So. That is a really cool rocking chair. Looks to me like it is certainly vintage and most probably antique.
But trying to tie 42 to senior is just wrong. You have to get well past three quarters until senior applies to your age. Half way isn't it...
I'm happy that you got your 'salute' but strongly suspect that you'd have preferred that they just send more money and keep the title :)
But you are right, of course. It's important what we call people now a days. I'm not so sure that is rooted in facebook at all. In fact, I think in some ways FB is a manifestation of the 'title creep'. It's a good, legitimate question but not one for me, I think. I'm way too close to my actual seniority to be able to give enough time to that. I've important stuff to contemplate! :)
It was on display in a room behind glass of Rundetaarn (Round Tower) in Copenhagen. The tower was built by the King a million years ago as an observatory and it has a ramp up all the way, not stairs. The ramp is wide enough for a horse to pull a wagon, so the King didn't have to walk :)
I think 3/4 is the minimum :)
For sure. Even my boss said " I know you don't care, but..." :D
It might be a chicken or the egg scenario. SocMe leverages our need for and lack of relevance in the world and this both pours into the platforms and spills out of them.