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RE: I Made it Myself

in LeoFinancelast year

If powdered eggs worked, what a shame they had to switch eggs out of the mix in order to get past some mental block among the cake mix "cheats" - but that is a whole other kettle of fish. I'm struck by this:

a world where people are able to "waste their time" on things like creating fan fiction or reviewing products and movies, even though there is no practical value to do so.

I review books and products. I thought it was a valuable service. It's one of the few things I did a lot, and did well. Now I feel even more useless, LOL, thanks Taraz. :)

Could all that I do be done better by AI?
Well, let's see an AI in a manufactured body go pull weeds, or cook chicken soup from scratch.
If they're already doing it, send 'em over!


Then send them to my house afterwards!

I read reviews. I read your reviews. Lots of value in them! Lots of value in you! How's the steamy romance coming along?

I loved creating fan fiction, the one time I did it. You might remember Runt de Lot, a take off of @katharsisdrill's Torundel? They were so much fun to write, and to read. We had a half dozen or so of us writing these very short and related segments; we created a little village of our own. I was very sad when it ended. Lots and lots of value in it if you ask me.

Torundel - and Runt de Lot! (Is that an anagram - or just a word jumble) -
Of course I remember, and yes, it was a community, a veritable village of people who seem REAL to the reader. Are they really fiction - we wonder.
Elsie and Edgar too!
You issued many great writing challenges, donated prizes, encouraged the NaNoWriMo authors, and did so much for this community. #NeverForget - we love @owasco!!!

That's sweet. You guys did an enormous amount for me too. I doubt I would still be here had I not encountered freewritehouse.

Marianne and feltbuzz and all the freewrite team did save a lot of despairing writers from giving up.
Also you all gave us an incentive to keep writing.
The most enticing of all rewards for writing. :)