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RE: Economy of Opportunity

in LeoFinancelast year

It’s annoying in a lot of ways but at the same time - what’s the alternative that doesn’t have a bunch of evil people destroying others for fun? It’s a weird and defeatist way to think of it in a lot of ways but I think the system we have now gives us a fighting chance in some aspects. Egalitarian societies just simply don’t last or exist, I think it’s just how people operate. We are driven by motivation and that’s an important factor. It’s an odd prospect but I think if there’s no challenge to overcome - some don’t like it.

Like many topics this one is so nuanced, a lot of it is bad but a lot of it is also great. The decentralization of technology that we have today largely wouldn’t be possible in a society not driven by profit and increases. Even that point could be argued 10 ways from Sunday, so you’ve done the usual and sliced a piece of a complex pie :D


what’s the alternative that doesn’t have a bunch of evil people destroying others for fun?

I think it comes down to conditioning. Perhaps we don't scale economically, so there is no answer, but I don't really believe that. It is more of an alignment issue, where what we currently want, isn't aligned with what we need to do.

It is definitely complex, but I also think that perhaps if we were aligned toward wellbeing, we would still innovate, just in a different way. Doing it for money though, innovates in a direction that will always cost humanity eventually - or parts of humanity perhaps.