boom love hearing that. Next month after most of the big bugs are out of the way I think it's time to hit up the social web2 junk platforms and start pushing them to threads
Did you know that voting on the insights threads burns $LEO? I vote them at 5%, especially because I like spreading the wealth through my votes, but at the same time, whenever I see an insights thread I hit the vote button.
We're working on scaling Threads a lot right now. We didn't expect to reach this level of adoption so quickly. There are thousands and thousands of threads being created each day
Yeah. Threaders are on auto-pilot mode. The interesting fact is that before Leofinance could rediscover itself, the threaders are re-discovering their own capacity every single day. That's the power of microblogging.
Once that gets done the smoother front end would invite more people to come onboard and that would be another opportunity to rescale the backend loop repeat
Hahahaha you're a slacker! I think that yes, it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort but I think I can get 100 threads done per hour without spamming or sending 5 word threads. I put the challenge to myself to only send worthy threads
I'm taking it easy, or at least I've been taking it easy so far, but I think getting to top 20 is a good challenge both for me and for those who are trying to slay me.
Those two at the top are monsters, I have the feeling it's going to take a ton of effort to even beat the 3rd boss. I actually want to try it myself but then it would be three monsters at the top to beat, so Ill take it kinda easy.
I have the feeling that they will take sunday off, so maybe they are grinding hard as fuck to make it a real challenge for the mortals to surpass them :D
This is the leaderboard for the Weekend Battles, not the Full month leaderboard, that's why the colors are different, so people can identify at first glance what the data is for.
It's funny how that works, I didn't even think of it that way, I wanted it just to fit in one screenshot but yes, column hunting is also a thing now hahaha
Not really, I just ran the report cos I have the SQL open in my 2ndscreen, but to post it every hour would be a pain in the ass cos sheets and copypasta
Tryna automate it but my dev skills are on par with @l337m45732's ability to cook
Yea, that's true... its about time, but many people are really busy and that's why it isnt easy for everyone to put in the same effort... but, yet. just do what you can
I guess we all are feeling something weird about the weather at least in my country, and that is because one important subject which is climate change. as always who's behind this? Human activities.
you know why?
because a lot of people only look for more profit and how to increase their fortune without taking into consideration the pollution or any other factor that affects the climate
ising temperatures cause extreme weather events. Floods, droughts, and hurricanes are becoming more frequent and intense. what we can do is to prepare for these changes.
i think weather predictions not always right (well it still just a predictions)
but honestly not only me but a lot of poeple are feeling the change in the weather.
Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. By reducing emissions from industries, transportation, and deforestation, maybe we can slow down climate change.
Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can replace fossil fuels. Investing in clean energy like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone, it helps combat climate change and creates jobs.
Here you can feel the climate change, there are moments of extreme heat and other rainy moments with a lot of cold, many people are sick for that reason.
I've really felt the damage bad agriculture does. my place used to be rainy, but they cut all the big trees to make space for crops and now it doesn't rain anymore. You need trees to call rain
They are damn crucial and should not be joked with... we need to make the right decisions everytime to ensure that the planet is safe for ourselves and our generations
Governments and policymakers play a vital role. They must enact policies to limit emissions, support green technologies, and encourage sustainable practices. (not where i live)😕
But our governments are not bothered... the ones we have here are looking for the next project to siphon money and remain unaccountable to the citizens
Our actions as Individual matter. Every small step, like using public transport, conserving energy, and recycling, contributes to the fight against climate change. Together, we can make a difference.
Yes, individuals have a unique role to play in this.. the little we can do to help... if everyone can play their little part, then the world will become a better place
A good number of them just hide under the guise of NGO established to render selfless service to humanity.... instead they collude to get contributions and donations from people... then they offer only little aid
Obviously, human activities are behind this. With time CO2 is increasing because of human activities and it is the reason for the increasing greenhouse effect. Temperature is increasing and ice melting is the predicted result.
Climate change and global warming are our biggest problems. They use nature cruelly, and it mercilessly responds to us. Disasters have increased almost all over the world.
The ones over here are supporting bandits, and aiding them to kill more people in the land... they are only bothered about how much they will collect from projects, and fail to play their part
wars always make more money for the leaders on the second hand more innocents are dying, infrastructure and buildings are being destoryed and no one really care about that
I am from a country where we don't experience any natural disasters but in we have to prepare for unforeseen circumstances, The weather is either too hot or cold these days all effects of Global warming and you're right is human activities.
Human activities contribute largely to climate change... In pidgin English we say "na we dey do ourselves", in other words, "we are the cause of our misfortunes"
Nuestra amiga @elizabeths14 nos comparte un momento especial junto a su suegra, quien luego comenzó un largo viaje de retorno a Venezuela desde Ecuador, un momento en familia muy importante. #family
Thats nice, Khal. Random question: do you know if it's technically possible to have a button that toggles thread sorting between Newest to Oldest and Oldest to Newest?
I guess it's because he replied from another browser. I experience that too, if someone comments through Keychain while I'm using opera mini browser, it will show blue color and I can't access it until I switch to keychain
That's the plan. Others are thinking I am going at it but I am doing as much as possible before I disappear :P Someone is getting those 3K XPs for sure.
Exactly, they are passionate about making good threads and moving Leofinance with their content. I'm still wondering if I keep trying to fight enemies that are almost impossible to defeat
There's a nice initiative called #myleogoals. A quest is coming soon for those who haven't heard of it, but there's a nice prize at the end of the year!
Ok!! gente de los hilos en español. Vieron ya su posición en Weekend Battles Leaderboard Vamos por mas:) Ya #spanish está en el quinto lugar ahora a por gmfrens!!
Facilmente podriamos tener el primer puesto, de hecho no entiendo como habiendo tantos usuarios de habla hispana en Hive, y considerando el tamanho del premio, no hay mas usuarios volviendose Leones.
Yo tampoco lo entiendo... para una persona de otro país quizás no es mucho (pensando en llevarse solo una porción) pero en Cuba o Venezuela hasta el 1% de ese premio es una bendición que ayuda a llegar a fin de mes.
Just pushed an early beta of the hive-archeology-bot to github and pypi. Run it in the background. It allows your #HIVE votes on post older than one week to lead to payout.
Wow this sounds amazing, I actually want to learn how you are achieving this in the backend, but I am not a developer to reading the docs won't help me. Is there a post for normies to understand and learn more about this?
I just bought mine, I wanted to get them all because I like to control markets but, having one is more than enough and I actually want more people to get theirs!
That is Taskmaster and Rmsadkri, it's related to the Adoption campaign, have you not seen the Quests? Juicy Experience Points for those who outthread the mini bosses.
🧵 1/3: The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) has abandoned plans to rebuild its software using blockchain technology after seven years of development. #business
🧵 3/3: ASX's decision marks a significant rejection of blockchain's once-celebrated concept aimed at expediting online transactions through secure processing.
In other words "The Aussie gov stole as much as they could and then buried the project". Without reading the story and only reading the storm, I can't believe they would abandon such plans seeing how the future is on chain.
The inspirational post by @katerinaramm just caught my eye when scrolling down my feed. I like the close-ups of all the flowers and insects. Just a few weeks ago I was outside the city and brought back the feeling. 😊
EasyDefi features the Two Step DeFi Investment Strategy, which allows you to skip the 12-20 step process of defi investments and all the fees, so all your capitol gets invested and you save a lot of time and hassle
Choose your Author / Silver Blogger of the Week 20
Vote for the Silver Blogger of the week and help support Hive marketing on twitter!
Posts will be shown as comments 1/🧵
#topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #poll
Silver Blogger of the Week 20
@shadowspub with The Furry Art of Nurturing -- Listen Up Shadows!
#topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #poll #gosh
Mixing on a school playing field or in a classroom, detrimental to becoming a more confident person. Well done @irvinc #silverbloggers #poll
Thank you so much @joanstewart.
Have a wonderful day.
Silver Blogger of the Week 20
3/🧵@irvinc & Educar para la convivencia | Educating for coexistence
#topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #gosh
Silver Blogger of the Week 20
@ifarmgirl with Being Good & A Bit of Fun Wouldn't Hurt
#topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #poll #gosh
Silver Blogger of the Week 20
@coinjoe with Blooming Like a Flower
#topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #gosh
Four excellent posts and authors!
We just doubled the best day and we still have 4 hours to go, maybe we can 3x that?
That is some real motivation. So we are going to for 15K at the minimum.
The next jungle landing spot!
keep the charts coming. We like how they are shaping up.
This is amazing. The campaign is working well
"Successfully working"!
I agree. It is successful
Yes, Just do it, kickstart the threading hands!
good uptick just hopefully that's also coming from more accounts though
I believe it is. We are currently at a record number of MAUs - @anomadsoul @leogrowth probably has some good charts ;)
boom love hearing that. Next month after most of the big bugs are out of the way I think it's time to hit up the social web2 junk platforms and start pushing them to threads
Yes, even DAUs are also very healthy...Roaring Days! @leogrowth stats are even appreciated, little inspired here ;-)
your technique of #thread counting is give good results
I rechecked this again to confirm if the number has not been doubled due to some error, fortunately, this is reality 👁️
Thanks :)
This is a great sign. We need to set an elevated level and stick with it.
Yes, broke 10k spontaneously. Maybe some rest or maybe 15k...🙌
A few more will build. I would say 13.5K is my guess for the end of the day in 2 hours.
Cool! That's progress.
What happened today that this stood up 👁️👁️?
There are the ongoing Weekend Battles on Zealy. Basically, thread more than a couple of hardcore threaders and get a nice amount of XP. :)
OOO that is cool, gotta look into it...very good strategy to increase engagement ngl! Specially because it is working!
Exactly. That was a huge boost!
yuge progress. Wow!
Yeeeeeeeeees! This looks incredible!
So exciting!!!!!
I love how it just 2x'd like that
We will love it when it will be 10 X"D like this!
That's what we're working toward!
@anomadsoul @taskmaster4450le look at the jump
I will have to look at it closer.
almost 12K threads and we have 4 more hours on a Friday night
About 3 now. We will see where we can get it to.
My guess is 13.5K for the day.
Do you know how many we made?
Lionsss! Cubssss!
amazing work
Boom! Threads exploded.
Yes! Never Rest!
Never better said.
Did you know that voting on the insights threads burns $LEO? I vote them at 5%, especially because I like spreading the wealth through my votes, but at the same time, whenever I see an insights thread I hit the vote button.
I didn't know that, thanks for sharing this extremely useful information, let's burn some $LEO
Explícame eso en español que el traductor no es capaz de ordenar bien las ideas, por favor.
I actually did not know that! Thanks for sharing
Now you know, don't stop supporting authors but if you see an insight, hit vote!
I sometimes vote them as well
The insights are a great little burn mechanic. A huge value add to the ecosystem in terms of information distribution as well
Had no idea! Should those threads end with a reminder each time?
Reminder: All votes on these threads burn $LEO
please explain! What are insights threat?
Insights threads****
We're working on scaling Threads a lot right now. We didn't expect to reach this level of adoption so quickly. There are thousands and thousands of threads being created each day
Backend scaling is the focus rn!
Yeah. Threaders are on auto-pilot mode. The interesting fact is that before Leofinance could rediscover itself, the threaders are re-discovering their own capacity every single day. That's the power of microblogging.
yes who would have guessed would would all be threading like crazy
Lions be crazy
Within minutes I can't seem to count the number of threads made, the activeness is something else on threads haha
I'm telling you. Threads are just going like speed of lightning
And it is amazing... Me imagining how threads would look like in a year's time
It's been a crazy and busy threading today. Just seeing newnnames in here for the first time. 😅
Great! news! I think scaling should be the main focus now, cos engagement keep growing.
Did we break Thread again?
you guys are doing a great job. We are the one’s enjoying m the hardwork done. So we should be the one appreciating and encouraging. Keep it up boss
Is the backend fine right now? I haven't noticed any big issues on threads lately.
since the weekend special quests started, we are getting flooded with thousands of threads!
hell yeah, pamp it
it's about to get even crazier
Once that gets done the smoother front end would invite more people to come onboard and that would be another opportunity to rescale the backend loop repeat
It just said it‘s free to send a thread, so i sent a thread.
Curious when it arrives. 😉🤙🏽
you send your thread but receive one from someone else
😱 the kri mini boss … listen to me! you are tired, your eyes are heavy, you need to sleep the whole weekend, stop threading now and go to sleep, now!
yes ser
It has to go through customs and registrations, pay a tax, exchange the currency and then you receive it back again. It is known.
as long as it’s not stuck on the bridge for more than two weeks 😉🤙🏽
Weekend Battles Leaderboard
#leaderboard #leostats #leodata
No way can't believe after threading almost whole day still at 99.
same feeling here … threading like crazy and still not close to the top
Weird.... Been noticing daily counts from quite some time.
Don't know wut way this calculation is being done.
Hahahaha you're a slacker! I think that yes, it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort but I think I can get 100 threads done per hour without spamming or sending 5 word threads. I put the challenge to myself to only send worthy threads
Nobody is a bigger slacker than @taskmaster4450le
That is a #fact that cannot be disputed.
Want this kinda speed. Hehe, 100 Threads per hour that's tooo much.
I've to think wut to thread and comment.. but well, from now gotta increase the word count to see how it works.
Yeah I am actually surprised at how low mine is too!
I'm taking it easy, or at least I've been taking it easy so far, but I think getting to top 20 is a good challenge both for me and for those who are trying to slay me.
I won't go down easily.
I have been slacking all week focused on other things
Will step it up today to make myself a hard boss to beat 💪🏽
Oh man, only 207? When was the snap shot taken?
I think about an hour ago but @leogrowth would confirm
cool. I will just keep plugging away.
plug plug plug
Absolutely. Best thing I ever did was get serious about #LeoFinance
Whenever @leogrowth posts, the snapshot was taken seconds before :D
Got ya. It is all awesome
59th oof I got some battling to do.
Me too
#meatto me?
Dude you're barely (bearly?) above @khaleelkazi, and he's been a major slacker so far, I'm ashamed by you.
damn, i gotta get moving
Yeah Im in the same boat, let's get it
wow I thought I was on fire but look at these numbers right there!
Those two at the top are monsters, I have the feeling it's going to take a ton of effort to even beat the 3rd boss. I actually want to try it myself but then it would be three monsters at the top to beat, so Ill take it kinda easy.
Beating Task in daily Threads might just be impossible
Oh shit I really gotta step up my game
Going into hyper drive 💪🏽
No, just relax, have a wellness weekend and relax from work and maxbe take task and kri with you🖖🏼😉🤙🏼
What is your goal for the weeknd?
Cool!! But I have to do better.
Hay que seguir haciendo hilos en #spanish
i see some new facts hitting the top 10
Those robots are hitting the numbers way too fast and it's crazy.
I have the feeling that they will take sunday off, so maybe they are grinding hard as fuck to make it a real challenge for the mortals to surpass them :D
They are already at 500 number 1 and 2. I barely have like half of that.
Ranked #81
Wow, the leaderboard has changed shape
This is the leaderboard for the Weekend Battles, not the Full month leaderboard, that's why the colors are different, so people can identify at first glance what the data is for.
Oh yeah I know that. Maybe I didn’t communicate that correctly
Hmm, a lot more to do guys
almost on the first column, yeah 👍🏽
It's funny how that works, I didn't even think of it that way, I wanted it just to fit in one screenshot but yes, column hunting is also a thing now hahaha
everything can be and will be gamified here!
Rank 10. Task and Rmasadkri are a bit too far ahead. I don't know if I can beat them at all.
Good, still ahead of the first two, the other need to be taken down from the internet.
Lo de Taskmaster no es normal!
Man, myth or machine?
Probably a bit of the 3
#42? Okay. let's Go!
let's go slay TM :P
Guess you guys are slaying the boss already, engagement looks hotter and fastest, missing out is indeed a big pain the
You are the real MVP. Bad timing bro
Definitely, thanks, I can see you beating TM on the board, that's awesome, I just want to beat @khal first
You are beating all of us. I can see that. May be not TM
Why are you missing out? There are still two days left man, it's not that impossible!
Sick and on injection, am the one loosing here today, this is the saddest moments ever, a wrong time to be sick
Next time someone tries to bring you down, remember this:
Confidence is quiet, but insecurity is loud.
Those who feel the most powerless will demand the most power.
big facts.
Yea. Actions speak more than words.
words of wisdom. I respect confidence and silence a lot…
really liked the motivational quote whatsup! and it is very true!
The loud ones are those who want to be flattered at all times and show that they are above it. Those who have enough self-confidence do not need it.
I just put in 40 mins to reply to every single thread on my feed and got from 43 to 73
Yes, it is hard, it takes time and I don't think I will ever be able to grind 300 threads per day like some of the MVPs we have here
1/🧵 #threadstorm
Is there a live tracker of your threads for us to see?
Not really, I just ran the report cos I have the SQL open in my 2ndscreen, but to post it every hour would be a pain in the ass cos sheets and copypasta
Tryna automate it but my dev skills are on par with @l337m45732's ability to cook
Just curious.
Not around enough to compete this weekend I've a family event but somebody will hopefully give it a good run.
hey now, i'm actually a really good cook.
I co-ask
It's pretty difficult to do but if you focus up and be consistent, it's def achievable
Imagine if you just checked in every few hours and rinsed and repeated that
Not as difficult as you think if one wants to engage in a genuine conversation like do pineapples belong in pizzas?
Should Joe biden be president? Etc
Super easy
Definitely, maybe 10mins/hour to clear your head and distract a lil
In the end I think our attention span (even of the best of us) can't last longer than 45 minutes iirc
Kinda want to strive to beat Task but I'd ruin d game for everyone
But I do think that getting 100 Threads per day is easy as fuck
Because it's fun and it doesn't feel like a task or something you have to do, but like something you WANT to do.
And the cherry on top is the tokenized rewards.
yeah I think is easy, the matter is of time, that right now I don´t have much
Yea, that's true... its about time, but many people are really busy and that's why it isnt easy for everyone to put in the same effort... but, yet. just do what you can
thanks for agreeing with m,e
I think if you put your mind to it, doing 100 threads per day will be really easy
would love to have a threadmeter to keep a count it would help me get the numbers a backend query tool would also help
Honestly, when the people at Twitter realize how LeoFinance's Threads work, we are going to literally explode.
It's meant to happen, and it will happen sooner that you all expect.
when threads run smoothly it is that much easier
Yes, that's true...
When I use my laptop, I can easily do 100 threads in few hours... but when I use my mobile phone... i struggle with 50 threads per day
u on laptop plus mobile at same time to reach the top
ya way easier on a laptop
Making 100 threads, and replying to all of them.... viola! 200
Lovely calculation!
Doubling and tripling that per day can get on to 500
You reply to every single thread on your feed? That's a big work and within 40 minutes makes me think you have an AI finger, lol.
Good grind.
Engagement is making this #threadathon more interesting.
You reply to every single thread on your feed? That's a big work and within 40 minutes makes me think you have an AI finger, lol.
Good grind on your end.
Engagement is making this #threadathon more interesting.
that's amazing, you're able to make a lot of threads with the little time you have... I'm still battling with mine, I hope I can meet up
that's amazing, you're able to make a lot of threads with the little time you have... I'm still battling with mine, I hope I can meet up
not hard at all man. come on. step your game up
Is it just me or is the "woke" generation more "asleep" than any before?
The irony of calling them woke is the best part 😂
It cringes my soul!
I'd like to boot them if I could, we have a major problem in our world nowadays and so very little is actually noticing what's going on
they are anything but woke lol
Anything but!
Don't let them hear you say that though, might be in for some shit. 8)
yeah, very lol
ha ha tight lipped on this one
Well that's what woke means nowadays, out of reality, unhinged, living in a bubble.
ouch, unhinged really brought it home
It really did hey.
I have a draft ready. A long form content after 20 days. I am a loser. :P
Lol you do have time to create long form content. Who would have thought! 🤡
I am grinding my best to draft a blogpost :P
As it should. No body should have it easy anyone.
It is not easy for me. So tough.
Posted. I am nervous tbh
You gotta start somewhere man, I'm actually glad to hear this. Long form rewards coming your way ser, I can feel it in the air
I agree. I need to get out of this block.
Just post it! You can do it.
Posted it.
Let's see if I am able to do this consistently while threading
I was away for months and did not post anything. I'm happy if I can do 2 to 3 posts a week now.
Same. i want to post 2 or 3 a week if possible. Maintain streak.
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Third stage of an #alive sightseeing tour of #Naples in #iamalivechallenge 351 Read this #actifit report on #hive: #threads #aliveandthriving #gosh @tydynrain
Another excellent tour, Davide! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
I finally found it open, I could never photograph the beautiful interiors in the other times I passed by.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(12/20)@tydynrain! to your account on behalf of @davidxxl.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
It was very synchronistic timing indeed then! Excellent! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Just realized you can embed #music on thread 🤯🤯🤯
Oh yes!
Yo thats incredible
I didn't even know that
Big W
Yea, Spotify music.
Listening to #music while threading rn lol
Huh, and where’s this feature ?
Grab any Share Link from Spotify and Threads does the rest!
oh wow it works. So cool😎
How do you do that?
#easydefi explains provides free education tagged with this hashtag #easydefi
This will be very helpful for beginners, thanks for sharing this intel!
dope. love to see educational crypto stuff
Huge XRP News !
I guess we all are feeling something weird about the weather at least in my country, and that is because one important subject which is climate change. as always who's behind this? Human activities.
1/🧵 #threadstorm
Climate change is real. The Earth's temperature is rising due to human activities like burning fossil fuels. i think we need to take it seriously.
Yes, we really need to take it seriously, but the truth is that many of us do not mind... infact, they are not bothered at all
you know why?
because a lot of people only look for more profit and how to increase their fortune without taking into consideration the pollution or any other factor that affects the climate
yes, that is true... They are only bothered about the present benefits and profits, and not about the long-term challenge or difficulty involved
it's always about corruption, benefits and collecting money. these are going to destroy the world
ising temperatures cause extreme weather events. Floods, droughts, and hurricanes are becoming more frequent and intense. what we can do is to prepare for these changes.
Yes, the effect of all these are massive and greatly destructive... I wonder how this will be in the next 100 years.
we need to travel to the future to check this issue
You just reminded me about sci-fi movies... lol
hahaha future is dark that's why we have to know before it comes
Melting ice caps and rising sea levels threaten coastal areas. Low-lying islands and cities are at risk of being submerged.
That's really bad... Those who live in Islands must be really scared this period... because the waters arent smiling
waters are showing their teeth we should all be aware
weather it’s something i found interesting how it’s been predicted.
It’s been hot and rainy here in my country
i think weather predictions not always right (well it still just a predictions)
but honestly not only me but a lot of poeple are feeling the change in the weather.
Climate change affects ecosystems Plants and animals struggle to adapt, leading to habitat loss and extinction.
No one is safe... even the non-living things will have substantial change when the destruction happens.
the weird thing is no one really cares so at least we should think with a solution at our level
Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. By reducing emissions from industries, transportation, and deforestation, maybe we can slow down climate change.
Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can replace fossil fuels. Investing in clean energy like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone, it helps combat climate change and creates jobs.
Here you can feel the climate change, there are moments of extreme heat and other rainy moments with a lot of cold, many people are sick for that reason.
same thing here and such a weather will surely help viruses to multiply and spread more causing more diseases.
I personally have to take great care of that. Sudden changes in temperature affect me a lot.
why it would affect you in person
I mean, temperature changes make me sick more than usual.
yes sure that happens to most of us, and we need to really find a solution all together with the decision makers
Sustainable agriculture and responsible consumption can reduce our carbon footprint.
true... this has a great way of reducing the effect, to an extent
we have to go back to the clean old days this is how we can reduce this bad affect
True... doing this can reduce the effect to a large extent
sooner or later we are going back we're gonna reach a certain point that the evolution will destory us as long as it's being misused
Honestly, it is so true... I really hope it doesn't happen anytime sooner, and when it happens, those around will be prepared..
Damn, they will face the effect of the mistakes of their ancestors!
I've really felt the damage bad agriculture does. my place used to be rainy, but they cut all the big trees to make space for crops and now it doesn't rain anymore. You need trees to call rain
Education and awareness are crucial. We need to understand the science behind climate change and its impacts to make informed decisions.
They are damn crucial and should not be joked with... we need to make the right decisions everytime to ensure that the planet is safe for ourselves and our generations
few people think this way mabye because of the lack in awarness
True... and that is why education is really important..
Also, the need to educate the illiterates is vital
100% till now we're in 2023 and there lack in education can u imagine that
Honestly, and it is devastating!
Governments and policymakers play a vital role. They must enact policies to limit emissions, support green technologies, and encourage sustainable practices. (not where i live)😕
But our governments are not bothered... the ones we have here are looking for the next project to siphon money and remain unaccountable to the citizens
yes same case in here. always govs dont care
At all... I hope it gets better someday
it should happen is has to get better. corrupted poeple are many but still there is some good people too
Yes, there are some good people... but, the truth is that there are just a handful of good people as compared to the bad ones in the world.
Our actions as Individual matter. Every small step, like using public transport, conserving energy, and recycling, contributes to the fight against climate change. Together, we can make a difference.
Yes, individuals have a unique role to play in this.. the little we can do to help... if everyone can play their little part, then the world will become a better place
even the organizations that are meant to protect env. few of them are working from their hearts and the rest looking to increase their money
That is so true...
A good number of them just hide under the guise of NGO established to render selfless service to humanity.... instead they collude to get contributions and donations from people... then they offer only little aid
it happened here in Lebanon since 2019 NGOs are stealing money instead of helping poor poeple
That's not a really good thing at all...
it defeats the aim that they were established for
Obviously, human activities are behind this. With time CO2 is increasing because of human activities and it is the reason for the increasing greenhouse effect. Temperature is increasing and ice melting is the predicted result.
always, we are behind any bad thing happen to the mother earth
Yes, human activities have a great role to play... and many humans are not even bothered about the repurcussions
Climate change and global warming are our biggest problems. They use nature cruelly, and it mercilessly responds to us. Disasters have increased almost all over the world.
yes and that's why it's so dangerous it's taking place all over the world and the leaders are busy fighting and making wars
They are busy fighting and making wars...
The ones over here are supporting bandits, and aiding them to kill more people in the land... they are only bothered about how much they will collect from projects, and fail to play their part
and now they are looking for more fights which will cause more bad effect on climates.
True... the more these nuclear warheads are being used... the more the environment suffers
wars always make more money for the leaders on the second hand more innocents are dying, infrastructure and buildings are being destoryed and no one really care about that
And the disasters continue to increase... we aren't making things easier as well, instead we keep on damaging our world
Exactly. And when disasters happen, we grieve and complain.
True... we forget that we are responsible for it... We blame everybody and everything except ourselves
Exactly so.
I am from a country where we don't experience any natural disasters but in we have to prepare for unforeseen circumstances, The weather is either too hot or cold these days all effects of Global warming and you're right is human activities.
what is your country, and how come no natural disaster. hopefully you never experience such things of course
Same with Nigeria... we don't experience natural disaster... Our natural disaster is our corrupt leaders.
Nigeria is one of the blessed countries in this world with so much material, human, and many resources, but to checkmate...
nigeria is well known with it's blessings and yes it deserve better leadership cause it has the potentials
Exactlly... We just need a leader to put us in the right direction, and others to continue... then Nigeria will be great again
Nigeria is already great with it's people open minded like you. eventually the right will prevail my friend
this blessedness, we have corrupt leaders, who have chosen the part to be naturally wicked
that's the point always we refer to the corruption
Human activities contribute largely to climate change... In pidgin English we say "na we dey do ourselves", in other words, "we are the cause of our misfortunes"
nice words they summarize the whole issue👍
Yea, you are welcome
really threading is nice because we can brainstorm, i am loving it
Climate change is more than evident. If you think back to the past, there were no such extreme temperatures or abrupt changes in the climate.
Here we had a maximum of 43° C last year! Interesting thread.
Now I'm about to send some #memes based on true events.
Tell me how relateable this meme
Things are getting harder. But we aint stopping man. Let's keep the spirit burning
Way harder than mah expectations... Nah, we gotta stick together reminding us our Goal and slay em down.
Let's arrange a council..
We are slaying em all. Unless they decide not to sleep
Noice... Man, it's 1:30 started threading after doing dinner at 10.. haha, still have to write a post too.
I don't know how they can do it
After all these in threads, they also still post ultra long form posts.
I just looked to see my starting point and saw taskmaster at 400 already.
Time to give up and save some energy.
Man is a beast. I would love to see someone overtaking him though
I think that he has about twelve midgets tied to a desks in his basement, all logged in with different keys to keep his numbers up.
It's the only thing that makes sense.
hehehe... He is just working extra harder!
Probably but it's not as funny.
He's on beast mode... Don't think it's right time to give up.. he's using his bullets and will go slow down for sure (only if he ain't robot)
Save that bullet to fire later.
I'm scared to look at the weekend LB lol.
Ignorance is bliss.
I already looked it and got demotivated !LOL
Don't look at it.. just fire the bullets and see who got who in the end.
Oh yea, I can relate to this alright
Chicken 🍗 Leg
#baked and #grilled in an oven with loadsa #fresh #spices from my little #garden 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼 #foodiefriday #foodies
Oh my gosh😋 I am shaking right now.
thx 🤙🏽 better have sumpin to eat then before you collapse 😉
I really need to get something for more energy to smash the threads tonight (It's the night here)
damnnn that's a #foodiefriday thread but it could also be a #satartday one because this is pure art!
In fact, Pure art!
thx 🤙🏽
thanks 👍🏽 i just ate art, burps 😜🤙🏽
Thats a gigantic chicken leg piece my friend! will you share it with us? XD
Sorry, already gone, burps, but i share the visual with you all🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼
this looks incredible!
it tasted incredible too 👍🏽
Nuestra amiga @elizabeths14 nos comparte un momento especial junto a su suegra, quien luego comenzó un largo viaje de retorno a Venezuela desde Ecuador, un momento en familia muy importante. #family
Aquí el post #hive #gosh
Le caerá bien la suegra? Quién sabe? 😂
Si vale. La extraño y todo 😢😭
Eso es extraño, pero comprensible si la suegra es buena onda.
Yo soy la buena onda 🙄🤣, pero si vale, la extraño, me hacía compañía.
Que bueno que se lleven bien.
A veces se puede llevar bien con la suegra, de hecho, yo me la llevo muy bien con la mía. #spanish
Di la verdad... No le diremos a nadie.
Jajajaja 🤐.
Every freaking time
lols! What a feeling!
Like you betrayed hive/Leo
that is so funny. I cracked up :P
Happy to help😂😂
Hahahahaha I am stealing this, definitely
Please go ahead
More incoming 😅
🤣🤣🤣 Now this is so funny... Well, welcome home cheater 🤧
Even you 😭😭
Homemade chickpea masala with store bought beef dumplings in leftover homemade chicken-chowder sauce:

#foodiefriday #lunch
you are killing it
Stop the madness! Looks too good. 😋
looks delicious
wow! the lunch looks really delicious, especially the dumplings!
such comforting food. mmmm
That looks awesome. The perfect meal to eat while publishing the next episode of #huntingmidnight (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
since @bradleyarrow wants to talk #sex, drop your favorite position! don't be shy. #nsfw is coming. no pun intended.
i'll start - doggy style. i'm a man of culture.
They said Doggy causes stroke. True?
i'd be stroked out if true lol
Hahaha, he is still typing so I guess not.
what do you mean? I am listening :| :P
you know, the drill
Doggy style?
Is that a type of car or a brand of a clothing line? 🤔
it's how i like to get down
A man of culture
Hahaha. Doggy style is a good one 😅
what's your favorite?
I don't have any favourite though 😀😀 but I kind of love the missionary style and would practice it someday with my partner 🤣
Nothing wrong with missionary
Yea 🫠
I agree with this statement.
I wear it well
You wear a dogcollar well.
Sorry your wife showed me the pics. Dont worry I didnt show @bradleyarrow....he would get too excited.
Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂
I just might.
Lol. Good one. I like being on my back.
HellHell yeah, lazy rides are great
Absolutely. The best. And a great view.
Love the view
Our focus right now is on improving the UX and squashing bugs. Lots of updates being rolled out daily for the rest of May... then shiny new features!
Excellent excellent I'd first start with maybe removing that big pink box there, it doesn't seem to go with the rest of the design
Excellent news! With the interface running without bugs, adoption will be even greater!
Yes UI/UX should be the top priority I am happy to see your thread in this regard. Thank you.
I love shiny 😍 looking forward to more updates from the team
Thats nice, Khal. Random question: do you know if it's technically possible to have a button that toggles thread sorting between Newest to Oldest and Oldest to Newest?
Just asking because while I prefer Oldest to Newest for short threads, I think Newest to Oldest would be very useful for threadcasts
Squash 'em and let it roll 🤘🏽😎🤟🏽
You are doing great. Every time the interface feels better and more fluid.
can’t wait to have a more nicer experience with the User Interface
Good luck and keep up the good work. It's a lot less buggy compared to the start of the month.
the dev team is doing just amazing, thanks for working so hard and making it fluid and smooth!
smash the buuggggs!
Error in the matrix... yesterday it happened to me with @andrewmusic.
Oh. What kind of error, could you please elaborate a bit more?
I made a mega threadstorm... and he responded to every one of my threads. His 66 responses came out in blue.
Okay. Devs will fix it then.
si, nos sucedió, de hecho sigue pasando, error de leo
And why I still can't find his reply in the designated threadstorm. What's the catch?
A bug may be
Okay. Then the dev needs to fix it.
I have so many replies like that where I cannot engage at all
Yeah I wanted to reciprocate but I might have to use other frontend for that.
If we do that the other person won't be able to see that on leo UI
I guess it's because he replied from another browser. I experience that too, if someone comments through Keychain while I'm using opera mini browser, it will show blue color and I can't access it until I switch to keychain
It's nothing to worry about
No. It's fine. I just wanted to know the reason. And I also wanted to engage, but then I have to use different frontend to do so.
Yeah, that how I do it so I don't miss any comment.
Lol. I don't really check my notifications that much so I never noticed.
you got noticed by the apex lion! Congratz to you my man!
sometimes mine does this, but after i refresh a little bit later they turn orange and i can see them
Women spend their childhood trying to look like adults. And they spend their adulthood trying to look young again.
It’s still not clear? 😂
true, the way the female cookie crumbles …
and how they force them selves into the kitchen at a young age.
Oh that is something to ponder upon
yeah. Some reasonable facts about life. 😂
from a guys point of view ;)
yeah. Is there anything you know about guys?
quite a few actually
very true … what makes you reasoned this 😁😁
I watched someone interview and said it. 😂 I don’t want to laugh alone
Haha lol
Jajajaja... so true.
lol 😂. I can’t laugh…
Hahaha, good one.
thanks, going to bleach my eyes. brb
LMAO what the fak hahaha
I got a feeling today will be my best #thread day yet. Even without a good chat about #sex
are you happy to just chat about sex?
I guess he really want to. So let's
ha ha go ahead talk about it Bradley
Everyday is a good day with or without #sex, although some say it make their day good.
Lol. I am sure it's the best thread day for a lot of people. I have gotten over a hundred in myself.
Just from my notifications I got a feeling I blew past 200
I think I am past 200 by now also.
stats just came out. let me check
Oh. Thanks for the information.
your so welcome
248 for you at the snapshot
Task and the other boss are way too far ahead. I don't know if I can beat them.
There are 2 bosses way behind us
if you wanna talk sex, let's summon @taskmaster4450le
lol. He is the one that inspired me to start the #sex topic
I wonder if @rmsadkri wants to beat @taskmaster4450 and we are all going to witness a battle of the titans in here.
Oh yeah, and while they tease each other, nobody else will ever be able to grind the experience points xD xD xD
I will have no time to thread tomorrow and Sunday. My kid will be home and that means I am building sand castles and playing hot wheels :P
Aha! My suspicions were correct, you're trying to set the bar as high as possible before logging off.
Well, you are achieving it, it almost seems impossible for me to reach your level and it's still DAY 1 of the Weekend battles.
That's the plan. Others are thinking I am going at it but I am doing as much as possible before I disappear :P Someone is getting those 3K XPs for sure.
Yeah, enjoy time with your kid, that’s sooo much more important 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼
yes. I will do that.
I hope so, just like this to have a chance hahaha
ha ha for sure. go ahead. you are the campaign MVP
I hope to continue maintaining the position hahaha
I'm trying hard but these guys are next level lol
They are another level
Basically demi gods. I wonder where we'll be without our power users. They get the people going, basically the soul of Threads.
I just got a meme idea 💡 lol
I want to see your meme xD
Just posted... Hope you'll saw it in feed.
Hahahaha I saw it, it's a great strategy to stop them
Hahahaha tag me in the comments when you post it, I don't want to miss it.
Hehe, I just posted it.
When I got home and saw the updated leaderboard I already realized that I won't be able to compete with these 2 thread monsters
Definitely, u were up there for a while, enjoying the view from the top but man, it's impossible to keep up
The worst part is that they are not spammers, they are not two word repliers, they actually take the time to write nice replies
Exactly, they are passionate about making good threads and moving Leofinance with their content. I'm still wondering if I keep trying to fight enemies that are almost impossible to defeat
Powering up my micro-earning on a daily basis. By mid-2024 I have set a goal to reach 5000 LEO Power.
I m done for the day. Good Nite
There's a nice initiative called #myleogoals. A quest is coming soon for those who haven't heard of it, but there's a nice prize at the end of the year!
Okay. I will head to that tag to explore more. Thank you.
Wow, man congrats on your achievement. Setting goals really help. That 5k will be reached in no time
Good Nite to you. Nice PowerUp.
Congrats! Have you ever used the #leofinance wallet UI to power up?
Yes. The transaction animation is good.
I love what they did with it
yeah but I want them to have the autofill option. I need to type the number now.
Great power up!
sleep well
Leo threads is addictive for sure. good night :P
This is plain savagery, dam son

The Campaign leaderboard is being overtaken by two monsters, a runner up, and then two rebels...
And then, the rest...
@Underlock is a living legend on here.. level of consistency is outta this world.👏🏻👏🏻
I'm doing my best to keep the top spot and earn the delegation to @hive-br!
That is crazy, they must have minions or slaves!
damn, killin it!
How come I don't see number of quests in my stats? Just points.
That is very weird because I can see them perfectly, perhaps you have to hard refresh with ctrl+F5
mabye it is a mobile thing. I will check my laptop when I get home.
I am nowhere close to that. I wonder if they will complete every single quest?
Underlock hasn’t looked back since he topped.
I will try to keep the top until the end!
Good luck man. You look back once and the vultures will come for you😅
hahaha many are aiming for the first place
Oh yes, they’re a lot😅
Same like before.. none of em is ready to lose their spot.
Crazy! stuff
Funny. At times I feel like they are bots 😂
I like the word monster because that's how I consider myself when it involves goals hahaha
I am about to over take them all 🤡
After super gluing them so many times! finally #gosh
Those glasses look old Mac! Glad you went hunting for new ones hahaha
haha yeah, been through a lot I suppose xD but I actually got them just before I was moving around. just glad I finally got a replacement :D
The gosh tag suits with this post. oh my #gosh
haha pretty much, a good one :D
how have you been?
Rough but otherwise, I am fine. How have you been?
Okay. Getting along with regular things in life.
Coffee or tea?
My favorite is coffee for sure. What about you? ☕ or 🍵
Definitely Coffee, although I wish I had more tea as it's healthier.
I am a coffee person too
Coffee all the way!
I prefer tea.
Coffee is my favorite. Where are you from?
I am from the US but I just prefer tea. Maybe it's because I think it's easier to make.
That is true, just a little boiling water and the tea is ready.
Coffee, please! :)
Yes... marchando un cafecito.
Both! Japanese Green Tea to start the day and nice black espressi throughout the day 🍵 ☕️
Why choose when you can have both?
Coffee with milk and cinnamon please
That is an exquisite combination. Good taste.
One big old cup of Coffee with half & half in the morning then water for the rest of the day.
I don't like American coffee very much... it's very clear about what we drink here.
Water is the healthier option 💧
Ok!! gente de los hilos en español. Vieron ya su posición en Weekend Battles Leaderboard Vamos por mas:) Ya #spanish está en el quinto lugar ahora a por gmfrens!!
Facilmente podriamos tener el primer puesto, de hecho no entiendo como habiendo tantos usuarios de habla hispana en Hive, y considerando el tamanho del premio, no hay mas usuarios volviendose Leones.
Y tendremos ese puesto hoy:) Arriba #spanish
Yo tampoco lo entiendo... para una persona de otro país quizás no es mucho (pensando en llevarse solo una porción) pero en Cuba o Venezuela hasta el 1% de ese premio es una bendición que ayuda a llegar a fin de mes.
Que buena noticia, se esta logrando!!! #spanish
Así es!! Vamos que sí podemos!! #spanish
Ya tenemos versión actualizada?
For early adapters:
Just pushed an early beta of the hive-archeology-bot to github and pypi. Run it in the background. It allows your #HIVE votes on post older than one week to lead to payout.
Wow this sounds amazing, I actually want to learn how you are achieving this in the backend, but I am not a developer to reading the docs won't help me. Is there a post for normies to understand and learn more about this?
I'll do a post about it in a few days. First some more code cleanup and testing.
waaa? I didn't know that was even possible
Bookmarked, excellent project!
My breakfast was pineapple bread. What was yours?
Nor sure I’ve heard of pineapple bread. We learn new things everyday. I ate noodles for breakfast
It's just a variety of bread and there are a lot of different foods. Noodles seem a little too heavy for me in the morning.
Let me make a quick search just to see how it looks. I didn’t take it early. I ate breakfast around 11
Pineapple bread sound good. I will have to try and find some. Is that a Hawaiian delicacy !LOL
I had vanilla yogurt and a carrot.
She still thinks it's going to be a fishpond.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ@jfang003, I sent you an on behalf of @hhayweaver
Well, there are a lot of foods at bakeries and I picked up some over the weekend. I am just having them as breakfast.
classic sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit with coffee
Sounds like a healthy meal with lots of meat.
As a young kid I was fascinated by the stage. One of my earlier appearances was me dressed as a clown
Have you ever appeared as a clown ?
#gosh #threads #poll #polls
no I haven't but that would be real fun to do so!
No way... clowns freak me out, ever since I saw IT when I was way to young ;)
take it easy there is a real person behind the mask just getting paid to do the job
if you've ever wanted to support me or my project GM:FRENS without having to do anything with WAX or a different blockchain... it's time.
@gmfrens NFTs have arrived on Hive. only 10 left at 10 HIVE each!
check it out 💚😵
so no #gmfrens airdrops?
I just bought mine, I wanted to get them all because I like to control markets but, having one is more than enough and I actually want more people to get theirs!
Glad to see you are not a Greedy fluffer!
I will go get one, so I can say to him I have one on Tuesday when he comes on to Talk Time with Tengo and tells us a wee bit about NFTs!
yeah, there's only going to be 69 of these!
GM ser .... will be getting one, I want to flex it on Tuesday!
Just need to write Silver Bloggers poll post first ...
flex it!
hehe that is a given!
i got #1 💪🏽😎👍🏽
so lucky
Woot Woot Just got mine!
Let's get one and support the Original Tag on Threads!
#gmfrens #tengocrypto #nfts
ayyy hell yeah fren
They are cool!
Do you know Even the bears have did Cocaine.... 🤏😳
I saw there is a movie about it lol crazy stuff
And I just watched that movie 😂 was kinda fun.
I gotta see it. I heard it's based on a true story
It is indeed based on true events... Man, that bear killed so many and still dodo believe cocaicocaine is in the forest.
No, did not know that
Now you know... Just Watched #cocainebear movie completed in a week
I'm giving 100 $LEO each, for the ones that take Task and RMS this weekend of the internet.
I will try but that's not an easy task, no pun intended!
You can call @jongolson, as they love to talk together.
we need people living where they live to distract them for the weekend!
People of Florida unite to distract task
What is the task and what is RMS ?
That is Taskmaster and Rmsadkri, it's related to the Adoption campaign, have you not seen the Quests? Juicy Experience Points for those who outthread the mini bosses.
I have just got a bit confused with the short form now I get it.
The 8 hourly leaderboard would come from your a/c or the leogrowth one?
My wrist hurts from so much writing.
Oh give it some rest and some support.
No point getting it some bad injury
Of course I try to use voice to text, but it still needs some correction.
Don't you have a kid to take care of? Or a long post to write? Why are you on #threads, @anomadsoul?
our end bosses!
OK got it thanks initially I got confused by the short form but now I understand
Fuel is right here to spark the fire!
It's like 100vs2 😂
But they end bosses
OK noted and understood
Here is what I prepared today. I slept for 2 hours thereafter. I am done with all offline tasks. I guess the big lions have surpassed me... lol
I need to do more #thread tonight. How has been our day?
That food looks delicious.
Yes, it is. I enjoyed it 🙂
Excellent! My lunch was also very good.
Yummmm what is it?? Looks comforting haha.
That is Rice, Egg stew and Fried plantain. A Complete balanced diet 👌
Hahahaha that looks yummy, now that your offline chores are done, time to thread around and have some fun!
Yea. It's time to hit the tough battle 💪 😀
It looks delicious.
I still got a lot in ththe plateplate (pending tasks) already tonight and see youryour rank isis pretty nice
Yea... I saw the rank too. Let me keep trying my best. Thank you, Idk.
Good luck with it princess.
Yea and you too.
What is that? It looks delicious!
This is Rice, Egg stew and fried plantain.
that looks very good Princes 🤤
So good and yummy 😋
Aw where’s my own share
Break your phone screen and take it. Lol
😂 you don’t like me Princess
Of course, I do!
You want food, isn't it? 😃
🧵 1/3: The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) has abandoned plans to rebuild its software using blockchain technology after seven years of development. #business
🧵 2/3: The ASX will explore alternatives for a new attempt to rebuild its 30-year-old software, likely using more conventional options.
🧵 3/3: ASX's decision marks a significant rejection of blockchain's once-celebrated concept aimed at expediting online transactions through secure processing.
🧵 Read more at:
damn I love these news to threads
In other words "The Aussie gov stole as much as they could and then buried the project". Without reading the story and only reading the storm, I can't believe they would abandon such plans seeing how the future is on chain.
Have you been to London or revisit it ?
#poll #polls #threads #ctp @elteamgordo does an excellent job exploring so many well known place in this beautiful city called London
These photos and the narrative is a treat to enjoy thanks to @elteamgordo #gosh #travel #photography
no plans yet. But I wish to be there. God help me.
I never visited London but if I get a chance, I will take the tour for sure!
reading the post gives you a free tour too ;)
later you can take the real one
noice! I have watched some vlogs on London tour too and will read the post soon my friend! thanks for sharing
you are welcome my friend
I have never been to London and unfortunately have no plans so far. But I'm sure I'll visit one day, especially to see Harry Potter's studio!
The inspirational post by @katerinaramm just caught my eye when scrolling down my feed. I like the close-ups of all the flowers and insects. Just a few weeks ago I was outside the city and brought back the feeling. 😊
Add some color to your scrolling and feel good, check it out here:
Oh, forgot this: #gosh
Ooops wouldn't you need to do another gosh quest or will this still qualify
We'll see, it's under review now.
Alright, good luck
Haha I could tell you enjoyed her post, will check it out as well.
You should, it's a real feel-good post 😊
Hehe that's good to know, will do
I tried getting pizza earlier but there was a problem with delivery. Would get some tomorrow 😋😌 Hawaiian. And yes, pineapples do belong in pizzas😏
For sure! Pineapple on pizza ftw!
You know ball
I was expecting someone to say that 🤣🤣
Bitcoin Pizza?
Hehe, Pay with #HIVE maybe somewhere in future you'll see $20 you spent on Pizza turned into whole million 😂
Well, enjoy your pizza!
Finguru on the supply and demand side of crypto.
"Think of supply and demand as two kids on a see-saw. The balance between the two determines the price of an item."
A look at how the markets price themselves.
Read the full post here,
Finguru and his insights are worth reading everytime!
That see saw example is so good. Like currently we've thousands of Alt's (supply) with less demand...
EasyDefi announced first quarter earnings
EasyDEfi #easydefi
Threading is a full-time job
Facts 💯. It’s fun but not easy
That's ok.
You can quit if you don't like it.
We won't mind this week.
your eyes are heavy, you need to sleep the whole weekend, stop threading now and go to sleep, now!
Just another day in the #threads mines...
And some people in here are working double shifts lol
Yes. I agree. Not difficult to thread but one needs to be consistent and invest time.
So I need to receive my payments lol
Church organ and saltire roof decoration - St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh

#travel #architecture #teamuk #leofinance
So beautiful!
I hope to play something like this someday in the nearest future!
Anyone else following the James Webb saga? I'm looking forward to what this telescope will uncover.
#technology #space
is it about the james webb telescope that they sent beyond solar system ?
Yup! That's the one
can you drop a link?
I think these are the latest news around the topic