ohhhh i know
ive been very slack over the market watch over this crypto season. Ive been focusing more on knuckling down my HIVE accounts itself, (writing) and also splinterlands. So my buying of crypto has been very short.
i was waiting for the push down as well. didn't expect it do go up to Aussie$1.
i was considering trying a little bit of trading with HIVE id don't often do it. as long as i stay under a buy in that i would actaully be happy with in the end i guess it doesn't matter. but pretty annoyed at missing this little (or not so little pump)
but i hear you at missing buy ins. Its hard when you can;t simply sit by the computer all day and decide yourself
instead i'll just have to earn my HIVE posting. lol. I guess that is better in the long run for the chain.
anyway, happy that there is some HIVE love out there. lets get some cool people into the chain.
With the price of the dollar there at the moment, that isn't saying much ;D
I was though. Sitting patiently saying "Don't buy now - wait for your set buys"