Economy of Opportunity

in LeoFinancelast year

While I was talking to my colleague today, I realized that perhaps a lot of people don't understand why money isn't the solution to social problems, and will never create anything close to equality of opportunity. Well, at least the money that comes from the current economic conditions, and equality of opportunity, as we seem to define it.


Firstly, let's take a quick look at equal opportunity, because that is an interesting thing consider these days, since people think that they are special and unique. And, in many ways we are, so how is a community meant to provide equal opportunity, knowing that the outcomes are going to vary greatly? And then, even if there is some kind of handicapped for skill level equal opportunity, how does that translate into the economy of supply and demand?

We can send everyone to school, give them the same education, but it is going to benefit some more than others. We can find everyone's unique talent and nurture it to the utmost, but that doesn't mean that anyone wants to consume the output of that talent. It just doesn't economically work.

But money or without, everything we do as a human species is a process of trade of some kind, even if it is an internal trade with ourselves. This is physics really, as energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred. All movement in this sense is economics, and the universe itself always equals one. It is always completely balanced.

But, we haven't created a universal economics system to govern our interpersonal skills trading. Instead, we have created an imbalanced system, where energy isn't shifted one for one, it inflates. This means that there is an imbalance, and while that creates opportunity for business to take advantage of and people to increase their stake and leverage in the economy, it also means that it is going to be more restrictive on some than others.

Even if we are all (on average) advancing as humankind, this doesn't mean we are advancing at the same rate. It is like that old math problem from school about a car travelling 5 miles an hour faster than another, and the distance between the two after an hour. No matter how fast the other car is going, after an hour, it is still 5 miles behind. After two hours it is 10, and after 100 hours it is 500 miles behind. If the lagging car is going 5 miles an hour itself, it has only travelled half as far. But even if it is going 100 miles an hour, it is still always going to be losing 5% ground, so the gap between car one and two keeps widening.

But, if there is a situation that the front car can increase its speed by taking some of the energy of the car trailing, that gap is going to widen at an increasing rate. And that is where our economy currently is, because it is a for profit economy and players within the economy will engineer their activities and exert their influence in order to keep making profit, which is the energy of the financial economy. The rich get richer, because that is how the system is designed.

But, because of this, the solution isn't redistribution, because all that does is resets the cars on the track, but the same effects will take place over time and that gap will become more pronounced again. And again. And again. That is the way it has been made, which is also why money isn't the solution to social problems, because those social problems are generally created by the for profit economy.

“You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

But, it is not just our thinking, it is the nature of the beat. The nature of the current economy is driven by profit, not improving social conditions. Trying to get it to solve complex social issues is not going to work, in the same way that making orange juice from apples is not going to get the desired result. No matter what is tried to improve society as a whole through using money, will eventually fail, because the economy is not made to do that. If it was, it would.

The economy is working perfectly.

Yes, I know it is broken as fuck, but it is only broken if you look at it from the standpoint of the outcomes and impacted conditions of humans. As far as an economy goes, it does its job of allowing people to trade goods and services. The problem is, the economy is agnostic in what is traded, meaning that it is not only happy to trade iPhones and cars, it also is happy to trade dangerous chemicals, weapons, and people.

The content of the trade doesn't matter.

In this way, it is like the Hive blockchain, where the content of a particular post doesn't matter in terms of voting ability. A post like this one or one that just says "shitpost", have the same value to the blockchain and the same potential to earn. It is up to us as staked users to decide what each gets. All the Hive blockchain does, is ensures transactions are recorded faithfully.

Supply, and demand.

And the economy that we have now is functioning, but what we are demanding leads to a lot of differing outcomes, where many suffer so that a few can thrive. If we demanded differently, it would affect the supply of goods and services within the economy, and this includes the way the economic algorithms work, the rules of trade. Corruption exists because we allow it to exist, because for whatever reason, we also fear the transparency that will remove it. This gives an opportunity to profit, even if it is at the expense of wellbeing.

And these opportunities lay all through the economy and are built into the economy so that some people have more than others, so that they can make more of the energy of the economy than others. This further drives inequality of opportunity and outcomes, as it increasingly becomes a self-driven system, where those with make the decisions as to where the distribution goes, which they at least to some fraction, will direct their way.

Money begets money.

Do you see the problem with the economy?

It is about money.

What if it was, "wellbeing begets wellbeing"? If the economic juice, the "profit" was wellbeing instead of money, it would mean that this is what would be traded through the supply and trade mechanisms. The most valuable economic transactions would be those that add the highest wellbeing to the bottom line. And, if you think about what the outcome of an economy should be, it should be looking to improve human wellbeing over all else.

But of course again, nature comes into it and as such, an economy of wellbeing isn't going to happen, because we are driven to compete for markers of wealth. We are looking to beat others, to profit at the expense of others, so that we are able to mark our place in the world, garner support, and increase our opportunity.

You see another problem?

We can't have equal opportunity, because the opportunities we value are not only in limited supply, but they are also desirable. This means that opportunity is also a marketplace within the economy, and we are going to compete for it, one way or another. We don't want equal opportunity, in the same way we don't want equal outcome, because we want to feel special, we want to be better than someone, at something. It doesn't have to be anything important, and we don't even need to be that good at it, but we want to get the feeling that we are valuable.

If we aren't adding toward improving society, what value do we hold?

Financial value doesn't care about that question. It is a simple system, easy to understand, and easy to participate in. It is a game that doesn't require social improvement, or even thinking about society or others much at all. It is just about monetary profit.

And as such, will never be able to solve all the problems of humanity.
And is more likely to create more.

Economics is pervasive and permeates through all we do as a species in some way, because it is part of the natural laws of energy transfer. But, how we have applied those laws, manipulated the system, and shifted it to favor some over others.

And that, is very human.

What opportunity?

What an opportunity.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It’s annoying in a lot of ways but at the same time - what’s the alternative that doesn’t have a bunch of evil people destroying others for fun? It’s a weird and defeatist way to think of it in a lot of ways but I think the system we have now gives us a fighting chance in some aspects. Egalitarian societies just simply don’t last or exist, I think it’s just how people operate. We are driven by motivation and that’s an important factor. It’s an odd prospect but I think if there’s no challenge to overcome - some don’t like it.

Like many topics this one is so nuanced, a lot of it is bad but a lot of it is also great. The decentralization of technology that we have today largely wouldn’t be possible in a society not driven by profit and increases. Even that point could be argued 10 ways from Sunday, so you’ve done the usual and sliced a piece of a complex pie :D

what’s the alternative that doesn’t have a bunch of evil people destroying others for fun?

I think it comes down to conditioning. Perhaps we don't scale economically, so there is no answer, but I don't really believe that. It is more of an alignment issue, where what we currently want, isn't aligned with what we need to do.

It is definitely complex, but I also think that perhaps if we were aligned toward wellbeing, we would still innovate, just in a different way. Doing it for money though, innovates in a direction that will always cost humanity eventually - or parts of humanity perhaps.

Opportunity is where you see a gap that you could fill, then go for it!

Anything in demand by people for people normally paves the way. Nothing is equal in love and war, educating oneself fits into a similar vein, apply yourself to task at hand or fall by the wayside, only you are responsible for your own actions, or lack thereof.

Economics simple definition, "study of scarcity, the study of how people use resources and respond to incentives, or the study of decision-making"

Too many people are waiting for a handout, without realizing that self-education is about the only chance of actually getting ahead, because of the laws of economics. Centralized and widespread education, can only really develop average people - so the scarcity is in those willing to make the decision to go above and beyond.

Shocking how little self-help comes into the equation of late, rather wait for handouts then blame government.

Towns originally grew to what they became through families working together pooling resources to build homes, one at a time. Old homes built on soak pit systems (our home was on one 40 years ago), water pumps close to rivers were redirected to homes each helped each other. Skills now diminishing/lost both is working together for greater good or simply laziness.

Today everyone wants a house built for them on tax money. If the brain is not exercised it ceases to function! Pride is lost, reliant on a few for much weakens everyone.

This makes me think of my work and how people complain about our data uploads occasionally. They never quite get it when I have to explain that the system is dumb, it just takes the day you give it and puts it somewhere else. If you give it bad data to begin with then of course it's going to be wrong. That's an input problem though, not a tech one. The tech is working exactly the way it is supposed to. Same thing with the economy.

I think that data is getting used more smartly as we go forward. A lot of the mundane tasks are being automated, so that rather than just finding information, it is also possible to start thinking about how that information is to be used. AI helps with this of course, but it still relies on quality of information to begin with.

Yeah, that's where I think the big gap is. Especially where I work. Individuals have maybe a high school degree at best and they are the ones entering the data. Not that there is anything wrong with not having a HS degree...

I agree. I think it is also humanity's greed that prevents equality from truly happening. People always want more. More money, assets, houses, shoes, etc. Very few are able to reach contentment. While this hunger for more is good for innovation and improvement, one can't deny how it can be destructive to society.

If contentment/ wellbeing was the profit, perhaps the way we "maximized" would be different also. Money is an abstraction, a proxy, but it meaningless. Shouldn't the outcomes of an economy have meaning?

Shouldn't the outcomes of an economy have meaning?

In an ideal scenario, yes. But unfortunately that isn't the case.

It makes me wonder just how the system is built. A lot of the people who ended up successful worked hard to get to it and it wasn't just money. Sure, there are a few who had the money to go through but there are definitely more factors than just money to things.

Definitely more than money, and definitely more than right place at right time. And, probably less corruption than people think - but, that corruption exists in the form of power being able to drive change, so when profit is the goal, the power will shift to that end. It is a complex system, which is why a single point approach can never be the answer. Centralization doesn't work.

Opportunities are always good and we have lot of opportunities in our life! The hardest part is to catch the ones that do not harm other people, like in Yoga, Yama principle "asteya", the non-stealing principle

I think that many of us don't realize how much we steal, because we are so removed from the supply chains of our lives.

I don’t want to be pessimistic but I don’t think that equality which is supposed to happen amongst humans can happen and that’s because the system is dumb and corrupt and now, a lot of people are used to it

At a nature level, it already exists, because nature doesn't care about anything at all. However, at the human level, I think it will never be balanced, because balance isn't in our nature - we want change, we seek change, we create change.

This really got me thinking about the role of competition and human nature in shaping our economy. It's a complex issue, but I appreciate the insights shared here about the potential for a different approach

People destroy good things make life private it's necessary I think

it's really fascinating to think about how the system is designed. Success isn't just about money, it's about hard work and other factors too and I just hope the system will really favor people who work diligently and actually deserve it.

social problems are generally created by the for profit economy.

At this point in the economy, I think the biggest problem is scarcity. Who needs endless stacks of money if we are all able to receive the same from the supply. But some people get caviar while other get sardines. Money isn't just the energy but it is also the barrier for things that are scarce and in demand since there are too many people in this world for everyone to enjoy the caviar.

Of course the money supply could be spread out more evenly. But now physical might has been swapped out for financial might, so those without capital are forced to go without due to scarcity.