There are 6 pages

What's your favorite fruit?

Red Apples is my favorite fruit and I eat lots of it.
It has lots of health benefits and it's testy too. 1/🧵
#hivenaija #fruitweekend #mydiary #hivegarden #fruits

Apples are great sources of the following nutrients; vitamin c, potassium, antioxidants.

Apples also helps in digestion, hydration, blood sugar control. #gmfrens
@prettylucy and @ngobaby come join this contest.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I will always show up.
Thank you.

thanks for the mention fren . I will surely join the contest.

You know, I really like apples. It wasn't until one time that I realised that I prefer the green one to the red. It's more crunchy. But they are both delicious anyway. They're just expressive now.

I very very expensive. But I still find a way to buy myself some

My favorite is bananas

I love bananas too, but they have become very expensive.

I Long for them. A bite can nourish my soul

Is apples your favorite fruits?


I love it too

I love apples too but I love almost every fruit.

Which fruit in particular is your favorite?

I can't name one because it seems I loves a lot of fruits.

I see. We both love fruits.

I also like apples but It's not my favorite one. I would love to take red apples sometimes after lunch and dinner.


eating fruits after a meal is a habit I cultivated from childhood.

Tell me, which is your favorite?

I have many but choosing one is not so easy. I am thinking about it.

It's seams like a difficult choice to make.

I really like watermelons I wish I could live in an etwrnal summer with an abundance in watermelons

I love watermelons too.
It's sweet and nutritious.

I'm learning Python to contribute to the development on HIVE. This is what I got so far

Good , i currently learning Js, HTML and CSS for the same reason.
maybe , we could collaborate in the future !

Yes, I'd love to!
There's not much I can contribute right now, but I'd love to collaborate once I'm of slightly more use :)

Aha same , keep in touch !

Get node, angular and react js frameworks under your skin. You'll thank me later

hehe hola compadre

thats great man! I really need to resume my Python studies as well

Let's do it!

We can give moral support to each other 😄

I'm trying to develop a new skill that might help me come up with a business idea in the future.

that’s awesome! Any plans for what you wanna make?

I'm mostly trying to get into the coding mindset. I think it will help me see problems more clearly and perhaps identify a very specific problem that needs to be solved. I'm not clear on what I want to make just yet, but I'll know a little later in my journey.

Keep us updated. I have wayyyy too many things on my plate but if I didn't I'd be right with you

Do you know a programming language beside what you're learning now?

No, I don't. I'm learning a general purpose language mostly to get the logic behind programming. I believe I might be able to make some basic tools for myself and maybe others, but most importantly, my goal is to get some insights to develop a business solution to a problem in the world.

Glad to hear it! I'm a php dude myself (also learning other languages but have been in php since about 2012) and have a few ideas to a Hive platform.

I also know the browser languages such as html and css, obviously. Ask away if you need it, I'll help to the best of my abilities

Ah! that's amazing man! Yes, I'll definitely be needing help and will come knocking on your door :). I'm sure with a bit of coding skills I can help around the blockchain.

Thank you!

Woah! Coding. My head spins.



GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Mine too 😄

The idea is just to get a bit further understanding of coding. I think there are a lot of no-code and low code tools out there that I'll be able to harness once I identify a need in the market and a way of satisfying that need.

Anyhow, congrats to you for achieving such a new knowledge and skill.



GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Looks like you got affected by confusion just like @rzc24-nftbbg! 😆😅


Wish you the best to be able to build great DAPPs and services for us!

Hola Compadre o/

Ben Vienido a la Hive Blockchain. Nice!

Thanks! I've been here a few years but it's always nice to receive a warm welcome.

Which portions of Hive are currently using Python? Is building nodes or witnesses? Or does some service use Python on the backend?

I heard @blocktrades on Crypto Maniacs episode 34 talking about Hive Application Framework (HAF). You can now use Python to make custom APIs, for example.

I don't need to learn specialized smart contract language.

I'll be able to write HAF apps, and hire programmers overseas, since there are many more Python devs than Solidity.

I love strawberry smoothies. Ever since I was a little girl it's been my favorite. It's the combination of the acid of the strawberry with the creaminess of the milk.

#amazingdrinks #foodie

Luce delicioso!

The only "jewelry" I wear is a black, thin bracelet with a small cross attached.
I am not such a bling, bling girl. 💎

Of course, I do own jewelry. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc.
But just don't like wearing them.

All that shiny stuff attracts too much attention.
And if there's something I don't want, it's attention. 🤭

Hence, black is also my favorite color for clothes and accessories.
I shine enough without all the frills. 😘 🎇


It is Christmas time since the end of November, so when the long-awaited month of December arrives, the decorations are already ready.

#hivediy #diy

🧵 1/2

We love to dexorate as a family, especially when our decorations are #DIY.


Currently into NDE's: Dr Raymond Moody's classic Life after Life is a fascinating study of this phenomena. Currently reading Proof of Heaven by neuro-surgeon, Dr Eben Alexander
#books #silverbloggers

Bienvenidos al #threadcast oficial de la Curación en Vivo de @hispapro, hoy 26/11/2023, Conversaciones y Escritos entre Amigos
Iniciamos a las 6:00 pm hora Venezuela

Muy buenas tardes, ya entre amigos esperando el inicio de esta actividad hoy en esta tarde dominguera.

Muy bueno programa cargado de grandes personas, donde se comparte y se aprende. Un gusto participar y formar parte de la actividad.

Cerrando el programa de curación en #hispapro. Nos encanta acompañar tantos participantes.

Recuerden apoyar a nuestros compañeros dandole play al video para que puedan ser valorados mejor en sus contenidos, asi los apoyan de mejor manera . #hispapro

Muy buenas tardes y feliz domingo a todos de #hispapro. Bendiciones para todos! 💙

Excelente jajaja venir preparado es lo mejor! Me encanta ver que ya está llegando la idea de todo lo que le podemos sacar a InLeo jeje

la gente poco a poco se va a adaptando, a medida que le vamos demostrando la facilidad y las bondades de interactuar por aqui =)

orden de participacion @manclar y @yeral-diaz van de primero

esperando este nuevo episodio de entreamigos por #hispapro , aprovechando al maximo la tecnología que nos brinda la web 3.

y lo que me gusta es que todos ganamos con los comentarios, definitivamente #hispapro sigue innovando con las actividades en las curaciones en vivo

todavía aprendiendo de este mundo tan especial

bienvenida, siempre se es bueno para aprender en #hispapro estas nuevas tecnologias =)

Saltando de aquí y de allá, pero aquí vamos con la amiga @crisch23 @hispapro y todos los amigos que nos acompañan

Ando durmiendo pero también...
Hastag: Chismeando cuando melevanto


ja, ja me rio con tus inventos @frankches #hispapro

En la fila esperando turno al bate #threadcast oficial de la Curación en Vivo de @hispapro #hispapro

Ya viene jaja

Una cosa, no utilice el tag Threadcast en los comentarios, ese solo se usa en el principal, no hace falta usar la etiqueta ya cuando estamos dentro de uno 🙂

ok gracias aprendiendo

Ciertamente, si todos nosotros llegamos a 5k HP la influencia que tomarían nuestros testigos sería increíble, y si delegamos a nuestros proyectos de curación, #hispapro mucho más.

Es importante ir creciendo nuestro HP, los beneficios son bastantes

Por aca presente con mi bella familia de #hispapro en la curación en vivo

Por aquí en hispapro

Que bonita la publicacion de @sacra97 , todos tenemos que encontrar nuestro arcoiris #hispapro

Gracias tan lindo #hispapro

Saludos por aquí activo jeje

Claro es difícil estar en los dos lados #hispapro

recuerden darle play al vídeo de nuestros compañeros, de esta manera lo apoyan y aumentan sus posibilidades de que obtengan una buena valoracion por 3speak.


Un gusto siempre compartir por acá #hispapro

Por cierto, ya se pueden embeber videos de 3speak en threads

ah gracias por el dato, eso esta muy bueno y muy util. #hispapro

saludos al testigo @buiitre pues =D

Participando en el mejor programa @crisch23 #hispapro

por aqui disfrutando con la gaitas de mi país

¿que canción escuchas? #hispapro

vamos a utilizar en cada comentario el #hispapro para ver que tal nos va este día

copiado, entonces con el tag #hispapro ftw para el dia de hoy.

Buenas noches, somos pocos, pero lo que cuenta es la calidad, y no la cantidad #hispapro

Eso!!! Jajaja hay que hacer que #hispapro tenga bastante presencia en InLeo!

los invito a inscribirse al hispaup de #hisprapro

Esto lo vamos a realizar mensual o queda permanente? #hispapro

Luego les dejo una publicación con los beneficios de tener leo en stake, así acá en threads pueden curar con su Leo y eso hará que los beneficios vayan creciendo

mediante las delegaciones se pueden obtener muchos beneficios y que también pueden participar en el hispaup de #hispapro, yo he salido beneficiado en una oportunidad, pero lo importante no es ganar, sino apoyar a la comunidad.

Transfiere 1 Hive a @hispaplus con el memo "hispaup".

Esta casi listo mi video #hispapro

Grandes palabras de nuestro amigo @manclar


Ya activo por acá #hispapro <3

#hispapro estamos en la curación en vivo

Yo sembrando girasoles pronto los traeré cuando florezcan #hispapro

Feliz de haber compartido mi post del día con mi familia de #hispapro esta es la publicacion de nuestro amigo @davidpena26 a traves de #hispapro

Wow, hacer videos si que es dificil, iba a hacer un Threeshort, y me tardé tanto que me atrasé con la descripción del post 😱

¡Les recomiendo mucho esta discoteca, Podríamos reunirnos allí para futuros eventos!

@luis96xd saludos desde #hispapro

¡Saludos @crisch23! 😁😁 Un gusto estar aquí con #hispapro

muchas veces en se reciben visitas de bots, me ha pasado en varias ocasiones.

visitando los post de los amigos en la curación #hispapro

Gracias por escucharme chicos #hispapro

bye y gracias a todos

buenas noches a todos, interesante cada participación en #hispapro. Que descansen.

Que sigan pasando excelente domingo #hispapro

Among my favorite products of the last month are the foundation and pressed powder from the brand Mon Reve.

This brand has been in my family for generations.


My favorite empanadas are the ones filled with black beans and cheese.

#foodiesbeehive #foodie

Baked, toasted and crunchy... that's how I like my empanadas.

#foodiesbeehive #foodie

it's always yummy 😋🤤

I've never tried them with that filling, I like them with a sweeter filling 😄

A little over 2 days to get 150 more songs on Leo.

Can we do it?

I will do my best to chip in.

Should we all do it? Use the tag musiconleo? And any other rules? Any cool song goes right?

All should the problem is, for the database, we need to have it the youtube embed code use as opposed to just the link. The link tends not always show the viewer, instead providing only the link.

We are building a database to use for other purposes so consistent showing of the songs is crucial. We ran into that with the albums and had to do nearly 1400 songs.

Hmm, if i put the embed code, its too long for a thread it shows. You mean the code that starts with <iframe width ?

Ahh. The Leo Premium gives longer threads so i need it before being able to insert the code. Got it.

I am totally out of the loop on this. Was wondering why there were alot of music threads of late 🤷‍♂️

It isnt going to stop if I have my way. Time we built a legit database.

I like it, given I'm a tune head. Bring on the jams. I can throw in a few tomorrow. Embed youtube links or ???

Yep. YT embed since leo doesnt read the links well.

Artist - song title

musiconleo tag so I am sure to see it

embed yt code

The list will be posted tomorrow just before the cryptomaniac show at 3. Near 500 songs already in there.

I can contribute with few of my favorites.

I'm trying man. I've added a bunch but they dont show up on LEO for some reason.

Having the same issue with the BlockTunes account. And I am even trying to share Hive musicians instead of a bunch of random crap, lol

I'll help when I get my badge. Can't upload videos now cos of the character limit.

NVM can't really do it until I get my premium bug sorted the embedded code is too long, that's a bit of a problem if only premium members can contribute

These are my favorite earrings. They are made of bronze. I love how they enhance my skin tone.

I bought them 12 years ago in the Paramo de Merida in Venezuela.


In many of the photos I post on my blog these beautiful earrings accompany me. They sparkle and make me shine like the first day I wore them.


They look very good on you. I like them very much

Today I'm waiting for 5 things:

  1. My #premium checkmark
  2. My #geyser
  3. My Leo-ads reward payout ( for Leo's staked)
  4. For $BTC to hit ATH ( All Time High)
  5. My BlackFriday purchases to arrive

I'm such a patient person...

all will come in due time.

Aha it's weird to see your profile without the checkmark

I took a screen for the occasion, it's not likely to arrive any time soon.

lets hope you get what you wish for.

Wow great day, full of acomplishments.

I see your Premium Checkmark arrived!
One down and four to go?

listening to Joe Rogan with David grusch. Highly recommend

Lots of UAP and THC in that podcast episode!

I was definitely in the sauce

#foodiesbeehive #foodie

Las empanadas de papa con queso son mis preferidas, son el desayuno perfecto para mi.

Y si la acompaño con una Malta mejor aún

There is nothing as beautiful as losing yourself to nature's embrace so it can bear your stress, pain & anger, giving you an unexplainable feeling in return. Beach is my favourite place to be #crossculture

Best place to relieve stress and enjoy the nature

It's indeed a beautiful thing to do! Nature relieves stress thanks toto the Creator

Exactly... nature is everything and I love it there


Let's see what this week has in store. I'm looking forward to a three day weekend later with Thursday Friday and Saturday off, can't wait .

Here is a turtle I got a picture of a couple weeks ago while on holidays.

Have a great week.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Come on people this is a funny pic of me.

I like the hairdo! But it doesn't look that different from your usual one. 🤔

hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂



@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (5/50)

#toofuckeh I rewarded you twice !lol

Lol. !BBH

@fjworld! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (2/50)

Why doesn’t Dracula have any friends?
Well……I hear he is a pain in the neck.

Credit: reddit
@bradleyarrow, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

😂 I'll pay it.

What's the occasion?

Christmas is coming.

@forexbrokr! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (3/50)

Everything is awesome! 🌞

A strong statement for the title of a song that cannot be missing in our playlist of a happy day 😁

Why? Look: 🧵

#music #musiccommunity

Music is electrifying, the phrasing is very fast, and it has a distinctly upbeat message

It's like being cold and eating ice cream 🍦

Being hot and drinking coffee ☕

To be cloying and eat a chocolate bar 🍫

You'll only get happier

Listen to it here:

Only 8 more albums left. What a nightmare. Fortunately it will be done with time to spare for Tuesday's show.

RANT: So tired of Hive-Engine games being promoted as "Games on Hive"
Hive-Engine is a side chain.
What is your critiera for calling something a "Game on Hive" just a Login? spending Hive to buy things? posting to chain??

On a scale of 1-10, I call that a 6.5 in terms of rants.

I think you can do a lot better. More is within you.

I agree, @simplegame rant skill is more robust than that thread.

He needs encouragement to dig deep. It is there we just need to help pull it out of him.

true but i am saving it for my video rant. I ran out of characters.

Not my #dogs, but this pic is the cutest thing in the world and we all need an emotional lift on a Monday morning 🙂.

#gmfrens 💚😵

Lol! This is very cute indeed. Thanks for sharing this and bringing me a smile. A very fuzzy smile, indeed. 😁 #freecompliments

I paid you anyway 👌.

Haha, well I appreciate it - and right back at you!

I was going to say it looks like your dog found the fountain of youth.

They don't last as cute as this for long :(

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Happy Sunday 😅 #gmfrens

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

gm frens, it's always GM somewhere

yes! It's always good morning somewhere.
However, it's about 9pm here in Nigeria.

Holy shi...!

I knew about that obelisk but didn't know it was Caligula who brought it there. He was one strange emperor!

#ancient #history

there's a lot of things the Roman Catholic Church adopted from paganism lol

For sure! I wonder what kinda secrets that place holding... 🙂

lol oh wow. i couldnt even imagine.

Me neither...btw, now that I look at that picture, maybe the obelisk is a clock 🤔

sad but true

Caligula, of all people! I thought it was brought by Julius Ceasar, or Constantine, or Marcus Aurelius. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day!

I was surprised too! Caligula is often dissed and thought to be just crazy...guess he did something else too.

Caligula was definitely crazy-- so much so that it was legendary. But he also had a good sense of military tactics due to his upbringing.

As crazy as they come! 😀 Didn't know about his upbringing but can't be a total idiot if he managed to get that obelisk to Rome.

Caligula was many things (usually along the lines of mad or insane). Stupid wasn't one of them.

I guess so! Somehow many fail to mention his merits.

Nothing like a good book to spend a Sunday afternoon at home.


And if it comes with a cup of coffee... it would be the perfect day.


I agree with you, the best day to read!

A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. By the way, I haven't seen a book of Memorias de Mama Blanca for years:) I read it when I was in high school.

Working at my desk today.
It has been Snowy so we shut down our #detailing business for a few days.
Getting a ton of work down on our new #universal Item game system to transform gaming

Snowed the whole day here as well. Quite nice actually to be indoors working.

Yes I love the snow as long I get to enjoy it from the inside

Yeah, that's the deal for me too.

So many Hive posts on Publish0x that it's sometimes hard to tell where Hive begins and Publish0x starts. In my opinion, this is a good thing(perhaps not for SEO) but many users probably found their way here from there. I think I did too.


Yeah, I know...😅. Learned that SEO thing from you actually, how the posts from different platforms appear in serches

what even happened to Ned Scott (former Steemit boss)? After selling Steemit to Justin and getting roasted by the community, I haven't seen much of him in the crypto space.

wearing bikini in Bahamas and shaking his bum

he is living the life 🤣

chopping the head of his life and playing guitar somewhere

The adage took the money and ran comes to mind.

that must have been some huge paycheck. Happy for him.

1/ Nine years ago, I moved away from the SF Bay Area to Sacramento, some 100 miles away from my first home. As I was separated in distance from my long-time friends who have been family since college, general celebrations followed me, to my delight! #ladiesofhive

Learn when to stop taking risks that will harm your family, freedom & independence


#outreach #threadstorm #reflections #financialwisdom #KnowingWhenToStop #wealth #risk

1/ Reflecting on the importance of knowing when to stop and having "enough" in our lives, I drew inspirations from movies like Baby Driver and Dynasty, and it's clear that the inability to draw the line can lead to downfall.

2/ In Baby Driver, Doc's mistake wasn't just working with the same crew; it was not knowing when to stop. When Baby paid off his debt, Doc's greed pushed him to make bad decisions, highlighting the need to recognize limits in our pursuits.

3/ Examples from Dynasty and real-life scenarios emphasize the peril of unchecked ambitions. Blake Carrington's ego led to financial ruin, a lesson I learned in the story of Joseph Heller, who valued having "enough."

4/ The post points out the significance of mastering the skill of stopping the goalpost from moving constantly because falling into the trap of endless comparison and taking excessive risks can harm family, freedom, and independence.

5/ Having "enough" doesn't mean halting financial goals but recognizing when to avoid potential risks that may lead to regret. And this post is a reminder to balance ambition with the wisdom to protect what truly matters.

When I desire to have a self delicious treat, I go for EMPANADAS. It's my ideal healthy snack 😋 and when I don't feel like taking dinner, it goes well for me #foodiesbeehive #foodies

I don't know why, but the empanadas at dinner parties are endless. When they are for breakfast, I am more restrained... That needs to be analyzed. Enjoy your meal

A memory I have from childhood is going to the city's central square, where there was a slightly rusty swing. I managed to have a lot of fun on this swing! #hivebr #freecompliments

My friends and I would ride our bikes to the square. There was also a tree that I don't know the name of, but it released something like cotton, white and soft!

The tree still exists, even though the square has been redesigned. The playground was removed and a new one was installed nearby. I liked it better the old way.

When they tell you that cryptocurrencies are used for illicit purposes, and that is why they should disappear, but then you remember that fiat money is what is most used for such purposes... #crypto

Yep there's FAR more shaddy crap that goes on with FIAT over crypto

The song is on my mobile phone as an MP3 file. It doesn't get old.

Nope, it doesn't. 👍

"And of course, Grace Six...I mean Grace Slick" 😀

clear warning

Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha

you realize the tag is picked up by the wider Hive front-ends.
so much hostile nature with @solymi
please stop your hate
i will pray for you

@idksamad78699 shows what happens when we place L our hopes in that thing called a Bitcoin ETF:



Lol this is a good meme, even when we all believe this will happen!

By the way, how did you manage to format that scrolling message on the bottom of your thread? That's pretty dang cool!

Here R 2 deprecated HTML elements which only LeoFinance/InLeo support:

  • <mark>...</mark> -- yellow background 4 text
  • <marquee>...</marquee> -- makes test scroll

N other front ends, plain text appears. They also ++ character count.

Amazing! Thanks for sharing. :D

I might start using these now...

Un domingo familiar, sin helado y sin películas no funciona. Así que vamos a ello.


Every vote I give is at 100% How about some reciprocation around here. !lol #toofuckeh

Where did Phil Collins record all his songs?
In the Stu-Stu-Studio

Credit: reddit
@leothreads, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld



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