The Journey to Thea: A Tale of Survival and Betrayal
The story unfolds aboard the spaceship named Origin, which embarks on a noble mission to transport a crew and volunteers to Thea, a newly discovered planet located five light-years from Earth. However, this seemingly hopeful journey quickly shatters into chaos and mistrust as the crew members awaken from hypersleep under dire circumstances.
As the narrative begins, Shun, one of the passengers, abruptly wakes from hypersleep, only to find himself submerged in water as his pod ejects him onto the cold floor of the spaceship. Dressed in clothes prepared for him, he ventures out to find other passengers only to be met with alarm bells ringing ominously across the ship. He soon encounters Lana and together, they sense something sinister lurking in the shadows, igniting a tension-filled atmosphere among the crew.
Despite the chaos, the passengers learn they are not the crew and lack understanding of why they have awoken prematurely. Shun reflects on his troubled past in Tokyo, where he was entangled with the yakuza. His brother, Takeshi, a police officer, urged him to join the Thea Project as a means of escape, presenting it as an opportunity for a fresh start. Their fateful decision to volunteer sets the stage for the unfolding horror aboard the Origin.
As the crew investigates the mysterious circumstances surrounding their awakening, Shun recounts the painful memories of his past, including his brother's tragic death at the hands of the yakuza, which ultimately led him to this point. Their journey to Thea represented Clark Kent's transformation into Superman—offering hope, redemption, and a new beginning. However, the grim reality fast approaches as the passengers face terrifying unknowns on the spaceship.
The ship’s crew discovers that the vessel had been struck by an asteroid prior to their awakening, prompting an emergency evacuation of personnel where the previous crew and passengers potentially perished. With help from newly awakened passengers, including Lee, who skillfully operates the ship's systems, the gravity of their situation begins to unfurl—a terrifying realization that they may be alone in the vastness of space.
As tensions rise, the crew is thrown into survival mode. An alien life form, hidden amongst the chaos, begins wreaking havoc. Max, a fellow survivor, reveals he had an encounter with the creature, causing alarm among the passengers. After discovering Evelyn, a crew member, unconscious and seemingly infected, suspicions become rampant, leading to conflicts that spiral into violent confrontations.
The fear of being infected swells and paranoia reigns supreme, as characters grapple with who can be trusted. Shun, plagued with doubts about Max and Evelyn, feels trapped in a precarious situation, steadily building toward impending disaster.
In the midst of the growing turmoil, flashbacks reveal characters’ pasts—how they ended up on the Origin and how their decisions shaped their fates. The stark contrast between their motivations for joining the expedition and their current frightful experiences amplifies the dissonance within the group. The passengers struggle with alliances and disloyalty, as hidden agendas rise to the surface.
Townspeople or Time Bombs? Mistrust Becomes a Weapon
The internal conflict erupts as the group becomes divided between those wanting to safeguard the group from potential threats and others, grappling with their own pasts. Shun and Lana come face to face with heart-wrenching dilemmas that force them to question their perceptions of each other. An unexpected altercation leads to gruesome outcomes, making survival seem increasingly out of reach.
As the passengers manage to navigate traps set by the alien entity, it is Shun’s willingness to confront his emotions—and ultimately, his connection to Lana—that propels their story forward amid viscous betrayal.
Amidst battles against the alien, revelations concerning Katie shake the foundations of trust further. As past ghosts haunt her, the characters grapple with threats both external and from within their group. The weight of guilt and trauma manifests in various ways, pressuring the characters into making rash decisions that impact their survival.
With their very lives hanging in the balance, the crew soon realizes that collaboration and transparency about their pasts may present their best chance for survival amid a mounting threat that stalks them at every turn.
As the journey progresses and hope flickers on the horizon, a heart-wrenching conclusion awaits every character involved. With the imminent arrival at Thea, the crew is left to confront their past misdeeds, the relationships built on mistrust, and the undeniable presence of their dark experiences.
With Baum and Katie at odds for control over the ship, unpredictable outcomes ahead and a desperate need for connection, the souls aboard the Origin are left at a precarious crossroads—a choice between survival at the cost of their humanity or embracing the unknown that awaits them on Thea. Ultimately, it illustrates a poignant truth: even in the depths of darkness, the longing for redemption and connection remains.
Part 1/10:
The Journey to Thea: A Tale of Survival and Betrayal
The story unfolds aboard the spaceship named Origin, which embarks on a noble mission to transport a crew and volunteers to Thea, a newly discovered planet located five light-years from Earth. However, this seemingly hopeful journey quickly shatters into chaos and mistrust as the crew members awaken from hypersleep under dire circumstances.
Hypersleep Awakening: The Beginning of a Crisis
Part 2/10:
As the narrative begins, Shun, one of the passengers, abruptly wakes from hypersleep, only to find himself submerged in water as his pod ejects him onto the cold floor of the spaceship. Dressed in clothes prepared for him, he ventures out to find other passengers only to be met with alarm bells ringing ominously across the ship. He soon encounters Lana and together, they sense something sinister lurking in the shadows, igniting a tension-filled atmosphere among the crew.
Part 3/10:
Despite the chaos, the passengers learn they are not the crew and lack understanding of why they have awoken prematurely. Shun reflects on his troubled past in Tokyo, where he was entangled with the yakuza. His brother, Takeshi, a police officer, urged him to join the Thea Project as a means of escape, presenting it as an opportunity for a fresh start. Their fateful decision to volunteer sets the stage for the unfolding horror aboard the Origin.
A Dark Past Resurfaces
Part 4/10:
As the crew investigates the mysterious circumstances surrounding their awakening, Shun recounts the painful memories of his past, including his brother's tragic death at the hands of the yakuza, which ultimately led him to this point. Their journey to Thea represented Clark Kent's transformation into Superman—offering hope, redemption, and a new beginning. However, the grim reality fast approaches as the passengers face terrifying unknowns on the spaceship.
The Impact of an Asteroid Collision
Part 5/10:
The ship’s crew discovers that the vessel had been struck by an asteroid prior to their awakening, prompting an emergency evacuation of personnel where the previous crew and passengers potentially perished. With help from newly awakened passengers, including Lee, who skillfully operates the ship's systems, the gravity of their situation begins to unfurl—a terrifying realization that they may be alone in the vastness of space.
Alien Encounter: The Fight for Survival
Part 6/10:
As tensions rise, the crew is thrown into survival mode. An alien life form, hidden amongst the chaos, begins wreaking havoc. Max, a fellow survivor, reveals he had an encounter with the creature, causing alarm among the passengers. After discovering Evelyn, a crew member, unconscious and seemingly infected, suspicions become rampant, leading to conflicts that spiral into violent confrontations.
The fear of being infected swells and paranoia reigns supreme, as characters grapple with who can be trusted. Shun, plagued with doubts about Max and Evelyn, feels trapped in a precarious situation, steadily building toward impending disaster.
An Unraveling of Trust
Part 7/10:
In the midst of the growing turmoil, flashbacks reveal characters’ pasts—how they ended up on the Origin and how their decisions shaped their fates. The stark contrast between their motivations for joining the expedition and their current frightful experiences amplifies the dissonance within the group. The passengers struggle with alliances and disloyalty, as hidden agendas rise to the surface.
Townspeople or Time Bombs? Mistrust Becomes a Weapon
Part 8/10:
The internal conflict erupts as the group becomes divided between those wanting to safeguard the group from potential threats and others, grappling with their own pasts. Shun and Lana come face to face with heart-wrenching dilemmas that force them to question their perceptions of each other. An unexpected altercation leads to gruesome outcomes, making survival seem increasingly out of reach.
As the passengers manage to navigate traps set by the alien entity, it is Shun’s willingness to confront his emotions—and ultimately, his connection to Lana—that propels their story forward amid viscous betrayal.
A Desperate Fight for Life
Part 9/10:
Amidst battles against the alien, revelations concerning Katie shake the foundations of trust further. As past ghosts haunt her, the characters grapple with threats both external and from within their group. The weight of guilt and trauma manifests in various ways, pressuring the characters into making rash decisions that impact their survival.
With their very lives hanging in the balance, the crew soon realizes that collaboration and transparency about their pasts may present their best chance for survival amid a mounting threat that stalks them at every turn.
The Bitter Sweet Conclusion
Part 10/10:
As the journey progresses and hope flickers on the horizon, a heart-wrenching conclusion awaits every character involved. With the imminent arrival at Thea, the crew is left to confront their past misdeeds, the relationships built on mistrust, and the undeniable presence of their dark experiences.
With Baum and Katie at odds for control over the ship, unpredictable outcomes ahead and a desperate need for connection, the souls aboard the Origin are left at a precarious crossroads—a choice between survival at the cost of their humanity or embracing the unknown that awaits them on Thea. Ultimately, it illustrates a poignant truth: even in the depths of darkness, the longing for redemption and connection remains.