I watched how the helicopter thingy was developed before it got to mars, it's very cool but I don't think we will see lots of drones flying around on Mars any time soon given how difficult flying is on that planet
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I watched how the helicopter thingy was developed before it got to mars, it's very cool but I don't think we will see lots of drones flying around on Mars any time soon given how difficult flying is on that planet
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Couple that with the fact as to why we need stuff flying around Mars.
If we do eventually live this, which I highly question, it is not going to be for a while now. There is plenty of time to figure how to fly stuff up there.
The breakthrough from a scientific and knowledge standpoint is great but the practicality of it, I don't see it.
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Drones could help survey the planet but that would mean more weight, and that helicopter thingy is super duper light
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