
WOO or Wrestling Organization Online is a game slated for release in the 3rd quarter of 2023.


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

Yeah, I knew these two would clash at the fin round, but I still stand by WOO winning this one.

#woo #gosh #posh #poll

Same here! I'm an ardent supporter of #WOO!

WOO will win? (pardon my lousy pun)

Yeah, very sure WOO is going to win this one, No doubt about that.

WOO has already had 3 rounds of Alpha pack sales. Every single sale has SOLD out in less than a day!


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

How FAST did they actually sell out the Alpha packs?

The very first Alpha presale of 10,000 packs sold out in 7 hours and 39 minutes.


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

The 2nd Alpha presale of yet another 10,000 packs took slightly longer to sell out, at a still very impressive time of 12 HOURS 52 MINUTES!


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

As I said in the poll itself, I don't believe that any of the games in the poll would stand out for 2024, but between the 2 it's pretty obvious who is yet to reach their peak and who already has.

Of course there is no guarantee of success in any project. The #WOO team has had a pretty impressive track record with meeting datelines and keeping everyone updated in the WOO Discord so far though. I give plus points for that.

It has really been a project carried out in a very interesting way and with a lot of credibility so far! I think it's going to be a good project!

I don't think so Rising Star can beat WOO this time

Who knows? Anything can happen. Rising Star does have the advantage of being an established game on HIVE. 😜

What about the "FINAL Alpha 30,000" packs sale then?

The total amount of packs to be sold was suddenly TRIPLED? Would it do as well?


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

Well, the "Final 30k Alpha Sale" broke all records and was successful beyond all belief!

EVERY single pack sold out in an astonishing 99 SECONDS.

Yes that wasn't a typo. Less than 2 minutes!


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

I don’t know much about both of the games at the minute. But I do know a bit about woo and I’ve seen updates of them putting huge updates in place.

Yeah. That's what I find reassuring about supporting the #WOO project. The developers have always been on time. Meeting datelines is a ridiculously hard task in game development.

Meeting deadlines is ridiculously tough on all fronts and for them to do that, says a lot about their dedication. Let’s see what the future holds

I must admit. Even I myself, as a long time supporter of WOO, had never expect the final batch of 30k packs to go so quickly.

In fact, a lot of people were completely caught off guard!


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

Lots of WOO buyers had "gone to bed" thinking there would definitely be more than enough packs when they woke up the next day.

Unless they slept for less than 99 seconds, they would wake up shocked!


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline

Fortunately, I had AT LEAST managed to buy 300 packs of my own. I had actually wanted DOUBLE that amount, but something is better than nothing right? 😜

Don't miss out on WOO when it launches soon!


#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline