
Climate change is real. The Earth's temperature is rising due to human activities like burning fossil fuels. i think we need to take it seriously.

Yes, we really need to take it seriously, but the truth is that many of us do not mind... infact, they are not bothered at all

you know why?
because a lot of people only look for more profit and how to increase their fortune without taking into consideration the pollution or any other factor that affects the climate

yes, that is true... They are only bothered about the present benefits and profits, and not about the long-term challenge or difficulty involved

it's always about corruption, benefits and collecting money. these are going to destroy the world

ising temperatures cause extreme weather events. Floods, droughts, and hurricanes are becoming more frequent and intense. what we can do is to prepare for these changes.

Yes, the effect of all these are massive and greatly destructive... I wonder how this will be in the next 100 years.

we need to travel to the future to check this issue


You just reminded me about sci-fi movies... lol

hahaha future is dark that's why we have to know before it comes

Melting ice caps and rising sea levels threaten coastal areas. Low-lying islands and cities are at risk of being submerged.


That's really bad... Those who live in Islands must be really scared this period... because the waters arent smiling

waters are showing their teeth we should all be aware

weather it’s something i found interesting how it’s been predicted.
It’s been hot and rainy here in my country

i think weather predictions not always right (well it still just a predictions)
but honestly not only me but a lot of poeple are feeling the change in the weather.

Climate change affects ecosystems Plants and animals struggle to adapt, leading to habitat loss and extinction.

No one is safe... even the non-living things will have substantial change when the destruction happens.

the weird thing is no one really cares so at least we should think with a solution at our level

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. By reducing emissions from industries, transportation, and deforestation, maybe we can slow down climate change.

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power can replace fossil fuels. Investing in clean energy like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone, it helps combat climate change and creates jobs.

Here you can feel the climate change, there are moments of extreme heat and other rainy moments with a lot of cold, many people are sick for that reason.

same thing here and such a weather will surely help viruses to multiply and spread more causing more diseases.

I personally have to take great care of that. Sudden changes in temperature affect me a lot.

why it would affect you in person

I mean, temperature changes make me sick more than usual.

yes sure that happens to most of us, and we need to really find a solution all together with the decision makers

Sustainable agriculture and responsible consumption can reduce our carbon footprint.

true... this has a great way of reducing the effect, to an extent

we have to go back to the clean old days this is how we can reduce this bad affect

True... doing this can reduce the effect to a large extent

sooner or later we are going back we're gonna reach a certain point that the evolution will destory us as long as it's being misused

Honestly, it is so true... I really hope it doesn't happen anytime sooner, and when it happens, those around will be prepared..

Damn, they will face the effect of the mistakes of their ancestors!

that's for sure i am just waiting that day

I've really felt the damage bad agriculture does. my place used to be rainy, but they cut all the big trees to make space for crops and now it doesn't rain anymore. You need trees to call rain

Education and awareness are crucial. We need to understand the science behind climate change and its impacts to make informed decisions.

They are damn crucial and should not be joked with... we need to make the right decisions everytime to ensure that the planet is safe for ourselves and our generations

few people think this way mabye because of the lack in awarness

True... and that is why education is really important..

Also, the need to educate the illiterates is vital

100% till now we're in 2023 and there lack in education can u imagine that

Honestly, and it is devastating!

i think this a reason behind the existance of blockchain and crypto
they gonna lead us to financial freedom at first and then to the entire freedom hopefully

Governments and policymakers play a vital role. They must enact policies to limit emissions, support green technologies, and encourage sustainable practices. (not where i live)😕

But our governments are not bothered... the ones we have here are looking for the next project to siphon money and remain unaccountable to the citizens

yes same case in here. always govs dont care

At all... I hope it gets better someday

it should happen is has to get better. corrupted poeple are many but still there is some good people too

Yes, there are some good people... but, the truth is that there are just a handful of good people as compared to the bad ones in the world.

well i guess we're building a clean community in here

Our actions as Individual matter. Every small step, like using public transport, conserving energy, and recycling, contributes to the fight against climate change. Together, we can make a difference.

Yes, individuals have a unique role to play in this.. the little we can do to help... if everyone can play their little part, then the world will become a better place

even the organizations that are meant to protect env. few of them are working from their hearts and the rest looking to increase their money

That is so true...

A good number of them just hide under the guise of NGO established to render selfless service to humanity.... instead they collude to get contributions and donations from people... then they offer only little aid

it happened here in Lebanon since 2019 NGOs are stealing money instead of helping poor poeple

That's not a really good thing at all...

it defeats the aim that they were established for

here is one of the countries that is full of corruption even the people here are corrupted😂

Obviously, human activities are behind this. With time CO2 is increasing because of human activities and it is the reason for the increasing greenhouse effect. Temperature is increasing and ice melting is the predicted result.

always, we are behind any bad thing happen to the mother earth

Yes, human activities have a great role to play... and many humans are not even bothered about the repurcussions

Climate change and global warming are our biggest problems. They use nature cruelly, and it mercilessly responds to us. Disasters have increased almost all over the world.

yes and that's why it's so dangerous it's taking place all over the world and the leaders are busy fighting and making wars

They are busy fighting and making wars...

The ones over here are supporting bandits, and aiding them to kill more people in the land... they are only bothered about how much they will collect from projects, and fail to play their part

and now they are looking for more fights which will cause more bad effect on climates.

True... the more these nuclear warheads are being used... the more the environment suffers

wars always make more money for the leaders on the second hand more innocents are dying, infrastructure and buildings are being destoryed and no one really care about that

Yes... wars have economic benefit on the leaders mostly...

Covid-19 was a great way for many leaders to "cash out" from the global pandemic

millions of dollars were sent to support countries, yet the government keeps bringing imaginary statistics of what they did to provide succour for the citizens.

In Nigeria, multiple warehouses containing various food items completely...

stock, which were supposed to be distributed to the masses... were discovered...

While the masses were suffering of hunger, those who hid these food items were acting as though they've tried their best to support the citizens

And the disasters continue to increase... we aren't making things easier as well, instead we keep on damaging our world

Exactly. And when disasters happen, we grieve and complain.

True... we forget that we are responsible for it... We blame everybody and everything except ourselves

Exactly so.

I am from a country where we don't experience any natural disasters but in we have to prepare for unforeseen circumstances, The weather is either too hot or cold these days all effects of Global warming and you're right is human activities.

what is your country, and how come no natural disaster. hopefully you never experience such things of course

Same with Nigeria... we don't experience natural disaster... Our natural disaster is our corrupt leaders.

Nigeria is one of the blessed countries in this world with so much material, human, and many resources, but to checkmate...

nigeria is well known with it's blessings and yes it deserve better leadership cause it has the potentials

Exactlly... We just need a leader to put us in the right direction, and others to continue... then Nigeria will be great again

Nigeria is already great with it's people open minded like you. eventually the right will prevail my friend


I really appreciate your compliment, and it overwhelms me.

I hope it will be great again, someday!

this blessedness, we have corrupt leaders, who have chosen the part to be naturally wicked

that's the point always we refer to the corruption

Human activities contribute largely to climate change... In pidgin English we say "na we dey do ourselves", in other words, "we are the cause of our misfortunes"

nice words they summarize the whole issue👍

Yea, you are welcome

really threading is nice because we can brainstorm, i am loving it

Climate change is more than evident. If you think back to the past, there were no such extreme temperatures or abrupt changes in the climate.

Here we had a maximum of 43° C last year! Interesting thread.