
are you happy to just chat about sex?

I guess he really want to. So let's

ha ha go ahead talk about it Bradley

Everyday is a good day with or without #sex, although some say it make their day good.

Lol. I am sure it's the best thread day for a lot of people. I have gotten over a hundred in myself.

Just from my notifications I got a feeling I blew past 200

I think I am past 200 by now also.

stats just came out. let me check

Oh. Thanks for the information.

your so welcome

248 for you at the snapshot

Task and the other boss are way too far ahead. I don't know if I can beat them.

There are 2 bosses way behind us

if you wanna talk sex, let's summon @taskmaster4450le

lol. He is the one that inspired me to start the #sex topic