I feel like the prices of 1st edition haven't gone up much since they stopped minting. That said they aren't as useful as 2nd edition is right now.
Military Industrial Complex prices will be regulated by the value of Military bases but should increase after minting stops.
Labratories should increase along with Military Industrial Complexes since they are needed to make drone factories.
Hospitals could also see an increase in price over time.
Outside of those cards I don't think there is much room for growth for anything else in the current meta. Taxes are well over 100% so law firms don't reduce taxes by enough to make a difference. Same goes for Social Aid Offices, if you are being taxed 100% they don't really do much.
Yeah, your logic is sound.
The future value of 2nd edition cards ultimately depends on whether the game finds a better supply/demand equilibrium for SIM and the meta shifts to make earning income from your city the more profitable route again.
If you believe the game has a future, minting and saving a few of these key cards while they're cheap could be a savvy longer-term play.
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I've got a decent store of 2nd edition cards but I think I'm going to save my remaining SIM for 4th edition!