
Should we all do it? Use the tag musiconleo? And any other rules? Any cool song goes right?

All should the problem is, for the database, we need to have it the youtube embed code use as opposed to just the link. The link tends not always show the viewer, instead providing only the link.

We are building a database to use for other purposes so consistent showing of the songs is crucial. We ran into that with the albums and had to do nearly 1400 songs.

Hmm, if i put the embed code, its too long for a thread it shows. You mean the code that starts with <iframe width ?

Ahh. The Leo Premium gives longer threads so i need it before being able to insert the code. Got it.

I am totally out of the loop on this. Was wondering why there were alot of music threads of late 🤷‍♂️

It isnt going to stop if I have my way. Time we built a legit database.

I like it, given I'm a tune head. Bring on the jams. I can throw in a few tomorrow. Embed youtube links or ???

Yep. YT embed since leo doesnt read the links well.

Artist - song title

musiconleo tag so I am sure to see it

embed yt code

The list will be posted tomorrow just before the cryptomaniac show at 3. Near 500 songs already in there.

I can contribute with few of my favorites.

I'm trying man. I've added a bunch but they dont show up on LEO for some reason.

Having the same issue with the BlockTunes account. And I am even trying to share Hive musicians instead of a bunch of random crap, lol

I'll help when I get my badge. Can't upload videos now cos of the character limit.

NVM can't really do it until I get my premium bug sorted the embedded code is too long, that's a bit of a problem if only premium members can contribute