While Star Wars is a huge brand, they made sure to turn away a lot of fans with the last trilogy. The reviews and jokes were much more entertaining than the film themselves
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While Star Wars is a huge brand, they made sure to turn away a lot of fans with the last trilogy. The reviews and jokes were much more entertaining than the film themselves
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That is what I heard. I am not a huge fan of the franchise past the original 3.
Perhaps it was my age, I simply lost interest. Didn't see the second set for more than a decade after they started rolling out.
It is a shame but I am not sure how much Lucas was involved with them. He sold to Disney a number of years back. Perhaps it was him but a shift in focus would make sense if there was a new team at the top.
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The last trilogy flopped because of Kathleen Kennedy, she made an unrelatable Mary Sue the focus of the story because "the force is female" puking sounds
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That would do it. There was another major film that happened to. I think one of the Marvel films.
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Lol! This reminds me of the SNL bit where they placed Kylo Ren in Undercover Boss.
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Whilst the last trilogy wasn't as great as the original, I do think the force awakens stands apart form the other two as a great film.
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