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RE: Another day: Another black kid killed during a routine traffic stop.

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Actually I thought I was being your google when I said it's NOT taught in the schools, its not taught with the laws of society, and it's certainly not in the criminal justice system. There are no laws specifically against blacks, there is no direct curriculum in school to hate children based on their creed, or color. So I have to disagree with you. I'm pretty sure I just quoted google for you.

Are people on the police force racist? Yes! Are there racists teachers? Yes!I do not believe for one second that 'implied' racism because of resumes to be more white is nothing more than cultural western society. I do see successful black people in suites.. so is it racist to assume they should be dressed like African's in Africa around a fire because they are "African american" What does that even mean after 3-4 generations.