I don’t understand how you got hacked? What do you think happened, is eth unsafu?
I got hacked for millions and millions of dollars of eth from bitfinex. Cryptopia hacked too. Mt gox a little btc, nannex exit scammed all my Nano! Binance stole thousands of dollars worth of hive from me. Be careful, i know how it feels, it’s not easy adjusting after a hack, but you have to learn and not let it happen again.
I think it was a combination of things
First of all, I take responsibility for becoming complacent since 2016 (when I was hyper vigiliant) to now (where I've just gotten used to doing things quick and thinking - ohhh i'll change that password later) kind of mentality.
But the hack - I've been told they HAD to have had my seed phrase in order to do what they did.
In order to get into my wallet, all they had to do was hack my email account - (which again - I made fairly simple - because I had data breaches there according to haveibeenpwned.com) and then - all they had to do was look for my seed phrase.
I literally had sent it to myself - in gmail - (thinking "who is gonna hack my stupid email??? this is safe!") dumb dumb dumb of me. just... dumb. Maybe no one wanted to hack me when I had $100 worth of steem years ago. But I was a whale on that platform - and like I said -I just got complacent and felt safe.
but having said all that??? it STILL does not justify anyone thinking that they have the right to steal anything.
The fact that you have lost so much crypto - makes me sick for you! I'm so sorry to hear that. And you know exactly how I feel. It really hasn't been easy adjusting after a hack. It messes with a person on so many levels.
But I promise you.... we have a new project coming up and I am glad that it happened with this amount - now... instead of anything more - later. Because who knows? If our project becomes a nice little project? It could generate some interest. And if it does?? Better that I learned the hard way on my own personal wallet than anything more later.
It's a very hard lesson, but like I said - glad to have learned now.
Once again, I'm so sorry for all your lost crypto. I'm surprised that it hasnt defeated you by this point!!!! Once almost sent me into a full blown depression! I can't imagine having it happen multiple times with all that money! It's saddest that this is what crypto is becoming! One hack after another -and people just running away with money - while the victims have very little recourse!
What are the ways that you keep yourself safest now???
Oh wow, thanks for explaining, so others don't make that same mistake about sending the passwords to the emails. Yes using the same password on different sites is bad too because of data breaches. I am constantly under attack, I get messages that this site and that site people trying to log in. Facebook exposed my password and I lost some accounts that way too years ago. The thing with getting hacked of crypto is the value constantly grows from the theft. As ETH value goes up so does the loss, that is one of the harder parts, the loss in time! Yeah it does suck getting hacked. I had been saving since the beginning in 2009, so I took a huge haircut, but basically started over again stacking afterwards. If that didn't happen I'd be one of the hugest whales here by now! Luckily STEEM and HIVE have been keeping this money safu, being powered up is a real asset. That is why I don't like the new HF proposal to instant power downs. What if there is a person out there with our password in waiting, for the right time to strike. Being powered up is safest thing for me! Thanks, good luck!
and - one more thing...
there are SO many people with passwords in waiting - for the right time to strike.
I believe the person who had my password- had it for a long time - and waited for that PERFECT opportunity to slip in, slip out - and take my money.
He never even changed my passwords! He didn't want control of my wallet. He just slipped it - took control (as me) and did what he wanted with my money - and then left me this empty wallet. ugh. it makes me so mad!!!!!!!!!!!
but - i'll not forget this lesson - EVER. i can tell you that