty sure that mental health issues are going to increase based on this period of time, as there are all kinds of conditions that will affect it and, all age groups. Perhaps that is going to be the conversation of the next decade - all of the problems caused and the associated costs in how this was all handled at the global scale. But, governments and corporations aren't very good at reflecting on their behavior, nor learning from it.

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I haven't been able to pay much attention, but it looks like the markets have gone for a slide down the slippery slope again, though they are bouncing back a little now - though it is likely just a dead cat. That isn't so bad though, but CUB took an absolute hammering and dropped to 30 cents now. I claimed the yield that has been sitting there collecting and, added it into the CUB/BUSD pool - in for a penny, in for a pound. One of the things that has been a little frustrating with CUB is the scheduling post-announcement - I am patient, but it feels like the announcements are a little early.

Thankfully, I have already got my credits put away for the Splinterlands purchase and "most" of the potions I will need to open them. I did this about a month back when Hive was up a bit and was questioning the move (as it can't be converted back), but now it looks pretty good. Though the packs at $4 each are going to have to yield some pretty good cards to break even at the current market prices.

So far, I have had almost zero luck with my opens and out of 1453 packs, I have only managed to pull TWO Gold Foil Legendaries. I know other people who are averaging 1:300 packs or better on mass openings and I am 1:725 - What a crock!! At this rate, I will be lucky to get 3 out of the 2400 packs I plan on purchasing. Oh well...

The other interesting thing to note is going to be how much HIVE comes back onto the platform for the snapshots of Ragnarok and the Speak Network tomorrow - last I saw a few hours back, was in the last few days, almost 3 million has been transferred in. That isn't a huge amount, but is still significant - though there is a lot more out there.

I also wonder how this is affecting the prices of CUB and Splinterlands assets too, as I suspect that since these things are largely inward Hive-facing, people are shuffling value into HIVE from other tokens and then plan to move back again after the snapshot. The dip in the markets might mean that they are going to have to wait, unless they are taking a loss on the HIVE, in the hope the new assets airdropped will make up more than the difference.

I did bring what I had back on platform, but I didn't have that much. However, with a 0.1 HIVE (14 cents) transfer fee from the exchange and zero to go back, those airdropped tokens are going to have to be near valueless to make a loss on the move. I suspect they will be worth something but I also expect that like normal, there are going to be a lot of dumpers in the early days, meaning that if they are able to build value, it will take a while.

It is funny, as while it is "free money" which is why people dump, this happens on so many tokens and the people who can afford to hold or buy the dip, end up benefiting down the track - while the free-money people end up losing their potential. OF course, some tokens will never go anywhere, so in that case, dumping makes sense - however, if it really is "free money* you may as well take the risk on the future - or at least taking a hybrid approach and selling part and keeping part.

Right, now my daughter woke up again, so I will kill it here and sooth her back to sleep with some songs. She normally goes pretty fast back, probably to avoid having to hear me sing any longer than she must.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Pretty sure that mental health issues are going to increase based on this period of time, as there are all kinds of conditions that will affect it and, all age groups.

This is already happening, in the U.S. at least. Mental health professionals, who were already over worked before the coronapocalypse, have been swamped. I’d guess some of them are themselves needing mental health services by now. Heard a story on the radio a few days ago that said older mental health professionals are taking early retirement in droves.

School-age kids have been hit really hard by distance learning, I wouldn’t be surprised if their socialization skills have really suffered over the last two years. With long-term consequences?

I’d guess some of them are themselves needing mental health services by now.

Doesn't psychiatry have the highest suicide rate? I suppose it is a bit of bias in that though - since often broken people go into psych to try and fix themselves :)

I wouldn’t be surprised if their socialization skills have really suffered over the last two years. With long-term consequences?

Definitely long-term consequences in many areas. A lot more broken homes too, as well as alcoholism and domestic violence. Looks good for the future...

Wow it must be tough to be a psychiatrist now, I can only imagine how well balanced you have to be in order to remain normal in these times.

I think that the consequences of this pandemic will hit society hard in the upcoming decades. Kids are taking the biggest hit. Socializing skills need....socializing in order to develop. I have no children yet I cringe for every mother and father out there because this is rough

One thing I want to say to my dear friend is my own opinion. Maybe even wrong. That the corona virus is nothing. It is a fear and an illusion. If you don't know, you'll be refreshed. When the doctor says yes, you immediately notice a change in yourself. That change is just fear. Whenever a person dies, he is psychologically frightened. Fear destroys the immune system. If you are a fighter and you are not afraid then you win the war. And if they fight with a little fear, they will be killed. If you continue to be fearless in corruption and wait for the time, one day the goal will be achieved Many people drown here for fear of losing more.

Fear is never good for anything - except stopping us walking on the edges of cliffs. It is now weaponized globally and digitally, to divide and conquer.

Sucks about small steps! It’s definitely the time of year for that stuff. The CDC had to admit that the “testing” couldn’t distinguish cold or flu and that a lot of people were getting one or the other. Lots of hypocrisy going on but it’s about obedience more than anything.

The markets are certainly getting some hits lately! I don’t mind my dollars going further when buying bitcoin that’s for sure! I wonder what the price will be in 6 months, will there be as much FUD? I don’t think so but let’s see!

Lots of hypocrisy going on but it’s about obedience more than anything.

Yep - and there are all too many willing to be obedient.

Wish I had more dollars!!!

Whenever my little one catches a cold, I get it and it's always a bad one. She's gonna kill me off if she catches the C word.

It is good to write it here - that way she'll know what really happened to her father :D

Hope Smallsteps gets better soon.

That story of opening packs is really sad and we are all at loss with the current prices but I guess it will take time for things to stabilize again, hopefully.

Looking to charts and how much packs quote on markets I wonder if it wouldn't be better to not open those packs and wait to sell them at the proper time or just do it with the General Sale packs, not sure.

About the airdrops it has sense to have a mixed strategy if you have a big stake. For those of us that have not I think it's better to just hodl.

That story of opening packs is really sad and we are all at loss with the current prices but I guess it will take time for things to stabilize again, hopefully.

6 months to a year perhaps :)

Yeah, I have heard "open or hold" - don't sell. I am probably going to open most of mine - because I enjoy it :)

I don't have much info on the airdrops - will know more tomorrow, after the snap.

I am probably going to open most of mine - because I enjoy it :)

Hahaha yeah I love it too

Once again these airdrops have gotten zero traction outside of our insular Hive community and therefore price has done nothing.

As a result, I don't think we can blame CUB getting hammered on the Hive airdrop.

Sigh, I'm not even going to go down the rabbit hole on this one.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed by all of this...

...But certainly have high hopes for the future of the SPK Network!

Hope your little one feels better and we can all soon again escape the monotony of what life has become :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Once again these airdrops have gotten zero traction outside of our insular Hive community and therefore price has done nothing.

Yep, this is normal here.

As a result, I don't think we can blame CUB getting hammered on the Hive airdrop.

Yeah - but it will be interesting if CUB gets some traction post-airdrops.

...But certainly have high hopes for the future of the SPK Network!

There is a lot of potential there - I just wonder if it is too complicated at the moment.

Prayers for your young one. Stay strong in the face of tyranny.. it’s obvious you see thru the charade.

Yeah, I am doing my best not to succumb - though it puts pressure on family. Some want me to give in.

masks stop the spread of Corona, just not other flus

I think technically they're supposed to reduce the spread of anything (depending on whose irrefutable evidence from more professional sources you believe) though from the get-go there has been shrill screaming about how it's so very extremely different so that's hardly surprising XD

But, governments and corporations aren't very good at reflecting on their behavior, nor learning from it.

That might have something to do with governments and corporations not being people (despite the sheer bloody minded idiocy of whoever thought "corporate personhood" was a good idea, if they ever come out the bad side of that they thoroughly deserve it).

They're also likely run by people who are textbook definition of narcissist.

Hope small gets over the annoying cold quickly. She probably likes your singing for whatever reason if she keeps waking up, otherwise she'd get herself back to sleep ;D

Yes - my daughter is constantly with a flu, even though "all the precautions" are being taken. It is ridiculous. I have to wear a mask, but kiss my kid and then they all socialize and swap clothes (my daughter and her friend) etc. Need a passport to go to a restaurant, but go their with a group of children... nonsense. Few seem to question the stupidity of it all.

That might have something to do with governments and corporations not being people

Precisely. They are algorithms, working for profits.

She seems to be sick 70% of the time...

Poor kid :S Is this normal, worse than normal, better than normal, have you noticed her friends are down with something a lot of the time too?

I think she has it more than many, but hard to know - as there is always someone sick.

It's not unusual for that age group even pre-panpanic. I remember a time period where at least one of my kids was sick every single winter without fail, sometimes multiple times (made coordinating excursions nigh on impossible and then we'd be stuck at home for stretches as J was working in the office and the kids were too young to leave home on their own in cases where it was just a cold).

They hardly ever get sick now.

I'm kind of vaguely concerned that the increased sanitisation that's been going on might have been detrimental for developing immune systems but like with everything else we'll see if it's actually a tihng somewhere down the line.

We’ve done quite the opposite here. Never worn a mask, not a work, not at the grocers, not at Walmart, not at fairs or ball games. Not once. No vaccines for the little man either and he’s only had that fever for a day, two days ago, seemingly first illness in two years since his bout with Croup.

I haven’t had to take any time off of work for illness in years where it seems everyone at work has had to take weeks off for illness.

Thankful for all that and it’s not unique I’m sure. James doesn’t understand yet why majority of everyone else at the stores have masks on and we don’t.

Zero precautions. The bots would call us selfish superspreaders..

Today I’ll go back to work after a two week break because of getting Covid. My wife got it a week before me and needed two weeks as well to get back feeling relatively ok. Luckily our one year old son was only ill for two days in the midst of that.

The benefit is that we now both get the Corona QR code for having survived the virus, as we didn’t get vaccinated. It feels a bit weird that all of a sudden we are welcome in restaurants and such again. When they open, as we are currently in another lockdown in the Netherlands.

I think that for the future it will be vital for our sense of well-being to learn to adapt to crises that completely disrupt our lives. We will need to start teaching people how to deal with such things mentally if we don’t want to end up with a society that is even more confused than it is already.

I wonder in what world my son will grow up.

How are you feeling now?

Yep, the passports are ridiculous and I suspect, are one of the reasons that there is so much spread. Vaccination used to mean "don't get the disease" - now it is about lowering symptoms. No one gets a "mild case of Polio". Vaccinated people still carry and spread.

Mental health is going to suffer at scale - best thing is to do what we can to build resiliency in ourselves and those we care about.

No such thing as mild myocarditis either lol

After working a few hours I feel quite tired. Luckily I don’t have to work this afternoon, tomorrow will be my first full work day. I guess it will take some time before I feel like my old self again.

No doubts about the vaccine though, I’m not going to get that for sure. I don’t envy the government. They try to tell people that got vaccinated that it didn’t work well enough to protect them and they need a booster shot. In some cases there is no protection at all. And at the same time they try to convince the ones that didn’t get vaccinated yet, that the vaccine is a really good idea to protect you and those around you from the virus.

Our minister of health went so far as to say that our personal freedom to decide over our own bodies should never be more important than the safety of people around us. Also we should not hesitate to try to convince those around us that are still in doubt about getting vaccinated or not.

Two very polarizing comments, that are completely opposite to what the Netherlands is known for abroad, that personal freedom here is always protected. If this thing goes on for a bit more, perhaps another variant of the virus, more booster shots. Then that personal freedom might come under real attack even here.

It looks we will get used to lose mental health in winters, and will get back to normal in springs, summers and falls. This is the new normal.

Get your daughter well soon mate.

Spring is when there are the most suicides :)

So far, I have had almost zero luck with my opens and out of 1453 packs, I have only managed to pull TWO Gold Foil Legendaries.

And here I thought that getting two normal legendaries from 23 packs was bad. Still finally getting my first gold foil legendary would be nice. It has to happen sooner or later, right? or so my inner addict believes

I think statistically speaking, I should have got a lot more :D - no idea what though.

I hope she starts to feel better, and that it is just the normal back to school after the holidays cold. Over here they just refer to it as the Kenai Crud, it goes around every year in Jan and Feb.

Still anything that causes a fever in a person this past two years can be something to worry over. I hope you are able to get some sleep, and you may want to double up on the vitamin C or what ever people historically took in your current neck of the woods, listen to the old folks. Ask you wifes mom or dad what they did for seasonal cold.

Yeah, these are just normal flus and stuff, but it is draining, as it disrupts everything for us, even if she just has a slightly blocked nose. She has no fever.

Fluids, Vitamin C and D - rest, socks on the feet...

Fluids, Vitamin C and D - rest, socks on the feet...

That works for most things flu and cold related. I need to start taking some vitamin D on a regular basis, for some reason it is the one I blank on a lot.

In my opinion, traders get the most profit on the crypto market. one or two transactions per year. The very ones that are waiting for landslides and buying at the bottom.

It takes patience.

The story of opening packs is really sad. In winter most of the people get cold and for covid our country will get lockdown soon that's i am listening in news. That is not good anyway.