I Made it Myself

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The premix cake was invented almost 100 years ago, but it didn't gain in popularity until a key ingredient was added into the mix, or rather, taken out of the mix. Eggs. I assume that this story is well known, but as a recap, housewives who tried the premix cakes didn't feel that they were baking when they just added water, stirred and put it in the oven. However, once the powdered egg was removed from the mix and the directions called for cracking a fresh egg in, they suddenly felt that they were adding significant enough value into the process to say,

"I made it myself."


However, where is the line?

At lunch with colleagues, we were talking about various interesting topics (as normal), but the conversation led into automation, AI-generation, and the redefinition of what is valuable.

As was noted, it is pretty cool that we live in a world where people are able to "waste their time" on things like creating fan fiction or reviewing products and movies, even though there is no practical value to do so. However, AI is going to increasingly add complexity to the value of the output, because it can mimic the result without having to learn how to actually create anything. This means that in order to have human added value, the outcome can't be the only factor, it has to include the journey to get to that outcome.

My example for this is a person walking through an art gallery of beautiful images, wowing at the outcome and how valuable they are. However, if they then discover that they were all generated by an AI in under a second, they would then reevaluate and devalue the images, even if they still like them. This is because what has value is the journey, the story of the artist.

For another example, we could look at the value of a Chicago Bulls jersey bought in a store and one worn by Michael Jordan in the 1998 final game that won the NBA championships. They might look the same, but they don't have the same story attached to their history.

Similarly, when a person is generating AI content whether it be written or visual, there is a fundamental difference in the story that leads to the result. An artist who has lived a life and built a style has a story attached to everything they produce. Whereas, an AI-generated piece is historically, empty. The end result can look the same, but people aren't actually buying the end result, they are buying the story. This is why the Mona Lisa and a print of the Mona Lisa have fundamentally different value models.

I find this interesting for the future, because while there is going to be a great deal of AI-generated content in every sphere of information importance to us, the redefinition of value will come down to building the story. For example, live music where people sing and play instruments themselves will likely go through a renaissance period, as will manually created artwork.

However, since we are living in an increasingly digital society, there will have to be "proof of human" measures taken, which is the recording, and validation of authenticity that something is actually human created, and not scraped from other humans, or from pure AI sources. Essentially, the story has to "add up" along the timeline, which is a version history control process.

For example, using the cake premix as a simple analogy, if we are able to track the ingredients and find that there are no references to buying flower, oil, chocolate and milk, and the only receipt we have for a raw product is an egg and a packet cake, we might be able to infer that the cake is likely a premix. Knowing this might impact on how much we are willing to pay for a slice. And similarly, when a cake is provably human made, it might command a higher price.

This content verification is going to be used for AI-generated material also, because in order to command a value, it has to be considered valid and useful. This means that the information it contains will have to be like the ingredients on the packet of the cake mix. They have to add up to a cake and that cake has to be edible in order to have a marketable usecase, because If there is no market demand, there is no market value.

And this is one of the things that a lot of content creation people are missing in terms of generative AI now, because what they are creating isn't necessarily useful. They are using it to produce something, but not thinking about whether what they are producing has a market. And what this means is, most of what they produce has no applicable value, making their activity, just more entertainment like watching Netflix, where no skill is actually developed. Not all people are using it this way of course, but the people who are using it in useful ways, have the experience to be able to apply what they are creating to some kind of product offering, making it useful.

And I think this is where a lot of people who think they are going to use AI to make money will fall short, because without hat experience, they are going to be unable to fit their output into an appropriate process in a way that adds value. They aren't going to be able to add value to the steps of creating an edible cake. They aren't chefs, they don't know the ingredients, all they are, are consumers. It doesn't mean they are valueless however, because consumers are what make a business profitable.

So, what gives their consumption value is that they add data mass to the AI-models to train them to be able to be better able to target the consumer again. It is much like how Facebook isn't a social media platform, it is a data collection gateway and a distribution mechanism to drive their ad revenue model.

AI is going to change our world, but the majority of the valuable usage is going to be developed by a sliver of humans, much like it is now. However, what it will increasingly do is cut people out of the process, and most will have nowhere to run to where they can add value. So, what are they left to do?

This raises many questions in society, which is why we are going to have to come to terms with our inability to add value naturally. So, we will have to redefine value in a way that satisfies us as a community. This is likely going to take many forms and iterations, and perhaps it will lead to some kind of Star Trek utopia. But, what are the chances of that, since at least in the economy we have created, the entire model is built based on monetary value, not the value of wellbeing as humans.


Happiness is a complex and subjective emotion, and what makes one person happy may not necessarily apply to another. However, there are some common factors and principles that can contribute to a sense of happiness and well-being. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines and not a one-size-fits-all prescription for happiness:

  1. Positive Relationships: Healthy and fulfilling relationships with friends, family, and loved ones are often cited as one of the most significant contributors to happiness. Social connections provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging.
  2. Physical and Mental Health: Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is crucial. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management can all positively impact your mood and overall happiness.
  3. Purpose and Meaning: Feeling that your life has purpose and meaning can greatly enhance your happiness. This often involves pursuing goals, passions, or activities that align with your values and bring a sense of fulfillment.
  4. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life can foster happiness. Keeping a gratitude journal or simply taking time to reflect on what you're thankful for can be helpful.
  5. Mindfulness and Presence: Being present in the moment and practicing mindfulness can reduce stress and increase happiness. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings.
  6. Financial Stability: While money alone doesn't guarantee happiness, financial stability and a sense of control over your finances can reduce stress and provide a sense of security.
  7. Work-Life Balance: Finding a balance between work, leisure, and personal time is important. Overworking or excessive stress at work can have a negative impact on happiness.
  8. Personal Growth: Continuously learning and growing, whether through education, hobbies, or self-improvement, can contribute to a sense of accomplishment and happiness.
  9. Acts of Kindness: Helping others and performing acts of kindness can boost your own happiness. Acts of generosity and altruism can create a sense of purpose and connection.
  10. Optimism and Resilience: Developing a positive outlook on life and building resilience in the face of challenges can help you bounce back from setbacks and maintain a happier mindset.
  11. Work on Self-Esteem: Building a healthy self-esteem and self-acceptance is crucial for happiness. Recognize your strengths and work on self-compassion.
  12. Limit Negative Influences: Minimize exposure to negative people, situations, or environments that bring you down. Surround yourself with positivity whenever possible.
  13. Set Realistic Expectations: Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment. Setting achievable goals and having a realistic outlook on life can promote happiness.
  14. Seek Professional Help: If you're struggling with persistent feelings of unhappiness, anxiety, or depression, don't hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional. They can provide guidance and support.

Remember that happiness is a journey, not a destination. It's normal to have ups and downs in life, and your sources of happiness may evolve over time. It's essential to focus on what makes you genuinely happy and prioritize those aspects in your life.

That is a ChatGPT answer. How are you doing with that list? Can you apply it to your world? When you have nothing of value to add to your community, is happiness still possible?

I made it myself.

What we create, we value. What happens when all we do is consume?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I had my first AI comment on one of my posts that I actually caught today. If they were there in the past, I didn't know it, but I wasn't actively looking for them either. I'm trying to be a bit more careful now. I think there is a possibility our hand made works could become more valuable, no matter what they are about. Take furniture for example, people are willing to pay a premium for that Amish made cabinet versus something that was cut and boxed in a store then you need to assemble it. Maybe things will end up being the same with Hive.

I had my first AI comment on one of my posts that I actually caught today. If they were there in the past, I didn't know it, but I wasn't actively looking for them either. I'm trying to be a bit more careful now

I know that Galen has been calling a few people out for it. AI commenting is actually pretty shameful if you think about it and is obviously only intended for the vote, not to add value.

Maybe things will end up being the same with Hive.

I think so and, it has an inbuilt system to support the verification process also. I reckon a lot of new tech will head this way, where trust becomes the value of information.

@slobberchops turned me on a tool that helps you check text to see if it is probably generated by AI. I'm sure it isn't perfect, but it looks to be pretty accurate. Being able to trust information is definitely going to be very important as we move forward.

Yep, I have seen him use it in a chat too. The more people try to automate their life, the less value they will be able to generate.

I am a simple man- I see hive value increase and I get happy. Dogs, sweets and basketball wins also helps. It seems that my requirements for happiness are simpler than ChatGPT list.

Today I learned to take screenshots with OBS studio. That also made me happy.

It seems that my requirements for happiness are simpler than ChatGPT list.

How long doe the happiness last?

until some serious problems arrives.

Exactly. and, without all those other things - they are bound to arrive.

Never relied on Bots, walked away from many short cuts used on old web feeling one is not cheating the system but oneself.

We all make mistakes, AI is nothing resembling the human touch no matter how close they come.

More concerned where the wiring in our brain will be when we cannot add or subtract, do anything manually?

More concerned where the wiring in our brain will be when we cannot add or subtract, do anything manually?

This is why I am teaching Smallsteps the manual methods first. She can leverage digital later.

Too many are making decisions out of convenience to "save" when they aren't calculating the true costs.

Costing was one of my favourites being in manufacturing/shipping, test software was working correctly in calculations, always manual then loaded, a dual check.

Fingers and toes, abacus makes no difference one should know the equations not rely on digital fully.

I think physical and mental health is indispensable for me to be happy. A free and fresh mind would make me feel better at first.

I wonder how easy it is to have a free and fresh mind without having something like financial security or more importantly, a positive relationship or two.

If you know to be happy with little things.

AI is one of the greatest inventions of man, it has helped to make life easier for us but one can't oppose the fact that AI still needs the help of man to be able to serve us well.

AI cannot entirely replace what humans do and humans need the support of AI to get things done easily without much stress.

However, the answer given by chatgpt is correct, one needs to apply everything on the list to live a happy life. This world is too short to live it unhappily.

Focus on what makes you happy and be kind to people around you.

I have a feeling that in a decade or two from now, a lot of people will be complaining about AI and where it has led us.

right now AI is quite dumb and I dont see it changing anytime soon.
If you look at the popular case of generating images - right now it is very hard to make anything that can be used in a production. Imagine you use AI to generate an image of character - great, right?
But now you need to make small changes to this character - very hard. You need to make that character do something else - super hard. Character needs to have normal hands - IMPOSSIBLE!!! :>

I am not gonna even start with use of ChatGPT in programming lol

It will eventually get better but it is gonna take good few years.

right now AI is quite dumb and I dont see it changing anytime soon.

It will improve relatively fast - fast enough to impact on us at least. And, when it does, it is going to be a lot of narrow and specific AIs pulled together by a general AI which will make it act a bit like a brain.

I think even if this AI generated contents becomes wide and generally accepted, natural human efforts would be priceless and still be ask for.

Though I am quite impressed with what these AI techs are now doing, but it still gives me some taste of fear.

Humans won't want to make up hypothesis or even work out solutions anymore due to the availability of AI. Notwithstanding, I think those who wants to do things naturally would be appreciated.

Humans won't want to make up hypothesis or even work out solutions anymore due to the availability of AI.

Most people won't be able to compete - they are already less able than the AIs that are available. A decade from now and the same people will be largely useless.

That's the bitter truth 🥲.

This is an interesting read. AI nailed it with these answers, you deserve to be happy then this list you must follow.

The truth is, AI has been super helpful to us and it has changed a lot of things, but can it ever replace humans? I doubt though it can deprive you of your job position because when companies see that AI is doing basically everything you do then there is no need for your presence

But here is the secret, AI needs human command to work so best way to secure your spot is to learn and study this AI or what did you think @tarazkp

I needs human command to work

I don't think it does. It will eventually just be able to observe and create based on what it thinks is suitable. Humans aren't necessary now, except at the "stupid level" of things like ChatGPT for consumers.

That is a ChatGPT answer.

I use it for coding, its faster than using Google and generates whole functions that while are not quite right, saves lots of time.

Yep. I know devs that use it well for basics and then layer on top. But at some point, I suspect that it will be able to do what most devs can, so there might not be many dev positions other than at the highest levels.

It saves time. I could do without it, but it increases productivity. That's what it's good for. I could find the same thing on google if I searched hard enough. There are better things out there now than search engines.

Ai poses a threat for me in terms of job security. I think I need to learn some skills that are AI proof. Perosnally i want to be in manufacturing of goods. But i dont have the capital for it. Or….. have that “if you cant beat them join them mentality” and be an ai developer. Although it would require me at least 6 months to learn (time which i don’t have) well a lot of pondering for me to do.

I don't know what your background is, but for me, I will never be capable enough to learn to dev anything, let alone the level that will be required for AI. And, even if I could stretch to learn to cope now, by the time I would have learned, the needs would be even more advanced. I can't keep up.

We’re pretty much on the same boat. I could consider myself having little background on coding and yeah more of the challenge is keeping up with the latest.

cut people out of the process, and most will have nowhere to run to where they can add value. So, what are they left to do?

the day before you posted this, the NYTimes ran an article by a mother whose child had been through all the diagnostic tests several specialists had run on him, and no diagnosis had been found. The mother then asked an AI source and found a credible diagnosis. I tried to find the article the very next day, and could not find it any which way I tried. The article may have been immediately scrubbed, perhaps because of your statement above. Somebody objected to the world's knowing that AI easily found a diagnosis that had long escaped top medical human minds.

When you have nothing of value to add to your community, is happiness still possible?

Value is a personal determination. I know there are a great many people who add value to their communities, who are unhappy as they come. I don't think adding value to a community is necessary for happiness, unless being happy is, in and of itself, valuable. Which it is.

I hate lists like that. They make me look for all the ways in which I am coming up short, and make me unhappy.

If powdered eggs worked, what a shame they had to switch eggs out of the mix in order to get past some mental block among the cake mix "cheats" - but that is a whole other kettle of fish. I'm struck by this:

a world where people are able to "waste their time" on things like creating fan fiction or reviewing products and movies, even though there is no practical value to do so.

I review books and products. I thought it was a valuable service. It's one of the few things I did a lot, and did well. Now I feel even more useless, LOL, thanks Taraz. :)

Could all that I do be done better by AI?
Well, let's see an AI in a manufactured body go pull weeds, or cook chicken soup from scratch.
If they're already doing it, send 'em over!

Then send them to my house afterwards!

I read reviews. I read your reviews. Lots of value in them! Lots of value in you! How's the steamy romance coming along?

I loved creating fan fiction, the one time I did it. You might remember Runt de Lot, a take off of @katharsisdrill's Torundel? They were so much fun to write, and to read. We had a half dozen or so of us writing these very short and related segments; we created a little village of our own. I was very sad when it ended. Lots and lots of value in it if you ask me.

Torundel - and Runt de Lot! (Is that an anagram - or just a word jumble) -
Of course I remember, and yes, it was a community, a veritable village of people who seem REAL to the reader. Are they really fiction - we wonder.
Elsie and Edgar too!
You issued many great writing challenges, donated prizes, encouraged the NaNoWriMo authors, and did so much for this community. #NeverForget - we love @owasco!!!

That's sweet. You guys did an enormous amount for me too. I doubt I would still be here had I not encountered freewritehouse.

Marianne and feltbuzz and all the freewrite team did save a lot of despairing writers from giving up.
Also you all gave us an incentive to keep writing.
The most enticing of all rewards for writing. :)

It would be a totally different story... Like a hand crafted piece of furniture compared to one that is shaped in a machine pumped out by the hundreds.

The walking through an art gallery "wowing" and then finding out it all is AI generated. Well it's all just a perspective right? I like art but the next person might not. Whether it's worth a lot or not, human or AI. What's valuable to me might not be valuable for you.


I haven't really noticed any AI content but then again, I am not sure what exactly to look for. Either way, I do agree that we are going to be the ones to generate value. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of people looking towards technology to give happiness. I honestly wouldn't mind a true VR game but I don't know how long it will to make that.

Since I don't like cooking, I would actually prefer the mix where I just add water, stir, and cook. Since I am not an artist, I don't think I'll devalue art just because it was AI made. I will judge it based on how I like it. Maybe I'm just weird.

But if I have to compare it to something that has already happened, it would be in the service and merchandise industry. Some woven hats are already automated. If it has the same quality to a hand made one, then I would pay the same amount. Most of the time though, it is even cheaper because it is mass produced. But if it is of lesser quality, then I won't buy it. Maybe I'm just too practical.

Only bot that Intend to use is the IFTTT and the zapier. They can automate when you post content to one social media which can be posted to another and so on. A lot of things which you can do in the backend instead of spending time is possible to handle using them. However content, interaction, people side of things one should never automate, because if you do then you will live the most boring life.

in order to have human added value, the outcome can't be the only factor, it has to include the journey to get to that outcome.

The experience and creativity of the human spirit will be hard for AI to replicate, so it will be those people who have the experience and embrace their creativity to succeed in our increasingly AI-driven world of data scraping.