A veces tengo pensamientos recurrentes que no son buenos y me generan ansiedad, me cuesta salir de ellos pero por lo general lo logro, pero no es fácil. #spanish
so this time round they could follow the same model or tweak it who can say.
Though if I jog my mind with the info I have there has been the talk of giving out nfts too.
So till they put it in print they have things under wraps
The weather here is gloomy and I hope it rains soon. Though, it will affect the electricity from turning on. I love rain but seeing the light keeps me happy.
the rained poured too here yesternight and has really changed that sunny weather here to a cool weather, yeah very friendly and lovely than the usual sunny weather.
Whew! It's early afternoon and it feels I've not done a thing.
Maybe I'm just anxious. My niece is going to have her wedding on Friday and there's a lot to do. And JL ran away chasing another dog in the neighborhood, lol
It's natural to feel anxious with so much to do before a wedding. Take a deep breath, prioritize your tasks, and take breaks. Don't forget self-care! Hopefully, JL comes back soon!😁
Oh my! That would be a huge challenge on my part. Though I see that it is gaining attention here in our country, the sport is still not that popular. Perhaps, after a few years from now.
oh that’s sad. Whenever I don’t know what to thread about I go for football. Even when I don’t know what to blog about I write football. This helps keep my blog active.
Hahaha definitely, the good part is that even if you miss a few daily quests, the real gravy is in the adventures, and those do not expire! So one or two days of grinding can take you a long way muscle.emoji
I am going to do a series of #threads and #threadstorms based on my Mr. Positive Quote of the Day Series. I have 220 at the moment. Going to try and show a min of 10 grapics per storm. Before I go to work. lol.
Okay. This failed this morning. sorry. the UI wont let me upload pics on my laptop today. The image icon is greyed out. And copy and paist well hive key-change comes up blank..
1/ Decentralization is not supposed to be good or the sacrosanct thing all d time, rather decentralization is more about vesting power upon d people, and people are entitled to commit a mistake
HIVE blockchain rewards that the blockchain distributes via the reward pool to secure the chain.
Layer-2 rewards driven by front-ends monetising the content you provide them.
I left a comment on your post but i will reiterate my points here...
There is hardly anyone monetising their audience because they do not have much of that. Monetisation will only occur once the blockchain grows significantly in size
I'm a whiskey man anyway.
A nice glass of Jameson is the way to go. Only in the evenings though.
I do have a truck to drive for work so morning drinks wouldn't be a great idea. :D
With limited voting power, one cannot upvote all replies. However, when the engagement seems to come to an end, what I typically do is upvote the last reply.
Yeah, got it. However, with too much activity connected to threading, there is no way we can upvote all the threads. One has to economize his voting power.
Once you are able to do self-reflection over your life, you will know how grateful you would be today. Spare a moment this week and think of how things had been for you and how God has been faithful to keep you alive.
#threads #web3 #self
God has been really faithful and good to me, even with stopping for a moment his faithfulness towards my life is just too evident and I can't even deny it.
As I said in the poll itself, I don't believe that any of the games in the poll would stand out for 2024, but between the 2 it's pretty obvious who is yet to reach their peak and who already has.
Of course there is no guarantee of success in any project. The #WOO team has had a pretty impressive track record with meeting datelines and keeping everyone updated in the WOO Discord so far though. I give plus points for that.
Yeah. That's what I find reassuring about supporting the #WOO project. The developers have always been on time. Meeting datelines is a ridiculously hard task in game development.
Fortunately, I had AT LEAST managed to buy 300 packs of my own. I had actually wanted DOUBLE that amount, but something is better than nothing right? 😜
Really lucky... I've opened a lot of gold and diamond chests since they started dropping and I still can't even get my regular foil to lvl3. I even got 2GF from the death summoner but none of mine reached lvl 4 yet...
1/📌First time i went to the #city was like my first day in school. Every where look strange and they speaking different languages. OMG. What have I done to myself. That first day, their language irritated me so much
2/📌I know you will like to know the #city i went to. It was Uyo in Akwa Ibom State. They speak different languages there. Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Calabar,Ibibio, Oron, Ibaka language.
3/📌So hearing all this #languages the same day became fustrating and i run inside. My aunty was busy introducing me to her neighbors. Many were welcoming me in their language and suddenlya woman greeted me in my own languag
#4/📌I quickly asked the woman, were do you come from, and she said from your own town, village and family. Behold she is from my mother's side. I felt at home as we talk in a language i #understand
5/📌She was happy to see me too and gave me some motherly advice on what to do as a new person. Where to go and who not to follow. You understand that kind of #advice. I assured her that i will do well.
1/6📌She left and and my Aunty gave me condition in her house and the husband supported her. I now see myself in modern day slavery. Awe my #city journey turn to #viladgecity. I will wake up by 3:am and go to bed by 1:am.
7/📌That was how #city life be for me for 12 months until i was able to find my way to my mother. No place like home. See you again in my next threadstorm
Just when you thought you boosted and secure your spot in the top 10 or top 20 in the Leofinance Zealy adoption challenge suddenly you wake up in the top 30/40.😪😩 not fair
😂😂You even slept. I thought I was the only one who was misplaced from my position. This is getting interesting. Now that almost all the quests are opened people are getting further and further away.
I thought it would be competitive but then I didn’t think the challenges will also be this competitive. Anyways if calls for a healthy competition and am loving it 🙂
This sounds funny, but for now no position is secure at all, have being going down and up in the campaign, right now my focus is to be among the top 50.
But I know I can do better than that,
Hives Block Horse Racing is minting now, There is a 9% discount as of now, Each day this will be reduced by 2 until the final day at 3%. Price starts at $7.50
I just discovered the disease called Threaddiction. I think many others here including me are suffering from this disease now. It feels good to be infected with Threaddiction.
#threads247 #zealy #campaign #leofinance
I am ready to do a lot today on #hive
My plan is to visit 2-3 communities today and read up to 5-10 posts each. I will be writing down my progress. I will be here at the end of the day to share my goal with you. #threads #gmfrens #web3
wowowo, you always doing the most, I really like your confidence and hard work you are using in participating in this challenge. All the best in contest.
So do you think there is social displacement through smart apps and modern days social media use? Well, I think as long as it is not addictive and not at the cost of the other, both exist and are equally good for society.
Physical social interaction has gone down as more people prefer to stay online and connect with others. Of course, I really prefer physical social interactions. It adds a personal touch to conversations. #threads247
Thats so true. Facial expressions for example are a big part of natural conversations. This is not possible in the digital space unless its a video call.
2/ I personally think there is no such marked social displacement from one form to another,but definitely,time management has changed. Arguably whether kids,adolescents,or even adults they r increasingly spending more time on digital media
So true. And unfortunately, one might have 1000 followers or friends on social media, but the person still struggles with loneliness. I wonder if they are real friends.
Another possible threading delay is due to a power interruption. It's raining hard here and the power had a glitch earlier causing the Internet to be disconnected. 😆
The power company is too high and lofty to explain to its consumers the reason for such electricity interruption, not to mention the fact that the sector is under a monopoly.
These days I am able to reconnect with my trumpet and eventhough I still have to look at some keys on the paper to be able to play them, I still make people enjoy the melody in Church. Yesterday was awesome. Happy Monday
I became interesting in #tailoring work in 1983 after finishing primary school. My parents said they don't have money so there is no need staying in the house, i have to be busy while waiting.
Arrangements was made by my parents. They asked me if I want to learn from a woman or a Man. I told them from a Man. So they took me to Mr Ezikiel shop.
3/📌When he found out am in for the work, he told my parents that he will accept me. So he told them that it will take me 2 years to learn and they signed #agreement that day.
4/📌In my #tailoring work for that 2 years was not easy life for me. I have to wake up early to help my mother as usual and go to work by 8:am. I don't want to go to late at all #why
5/📌This is because, i hate the kind of #purnishiment our Oga gives to late conners. You will neel down outside for the he will give you.i felt shame the first day he punished me with that. I decided not to see it again
6/📌Was i able to escape that punishment? Yes, for the 2 years i learned the work, it was just 2 times i faced that punishment. He even gave me award on my graduation day as an early bird #apprentice
I think this is just due to everyone being at different time zones :P as well as the timing the quest get approved. They probably have a lot to approve so takes some time
Are you good at dealing with your negative thoughts?
#poll #polls #threads #liotes
The hardest thing is to deal with negative actions.
It’s not easy but I I like to think that I do have control. You?😁
working on the control part too
hmm, hope you achieve that soon. It’s not easy but little by little you’ll get there
A veces tengo pensamientos recurrentes que no son buenos y me generan ansiedad, me cuesta salir de ellos pero por lo general lo logro, pero no es fácil. #spanish
I don't think my option is included here lolz, I am able to deal with them some times.
Not instantly, but by doing regular breathing exercising I used to control it better.
Are you fond of spicy food?
#gmfrens #poll #polls #threads #food #foodie #liotes
Yes, a lot too.
I love spicy food!
I don't actually enjoy spicy food that much, don't really know but it is what it is, lol
Not at all. I can’t eat anything pepper or spicy.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Are you in or out of the #leo #threads $10K prize race ?
WHat is the breakdown of the 10k USD prize? I did not find even a tentative answer to this question.
the #leo team would be the best source to give that answer till then we can only keep working and advancing towards completing the quests
Ok just tell me if you know, how many will be the beneficiaries of this 10k usd prize.
If I put a number I would only be guessing.
If I go by the last test run they did it was a tiered structure for prizes
But still, any number, what will be the total number of beneficiaries even with a tiered structure...10, 20, 50??? (Tentative)
Though this could be seriously speculative to say a number
for reference the last quest had 10 winners
so this time round they could follow the same model or tweak it who can say.
Though if I jog my mind with the info I have there has been the talk of giving out nfts too.
So till they put it in print they have things under wraps
Are you good at chess?
Unfortunately, I am not. Are you?
Well, I know the basics but that doesn't mean you can beat me with 5 moves lol
Yes, I do play but I am not a pro or a rated player. If you want to play with me, we can play on chess.com
I'm not bad I would say
Have you ever bought products of a brand run by your favorite celebrity ?
#gosh #threads #poll #polls #liotes #gmfrens
Nope :) I never did.
saving up or investing all your money to make it grow would be your plan
Not really but I wish it was true :D
Are you taking your daily quota of greens ?
#poll #polls #threads #vegan #food #liotes #foodie
I wonder why I haven't even added them to my diet.
This could be a great time to add some greens to your daily food
#vegan #food #foodie #liotes
What do you suggest?
i try my best bud
Good luck to you in your efforts to incorporate healthy
#vegan #food into your diet
thanks man
Have you ever tried Light Paining an interesting art form perfected by @candelart ?
https://hive.blog/hive-194913/@candelart/light-painting-oybin #gosh #gmfrens #poll #polls #threads #liotes
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Have you visited the Taj Mahal ?
#gosh #poll #polls #threads #liotes #photography https://hive.blog/hive-194913/@barnabo73/taj-mahal-india
And the rain poured (again). Seems like the wet season started early when we are yet to enjoy the summer.
How is the weather like in your place this time of day?
#poll #weather #monday #seasons
It"s changing from cloudy to sunny not stable though but like it's gonna rain in my area today.
The weather is unpredictable these days. Stay dry when it rains :)
Sure,, I will . Thank you dearest
The weather here is gloomy and I hope it rains soon. Though, it will affect the electricity from turning on. I love rain but seeing the light keeps me happy.
May your wish happens (although it's conflicting hehe) Have a wonderful day, PrincessB
And you too. Thank you.
the rained poured too here yesternight and has really changed that sunny weather here to a cool weather, yeah very friendly and lovely than the usual sunny weather.
#threads #posh
That's nice to hear. Enjoy the cool weather you have :)
It's cloudy and a little cold here.
Keep warm then my fren :)
Fuel is so expensive :P threads keep me warm.
Lol! That's right though. Threads is a win-win :)
We enjoying summer here.. it was rainy season last two weeks. Got tired of rainfall 😬
Too much rain isn't nice. We love the sunshine too :)
More sunshine more vitamin D. :D
Haha, yes. Although sometimes we spend too much time indoors :D
Which country? It depends on geography.
Philippines. Hope weather is good at your side.
It's quite sunny here
Do you sleep late at night?
Lately, yes. Where I live it's 2:17 a.m. and here I am ..... I have to get my schedule together again!
How late do you consider night tho
No. Actually, it is not a good idea to sleep late at night. You must pay careful attention to your circadian rhythm. Very very important.
Sleep is a kinda downtime but it must be congenial to the Natural cycle.
Every day
Good morning friends!<3 Uploaded my new track to Audius on friday and already have more than 600 plays! Wohoo!=) Thank you! <3 https://audius.co/Ravenmus1c/raven-robot-dance #audius #music #cryptomusic #musician #raven #ravenstyle #gmfrens
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Whew! It's early afternoon and it feels I've not done a thing.
Maybe I'm just anxious. My niece is going to have her wedding on Friday and there's a lot to do. And JL ran away chasing another dog in the neighborhood, lol
It's natural to feel anxious with so much to do before a wedding. Take a deep breath, prioritize your tasks, and take breaks. Don't forget self-care! Hopefully, JL comes back soon!😁
That's true. And yep, I'm taking it easy now. I'm even threading, lol! JL will come back for sure. Thank you Rab :)
hahahaha keep threading this is our main job now 🤣
Yes :D
I stopped for hours. Was busy with other things :)
that’s great your organizing your time. Nice job 💪
It's needed :) Thank you.
A wedding certainly brings a lot of content... I predict beautiful photos for Hive and a lot of stories to tell :)
That's a great thought! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share though :D But will see. It's still 5 days away.
Hang in there
I have the same feeling, the engine hasn't started running yet.
I think it's the Monday effect. I blame Monday! :)
Haha, poor Monday :)
Good morning to you too and I'm sure you will get out of the Monday blues. Enjoy the new day!
Thanks! Slowly...slowly...gaining the energy!
Glad to hear, keep it up :D
An interesting read about blockchain games
#hive #threads #gosh
𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓪𝔂'𝓼 𝓗𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮: @grecyg @ambarvegas @erney333 @timmy-turnip @maykit55
You may know about LeoThreads. If not, then #gmfrens and welcome to #leothreads!
Share your fandom from Cine/Film, TV, & Streaming
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Thank you for the hive five!!
thank you very much
I am now thinking about what topic to post for my #threadstorm.
This is like an everyday struggle for me too, especially when you want to make it long and interactive
I still cannot come up with any idea. I just submitted my first #threadstorm, but I am not sure if it will be accepted. 😆
Lol fingers crossed, it will if it's a good one
It's about the zealy campaign and threading. 😆
if you watch football I think it’s the easiest to make a threadstorm about.
Oh my! That would be a huge challenge on my part. Though I see that it is gaining attention here in our country, the sport is still not that popular. Perhaps, after a few years from now.
oh that’s sad. Whenever I don’t know what to thread about I go for football. Even when I don’t know what to blog about I write football. This helps keep my blog active.
I think you specialize in it. Players here are more into basketball though I know that football is more popular as a global sport.
I'm also thinking about what my next #threadstorm will be
I am glad that my two #threadstorms have been approved.
I have realized that if you snooze you loose on the leofinance zealy adoption campaign.
#gosh #thread #zealy
Hahaha definitely, the good part is that even if you miss a few daily quests, the real gravy is in the adventures, and those do not expire! So one or two days of grinding can take you a long way muscle.emoji
the adventures are crazy fun and keep us on our toes.
Hello Everyone, I just created my second post using the #alphaleofinance interface, Kindly engage. #hive #threads #zealy
I am going to do a series of #threads and #threadstorms based on my Mr. Positive Quote of the Day Series. I have 220 at the moment. Going to try and show a min of 10 grapics per storm. Before I go to work. lol.
Okay. This failed this morning. sorry. the UI wont let me upload pics on my laptop today. The image icon is greyed out. And copy and paist well hive key-change comes up blank..
That's cool, I'm happy I saw this thread, I should add it to my bookmark, hehe.
#threads247 #quotes
Lol. Thanks. If I can get it to work.
Where you able to get it to work?
Good evening Bradley 😊
I don't think so.
Check out more about P2P on this leo post.
#threads #hive #gmfrens #gosh
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Are you or is someone in your feed successfully monetising their audience?
What are your ideas for further monetisation?
Let's chat in the comments (or here on Threads) for 100% LEO upvotes.
Hive onlyfans is the way. It is the only way
I'm not spending good #HBD to see your arse.
Click here 👇.
Excellent, on my way :)
Oh have you posted, let me see, I wish we could see long posts easier!
1/ Decentralization is not supposed to be good or the sacrosanct thing all d time, rather decentralization is more about vesting power upon d people, and people are entitled to commit a mistake
2/ You can see there is a disagreement over the content and hence a downvote war you can see.
I like this pitch. True but not absolute.
1/ There is no such concept of a loyal audience in a decentralized or centralized world. It's a mere notion.
2/ That so-called loyalty is constrained by interdependence and here it is pivoted strongly to reward.
True. It's a work in progress always.
Great post and yes, I've thought about it. I'm currently building up 2 side projects and planning to let my Hive audience know about them eventually.
Gonna figure out a way to do it that is respectful(to my audience) and adds value.
I left a comment on your post but i will reiterate my points here...
There is hardly anyone monetising their audience because they do not have much of that. Monetisation will only occur once the blockchain grows significantly in size
The compass to invest in cryptocurrencies
https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@piensocrates/the-compass-to-invest-in-cryptocurrencies #crypto #invest
#movies Initially misunderstood and underrated, M. Night Shyamalan's work is now recognised as one of the finest superhero films. https://ecency.com/hive-166847/@drax/film-review-unbreakable-2000
I still can't upload images to my threads
Ya I'm having this problem too. Seems like some people have this issue not sure why though. Hopefully they fix it!
hope they are nice, i love to see them.
I upload my images on other frontends and copy the link then upload them on threads.
First try to refresh page if that does not work try to log out and log back in maybe that fixes the issue
I don't have the nerves to do that.
you can raise a ticket in discord or create a #thread with feedback tag
Not sure why. I can upload to my own threads but when trying to upload to a reply to a thread (either mine or others), it won't allow me.
Quite messy the update.
I also tried to upload the photos from my PC but could not complete the process. I uploaded from my phone and it was done right away.
It's a big mess at the moment. I'll just wait for now until they sort this out. Can't even find the posts to upvote.
Use Peakd.com. that's what I do
Two reasons why you should start your day with Vodka instead of Coffee;
May the gods of liquor protect your kidneys, my good man.
Fortunately for me, I am the god of liquor.
More grease to your elbow oh great one...
Does it stimulate perfectly? That initial kick?
It gets all your creative juices flowing.
Ha ha ha...so tomorrow I should try this, but few of my friend tells me to avoid vodka because it causes impotency, is it so? or just a myth?
100% myth. Exercise and eat vegetables, and you're good.
Alright. Thank you.
Maybe, but it would still be tough to face into a pint of vodka first thing in the morning.
Stop making excuses. Drink healthy apple flavoured vodka.
"An apple flavoured vodka shot a day keeps the doctor away"
I'm a whiskey man anyway.
A nice glass of Jameson is the way to go. Only in the evenings though.
I do have a truck to drive for work so morning drinks wouldn't be a great idea. :D
I like the way you think.
Great minds think alike. Cheers!
HAHAHAHA these reasons convinced me
El Cuco beach in #ElSalvador... A nice gem on the east side of the country 🌴
mehn, I thought that was a dragon😂. What’s wrong with me? That’s a nice place though. I mean I could spend my whole day there.
So beautiful! If this was in Finland we had probably put a cannon there on top of the rock. :D
Is it ok to end a conversation with an upvote? What do you think?
1/ 🧵
With limited voting power, one cannot upvote all replies. However, when the engagement seems to come to an end, what I typically do is upvote the last reply.
2/ 🧵
An upvote is intrinsic to curation. If you like the content, you are supposed to upvote it, that is how this entire system is designed.
Yeah, got it. However, with too much activity connected to threading, there is no way we can upvote all the threads. One has to economize his voting power.
4/ 🧵
5% voting weight is specifically designed to cater to that.
In your estimate, how many replies can a 5% be capable to curate?
You can optimally cast 10 full upvotes every day. SO if you cast 5% weight vote each then you can at least curate 200 threads every day.
Really? That's interesting. How about the Hive voting bar? Is it also affected by curating threads?
This is my way of saying that I read your post and have nothing more to say.
3/ 🧵
This is pretty much how I also see it.
Good question by the way!
Thanks for sharing the same mind.
Yeah after all said and done
Yeah, isn't it a good way to conclude a conversation?
Not sure if I have to thread it separately or post it under my first thread. Quoting here my reply:
4/ 🧵
In short:
5/ 🧵
I think it's completely normal, otherwise the conversation would last forever lol
An interesting take on threading. I !luv that - engagement forever! 🤣😂
(2/3) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
It is a bloody Monday guys
Wait for green Tuesday!
Gotta shake bears hard this time.
heard the surge has to do with a glitch on the binance smart chain. I dont know how true that is...
Oh is that? Haven't heard..gotta dig more into it.
Nothing to see here.
Just keep threading and look away.
lol i am sharing for my trader frens. The market is of little importance to me.
Yeah, crypto is down, but the currency market is up against Dollar. GOLD is flat.
It is. But looks like the support is so close. This would perhaps be a good entry point.
It's downtime! (or it's just a correction xD)
I think it is just a downtime. Things should normalise by tomorrow i think
Once you are able to do self-reflection over your life, you will know how grateful you would be today. Spare a moment this week and think of how things had been for you and how God has been faithful to keep you alive.
#threads #web3 #self
Self reflection is as important as goal setting. It’s the only time you know you’ve actually achieved so much.
Exactly 💯
You will see what you have achieved and gotten, especially knowing how God has been amazing
Very true. You also need to do that to see where you’re lacking in achieving your goals
God has been really faithful and good to me, even with stopping for a moment his faithfulness towards my life is just too evident and I can't even deny it.
Yes, God has been so faithful to us. Thank you, Hope. How is your day going?
Yeah, my day went well although was a bit stressful what about you?
After 8 days, I assume many are getting familiar with threading. No more oops and ah.
True. Yet I've been on Hive for 2 years and getting 'oops' and 'aahs' every day! :D
You're in good company. 🤣😂
😄 I can imagine!
Haha seriously.. haven't seen people confused how this work or that.. perks of new UI made features friendly for first time users..
An exciting and funny learning experience though. 🤣😂
Looking like a beautiful lady here.
Love that photo and outfit, I hope to wear it somewhere (I only wore it for a few photos).
#spanish #photoshoot
Oh you look stunning. Maybe you could wear it out in a date 🙂.
Indeed. so gorgeous. Red color has a different effect altogether.
You look nice lady😉
Loce the shoes, they fit perfectly with the outfit!
Red dresses greatly enhance the beauty of women
The weekend went by so fast, it’s Monday already😢
#ladiesofhive #gosh
😂 Mondays always catch us off guard. It’s surprising we’re still not used to it
I tell you😂
😂 and next week, we’ll be here to complain again
Lol that's the circle of life for you😂
Aswear I was having a bad day, this your comment just made me laugh😂
And it makes the life fun.😂
Aw glad I could help you have a better day or a second at least😁
Why didn't you want it to reach Monday?😂
Lol if I had my way i would have
One day of the week that I don't really admire, it can be very stressful at times, especially while going to work, but of all we move
I hate Mondays honestly!
The weekend always goes by so fast, sad
Really sad
It's here at last! The final round of the "Clash of Hive Games".
It is WOO VS Rising Star. One a highly anticipated upcoming game and the other a veteran in HIVE.
Who will win?
1/🧵 possible threadstorm?
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
WOO or Wrestling Organization Online is a game slated for release in the 3rd quarter of 2023.
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
Yeah, I knew these two would clash at the fin round, but I still stand by WOO winning this one.
#woo #gosh #posh #poll
Same here! I'm an ardent supporter of #WOO!
WOO will win? (pardon my lousy pun)
Yeah, very sure WOO is going to win this one, No doubt about that.
WOO has already had 3 rounds of Alpha pack sales. Every single sale has SOLD out in less than a day!
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
How FAST did they actually sell out the Alpha packs?
The very first Alpha presale of 10,000 packs sold out in 7 hours and 39 minutes.
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
The 2nd Alpha presale of yet another 10,000 packs took slightly longer to sell out, at a still very impressive time of 12 HOURS 52 MINUTES!
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
As I said in the poll itself, I don't believe that any of the games in the poll would stand out for 2024, but between the 2 it's pretty obvious who is yet to reach their peak and who already has.
Of course there is no guarantee of success in any project. The #WOO team has had a pretty impressive track record with meeting datelines and keeping everyone updated in the WOO Discord so far though. I give plus points for that.
It has really been a project carried out in a very interesting way and with a lot of credibility so far! I think it's going to be a good project!
I don't think so Rising Star can beat WOO this time
Who knows? Anything can happen. Rising Star does have the advantage of being an established game on HIVE. 😜
What about the "FINAL Alpha 30,000" packs sale then?
The total amount of packs to be sold was suddenly TRIPLED? Would it do as well?
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
Well, the "Final 30k Alpha Sale" broke all records and was successful beyond all belief!
EVERY single pack sold out in an astonishing 99 SECONDS.
Yes that wasn't a typo. Less than 2 minutes!
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
I don’t know much about both of the games at the minute. But I do know a bit about woo and I’ve seen updates of them putting huge updates in place.
Yeah. That's what I find reassuring about supporting the #WOO project. The developers have always been on time. Meeting datelines is a ridiculously hard task in game development.
Meeting deadlines is ridiculously tough on all fronts and for them to do that, says a lot about their dedication. Let’s see what the future holds
I must admit. Even I myself, as a long time supporter of WOO, had never expect the final batch of 30k packs to go so quickly.
In fact, a lot of people were completely caught off guard!
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
Lots of WOO buyers had "gone to bed" thinking there would definitely be more than enough packs when they woke up the next day.
Unless they slept for less than 99 seconds, they would wake up shocked!
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
Fortunately, I had AT LEAST managed to buy 300 packs of my own. I had actually wanted DOUBLE that amount, but something is better than nothing right? 😜
Don't miss out on WOO when it launches soon!
#woo #woogame @wrestorgonline
I just pulled 5 Gold Foil Eternan Brune cards !!
#splinterlands #liotes
Wow that's a great pulled. Why can't I do this? :)
Thanks, it is my first soulbound summoner pull. Good luck, I hope you can get a pull soon too.
Congratulations, I hope you continue to pull similar cards. Thanks.
Thanks! :)
That's what I call luck!
Champion chests?
Yeah, it was lucky. These are gold chests.
Really lucky... I've opened a lot of gold and diamond chests since they started dropping and I still can't even get my regular foil to lvl3. I even got 2GF from the death summoner but none of mine reached lvl 4 yet...
Thanks, it was lucky! I also am struggling to level up my soulbound summoners.. it is taking a while lol
Oh wow! Nice! It's been a while since I last played splinterlands. There's a lot of the new cards that I no longer have.
Yeah there are some great new cards about now with some cool abilities. :)
This reward was amazing!
Thanks, it gives me now a level 4 GF summoner! Very happy with that!! :)
1/📌First time i went to the #city was like my first day in school. Every where look strange and they speaking different languages. OMG. What have I done to myself. That first day, their language irritated me so much #threadstorm
2/📌I know you will like to know the #city i went to. It was Uyo in Akwa Ibom State. They speak different languages there. Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Calabar,Ibibio, Oron, Ibaka language. #threadstorm
3/📌So hearing all this #languages the same day became fustrating and i run inside. My aunty was busy introducing me to her neighbors. Many were welcoming me in their language and suddenlya woman greeted me in my own languag #threadstorm
#4/📌I quickly asked the woman, were do you come from, and she said from your own town, village and family. Behold she is from my mother's side. I felt at home as we talk in a language i #understand #threadstorm
5/📌She was happy to see me too and gave me some motherly advice on what to do as a new person. Where to go and who not to follow. You understand that kind of #advice. I assured her that i will do well. #threadstorm
1/6📌She left and and my Aunty gave me condition in her house and the husband supported her. I now see myself in modern day slavery. Awe my #city journey turn to #viladgecity. I will wake up by 3:am and go to bed by 1:am. #threadstorm
7/📌That was how #city life be for me for 12 months until i was able to find my way to my mother. No place like home. See you again in my next threadstorm #threadstorm
No place like home , Thank God ,you finally find your way to your mom .
Honestly, your blood can make you stranger from his or her attitude
Always first time to a place is boring especially when you don't socialize.
It was really boring bit thank God somebody spoke my language to me
Just when you thought you boosted and secure your spot in the top 10 or top 20 in the Leofinance Zealy adoption challenge suddenly you wake up in the top 30/40.😪😩 not fair
😂😂You even slept. I thought I was the only one who was misplaced from my position. This is getting interesting. Now that almost all the quests are opened people are getting further and further away.
But also people can plan ahead, which is nice to know how much work it need to be done :D
Yep that’s true. I’ve been planning ahead and I hope I can do it hehe.
😂😂 This is some real challenge
I thought it would be competitive but then I didn’t think the challenges will also be this competitive. Anyways if calls for a healthy competition and am loving it 🙂
I know right!! Hahahaha some challenges brings out the thinker in you
😂 overtaking should be prohibited
yes it shouldn’t be. He’s going too fast for my liking 😂.
Tell him to slow down.😅
There is no room for complacency until the final sprint. It's a continuous daily process, stick to it, and don't think much about the result.
That’s very true. Everyday is a nice challenge
😂 don’t sleep. It’s a trap. I woke up not recognizing my spot. 😅 it’s not easy
I don't even know my goal anymore
hmm it’s not easy bro. But don’t lose focus. You can still achieve what you planned
Yeah, thanks!!! Definitely!!
This sounds funny, but for now no position is secure at all, have being going down and up in the campaign, right now my focus is to be among the top 50.
But I know I can do better than that,
Hahahahahhahahah!! Top 50 what????
Some people don't seem to ever sleep. 😂
I don't know where they find the time.
Guyyy!!! you are part of them, you need to tell me the secret
I doubt it.
Only broke 150 threads after a week.
Other people are knocking that out every day.
Hahahaha!! I doubt some are humans here lol
It's a grinding game! Slow and steady beats fast and at random days :D
The grinding isn't looking easy man and your slow and steady is someone else quick and fast😩
Hives Block Horse Racing is minting now, There is a 9% discount as of now, Each day this will be reduced by 2 until the final day at 3%. Price starts at $7.50
Come learn more in the Discord https://discord.gg/H9mDcxE3JP
What is the game about? Already have a website?
I just discovered the disease called Threaddiction. I think many others here including me are suffering from this disease now. It feels good to be infected with Threaddiction.
#threads247 #zealy #campaign #leofinance
Given everything that's going on around here, it's so easy to get get hisbug. haha
haha exactly. Spreading like covid :p
😂 this made me laugh so hard. Inject it in my veins 😁
This disease is spread by #leo virus :p
I warn you, it is very addictive and has no cure 😂🦁
We don't need any cure for this cute virus :p
Wow, you are a real Leo.
of course mam.. And now this disease are spreading all over world..
hahaha. let's sp
I don't need drugs or therapeutic help for this addictions. It keep growing with a focus on winning the
best of luck man.
You are welcome
How fast time goes. Live in the moment.
its the present moment that really matters
Yeah, most times we dwell in the past forgetting time flies
that is very true for most of us
Indeed time flies really fast and that's why we have to always make the most of it.
How are you coming up with the daily, weekly quest on #zealy?
It's been really fun and easy. Does it have a deadline?
Yes, it all has deadlines
Then I need to quickly finish up all my tasks😄
Getting involved you will have more experience, having more experience will give you ability to grow..
Don't stop learning my problem.
#gmfrens #MondayMotivation #gosh #
Someone once said that the day you stop learning is the day you die and I totally agree with that. #facts
Good evening sir.
You're right because the more you live the more you learn
This is the secret of growth!
Indeed it's a great secret of growth my friend, we need billions of people to consider hive saving account too
Exactly. Those who do will enjoy it in the future.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Good morning to everyone.
Start of a new week.
In UK its a bank holiday, so technically its extended weekend for me.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Thst’s more time for you to thread😁. A good thing? I think so 👏
A holiday is time to enjoy so go on do the threading and have fun
Hope you enjoy your holiday! How I wanted a holiday here in Brazil this week :)
Happy Monday! Enjoy the extra day off. :D
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
I love extended weekend, hehe. Now you have more time for #threads247 😌
I take a little break from work and I find myself threading hard, lord have mercy.
#threads #gosh #hive #leo
Hahaha, that's impressive!!! What threads cannot encourage does not exist, lol.
I am ready to do a lot today on #hive My plan is to visit 2-3 communities today and read up to 5-10 posts each. I will be writing down my progress. I will be here at the end of the day to share my goal with you. #threads #gmfrens #web3
Good stuff.
It's nice to set some targets and achieve them over the day.
It's really nice to have plans and goals. This is the first step to success.
wowowo, you always doing the most, I really like your confidence and hard work you are using in participating in this challenge. All the best in contest.
Keep on #threading
Thank you, Abu 🫠
Setting daily goals always helps. We’ll be here to read your report at the end of the day. Hope you’re able to do all
I hope so too. The time starts now. Lol
Enjoy your day too.
thank you. I will. Planning to thread all day😁
Great. I hope light comes so I can work faster on my PC than mobile. I will be switching to threading and blogging too.
Oh light gone again? That’s a big worry. Happy working
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
How frequently do you venture into in-personal social interaction?
With the rise of smart devices and social apps, do you think the in-person face-face social interaction is decreasing, or it's just a mere assumption?
I definitely think that face-to-face social interaction has decreased. But on the other hand, we can interact with people who are miles away.
So do you think there is social displacement through smart apps and modern days social media use? Well, I think as long as it is not addictive and not at the cost of the other, both exist and are equally good for society.
Many people are already addicted to smart apps and social media. People don't even go to the toilet without a phone :)
Physical social interaction has gone down as more people prefer to stay online and connect with others. Of course, I really prefer physical social interactions. It adds a personal touch to conversations. #threads247
1/ Yes, in-person engagement is something different altogether you also engage with the body language and aura of a person.
Thats so true. Facial expressions for example are a big part of natural conversations. This is not possible in the digital space unless its a video call.
2/ I personally think there is no such marked social displacement from one form to another,but definitely,time management has changed. Arguably whether kids,adolescents,or even adults they r increasingly spending more time on digital media
So true. And unfortunately, one might have 1000 followers or friends on social media, but the person still struggles with loneliness. I wonder if they are real friends.
Yeah, loneliness is terrible...whereas solitude is a better state of mind.
I actually avoid it as much as possible.
Oh...but....just curious to know why? Are u an introvert like me?
Another possible threading delay is due to a power interruption. It's raining hard here and the power had a glitch earlier causing the Internet to be disconnected. 😆
This is really bad, I hate power outage.
It is good that it is just short. I wish that it won't be as I thought.
I hope.
Hmm man, I really dislike power outages. Sorry about yours.
There was a week that it took us several hours before the electricity returned. Too hot that employees went outside of their offices.
Hmm, this seems to be a problem in a lot of places. What was the explanation for this?
The power company is too high and lofty to explain to its consumers the reason for such electricity interruption, not to mention the fact that the sector is under a monopoly.
You urgently need to get yourself a decent powerbank then! ⚡️🤙🏽
Thanks for that reminder.
I think getting a power Bank will help, especially if you're using phone to engage
My sister gave me one, but it was hijacked by my youngest son. 🤣😂
Excelente anime, nada que envidiar, y pese a ser Isekai, rompe el molde saliendose del cliche conocido#spanish #hivecon #hive #review
I really liked this animation, I'll read the post and watch the anime
These days I am able to reconnect with my trumpet and eventhough I still have to look at some keys on the paper to be able to play them, I still make people enjoy the melody in Church. Yesterday was awesome. Happy Monday
#music #Monday
Have a great Monday man, make the most out of it!
Thanks bro
I became interesting in #tailoring work in 1983 after finishing primary school. My parents said they don't have money so there is no need staying in the house, i have to be busy while waiting.
Arrangements was made by my parents. They asked me if I want to learn from a woman or a Man. I told them from a Man. So they took me to Mr Ezikiel shop.
2/📌 He interviewed me to know if i am #interested in the work #threadstorm
3/📌When he found out am in for the work, he told my parents that he will accept me. So he told them that it will take me 2 years to learn and they signed #agreement that day. #threadstorm
4/📌In my #tailoring work for that 2 years was not easy life for me. I have to wake up early to help my mother as usual and go to work by 8:am. I don't want to go to late at all #why #threadstorm
5/📌This is because, i hate the kind of #purnishiment our Oga gives to late conners. You will neel down outside for the he will give you.i felt shame the first day he punished me with that. I decided not to see it again #threadstorm
6/📌Was i able to escape that punishment? Yes, for the 2 years i learned the work, it was just 2 times i faced that punishment. He even gave me award on my graduation day as an early bird #apprentice #threadstorm
Slept at rank #17, and woke up at rank #30, do you guys even sleep?
#zealy #gosh #leo
Lmao. Me that is at rank 148. Wetin I wan talk?
hehehe you go catch up someday 🤣
Not really
it is good for your health, try it so I can catch up.
Hahaha, no dulling here, everyone is trying to be on top of leaderboard lolz.
#zealy #gosh #threads
it is not fair, you guys should be calming down na.😭
#zealy #gosh #threads
I think this is just due to everyone being at different time zones :P as well as the timing the quest get approved. They probably have a lot to approve so takes some time
#zealy #threads
that is true but I like the top spot.
Then better get grinding and take it! be the champion and everyone will know u
users do but #threads do no
in other words, I should give up sleep till the campaign is over😭
Please how do i check if I am on the leader board and how does the whole #zealy thingy work
Please help a sister
have you joined in on the zealy campaign already? if you have not, click on this like below:
Thank you so much dear
You are welcome dear.
Everything is about to change
Please don't change it now I need 2/3 months time to invest heavily in $LEO. I deserve this period.
wen #leo at $1?
change it