Leo Entertainment Threadcast.
- Feel free to share all entertainment updates across the world
- Entertainment shorts and long videos are welcome
- You can paste the link of any video and invite your friend to join you to watch it as discussion goes on
- You can invite friends and make a chat section as you enjoyed your activities on Leo, different entertainment activities are welcome
Don't forget to subscribe to @mightpossibly, so you can be able to use the #aisummaries tool to feed in YouTube entertainment video on this cast.
24/7 live streaming!
27/11/2024#threadcast #leoentertainment #mcb
If you get bored, throw some videos in my threadcast as well :)
I missed it 👀👀👀👀..
I went for service in our church..
Thanks Man!
Another day has come for the entertainment threadcast for all lions, feel free to come and have funs of all kind in the threadcast. lets Get down on it guys....
were are my guys for summary... lol