Earlier in the week, we saw the introduction of a new tribe called CineTV. This was put together with the backing of the @brofund.
We often talk about having a breakthrough application on Hive and this might be one of the communities to do it. The idea of tokenized communities that exists on Hive is a strong one. It is just to us to bring that concept to the world.
CineTV is going to do its best to ensure that this is one of the communities that stands out.
Here are some of the strengths as we see it:
Near Universal Appeal
We are dealing with a niche community, however one that is very large. In fact, films and television shows have near universal appeal. Most people watch these on a regular basis. What is enticing is we all have our favorites.
Do you like the new stuff? Are you a Sopranos fan? Is the classics up your alley? The Golden Age of Hollywood? Or are you more the Indie variety?
Whatever the flavor, there is room for discussion. If you enjoy it, there is a great chance there are millions of others out there who do so also.
After all, what is one of the most common "watercooler" topics: something that was on television the previous night.
Thus, while dealing with a niche market, it is one with broad appeal.
Diverse Team
The introduction post mentions the names of the team. You will notice that not only are most of these people well known on Hive, there is a diverse set of talents.
Too many communities are started with that lacking. There might be the technical expertise but the marketing or business experience is absent.
Here we have a strong team that was able to put this together rather quickly. A large part of that was due to the diverse backgrounds. Once the idea came together, the name was decided upon, logo designed, and tokenomics put together.
And then announcement.
Earlier in the week, @themarkymark took care of getting the airdrop completed to two different groups.
This is an advantage going forward because there are a lot of areas to focus upon as a community. Naturally, one of the first areas is technical since the site needs changes. Here having people familiar not only with coding but also Hive with Condenser is vital. It seems many tribes run into some difficulty here.
Big Business
There is little debate that films and television are big business. The money that is involved, over time, runs into the trillions of dollars. Some of the highest income earners come from the arena.
We also see a ton of money generated through licensing for merchandise. The Star Wars brand, as an example, has seen billions of dollars.
The next five Star Wars movies would go on to earn an additional $3.5 billion at the box office. In total, the Star Wars empire has sold $4 billion worth of DVDs and VHS, $3 billion worth of video games, $2 billion worth of books and another $1.3 billion through various other licensing deals. That brings the grand grand revenue total after 35 years worth of Star Wars licensing to $27 billion.
That is a nice chunk of change: $27 billion. Of course, this is just for one brand. What is the totality worth?
The bigger issue will be how can CineTV tap into that?
That eventually is going to be part of the revenue model to support the token.

Tokenizing a community is one thing. The key is to truly monetize it. This is where the team behind the project is going to focus.
We still live in a fiat driven work. Thus, it is crucial to get money flowing in from the outside. It is here where most communities appear to have faltered.
Of course, not every community seeks this. Some are set up for the single purpose of having people hang out and post their stuff. That is wonderful if that is the scope of the community.
This one, however, has much higher aspirations. The entrepreneurial mindset is being brought to the table. People who are accumulating this token are going to be part of something larger.

Years ago, Siskel and Ebert were a highly popular movie review show. Each week, they would select an assortment of films to watch and critique. It was the analog upvote world where they gave a thumbs up or down.
CineTV is following the Web 3.0 model. It is turning everyone into a film critic. Anyone can come onto the site and post a review about a show, film, or a particular actor/actress. Of course, Hollywood being Hollywood, we are sure that some scandals will pop up periodically too.
The early stages look rather bland for a new community but this one aims to separate itself. With high aspirations, there is a market we feel that can be leveraged for great success. If this grows to be popular, the power it will yield could be great.
Any business would like to easily identify and target its customers. A thriving community designed around a particular genre can fill this role. It becomes essentially one-stop shopping.
This is going to require outreach. There is already a bounty fund in place to help fund this. Over the next few months, we will release details of how people can participate and earn even more CINE tokens.
Ultimately, the goal is to keep building until we have something that attracts the masses. We are going to focus upon simplicity, inclusion, and ease of use.
This will give anyone the opportunity to profit from their love of movies or television.
And who knows, maybe someday we will fund our own feature film.
Tokenization holds so many possibilities.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
gif by @doze
logo by @st8z
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Movies are big business, especially now as so many people have time to veg out on movies. Let's give them a place to talk about them! The easier the onboarding, the better!
I like that you mentioned the team is diverse. Part of the reasons why I picked it that way. Mainly I chose the people that have added a lot of value to BRO in their own meaningful ways and set them up as a team. This is hopefully going to be great :)
I love CineTV and CINE token, I am reviewing one film a day, one more reason to share my passion for cinema :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is terrific. I am glad that you found a niche to really fill you desire. I am going to try to add a film or show review every couple of days.
It is a fantastic way to get involved, especially if you are new.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
While Star Wars is a huge brand, they made sure to turn away a lot of fans with the last trilogy. The reviews and jokes were much more entertaining than the film themselves
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is what I heard. I am not a huge fan of the franchise past the original 3.
Perhaps it was my age, I simply lost interest. Didn't see the second set for more than a decade after they started rolling out.
It is a shame but I am not sure how much Lucas was involved with them. He sold to Disney a number of years back. Perhaps it was him but a shift in focus would make sense if there was a new team at the top.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The last trilogy flopped because of Kathleen Kennedy, she made an unrelatable Mary Sue the focus of the story because "the force is female" puking sounds
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That would do it. There was another major film that happened to. I think one of the Marvel films.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol! This reminds me of the SNL bit where they placed Kylo Ren in Undercover Boss.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Whilst the last trilogy wasn't as great as the original, I do think the force awakens stands apart form the other two as a great film.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The whole concept of Tribe defines the path of success of any niche community. If every member would do their part honestly then it is impossible for that Tribe to decline. Greed and Fear are main enemies of any Tribe.
We know most dont do their part. It is the 80/20 or 90/10 rule. Alas, the power users are the ones that a tribe needs and wants to target.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope in near future we would have some way to eradicate this problem.
It seems like a plight on humanity. How many of the overall Hive user base even bothers to leave comments?
That ought to tell us something.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah That's True!!!
Many of them don't even bother to read the posts and just for the sake of Curator Rewards they leave upvotes.
This is one of the serious problem for this platform. Many times I get demoralised when no one even bother to read my content which took hours of thinking and writings. English is not my mother tongue and to think and write in English take some serious efforts from me. :(
That's true, many when the hive-engine tribe started they tokenized it, but almost all communities keep the same hive condenser saying and offer nothing new, considering that user experience is extremely important to keep and attract new users.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
From what I understand, it is not easy to get away from.
That is why having people who understand that stuff can help to navigate around it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
this tribe has a lot of potentials and especially when we got a team like that i believe we will be able to utilize all those potentials and ideas.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is something that can be built upon.
We are going to see more roll out in the months to come.
It will take some time, but a year or two from now, we feel this can be a massive community.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
More exposure for Hive 🖤
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The part of money flowing in is not clear to me. SOmething that functions great in IMDB cannot be done in hive. Posts get lost in the abys easily. Search fundtion is key.
That is why a new site needs to be set up and the data cached before being delivered to the blockchain.
Without that, search is basically non-existent which is counter productive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I knew about brocoin when I was in Whaleshares but they didn't even sail there and here at hive it seems that it has done quite well, I am happy about it,
but I think I'm going to regret not having entered in a timely manner, but I still received my airdrop thanks leo, although it was relatively little compared to those of bro owners, it was something to come for free, it is not bad, and I have seen how it has grown yesterday the price seemed like a butcher shop nor have I seen at this time like this but I suppose that growing exponentially, if the cinema is something very important it includes the tv I could spend hours and hours talking about it, I think I will make a couple of posts about that talking about how the cinema I educate myself financially with the films of Wall Street or the wolf of Wall street with Jordan Belfort jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Well, how to monetize the income, maybe they should propose a strategic alliance with holliwood and receive royalties from them for promoting their films and making reviews of them here and distributing the tokens among their users or that they send the film fans here, thinking about it I think it is good chance to get in and imagine they can get a deal like that could drive this place crazy with something like that.
Yes I have seen @themarkymark who sent me the tokens, thanks for that, and if you do a great job with this tokenization, I think we are slowly moving forward and as I told you yesterday, even a few tokens are always welcome and maybe later When the price drops, decide to enter with enthusiasm for now it is not very prudent because there is fomo, and that is not recommended, but here we go if I saw that you are also in the team, congratulations on that. I have a friend that they should visit or invite here or I don't know if he will already be involved here, @jcrodriguez he is a specialist in this, and I know that he should already be smelling what is here behind if they have not seen him they should do a By looking at his profile and putting him among his curators, he will do a great job apart from being a reputable cleaners.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Anything is possible. We need to see where things go. If there is a big enough community, some major players might start to listen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome tribe!!

I am loving this tribe, I think out of all tribes this is going to be the one to bring people over to hive.
You are right that movies and tv and universal entertainment and people from all types of life can relate.
It has a lot of potential for mass appeal.
A lot needs to be done in the meantime.
For now, we just keep plugging along.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This niche is very liked by many
I watch a lot of movies and series, having Cinetv will encourage me to write more about them
In addition to the strong team behind it, I think it will have a bright future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am pretty excited about this community. I haven't taken the time to dig into it yet, but I am really excited about the potential it has. I think it is going to be really awesome. I feel like it is something I could easily participate in when I get some spare time. The problem is finding the spare time right now!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think I'm going to join if there's room for one more user. I love movies, watching them anyway, writing reviews in Hungarian, so I might as well contribute here.
Yeah I think we can squeeze another post or two in each day.
Come on over.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I could imagine something like RottenTomatoes on CineTV, with people posting a review and using the interface to give a rating score, which is then send to the blockchain as a JSON and hence verifiable. This is particularly interesting in times, where we read about censorship, review and comment deletes and stuff like that happening on RottenTomatoes. This would allow a more decentralized approach, showing the TRUE opinion of the majority of users on CineTV, not the bought ones from the big Hollywood studios.
That is one of the sites that some ideas are being modelled after.
It is easiest to start with something that is out there, mirror it, and then move on from there.
We actually have a lot of possibilities on there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have been reviewing films and series on a daily basis for several months now and it is so exciting to see this type of tribe being built on Hive!
Then you will fit right in :) This is why I love Hive , everything people were doing outside hive will now be done through communities on Hive and they get paid for it . Looking forward for your reviews :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will look for your reviews on there and support them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even though I got less airdrop , I am thinking of buying CINE and want to be active over there .
Music and Movies are something which connects everyone :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cine is actually movie and television.
There is another tribe that is focusing upon music.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I know , what I meant was both of that have universal attraction .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am definitely watching this one with great interest!
As a niche, it's very similar to LeoFinance, in terms of "making sense and being clearly defined," which is the go-to starting point for a community, as far as I am concerned. And yes, it's nice to see a genuinely diversified team.
I believe we have a number of potentially outstanding communities already here (SportsTalk, Foodies, NaturalMedicine, Creative Coin, STEM Geeks, CTP and others) that have mostly suffered because they've lacked in the technical/development skills area. Developing a unique free-standing identity takes more than enthusiasm and spreading the word... it ALSO takes technical, programming and usability expertise. LeoFinance is the standout example because so much has been built from the ground up... rather than just putting "fancy dress" on a Hive clone and considering yourself "done."
How much does that matter? Again, take LeoFinance — the custom front end is so well done that it gives people a REASON to post from the community page rather than just flinging tagged posts from PeakD. To market a niche externally, you have to offer something...
But definitely watching CineTV with interest!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That was a major part of Leofinance's success. The fact that they were able to build a front end from the ground up is vital.
We are now seeing some of the results of that.
It will be a challenge but there are many options. It is time to up the ante for the tribes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Less rushed content created only for the sake of earning. A more polished product intended for daily consumption. I could go on and on. The consumer combined with locking in what was once disposable income should always be the focus. I'm so glad these things are finally catching on. I'm happy I brought it up, years ago. Maybe someday someone will approach me and ask for a few tips. LOL!
Some of us were paying attention.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I know. Pitching requires patience, and a lot of reps.
I want to ask you a question, if I delegate CINE to the @brodefi account, do I also get dividends? It is a question that I had a few days ago, others are the same people behind this project
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
hey the account is @brofi and not @brodefi . You will get BRO as dividends, yes .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes @brofi will pay you out dividends for delegating your CINE over to them. It comes out a little each day, but it adds up over time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A business model that generates review would open the site to new possibilities. I think one of the keys will be a custom front end that makes for a fun, possibly gamified and obviously tokenized user experience. This would be a product worthy of marketing to masses, and could be a real smash hit!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are a lot of directions that this can travel in. The key is going to be getting the userbase to grow in a consistent basis. If we can do that, we have the ability to leverage it for much greater aspirations.
That is always the key, growth.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For sure! and that's why I think a good UX is key, attract from outside the HIVE ecosystem.. Unfortunately there wasn't an incentive mechanism to encourage HIVE users to post from the front end, but this could still be added. For example you can only earn CINE rewards if you post from the front end, otherwise I don't believe it will be used much if at all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well there might be a penalty for those that just use the tag as opposed to using the front end.
We will see how things go over the next couple weeks.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I personally think the movie review sites and game review sites no longer represent the people. As much as CINE can be a replacement for critics but I think if you truly want to capitalize on it, you need to make it easy for people to search and leave reviews.
I also hope it will fund some of good films and I think it is much better than leaving a review on a different site since you get something for your efforts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah well that is why a new site is needed along with caching. The blockchain makes sites very hard to search.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea searching on HIVE is fairly bad. I tend to prefer going directly to google/presearch to find out more information.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Movies are big business, especially now as so many people have time to veg out on movies. Let's give them a place to talk about them! The easier the onboarding, the better!
Movies are big business, especially now as so many people have time to veg out on movies. Let's give them a place to talk about them! The easier the onboarding, the better!
This is a community I have been waiting for a long time. I am an old movie lover and I like to talk about my favorite movies, I forgot many of them but now I have something to look for to remember them. I am very glad that you support this community, which I hope will give you the confirmation that tokenization is necessary and represents the future.
Just by looking at the team behind the project, it is more than obvious that it has a bright future ahead.
We've got some amazingly skillful individuals on Hive, and this is probably the number one reason why this place is highly undervalued. It's great to see them creating new tribes and adding to the development being made on the network. Everything Hive has to offer is thanks to its powerful, technical community, and the CineTV tribe is another awesome addition to the ecosystem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
How happy I was to discover this tribe here on Hive. It was enough for me to activate my account and start posting. For now I only made my introduction post, but without a doubt I will be an active and present member in this channel. I love cinema not only as a connoisseur, but as a director of experimental shorts. I embrace all the moviegoers of this tribe!
This was the project I had been waiting for a long time. As a true fan of Cinema, I'm very happy with the creation of this community and I'm gonna do my best to help it grow with quality.
I would like to take this comment, to say that I launched a contest to promote more engagement there (https://leofinance.io/@wiseagent/cinetv-contest-and-the-oscar-goes-to). If you can take a look, and together with the rest of the team that takes care of the community, can help in some way... It would be very helpful.
Thanks, @taskmaster4450.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I now have a great place to share my views on my favorite series and nostalgic films.
Cine TV has everything to go very well with Hive and I wish all the success in the world.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really like the concept, I'm from Venezuela and I've been a cinephile since I was a child. I hope to contribute with quality material to this new tribe and to allow us to share our experiences.