There is only so much money that you can save by not spending. I think too many people get focused on the frugality side of the equation.
In our home we do focus a lot of time on what we spend, but more in the value side of the equation. We will spend more for higher quality, etc.
I think spending time on the earning side of the equation is a better investment. The trick is then NOT to spend more just because you are earning more.
For example, we have no plans to increase our spending in the near future even though my company is starting to pick up again. Instead we have a schedule that ONLY removes a certain amount from the company to the personal accounts for spending and personal savings. There is a "max" amount that we keep in the company and the rest is automagically invested in low risk, low cost ETFs.
Our personal savings are in two buckets, one in cash for emergency expenses and the other in higher risk ETFs.
Sorry for the rant. I just started going and couldn't stop.
I totally agree
Lol its very fine...a lot of good points to takeaway here, thanks for sharing your opinion
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