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RE: Happy Block 50M + Blurt Under Attack

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I still couldn't find the bit which goes as follows:

threatening to rape the Binance influencer of the year is trolling

I am not saying there is not nasty stuff there, just that I couldn't find this.

I did find This Video by @thekingofhive

If this is what you're referring to, I find your description of it quite misleading. Yes, the video is very distasteful, but this person does not make any rape threats and instead claims

I paid @cryptofinally 0.1 Bitcoin to let me fuck her raw

Whether or not that is true, it is still not a rape threat.

If I am wrong about what you are referring to, please correct me.

Also, where you said

is trolling

lead me to believe that this was supported by the Hive community as "just a laugh", however, that couldn't be farther from the truth. The video has many comments stating how distasteful and unfunny it is, and as well as that it has 2 upvotes (likely automatic) and 20 downvotes, showing that in general, the community strongly disliked this post.

A few comments for example:



Ah, Hive, where ... we celebrate the 50 millionth block by attacking a chain that uses the same codebase.

This also makes it seem like it was supported by all of Hive, but personally I do not believe that one person or a small group of people choosing to do so should reflect on this community as a whole - It just seems like you're painting everyone with the same brush.

Thank you,
~ CA


erm, I believe you're quibbling details instead of condemning insanely poor and unethical behavior.

And please, don't take this as an argument for on-chain censorship-- it isn't and I'll never support that position.

I thought I had condemed it above, but just to re-iterate: I found it distasteful and disrespectful.

I guess my main point was that it seemed you were trying to put this on the whole HIVE community, when it's merely a few bad apples.

~ CA

Ya know the expression about bad apples, right?

if not:

"A few bad apples spoil the whole bunch"

I am strongly suggesting that the Hive community develop an attitude of intolerance towards bad apples.

I don't see how we're not intolerant of the actions you're mentioning.

The main part was heavily downvoted and criticised in comments, and since you've stated censorship is bad (which is an opinion we share), you know that we can't delete it.

Sure, I'm pretty sure everyone dislikes bernie (if we're talking about him), but good luck flushing one of the largest whales out of the platform (although it looks like he might be taking a leave). Not sure how you're suggesting we become more intolerant, downvotes? (which he got iirc).

As far as Edicted (aka Mr Wild Claims) goes, I'd be highly surprised if it actually was him but should we have downvoted this post to zero too?

I'm confused as to what outcome you expect, do you want me to go into my dms with edicted and tell him something?

What does "Intolerance to bad apples" mean to you, I would love to know, so that I can improve.

A friend also pointed out that following that train of logic could potentially lead you to this conclusion as well:


Have a nice day,
~ CA

i am really tempted to make an account on blurt to see how it will the censorship resistant chain handle a troll.

But i don't have time for that, and i know there are only 2 outcomes from your point of view.

One, i would be able to spread the word that it is not censorship resistant because you would ban me.

Two, i would be able to say that blurt users are trolling assholes because i am a trolling asshole and they let me troll. and you know what they say about one bad apple...

....bring it on?

You'll have to pay to post tho that's like how it be.

people are paying to post? not sure about that.

but i do hope i have my airdrop :D so i would have to troll very efficiently

Steem block 43,526,969

If you had steem in that block, you have blurt.

Use steem keys from the time of that block.

PS: Yes, forcing people to think about what they say is one of the objectives of the fees.