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RE: I Made it Myself

in LeoFinance2 years ago

cut people out of the process, and most will have nowhere to run to where they can add value. So, what are they left to do?

the day before you posted this, the NYTimes ran an article by a mother whose child had been through all the diagnostic tests several specialists had run on him, and no diagnosis had been found. The mother then asked an AI source and found a credible diagnosis. I tried to find the article the very next day, and could not find it any which way I tried. The article may have been immediately scrubbed, perhaps because of your statement above. Somebody objected to the world's knowing that AI easily found a diagnosis that had long escaped top medical human minds.

When you have nothing of value to add to your community, is happiness still possible?

Value is a personal determination. I know there are a great many people who add value to their communities, who are unhappy as they come. I don't think adding value to a community is necessary for happiness, unless being happy is, in and of itself, valuable. Which it is.

I hate lists like that. They make me look for all the ways in which I am coming up short, and make me unhappy.