Hi everybody and welcome to Part II of the Valueplan posts outlining October figures. In last weeks post I outlined the user accounts that were funded in October. We will take a look at the year to date figures in this post. All this information is coming from the Valueplan Wallet and it is free to view by anyone if you go to their page on Hive. Previous posts are below in case you want to read back on outgoings in 2024 so far.
Valueplan The Numbers Octobers Figures Part I
Valueplan the Numbers September 2024
Valueplan the Numbers August 2024 & Payouts YTD Part 2
Valueplan the Numbers August 2024 Payouts Part I
Valueplan the Numbers July 2024 & YTD
Valueplan the Numbers June 2024 & YTD
Valueplan the Numbers May 2024 & YTD
How much is the Rally Car Costing YTD Valueplan the Numbers Jan - April Part I
Valueplan the Numbers part II: Payouts per user ranked from January 2024 - April 30th 2024
Valueplan the Numbers part III : Recipient Account Values
YTD January to October 2024
Rank | User | Project Funded | Hive | HBD | Total USD |
1 | @ssekulji | Rally Car | 785,004.39 | 18,126.89 | $236,459.69 |
2 | @lordbutterfly | Rally Car Video / Photography & Vibes Music Inititaive/ Hivefestm, Miami Art Week | 141,243.00 | 120,072.00 | $145,848.85 |
3 | @crimsonclad | Hive Conferences / Social Media Accounts / Binance | 216,057.28 | 22,723.43 | $110,511.84 |
4 | @blackheart1 | Hackathon/ Conferences | 0.00 | 94,925.45 | $91,325.45 |
5 | @swc-oficial | Gym Street Work Out | 0.00 | 89,598.80 | $89,598.80 |
6 | @arlettemsalase | Crypto Conferences/ Merch | 0.00 | 60,882.59 | $60,882.59 |
7 | @mcsamm | Community Wells / Conferences | 0.00 | 48,488.00 | $48,488.00 |
8 | @cryptosimplify | Aguas Santas Handball Team Sponsorship | 0.00 | 45,705.80 | $45,705.80 |
9 | @sucrewallet | Hive Sucre | 0.00 | 45,232.60 | $45,232.60 |
10 | @qmwallet | Community Wells Project Extension | 0.00 | 28,391.00 | $28,391.00 |
11 | @wooconventions | Wrestlecon | 0.00 | 26,369.70 | $26,369.70 |
12 | @victorwallet | Victor from SWC Pedal Bike Racing | 0.00 | 24,096.00 | $24,096.00 |
13 | @hivestudentshub | Hive Students Hub | 0.00 | 23,074.85 | $23,074.85 |
14 | @blockchainsummit | Conferences | 0.00 | 20,200.00 | $20,200.00 |
15 | gaottantacinque | HBD Swap/ Not funded | 0.00 | 20,000.00 | $20,000.00 |
16 | blocktrades | Valueplan Admin | 61,224.20 | 0.00 | $18,040.57 |
17 | @spiritsurge | Professional Services | 0.00 | 12,600.00 | $12,600.00 |
18 | @hivecreators | Various Hive Projects | 0.00 | 12,547.00 | $12,547.00 |
19 | @hexagono6 | Revenga Social Impact Project | 0.00 | 10,900.00 | $10,900.00 |
20 | @krolestwo | krolestwo events hive | 0.00 | 10,015.00 | $10,015.00 |
21 | @mynewlife | Various Projects | 0.00 | 8,181.33 | $8,181.33 |
22 | @king13wallet | K13 Motor Racing | 0.00 | 7,890.00 | $7,890.00 |
23 | @josepimpo | Talent Land Conference | 0.00 | 7,668.00 | $7,668.00 |
24 | @starkerz | Talent Land Conference | 0.00 | 6,870.46 | $6,870.46 |
25 | @buzzparty | Buzz Party | 0.00 | 6,229.07 | $6,229.07 |
26 | @jonsnow1983 | Professional Services | 0.00 | 4,905.11 | $4,905.11 |
27 | @abdul01 | HTC | 0.00 | 4,415.00 | $4,415.00 |
28 | @danielvehe | HGTS Maturin Event | 0.00 | 3,530.00 | $3,530.00 |
29 | @theycallmedan | Talent Land Conference | 0.00 | 3,438.08 | $3,438.08 |
30 | @web3global | Web3 Event | 0.00 | 3,275.00 | $3,275.00 |
31 | @rubencress | TechEx Amsterdam | 0.00 | 3,064.97 | $3,064.97 |
32 | @hivetalkproject | Hive Talk Project | 0.00 | 3,024.69 | $3,024.69 |
33 | @detlev | Hive Meetup | 0.00 | 2,808.71 | $2,808.71 |
34 | @yonnathang | Hive Motion | 0.00 | 2,756.00 | $2,756.00 |
35 | @audiarmisg | Events/ Conferences Peru | 0.00 | 2,695.00 | $2,695.00 |
36 | @hivearte | Hive Art | 0.00 | 2,588.00 | $2,588.00 |
37 | @hiverun | Hive Run | 0.00 | 2,366.00 | $2,366.00 |
38 | @guiltyparties | Valueplan Admin | 7,058.00 | 0.00 | $2,153.41 |
39 | @gorayii | Talent Land Spain | 0.00 | 2,050.75 | $2,050.75 |
40 | @thedeltron | Promotional Film | 0.00 | 1,875.00 | $1,875.00 |
41 | @gr33nm4ster | Talent Land Conference | 0.00 | 1,670.00 | $1,670.00 |
42 | @edmundochauran | Blockchain Rio | 0.00 | 1,889.25 | $1,275.00 |
43 | @mundomanaure | Hive Run | 0.00 | 1,060.00 | $1,060.00 |
44 | @hivecuba | BTC Pizza Day | 0.00 | 1,050.00 | $1,050.00 |
45 | @rutablockchain | Hive at The Museum | 0.00 | 985.00 | $985.00 |
46 | @alpha | Valueplan Admin | 3,058.00 | 0.00 | $978.16 |
47 | @logic | Talent Land Spain | 0.00 | 961.81 | $961.81 |
48 | @disregardfiat | Blockchain Rio | 0.00 | 706.00 | $706.00 |
49 | @music1sound | Sound of Music | 0.00 | 680.00 | $680.00 |
50 | @aksurevm89 | B2B Hive Suvre | 0.00 | 614.25 | $614.25 |
51 | @denny0105 | Web3 Dubai | 0.00 | 608.00 | $608.00 |
52 | @hiveio | Onboarding | 0.00 | 600.00 | $600.00 |
53 | @ecoinstant | Hive Educational | 0.00 | 600.00 | $600.00 |
54 | @engrave | Blockchain Developers Berlin | 0.00 | 565.00 | $565.00 |
55 | @modri-kri | Award Cermony Merch Copa Hive | 0.00 | 500.00 | $500.00 |
56 | @cbrs | TechEx Amsterdam | 0.00 | 431.90 | $431.90 |
57 | @omarcitorojas | Hive B2B | 0.00 | 327.00 | $327.00 |
58 | @hexagono6 | Revenga | 0.00 | 320.00 | $320.00 |
59 | @ferbu | Magiricure | 0.00 | 275.00 | $275.00 |
60 | @latino.romano | Press Release Peru | 0.00 | 250.00 | $250.00 |
61 | @marlenyaragua | BTC Pizza Day | 0.00 | 230.00 | $230.00 |
62 | @stefy.music | BTC Pizza Day | 0.00 | 199.00 | $199.00 |
63 | @manuphotos | Talent Land Conference | 0.00 | 175.00 | $175.00 |
64 | @daniel2001 | Hive Outreach | 0.00 | 160.00 | $160.00 |
65 | @hiro-hive | Web3 Dubai | 0.00 | 150.00 | $150.00 |
66 | @zonahive | BTC Pizza Day | 0.00 | 140.00 | $140.00 |
Totals | Jan to October | 1,213,644.87 | 807,927.49 | $1,156,783.44 |
Summary of The 64
I have tagged all 64 people as you have applied for funding from the Hive Blockchain so there is an element of responsibility that goes with that. The more funds you are allocated, the more responsible you are to use these funds in order to help the Hive Blockchain. I know there are 66 rows above but I have untagged two names as I believe one was used to exchange HBD to Hive when there was no liquidity on the market at the time and the other one was was a correction made after the rally car mistakenly paid HBD instead of liquid Hive.
Rally Car Numero Uno
So as you can see above there has been a total of 66 accounts funded so far this year ranging from $140 for pizza on National BTC Pizza Day all the way up to our famous rally car that has been funded $236,459.69 year to date. This takes up 20% of the entire Valueplan budget. If you divide it by daily earnings year to date, the rally car is being funded 775.27 HBD per day. The are only 2 active proposals in the Decentralised Hive Fund (DHF) that are receiving more daily HBD. The first being Smooth's HBD Stabiliser which is essential for Hive blockchain mechanics and the second of course @yabapmatt Splinterland's proposal that faced much criticism when it was proposed. Maybe the next time he should just apply to Valueplan for the funding rather than have to jump through the hoops he had to jump through for what is Hive's largest and most important attraction by a country mile. It seems an easier, more peaceful way to obtain the funding.
Everyone knows motorsport is a black hole for cash. It's why only billionaires can own a team in F1. Having the rally car receive such massive funding, It has become fairly large egg, an Ostrich egg , in our marketing basket. To me and many others it is a Make A Wish Foundation more than a marketing opportunity. We are helping two people pursue their dream which is nice but maybe not the best idea if we are a blockchain gasping for air.
I made a point in Octobers Part I asking if @ssekulji or the project managers funding the rally car if they could ask Team Rally Car to break up the expenses into less generic categories rather than piling them all into generic expenses. It is hard to keep track of what exactly is being spent on the rally car. For all we know they could be staying in 5 star hotels and the car isn't costing that much at all. I doubt this is the case but how am I to know?
It's all piled into tranches of 5000HBD . Never any refunds either for say, variable expenses such as hotels and food, to be refunded back in. For the sake of transparency and it being Hives largest expense , I think we deserve to see a breakdown of the costs into more accountable categories such as hotel costs , rally car maintenance, race entry costs, food expenses. Simple accounting practices like this shouldn't be too hard to abide by.
The Top 15
The Top 15 ranked accounts are clearing $20,000 YTD. 3 accounts are over the $100,000 mark in 2024. That is alot of money but 2 of these users are project managers who are paying deposits for the blockchain, Hive digital marketing etc. Most of @crimsonclad payout is for "funds for Binance and Exchange Partners Co Marketing Inititives for 2024" which is a blockchain expense. Around a quarter of @lordbutterfly's total is for his own solo "Vibes" project which was launched before he became project manager. These funds are used mostly for the winners rewards of the competition which is over 1000 HBD per contest which lasts around a week. I must enter one myself soon. I do a good Abba cover. Any guesses, leave in the comments!
Conferences a Major Cost YTD
I have focused heavily on the users ranked 5 , 6 or 7 (7 is also the recipient of ranked 10) in previous posts so I won't go into them in this post as there remains many questions unanswered. Looking down through the list I am seeing an awful lot of money being spent on conferences. Too much in fact. There are far too many of these conferences being held in certain countries. It smells of money racket. It reminds me of those awards ceremonies that contact you to enter your company into and then charge you for the privilege. It is quite a lucrative game these days as you can post on Linkedin about winning your award (that you paid for). I never see any posts around how the event went from a networking point of view or who they attracted to the Hive Blockchain. The business side of things. Its mainly photos of a big knees up or a big banquet. Nothing too serious with the exception of the cost involved in flights , accommodation, entertainment and of course the murky world of "Merchandise". The people that are hosting these events are so busy marketing and networking about Hive that they are forgetting to post on Hive itself which is essentially a blogging platform until a Dapp comes along that is so successful that Hive means something else to people. But for now and to the disgruntlement of the Hive devs , we write about leaves on our daily walk, photos of ladybirds, who was on Epsteins flight list, secret weather controlling bases in Antarctica. So we should be writing about our experiences at the conferences that the blockchain funds.
The Blockchain Rio conference which cost more than $25,000 in total when everyone was funded, I had to ask for posts about it for example as I could find nothing about it. It was like we were not even there. There was not anything on X or Twitter and nothing on any Youtube channels. It was as if people did not want us to see some of the photos in my opinion. When I did get a look at some of the photos I was disappointed with the Hive stall. The merch was disappointing given the amount of funding that it received. A few of Hive rubber bands and these crappy looking Hive stickers. To top it all off everyone had their heads in their phones at the stand. The furthest away from networking that you could possibly imagine. Maybe it is now the era we live in now. People think I have it in for the rally car but if someone was to ask me to choose between Hive attending conferences or the Rally car I would pick the rally car as I think it gives Hive more exposure than any crypto conference. I have read a piece in a Medium article recently around crypto conference attendances? It is attended by other crypto companies mainly. Not so many of the general public actually attend these conference. It's true when you think about it. Everybody just goes from their own stall and has a wander around the others to see who the competition is, maybe poach a couple of devs. So unless we have some of the Hive Witnesses and the big boys at these conferences to explain to the other cryptocurrency firms how we really do it then there is no point in even going.
So say myself and a couple of the Irish Hive guys and girls put in for 25,000 HBD to do the Dublin Crypto Currency Event. Not beyond the realms of possibility. We are caked here in Ireland at the moment. There is gold dripping from the ceilings. We have companies like Coinbase and Binance based here in the city. Actually Ireland is becoming a really good crypto capital right now. Anyway say devs from these big companies may mooch over for a look at this little blockchain. Vitalik is keen to know how the hard fork worked out. After I talk them into taking a Hive wristband,(that I will produce for an extortionate amount of money and produce a receipt that proves it). They may ask the 3 of us about something technical maybe about the complexities of how HBD is stabilized and how we can operate a feeless based blockchain. Do you think we would be able to give them a definitive answer? I don't think we would be able to. It is not our area of expertise. I am not a dev. I'd give them another wristband and pray nobody else comes near me. Head in phone. So unless we are sending some of the Hive dev's to these events we are wasting our time.
Witness Voting
A couple of people have said that Valueplan is not showing up anymore in the active DHF proposals. I am not sure why this is. If anyone can enlighten us? Also a point made in a comment is around our Top 20 witnesses who are Hives elected officials should come out in the comments and let us know if they agree with or disagree with Valueplan so the Community can vote for them accordingly.
I think many witnesses are against Valueplan but it is hard to know if they do not record it somewhere. During the Splinterlands debate a couple of witnesses came out against Valueplan and I immediately voted for them. So instead of moaning about it like me, we can take action and vote for the witnesses who are against Valueplan. That could shake things up abit.I know it is all about staking but to have witnesses against the current plan in the top 20 would make things trickier.
There is another comment around voting for the GTG return proposal which highers the bar needed for dunding but I do not think that is good because other projects that are actually doing good for the Community will cease to be funded also and this is not good.
So witnesses are you for or against the current Valueplan? If you are against it you have my vote and maybe a lot more like me also. Witnesses have it easy enough here on Hive but I would like the voting to be like a democratic election. What are your beliefs and policies for Hive? What is your manifesto? Write a post about it and you would be amazed how many witnesses nestled in 40th position would rise through the rankings if their policies aligned with what the community wants. We have 30 votes and most of the time we do not know the witnesses we vote for. I vote for the witnesses who engage with me. That's how I do it anyway but I would like to know more about where they see Hive in the future.
Anyway that's enough from me this month. See you in November.
It's a little late as I just saw this, but two important corrections: neither @alpha or @blocktrades is an admin for valueplan. Blocktrades is a keyholder just to ensure the funds are not lost and isn't involved in the administration of valueplan.
More importantly, the amounts you see to blocktrades and alpha are repayments of loans, not actual payments to us.
The Winner Takes It All
Sure does @speko! Thanks for the comment my friend. You are a good egg.
no no no lad.. your entry with abba haha..
Sorry @blanchy, I’m replying just briefly like this, otherwise it would just be the same thing over and over—"how someone is living their dream at someone else’s expense"(if u know what i mean).
I’m incredibly grateful that you spend your time on posts like this. And yeah, if there’s ever some kind of exhibition up in Dublin, you can count me in. I’m a professional at staring at my phone.
You are in @speko . Myself @niallon11 , @ablaze. Import a 1000 Hive pens for €100 . Make a “Merch” fake receipt for €11,000 . Go on the champers for the day. End up in the VIP room in Kristal. Spent the “Continguency “ The world is our oyster .
Thanks for sharing the numbers. Its a shame we didnt try the strategy of number go up instead of "marketing" Hive.
I wonder if Valueplan was postponed for a month , how would this affect the Hive price. It would be interesting to see. At the start of this bull run Hive was ne of the only tokens to be in the red. It was a bit mental. Then when Bitcoin pulled back we pumped.
I love your little memes. They are great 😂
I am guessing the math if slightly off because you are not taking numbers in real time. Anyways, the Valueplan metrics site is close to finished.
How did you take the hive price to USD? did you take the data in real time or is it an average value?
With refunds taken into account in my bottom line we are still 125,197.48 apart in HBD and 105,944 in Hive apart which is more than a simple HBD conversion rate . I did take the Hive average price per month but the fact that only the rally car for the most part take the funds in Hive , I can convert easily by what they write in their comments such as 5000 HBD on the date they withdrew . But the fact is that in your figures it looks like Valueplan have spent a lot more than I have on my spreadsheet . I didn’t include some items in my list such as loans from the alpha account to make up the difference in the shortfall from funding rounds but this is normally paid back to alpha so it cancels itself out but I will have a look to see if I am missing any entries as it is quite the gap as Valueplan has spent alot more than I first thought . Cheers.
I'm up for it. I might not know the details but i can give it a good bluff. I do however respect the like so crim or other who are part of the working team on hive attending as we need to become know to outside sources as a place to build or to connect with others.
The big issue as you say is the massive sink of funds into a rally car that doesn't bring any users or business to the chain. Money that could be far better spent. For 100K a year i will spend 40 hours a week promoting hive. Making deals and partnerships and attending functions online and in person to bring in users and build business. And i will bring in a lot more users than the rally car.
We need to build apps, good apps that people want to use and that bring in revenue. That is all. Thy will market and bring in their own users. Users mean income and higher hive price. It's that simple and always been that simple we just haven't seen it happen. Splinterlands did it right one and leo are trying to do it now. Other than that very little.
I had you and @ablaze in mind actually and I have no doubt if we gave you 100k a year, you would be great at it. I would be in favour of this kind of model rather than throwing money down a black hole. Or I would use the 100k to attract web3 games to the platform. Here's a 100K . Come to Hive. That's what the likes blockchains such as Ronin and Sol are doing. I'm sure Splinterlands were approached like this.
Christ even with a quarter of it, we could put on something serious and attract plenty of interest to Hive.
Beforehand you sit down and have a good debrief with some Devs to help cover off likely questions, then you dress the part and engage with as many people as possible.
Then you show what you've achieved. Tangible results. X number of new users. Y number of engagement.
Then you run a contest of some sort to bring people to Hive. €3K for the first user to attract 100/200 new gunuine users or something along those lines.
As for merch, christ with a budget of €25K you could get some decent stuff.
As for the rally car for 1/4 million, Christ, don't get me started! You wouldn't mind if Hive had kicked on and grown after this initiative, but it seems to have done precisely the opposite.
Conferences are kind of a waste imo. Thats why im changing how wer approaching them a bit so we dont go there with just hopes of someone seeing us.
Im going to the upcoming one with arranged talks with every single major investor present at the conference.
So if done in Ireland, arrange the talks beforehand and have something to sell.
Wouldnt we all. :)
It depends on if we are looking for devs or trying to get users. We obviously need both but while i could talk to users it takes a dev to talk to a dev as we have no idea what they need or how to sell it to them.
Hive is for devs. Apps are for users so if i went to promote hive it would need to have nothing to do with hive. I would need to be selling splinterlands, peakd or inleo. They are the only two apps we have here that are user ready right now.
Hopefully your new approach pays off as we need more user ready apps to promote to the wider world.
Its very hard to develop precise funnels for each of these targets, i know.
But say we decide, ok, "we need devs".
What do you do? Well you can find a dev and talk to him. Will that achieve anything? 99% it wont do anything because you have nothing to offer him. Do you have a job for him? How about some grant money? Will we tell him: Oh, come build here its great. Hive is great but if you have nothing to offer him its a waste of time.
Ill try this new approach, ill be selling VSC and HBD through it. It has a very specific path for investors to complete and answers all questions of what, how and why.
Maybe I fail (we get some of our money back if i do fail) but I find it a better fit than just showing up and waving Hive flags.
It's good that you think conferences are a waste by the way as your voice might travel further in the position you are in.
Im changing the approach right now. Maybe this wont work either but im not a big fan of waving our Hive flags and thinking that because we showed up people will buy Hive.
Ill know in a month if it did work. If it does, it will set the precedent for further conferences.
Well this approach does sound much better than the current system. Best of luck Butterfly Lord.
Don't forget to show proof of purchase for everything. Since you haven't done so at all and act like child when asked about it.
That would be brilliant.
What is the point of this rally car? Even these conferences? That is alot of money for what returns.
Well I would say very little. If rally car people came to Hive they would join the rally car community.

They have 5 active users and 2 of these are the driver and the wing man. 🤣. So lets say let us do the maths. The other 3 users cost $78,819.66 to sign up for Hive. Excellent work team.
If you also go to the Introduce yourself posts for Hive newbies. They never tell you that they got signed up at a conference. I have yet to see any pictures of our Hive conferenceeers signing anyone up for Hive. They are a financial tool to increase ones wealth. They are an extravagant Junket and there are a few people in this YTD table above that are making a decent living doing it. If I was living in a poor country with little opportunities and if I could get away with it, I would be doing this as well. They are making fools of the project managers in my opinion. They are taking them to the cleaners.
Good work as always mate. Wristbands and stickers. Easily the cheapest merch to get away with and still claim as merch
Looking forward to it.
I'll agree the Blockchain Rio event was a little sad on the set up part. The booth wasn't even in Portuguese. However, we did meet quite a few people and teams. Making inroads in Brazil should come easy as we are a big hit in other places in LATAM, and Brazil is quite crypto friendly( or apocalyptic if you talk to their central bankers). Our hive stage presentation was well attended, but suffered from a couple of us not speaking PT. In a lot of ways Brazil feels like the end of the world, hard to get to... and separated from it's neighbors with a language barrier. Our marketing material should have been in PT, but I think Brazil needs it's own team to run a conference, maybe under the supervision of a veteran.
Concordo que o Blockchain Rio foi um pouco triste. A barraca não estava em português. No entanto nós conhecemos muitas pessoas de equipes e projetos fora e no brasil. Acho que a HIVE será facil de comercializar, porque a HIVE está sendo bem recebida nos países da America Latina. O Brasil é bem amigavel com criptomoedas (ou não, se você estiver falando com os banqueiros centrais). Nossa apresentação no palco foi bem observada, porém alguns apresentadores não falavam português. De muitas maneiras, o Brasil ser um pouco complicado, é difícil de chegar lá (muitas horas em um avião) e possui uma barreira linguística. Nosso material de marketing deveria estar em português, mas acho que o Brasil precisa de uma equipe própria para fazer conferências, talvez sob a supervisão de alguém mais experiente.
True it would cut down on costs of travel. Surely we can muster up a couple of Brazilians here with a bit of tech saavy to explain what we do.
Please check again. A BTC pizza party doesn't cost 1K HBD, that amount belongs to the biggest event of Hive in Cuba, the HiveCubaCon.
Having that in mind, please check the transactions again and also the incoming transactions that can rest from the initial amount, or ask Value Plan for the specific.
The figures are accurate. Please see below. The incomings are taken into account. I will edit the details as BTC Pizza Day was your first transaction this year hence the reason why it showed up as Bitcoin Pizza Day. I will amend to say pizza day and the HiveCubaCon on the next edit. But the figures are correct in original post.

-60HBD Bitcoin Pizza Day
-1135 HBD Hive Cuba Con
+145 Returned funds not used.
One of the honest ones returning funds not used. You should tell the others how to do this!!
Money, Money, Money perhaps?!
Bingo !!
In my opinion, money could be spent more effectively on areas like marketing, UI/UX design, and developing robust social media strategies that actually drive content creation and sharing on traditional platforms. This would significantly increase brand awareness and attract more attention to Hive, something we are currently lacking. It's a fundamental aspect that all successful brands and communities focus on. Once we have a solid foundation in place, conferences should then serve as opportunities for AMAs, interviews, meet-and-greets, and other activities that help generate additional content and spread more information about Hive.
The difficulties of developing strategies for tradition social media can not be overstated. It's all an away game where they largely make the rules, and algos. If something were to work amazing, it would be even more likely to fail.
Valueplan seeks input regarding strategy to grow Hive and increase it's value, disingenuously
Is this the behavior we want as the representation of hive from those at the front?
No siree boy. It will become known for easy handouts and will fade away unless controlled better.