At my age

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

I am soon turning 42 years of age and while not a "ripe, old age", it is still significant, as it marks about what the average lifespan of a human in this region will have, assuming medicine gets a little better within the next 42 years. Yet, even though I am some distance away from retirement, today I became a senior.


A senior training specialist.

My team has some employee restructuring changes happening currently, and while that normally means people losing their jobs, it is actually all internal moves, promotions and new hires - which is a good sign in my opinion, especially considering the last year we have had.

My supervisor is one of the transfers heading to another team and she decided that before she goes, she would give me a title change and a tiny payrise, which is more of a token gesture, than anything else. It is kind of funny as while I am one of the newest to the team and have only been there two years, I think I have the most direct training experience, even though I am not the oldest in the team, but not, not the oldest by much.

It is nice to get a little recognition however, as while I lack a lot of the technical skills that others in the team have, I am a pretty good trainer overall and my training feedback is very good. While I have quite enjoyed my time at this company so far, something I was unsure of after working solo for 15 years straight, is that they do actually think about acknowledging skills and career path of employees.

This is something I knew before joining, as I was recommended for the position by a friend of mine, even though I was not looking for a job at all. I don't think I would have taken the position if it hadn't been for him recommending the company itself as a good place to work as he and I were colleagues years earlier and the company we worked for was the antithesis of a good place to work.

As I have said many, many times in the past, relationships are very important to me and I see them as vital to building the trust required for collaboration. While I understand that I also support the trustless nature of blockchain, I think that it will eventually result in a web of trust network that leverages real relationships in a kind of six degrees of separation process, where verifications can be applied across multiple points and rated, with verifications affected by those of the past to build the confidence level in the present.

This means that quite distant relationships could add to the confidence level of any individual in the system, through millions of data points across many domains. This could potentially be used poorly, but it could also be used well and if there is value in it, it is going to be created anyway, so the best thing to do is create it in a way where the least harm can be done, which is likely in a decentralized process. The data collectors already have a lot of this data, which the organize, utilize and sell for profit.

But, that can be for another post, for now, I am trying to enjoy getting this token gesture, which is hard, because I don't care about titles at all. Never have never will. Since I was a kid I have said, "call me what you want, as long as I get paid". I think that this might be because as a young kid, I had already been called the worst of it.

Some people see titles as a sign of respect or skill, but in my experience, that comes through behavior. The problem with titles is that they can give the audience a sense of a person's worth, without there being any visibility on how they got the title in the first place. A lot of companies use title changes as a reward so often, that there is title inflation, making them increasingly worthless.

While I don't care much about the title, it is nice to get a little bump in pay, although it seems quite insignificant at the end of the day, as it is a little less than 3% of my salary. However, I also have enough experience to understand that it isn't the size that matters as much as, how it is used. Many people absorb any extra "lifestyle creep" without recognizing it is even gone. A lot of my earnings over the years have been misused and I am slowly changing my ways.

It is about time I started learning though, as at my age, I shouldn't just know better, I should be doing better. Something many seniors seem to forget.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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My congratulations on "A senior training specialist." with almost 3% additional income !!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that it will eventually result in a web of trust network that leverages real relationships in a kind of six degrees of separation process, where verifications can be applied across multiple points and rated, with verifications affected by those of the past to build the confidence level in the present.

Leaves us open to Man in the middle attacks unless we're careful in how we go about leveraging those relationships.

Ironically this vector might drive a heap of no-coiners in our direction. If you can't trust a video (which might be a deepfake); then signed transactions on the chain are the gold standard.

Leaves us open to Man in the middle attacks unless we're careful in how we go about leveraging those relationships.

I agree. the systems are already being leveraged, but we have no direct access -we need to bould our own and opensource everything.

If you can't trust a video (which might be a deepfake); then signed transactions on the chain are the gold standard.

I am pretty sure that Dorsey is looking at this as well. That way, they do not need to get blamed for their curation or monitor as heavily, they can rely on the proof of brain curation. Funny, isn't it?

So. That is a really cool rocking chair. Looks to me like it is certainly vintage and most probably antique.

But trying to tie 42 to senior is just wrong. You have to get well past three quarters until senior applies to your age. Half way isn't it...

I'm happy that you got your 'salute' but strongly suspect that you'd have preferred that they just send more money and keep the title :)

But you are right, of course. It's important what we call people now a days. I'm not so sure that is rooted in facebook at all. In fact, I think in some ways FB is a manifestation of the 'title creep'. It's a good, legitimate question but not one for me, I think. I'm way too close to my actual seniority to be able to give enough time to that. I've important stuff to contemplate! :)

That is a really cool rocking chair. Looks to me like it is certainly vintage and most probably antique.

It was on display in a room behind glass of Rundetaarn (Round Tower) in Copenhagen. The tower was built by the King a million years ago as an observatory and it has a ramp up all the way, not stairs. The ramp is wide enough for a horse to pull a wagon, so the King didn't have to walk :)

I think 3/4 is the minimum :)

but strongly suspect that you'd have preferred that they just send more money and keep the title :)

For sure. Even my boss said " I know you don't care, but..." :D

It might be a chicken or the egg scenario. SocMe leverages our need for and lack of relevance in the world and this both pours into the platforms and spills out of them.

Congratulations on the newfound seniority and the tiny payrise XP Now you can buy a tiny bit more hive? XD

I remember when I was on Facebook a hundred million years ago one of the "app" things that they had was a 6 degrees of separation one where you could pick some random account and see how you were connected to them. It was really gimmicky, I don't know if whoever made it wanted to do anything more than "prove" six degrees of separation but even if they wanted to do more with it I don't think Facebook would have allowed access to the useful data because they wanted to use it exclusively for competitive ad selling and privacy reasons, because they care deeply about those things XD

Now you can buy a tiny bit more hive?

Probably :D

I think that 6 degrees kind of works for a web of trust, if the information is available. Even though a single point might not be valuable, once they are all stacked on top of each other from different directions, it would be quite accurate.

It is kind of like a story I have used with classes to explain different focus points.
There is a bank robbery and the police have three witnesses, Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Armani. While each witness might be able to identify a part of the perp, they will have more or less accuracy depending on their focus. Da Vinci notices the face, Michelangelo the body, Armani what they were wearing and together, there is a pretty accurate description.

While not a great story, it is easy to explain in a short time and I think if applied to a WoT it works. perhaps :)

Congrats! I can totally relate - at one point my title was Center of Excellence Manager and although my work actually fit the job description of the role, it made me cringe every time I said it. I would get it if it was some mega corporation, but in the company with less than 150 people it just sounds ridiculous.

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I am reading between the lines here, but I feel you are asking me to call you "Your Excellency" :D

Oh stop flattering me 🙈

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It makes perfect sense.

You are at a good age. Life gets better after 40. it's the time when most people usually achieve what they want. Thank you @tarazkp

I don't know what I want though! :D

You don't know what you want because you are established.

Oh congrats Taraz! I think that a title is just a title but I can see that it meant a lot for you to get this recognition.

P.S. Isn't 40 the new 30? So practically you're 32 hahaha

32 was a good age - I am glad it is here again! :D

all good in your world?

All good. Turned 31 on 2nd of february. I feel wiser and younger than ever. A few grey hairs and lines tell another story. But that's not the story I feel.

A lot of companies use title changes as a reward so often, that there is title inflation, making them increasingly worthless.

This is rife at my place. A 3rd of the staff have manager/director titles.

However, I also have enough experience to understand that it isn't the size that matters as much as, how it is used.

Word :D

Nice job on the 3%. Did you tell them you get more writing about token gestures? :)

Title inflation happens a lot now. I think it might be cultural, driven by social media. People care more about what others call them, than what they earn. Stars and hearts instead of value.

I didn't tell them. I did however say I might start writing a blog for them :D



I don't know what you are trying to say

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42! That's a great age.
Cliche, but I do think at the age 42, you see life, the universe and everything in different perspectives.
I think it has been the most significant year for me so far. Everything started to come together and took different forms. I started to invest my energy and time more wisely, did an evaluation of everything and chose to only focus on the things and persons that are of true importance to me.
Although I think 40's is the new 20's - old enough and experienced to know better, but still young enough to get away with it. The older I get, the more I feel I've earned the right to be "carefully careless" about many things, such as people's opinions and I make conscious efforts not to allow anyway to provoke reactions in me.
Early Happy Birthday wishes 🎂 🍾, and congrats on your new job/title and payrise!