Ai poses a threat for me in terms of job security. I think I need to learn some skills that are AI proof. Perosnally i want to be in manufacturing of goods. But i dont have the capital for it. Or….. have that “if you cant beat them join them mentality” and be an ai developer. Although it would require me at least 6 months to learn (time which i don’t have) well a lot of pondering for me to do.
I don't know what your background is, but for me, I will never be capable enough to learn to dev anything, let alone the level that will be required for AI. And, even if I could stretch to learn to cope now, by the time I would have learned, the needs would be even more advanced. I can't keep up.
We’re pretty much on the same boat. I could consider myself having little background on coding and yeah more of the challenge is keeping up with the latest.