
there's a lot of things the Roman Catholic Church adopted from paganism lol

For sure! I wonder what kinda secrets that place holding... 🙂

lol oh wow. i couldnt even imagine.

Me neither...btw, now that I look at that picture, maybe the obelisk is a clock 🤔

sad but true

Caligula, of all people! I thought it was brought by Julius Ceasar, or Constantine, or Marcus Aurelius. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day!

I was surprised too! Caligula is often dissed and thought to be just crazy...guess he did something else too.

Caligula was definitely crazy-- so much so that it was legendary. But he also had a good sense of military tactics due to his upbringing.

As crazy as they come! 😀 Didn't know about his upbringing but can't be a total idiot if he managed to get that obelisk to Rome.

Caligula was many things (usually along the lines of mad or insane). Stupid wasn't one of them.

I guess so! Somehow many fail to mention his merits.