On self and finance #1

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

For long I've been a lazy person, though I've managed to learn a more active approach to life. More out of necessity though, because inactive life only results with suffering, dumb suffering. The simple reason behind this is probably that positive emotions strive from moving towards a goal. No movement, no positive emotion. That's what psychologists say at least. Being somewhat lazy, I'd like to get both. That isn't reality though, so gotta figure stuff to aim for.


Right now the most important goal personally is reaching financial freedom. Or let's say security to be more realistic - flexibility, to have room to not having to live hand to mouth. I've taken steps towards that by investing money into stuff I'm assuming will increase in value. To my own good, I've been to this crypto thing for several years now so I've done the work and have built my positions for the lurking bullmarket. I had a gut feeling that I should've bought more Bitcoin when it was at $10,000, but decided not to because my position on Bitcoin is already the strongest, especially because of the recent rally to almost 20k. Though the deciding factor is really that I'm about to open my own business, and I need some cash to operate it even though its expenditures will be small when operating at home, and it's hard to predict how much buffer I need when starting a new business.

Running the becoming massage business myself instead of working for someone other comes with the drawback of having to deal with all the bureaucracy, though we've covered all the entrepreneurial stuff at school and I now have a pretty good understanding of all the ins and outs of running a business as a health care practitioner. The good thing with employing myself though is that I can be more creative with my work and approach and do it on my own terms.

I don't come from a wealthy family, way below average actually on Finnish standards, so I've not gotten any kind of kick start, and I've had to start building some wealth pretty much by myself. My father has always been very sparing, but other than that, there was little talk on money and how to handle it. Though it could be that some of my father's attitude I have inherited in that when I have some buffer money on my bank account, I'm not tempted to throw it out at stuff. On the other hand, my father is quite lazy, or maybe a bit inactive or quite slack with his approach to life, so that might've passed unto me too, although now that I'm no longer living under his influence, I've managed to shift my own approach a little.

Somehow I have managed to save and invest a decent amount from the money I earned working as a mailman just in under a year which is almost confusing even, because it makes me think how even in decades my parents haven't managed this. Maybe I ate all their money. Or maybe it just never wasn't a priority to them. Well I was often throwing them letters even 12 hours into the day, which gave a nice overtime pay, so there's that. Really it was just that I didn't like to leave work unfinished, I got well payed for the extra hours, so why not, I didn't have much else productive to do. Lazy as I was, for some reason I still had an obsession to finish everything if it was possible during one day.

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If I had an opportunity at a fairly good enough pay to be a mail man, I will gladly take it. Over the years, ive not had much chances of committing a lot of money into long term investments, but I have done so with my time and that's what I'm holding on to now as I'm watching them grow. Due to the time spent, ive also had to pay a lot of attention, and through this ive unknowingly become savvy in some things that I might not have before, things that are quite important as the world continues to evolve into this state of crypto, things that could generate me some sort of income down the line, this motivates me a lot.

We have the chance to build our future, invest into it, save into it, work towards it, anything to make it better than just folding arms and wishing away....

Glad to know you're doing your bit to ensure financial liberation,..I wish you best of luck in your journey

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There is only so much money that you can save by not spending. I think too many people get focused on the frugality side of the equation.

In our home we do focus a lot of time on what we spend, but more in the value side of the equation. We will spend more for higher quality, etc.

I think spending time on the earning side of the equation is a better investment. The trick is then NOT to spend more just because you are earning more.

For example, we have no plans to increase our spending in the near future even though my company is starting to pick up again. Instead we have a schedule that ONLY removes a certain amount from the company to the personal accounts for spending and personal savings. There is a "max" amount that we keep in the company and the rest is automagically invested in low risk, low cost ETFs.

Our personal savings are in two buckets, one in cash for emergency expenses and the other in higher risk ETFs.

Sorry for the rant. I just started going and couldn't stop.

There is only so much money that you can save by not spending

I totally agree

Lol its very fine...a lot of good points to takeaway here, thanks for sharing your opinion

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The pay was bit over 11€ per hour, it's on the low end in Finland, but not the worst there is, especially for an entry-level job. But really, it was the extra hours that really counted and allowed me to accumulate a lot. Can't do that job and that volume anymore though, got tired of it.

Everyone here on Hive is definitely more savvier than 90% of the population :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyone here on Hive is definitely more savvier than 90% of the population :D

Exactlyyyyy! Not to talk of my region...

To me it look like you already got sound understanding of income. expenditure and saving. I hope you will make a nice investment portfolio for you in future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've learned a thing or two in recent years :)

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For me I have been working hard for the last year to get out of the rat race and trading hours for money. The pandemic turned out to be one of the best things for me. I was able to re-focus on a lot of the things that were important to me, and in return I have been able to land a couple of great projects, etc that have put me back on track.

See, before the pandemic I was trying to do the same old consulting thing AND change everything at the same time. When the pandemic hit a bunch of different things started to happen and then, in the middle of it all I had a client fire me on a project. 8 months later I don't really know why they let me go, and they didn't have a back up plan so the project is still just floundering along. So, when I lost my only cash income, had a new baby in the house I needed to figure shit out and fast. We leaned on our line of credit and I hustled until I landed some projects and have a funnel of new work again.

This hustle has been great for the bank (we will have emptied the line of credit for at least a week today!) but not great for the mind. So we are saving keeping our spending to a minimum, saving all the cash that we can so we can have a 6month cushion, and start saving for the future.

I'm not as confident in the world of crypto these days as it is taking WAY to long for services that reely on it to be something that I could recommend to my grandmother with a newish cell phone. If its not something that the general public can use the value is speculative. I really thought that we would be have the option to pay with BTC or the like for regular things in the world by now, or at least as a way to pay for fully online insurance, cloud products, etc.

Good on you for figuring stuff out, it's been a shitstorm for many. I was lucky to be at school right at the time of the pandemic appearing.

It takes some time for the crypto integration reach a point where we can pay at the stores, but it'll come eventually. We're still in the old world with the old money, and the transitioning is only getting started. Only a tiny fraction of the worlds total value of trillions of dollars is tied to crypto atm. But when crypto starts to suck more and more of that value, the world is going to adapt.

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It's an amazing feeling to be your own boss so I really do recommend being an entrepreneur. For those of course who know that it's also important to have some money saved. In case there suddenly is no work. And I assume you also have the opportunity to go and ask if you can work as a part time mailman if some day you end up in a financially tight spot. But I think you're going to make it just fine!

And I assume you also have the opportunity to go and ask if you can work as a part time mailman if some day you end up in a financially tight spot.

I'm pretty sure they would take me, I'm actually there now for the Christmas season, though only 6 hour days and only sorting work – that I would probably do as part time too, if had to. I don't like it but I can manage when @rrusina is there with me too, haha!

I'm gonna apply for the kickstarter money, either way, if I get or not, I can make the business work, but getting starttiraha surely would help a lot :D

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Silloin joskus kauan sitten kun hain starttirahaa ja onneksi sain sitä, mulle sanottiin että kannattaa hakea vuoden alussa koska se voi loppua kesken. Toki tämä saattaa olla muuttunut jo ja on kaupunkikohtaist, mutta kannattaa kysyä onko tällaista vaaraa. Tosin tässähän on kohta vuosi vaihtumassa sopivasti.

Ja sit mikään mun mainostamisista ei toiminut niin hyvin kuin A5 kokoiset mainokset mitkä jaoin ihan ite lähialueen postilaatikoihin. Ykkösjakelu, mikä hoitaa täällä mainospostin mukana jakelun ei toiminut lainkaan, en tiedä menikö edes perille ja jos meni niin hukkuiko muiden mainosten sekaan, mutta alkuun pääsemiseks kannattaa pistää iso osa mainostamiseen merkityistä rahoista niihin itse mainoksiin, jättää välikäsi jakajana pois ja jakaa itse sellaiseen aikaan jolloin ei tule muuta postia. Niin saa mahdollisimman hyvän kattavuuden / näkyvyyden.

Ja luulit pääseväsi postin jakamisesta eroon. :D Nyt se vasta alkaakin! Paitsi tietty jos tunnet paljon ihmisiä jotka mainostaa mielellään eteenpäin sun yritystä. Kuulin eräältä kaveriltani joka on Pilatesohjaaja että hänelle on toiminut fb-mainostus parhaiten. Mutta tämä tyyppi tunteekin ihan älyttömän määrän ihmisiä koska on luonteeltaan übersosiaalinen ja tämän tutut tuntuvat olevan samanlaisia sosiaalisia pörriäisiä. Hrrrh... Ajatuskin hirvittää, paitsi että yrittäjänä olen tietysti vähän kateellinen. Mutta sitten katson omaa luolaani ja totean: pidä tunkkis. :D

Ei tästä vastauksesta pitänyt tulla näin pitkä.

Silloin joskus kauan sitten kun hain starttirahaa ja onneksi sain sitä, mulle sanottiin että kannattaa hakea vuoden alussa koska se voi loppua kesken. Toki tämä saattaa olla muuttunut jo ja on kaupunkikohtaist, mutta kannattaa kysyä onko tällaista vaaraa.

Olenkin tässä piakkoin yhteyksissä TE-toimistoon, niin täytyy kysyä asiasta.

Mainonnassa varmaan keskitynkin itsejakeluun ja Facebookiin, sinne tein kokeilumielessä ilmoituksen opiskelijahieronnasta ja sieltä tuli aika paljon porukkaa jo, kun osasi oikeat ryhmät etsiä. Toki siinä olikikin paljon halvempi hinta kuin mitä sitten yrityksellä tulee olemaan.

Paitsi tietty jos tunnet paljon ihmisiä jotka mainostaa mielellään eteenpäin sun yritystä.

Eräs toinen heppu täällä Hivessa ehdotti vertaismarkkinointia, elikkä et jos mun asiakas saa referoitua jonkun uuden mun asiakkaaksi, niin hän saisi siitä silloin pienen alennuksen seuraavasta yksittäiskäynnistä.

Ja luulit pääseväsi postin jakamisesta eroon. :D Nyt se vasta alkaakin!

Kyllähän sitä oman bisneksen nimissä paljon mieluummin postia jakaa kuin toisen alaisuudessa! :D

Mainonnassa varmaan keskitynkin itsejakeluun ja Facebookiin, sinne tein kokeilumielessä ilmoituksen opiskelijahieronnasta ja sieltä tuli aika paljon porukkaa jo, kun osasi oikeat ryhmät etsiä.

Hei mahtavaa! Sit vaan koukutat ne sun palveluun. :) Kannattaa kokeilla kaikenlaisia pieniä markkinointikikkoja koska ikinä ei voi tietää mikä tehoaa kehenkin ja milloin. Matkit vaan röyhkeesti muita yrittäjiä ja muokkaat niistä itsellesi sopivan setin. Paras tapa markkinoida onkin tyytyväiset asiakkaat jotka tuo sulle lisää asiakkaita kehumalla sua.

Kyllähän sitä oman bisneksen nimissä paljon mieluummin postia jakaa

Tämä on niin totta. Omia mainoksia hypistelee ihan erilailla kuin muiden ja niitä jakaa ihan eri fiiliksellä.

I reblogged this halfway through the read because I relate on a large scale to almost everything you have shared here. Though I am nowhere near investing properly, the intention to follow it through has seen me engaging in and with the necessary information to help me walk such a lonely path. This said path is the reason why we are having financial conversations with my teenage children as I don't want them thinking on where to begin at my age! Sigh.

All the very best with your journey:)

You're children are gonna thank you later :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just stopping by to say hölkyn kölkyn!
Hope you have a merry Christmas @celestal!

Hölkyn kölkyn, Jeff 🥂 and merry Christmas!

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