Got hacked, now what?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

First of all. Cry.


I'm so not kidding. Just - cry.
It's ok. I will cry with you.

You will absolutely go through the 5 stages of grief in this process. Accept it, and find someone to go through it with you. Want a friend? Come find me. lol

Now - after you finally get to the point where you want to do something about it - I can tell you what I did. I'm not sure at all if it will help you recover your money back, but it may help YOU recover. And after all - THAT is what is most important, friend. That you find the way back to feeling like YOU again, a little wiser, a little safer, but YOU.

(note: its been 3 weeks now, and I really do not quite feel like me yet. Which is odd. Because everyone that knows me knows what I am like, and this... just ain't really it. But, day by day, getting there. It takes time, but I hope this post helps you!)

What I did first.

Well, for me, I was leading a community. And that community had a lot of controversy around it RIGHT at the time of my hack. (this will come up in another post, I'm sure, as it was very very suspicious timing) But for me - it was important that I share what happened WITH the community.

So, I immediately made a video, and shared THAT night. I was bawling my eyes out (and I'm not talking that pretty cry where Demi Moore has the beautiful single tear roll down her gorgeous cheek in Ghost. I'm talking snots flying, no makeup, UGLY CRY. lol) Do you need to put out a video of your blubbering self? Nope. But maybe document it somehow. For others, for you, for healing. Write it out. You're a blogger, right? Write it out. And you never know, you might see some things you didn't see before that help you later.

Next thing I did with a help of a friend?
Got turned onto bitquery - a really interesting site! Let me show you.

When I first looked at my wallet on etherscan, I saw the hacker's wallet that had stolen from me. I clicked onto HIS(or her!) wallet and this is what I saw.


See my 6 sweet little ETH there? sending you love my darling ETH, come home to me please!

Now you can see there, it seems that 6 other tragic souls were hacked at the same exact time as me. Then if you continue to follow, you can see that our ETH is combined and then sent back out in different amounts to different wallets.

If you click on EACH of those wallets - it opens to a NEW etherscan, and then... it only takes about 39 seconds and 17 open tabs for you to forget which trail you were following, whose wallet belongs to whom, and which direction you're supposed to be moving in.

Which is why I introduced you to your new best friend:

Take a look at how much nicer this looks when you see a visual representation of what happened in that same time frame.

hack 1.jpg

Yep - there I am - the orange arrow! Me and my 6.18 ETH, as the hacker slipped into my wallet, and transferred to him(her)self. When you first load the transaction into bitquery, it doesn't know how you'd like each wallet to appear, so it just has them floating in a blob. You click on each wallet, and drag them to where you'd like. I have all of the victims on the left side, and all of the wallets where the stole crypto - is going to on the right.

I have RECENTLY (like 3 days ago??) FINALLY been approved for a account. See how the hacker took 13.0960 ETH from a Binance account? Now that I have my Binance account, I'll be able to contact them (I couldn't before) and ask them if its JUST that simple as saying ummmm.... the hacker who stole from me, ALSO transferred money FROM a Binance account TO the original wallet that stole.

Could it really be that simple? Are thieves really that stupid? Sometimes... they are. I will let you know if anything comes of THAT in follow up posts - but let's continue with this demo of bitquery!

As you can see from the pic above - I have it set to 1 outbound transaction. Let's set it to 2 outbound transactions and see what happens!

hack 2.jpg

Interesting, no? You can see in the following pics, I'm not going to keep separating the wallets on the "inbound" side vs "outbound" side. Just take a look at the arrows and you'll see what the hacker was doing. He/she is circled in the center. Of the two wallets he (not gonna keep saying he/she - let's just assume he for now) sent out to two wallets that ended up converging back to one. It seems HIGHLY likely that he sent that back to himself and just make it look more confusing.

Let's go to 3 outbounds now.

hack 3.jpg

Even more interesting right? He ended up coming BACK to the original HACKER wallet, and then look at the left there. He sent to another "hub" that transferred out to more wallets.

Will they eventually come back to him again? Let's take it out to 4 outbounds.

hack 4.jpg

It's getting more complex, more intricate, we're seeing some more "hubs" and points where things are circling back. Can you see why this visual network is SO much easier than trying to do this with tabs and trying to keep random wallet addresses in your head? That would be near impossible. But this? A really nice little tool for trying to keep it all connected, and UNTANGLE what hackers intentionally TRY to tangle in order to confuse!

Wanna see 5 outbounds?

hack 5.jpg

Ok - look at that.
Remember the Binance wallet that FIRST went into the original hacker wallet?
He sends back out, through multiple wallets - and then ends up BACK to that same Binance account.

It's a complete circle, and it's evidence. (evidence for what? That will be for the next post!)

One of the worst feelings that you experience from being hacked -is feeling completely powerless and having NO control over what just happened. THIS lets you be on the offensive and regain power and control and hopefully, if the exchanges will use KYC. DOES (as it took me almost 5 weeks to become verified. And let me tell you, I practically had to send blood samples to get verified. It was ridiculous.) But Binance (as far as I know) does not. Does that mean that nothing can be done? Maybe. Maybe not. Perhaps, they can freeze that account and not allow money to be transferred? I don't know, but - I'll be trying!

Last outbound. Take a look at what the max 18 outbounds looks like.

hack 6.jpg

Here is the saddest part of this image.

It all converges. This guy/gal is stealing from so many people, and then sending the money through various wallets to end up in an account holding massive amounts of crypto that belonged to other people. One wallet that I saw had over 600k USD. Another had over 1 million USD. Then I got sick and just stopped looking.

Think about that?
After the hack, some very kind person was trying to console me and said, "I know it's hard, but maybe the person who hacked you needed the money?" (I am not angry that they said this - I know that people try to find meaning in the meaningless and try to open up perspective. I do try also... but)

  1. Even if that is so, there is no justification for theft.
  2. No one needs to steal my 6 ETH to add to their millions because they are in need. That is greed, and evil.

The next steps that I took will be coming up in a post soon. If you're reading this because you got hacked... ask for my ugly cry video LOL I'll drop it in the comment section! I guarantee you - we will be crying together, and I'm so sorry that you were victimized. You can chalk it up to "lesson learned" if you want, and just let it go. But if you're feeling like you want to get a bit more pro-active, I'm happy to help you in any way that I can!

This is the end of this post, but if you want to dig deeper into the "coincidences" with me? Feel free to continue further below.

NOTE: All of this was originally documented real-time on the Uptrennd platform. Part of the suspicious activity that surrounded my hack was:

  1. Everyone knew I was an Uptrennd whale
  2. Everyone knew that I held, helllld, hellllllllld!
  3. It was rumored that a "deal" was coming where Uptrennd was about to be sold (very much like the Steemit/ Ned/ Justin Sun saga)
  4. 18 hours before the announcement came that we WERE sold to, my wallet was hacked. Had it been hacked the next day - the 1up would have been almost worthless. So... interesting, no?

Most of the community mourned with me, because they knew how loyal I was, how generous I was with my 1up, and how strongly I believed in Uptrennd (even when things looked grim) but a few people accused me of staging my own hack. Can't lie - that really pissed me off, and I responded. (can see it below)

If you'd like to see any of the real-time blogs from when it happened, here they are. (My name is/was Tiger Lily on Uptrennd) These post links had to be archived, since Uptrennd will go offline on May 31 - and we will lose all our blog posts.

I can't even think straight

Who wants to make a thief famous?

I'm going to say this once

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


gran compendio lo dejare como herramienta futura.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes a very good tool to use - but I hope you won't need it after a hack! I hope you can just share it for anyone that you hear that has use of it :)

Wow! What an ordeal that must have been. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It must make you question the whole experience of crypto, because we all invest more than just money into the various platforms we're on. We're investing parts of our lives.

Do you know how you were hacked? Was it a case of someone finding out your keys, or was the wallet software itself hacked into?

I'm fairly new to this, but I've heard a few stories like these to make me question how much crypto I should keep in one place, or whether spreading it around is actually any safer, or just feels safer.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Horrible as it was, it might help others, which is a positive thing.

I believe they got my seed phrase - which I had mailed to myself (and I think they hacked into my email in order to get that)

and yes yes yes - PLEASE spread it around in different wallets to protect it. And also keep your passwords updated, complex and keep those passwords SAFE!!!

It really did make me question a lot about crypto. like - do I really really want to be here anymore??? Because its not just my hack - its the MANY MANY other hack stories from people, platforms, exchanges - that KEEP coming out more and more - the more i share.

And that is really discouraging. Because I think the answer to those people shouldn't be "Oh well, that's crypto"

and THAT is the answer that we have. Which is SUPER disconcerting, discouraging and disgusting.

Yeah we do need to protect ourselves - and learn - yep!!!
But for the victims? the best we can say is "That's crypto"???? that is just so pathetic in my mind.

It really just leaves the door wide open for hackers to know they can get away with it. WHAT exactly is the deterrent for them??? none that I'm seeing.

Thanks for your awesome comment!!! and I appreciate your kindness :)

Yes, I can really sympathize. At the moment there seems to be no-one to turn to when things go wrong. But as governments begin to recognize crytpo as being an asset that is taxable, then you would think the flip side would be that they would also have to recognize that taking other people's crypto is theft like any other - with victims warranting the full protection of the law.

It's very difficult when passwords / seed phrases etc need to be so long and randomized. If you have several wallets for different cryptos, and then Binance accounts etc on top of that, then it becomes very very difficult not to leave some trace, somewhere on your computer.

Even if you keep all your passwords offline, when you type them in manually, there are a number of methods where a clever hacker could capture your keystrokes.

I hope you stay with crypto, though I can completely understand if you walked away after the experience you've had :(

I ended up filing a 10 page report with the FBI - but - I have a feeling I'll be waiting a while to hear back from them.

And yes - I'm staying with crypto :)
We have a new project that I think will add some positivity BACK into the cryptoverse :)

One month until we test it - and 2 months until it goes live (God willing!) hehe

And... if anything, this lesson of mine couldn't have come at a better/worse time. Worse - because a lot of that money was money for the project. but Better time... because as I mentioned - I'm glad that I learned the hard way NOW... rather than later when there could be a lot more money involved. Who knows??? but better to learn now.

Thanks for your conversation :) I've enjoyed it a lot and followed you. 😊

You too! And I best of luck in your project. I'll look forward to checking it out :)

Thank you so much😊 Maybe I'll give you a little sneak peek hehehe

That would be fantastic - please do :)

I don’t understand how you got hacked? What do you think happened, is eth unsafu?

I got hacked for millions and millions of dollars of eth from bitfinex. Cryptopia hacked too. Mt gox a little btc, nannex exit scammed all my Nano! Binance stole thousands of dollars worth of hive from me. Be careful, i know how it feels, it’s not easy adjusting after a hack, but you have to learn and not let it happen again.

I think it was a combination of things

First of all, I take responsibility for becoming complacent since 2016 (when I was hyper vigiliant) to now (where I've just gotten used to doing things quick and thinking - ohhh i'll change that password later) kind of mentality.

But the hack - I've been told they HAD to have had my seed phrase in order to do what they did.
In order to get into my wallet, all they had to do was hack my email account - (which again - I made fairly simple - because I had data breaches there according to and then - all they had to do was look for my seed phrase.

I literally had sent it to myself - in gmail - (thinking "who is gonna hack my stupid email??? this is safe!") dumb dumb dumb of me. just... dumb. Maybe no one wanted to hack me when I had $100 worth of steem years ago. But I was a whale on that platform - and like I said -I just got complacent and felt safe.

but having said all that??? it STILL does not justify anyone thinking that they have the right to steal anything.

The fact that you have lost so much crypto - makes me sick for you! I'm so sorry to hear that. And you know exactly how I feel. It really hasn't been easy adjusting after a hack. It messes with a person on so many levels.

But I promise you.... we have a new project coming up and I am glad that it happened with this amount - now... instead of anything more - later. Because who knows? If our project becomes a nice little project? It could generate some interest. And if it does?? Better that I learned the hard way on my own personal wallet than anything more later.

It's a very hard lesson, but like I said - glad to have learned now.

Once again, I'm so sorry for all your lost crypto. I'm surprised that it hasnt defeated you by this point!!!! Once almost sent me into a full blown depression! I can't imagine having it happen multiple times with all that money! It's saddest that this is what crypto is becoming! One hack after another -and people just running away with money - while the victims have very little recourse!

What are the ways that you keep yourself safest now???

Oh wow, thanks for explaining, so others don't make that same mistake about sending the passwords to the emails. Yes using the same password on different sites is bad too because of data breaches. I am constantly under attack, I get messages that this site and that site people trying to log in. Facebook exposed my password and I lost some accounts that way too years ago. The thing with getting hacked of crypto is the value constantly grows from the theft. As ETH value goes up so does the loss, that is one of the harder parts, the loss in time! Yeah it does suck getting hacked. I had been saving since the beginning in 2009, so I took a huge haircut, but basically started over again stacking afterwards. If that didn't happen I'd be one of the hugest whales here by now! Luckily STEEM and HIVE have been keeping this money safu, being powered up is a real asset. That is why I don't like the new HF proposal to instant power downs. What if there is a person out there with our password in waiting, for the right time to strike. Being powered up is safest thing for me! Thanks, good luck!

and - one more thing...

there are SO many people with passwords in waiting - for the right time to strike.

I believe the person who had my password- had it for a long time - and waited for that PERFECT opportunity to slip in, slip out - and take my money.

He never even changed my passwords! He didn't want control of my wallet. He just slipped it - took control (as me) and did what he wanted with my money - and then left me this empty wallet. ugh. it makes me so mad!!!!!!!!!!!

but - i'll not forget this lesson - EVER. i can tell you that


I spent some good time on Uptrennd last year and I still hodl some. I used to see Tiger Lily a lot there, seems you were the head of an uptrennd school or something. You mean Uptrennd is going offline this month? What would become of the 1ups?I'm really sorry @dreemsteem!

Posted via

Yes - that was me, Tiger Lily :) I created and ran Uptrennd University with our UU team ... and now it will be changing over to UDreem University and still carry on the torch of teaching bloggers how to thrive in a social-crypto platform.

and yes - its going away -its been sold. There were so many people who were devastated by this news. And many many more who lost more than you can even imagine. It was really a very bad thing. truly.

apparently the 1up can be used on the new site. but - you can see the price plumetting more and more.

You should log back onto your Uptrennd account as soon as you can, and see the pinned message at the top. Try to save your important posts when you can! :)

and thank you for your sympathy @nevies - it was really a very hard ordeal to go through (and still go through) but I hope my horrible experience can help others

tiger what?

Tiger Lily

here was my profile on Uptrennd

First of all, cry... lol! You made me giggle, although the subject really wants to make you cry! I am impressed that even when you are hit with this crap you crack jokes <3
Seriously though, which a..hat dared to hack my sweet @dreemsteem, grrrr. You are one of the most loyal & dedicated people I have met yet<3

Please feel hugged!!!!On a different note, would you like to come to our show as a guest, I would like to help you, first promote your awesomeness, your books & also address the hacking situation.

Posted via

Hi my sweet friend!!!! oh my gosh, i seriously got chills just reading your comment - cuz i really did feel hugged hehehehe

Love your light my friend!This weekend is insane and I have a meeting with our team on Sunday - let me get with them, and get back with you very very soon??? I think that could definitely work!!! but I dont' want to jump too fast because there is something that we are working on and its taking a lot of my time - but I can share more with you in DM!!! Love you so much @d-vine. I love that no matter how much time passes, genuine people can reconnect as if no time has passed at all :)

(and yes - cracking jokes, always!!! Laughter is the BEST medicine, truly! - but "just cry" is REALLY REALLY what people need to do. lol cuz i cried - a LOT!!) HAHAHAHAHA

I will talk to you very soon - i promise! shooting to come find you on Monday to chat! :)

Ahhh, you sweet soul you!! Yes I love that no matter how much time passes, genuine people can reconnect as if no time has passed at all, I think in a way we are always connected, we just don't hover, that's why we touch base how we left it. Does that make sense?
You take all the time you need my sweet @dreemsteem, you still have my Discord tag, or?

It's so f'ed up, I had to cry reading what happened to you 😭
I did send out a curse to get that indiv by his ba..s, muhahahaha!

I love, love, love you so much back! Now get ready because here comes another one..... HUMONGOUS HUG <3

yes it makes perfect sense to me hehehe because that's how we roll :)
I will look for your discord tag - and if i don't have it for some reason - i'll grab you on a post and we will connect.

thank you for shedding tears for me - did you see the crying video??? LOL oh my gosh, lady, i was beyond distraught. but everyone who saw it cried with me too - and in some BIZARRE way - i felt so connected to all of them, sharing tears with me. Sometimes -just mourning with those who mourn is all we can do - but its the best thing too <3

and the curse LOL you are not the first - let me tell you
I've had SO many people who are like "I'm ashamed to say that I found myself wishing evil on the person who did this to you."

not kidding - i've heard it from 4 people now. I don't wish evil on them - but I wish that something would cause them to suffer until they make it right. See what i mean? not like - meaningless suffering! but the suffering that is a heavy heart and guilty conscience that will NOT be silenced (and the money can NOT be enjoyed) until they do what's right.

Is that likely? I don't know. Stranger things have happened!!!

But its what i wish! that those who were hurt, will be healed. Let's see what happens. It's what I'm praying for!

receiving that humongous hug - and sending it back MAGNIFIED hehehe
i love you!

That's a very sad story. I felt the same experience but in a different case a few years ago. I did not get hacked but the exchange stole my money. A few years ago there was an exchange cryptodao. The owner was evil. He did not admit that my deposit in the trading account. I tried to show the proof from etherscan but he refused my appeal. He then accused me of doing blackmail.

I had no idea to claim my asset then I wrote on medium how cryptodao stole my asset. After a few months, the exchange closed. Since then, I did not like centralized exchange because I should send KYC. I also do not have the private key of the account in centralized exchange.

Posted via

For me - I feel like KYC can be a nuisance - but it can also protect.
In cases like this now, I wish that it was as simple as contacting Binance and saying - look - here is the account that stole from me. Get their info! lol

I'm so very sorry that it happened to you also. There is a lot of deception and greed in the crypto world, and its high time that people with integrity started to reclaim this space to keep it safe.

Everyone wants to have the thrill of the "wild, wild west" but the reality is- a lot of people died in the wild wild west because of greed. And that's what we're seeing in crypto.
I mention that I'm hacked - and a TON of people have told me that it's happening ALL around to them, to their friends, to exchanges, to platforms.... I think we need to do better.

Hi there, long time! Aside from this thieving ordeal I hope everything else has been good in your life.

That being said, I'm sorry you had to go through all that as no one should. And you're right, whoever stole your funds is evil, hopefully he gets caught soon, and you and all his other victims get your funds back.

Also, Bitquery does seem very useful, though I hope to never have to find out.

Stay strong!

Hi there @ange.nkuru !!! yes - long time! I was busy (as you can) helping another platform to thrive. I spent a very long time (hard hours everyday) with our team to make Uptrennd a great place to be. And in the end, just like Steemians - the platform was sold out from under us. Pretty heartbreaking - and a huge financial loss as well.

I got hacked, but if I hadn't gotten hacked? the VERY hext day - the wallet would have been practically worthless.

I really do hope that the evil person who stole my funds is caught. I don't think I'll ever get the money back. (but wouldn't that be an amazing surprise!) but if all that happens is getting that thief??? I would be so thrilled to make them as infamous as I can!

Hope you are doing really well!!

I got hacked, but if I hadn't gotten hacked? the VERY hext day - the wallet would have been practically worthless.

Yeah, it most definitely sounds like the culprit was an uptrenndian(?) who knew all about your account and had been biting their time.

And in the end, just like Steemians - the platform was sold out from under us. Pretty heartbreaking - and a huge financial loss as well.

I think from now on we should just be very weary whenever a private company wants to get itself involved in the governance of a blockchain. It never ends well.

Yeah, seems greed and scammers always finds a way to shine. But don't worry, either way one way or another the thief will get his, and probably end on fbi's most wanted, numba 1.

And yeah, life's been life but it's pretty great right now so, yaay!

How's SpunkeeMonkey doing btw?

Spunkee Monkee is on hiatus - but waiting the right time to come back out and play with all the monkees! hehehe

but we have a new project in the making. Hopefully will be able to reveal it by the end of summer :) I hope it will be a good thing!

I'm sorry this happened to you. It's the stuff of nightmares. Read the post a couple of times and I'm still trying to figure out how the hack could have happened.

Posted via

Yes, the days that followed, I talked with several people that helped me to see some holes that I had created in my security fence. I think that over time, I just became very complacent with my crypto-security. (something that has been rectified!)

If you want to see how I think it happened - I go into more detail in the post RIGHT before this one. It's called "'don't worry - your wallet is too small to hack" or something like that

You can find it right on my blog - and really - you should read it, because you might be doing some of the things that I did too!!! and if I never get my money back, and I never catch the evil person(or people) who did this.... if i ONLY give advice to others on how it can easily happen to them and to fortify their fences??? then its worth it.

and if you have ANY questions about things that I did wrong - where I'm not clear - please do ask!!! I'm an open book and I will for sure let you know where I made FOOLISH mistakes that could have prevented it all!so please do read @charcoalbuffet

At least they're on sale now so you can get in cheap again :-p

Sad to hear though, hope you're ok again

Posted via

Ok i HAD to laugh at that comment!!!!

LOLOLOL thank you for that!!!! LOL

I don't think i'll be buying ANY more 1up LOLOLOL but yes - if I was still inclined? NOW would be the time ! LOLOL I'd be able to refill my bags for pennies on the dollar. but no.... with Uptrennd closing at the end of May - and it being abandoned, I think I'll just focus my attention full time now on our project and hope that we can bring some really GOOD things to the social-crypto space. I think we need another goodie, don't you? hehehe

thank you and yes - I am doing better one day at a time. But my gosh - it was a trainwreck there for a while.
Thanks for your shared sorrow :) I truly appreciate it

Glad it made you laugh! Getting hacked is tough, had some minor issues outside of crypto. Basically scum taking advantage of leaked passwords for psn store and thuisbezorgd (dutch food delivery conpany) always got reimbursed and were small amounts if money but it always shows the vulnerability and makes you rethink your security measures. Guess that's a good thing as it would have been a small price to pay to prevent much heavier losses..

Hooe it somehow helped you in the end too, probably learned a thing or two from the experience

Posted via

Believe me - all these lessons are getting channeled into energy for our new project and making sure that its set up RIGHT at first.

I would have brought foolishness into the foundation - and so i HAVE to be thankful that I had this shakeup NOW rather than later.

you are so right. better now -than later. i've been saying it for weeks now. it hurt so badly - but better now, than later.

thank you so much @riandeuk!!! I appreciate your spirit :)

Jaguar Force is here, spread them out, ok no, wait, ok, we would like to help you.

What do you need to know? just ask and I'd be happy to give you the info you need!

Will contact you soon.

you can find me on discord if you prefer :)

I haven't heard anything from you - were you able to find anything at all? I reported everything to the FBI, but I'm sure they get tons of cases each day and I have to wait my turn.

But I'd love to hear from you if you have anything that could help me - or even that I could add to the report that I sent to the FBI @jaguar.force


POUR OUT A BEER for those dead coins

really sorry to read this one, good luck on catching those bandits!

Posted via

yes.. lol
That's how I really feel. just have a nice memorial for them :)

but would be so sweet to catch the bandits... for real!

thanks for the words of comfort 😌

Yes trenndians knew that tragedy.there is no justification for theft.everyone is running behind money,its up to you if you chose right method or wrong.but remember when you take someones effort,you will also lose cant enjoy that money.

Hi @gohar-ali - yes indeed - we are all feeling the sorrow of it all still, aren't we?

And I hope that my money weighs around his neck like a huge weight that won't let him breathe until it is returned with everyone else's money too!

Ma you will be blessed HUNDREDFOLDS because we know your heart. So silly of those people accusing you, tsk tsk. You have been our lifeboat, our support in all areas in life so whoever are they, they are so wrong. The 18 outbounds image was getting more complex yet you managed to check through it. I felt this moment when I got scammed big time. Heartless thieves.

This post is really an eye opener for others that hacking online is so legit! We are with you our Tiger Ma.

Hi my sweet Pat!!!! :)

I know you are all right there with me - the pinheads who made those foolish (hurtful and hateful) accusations will have to live with themselves for being heartless.

but I have enough of my family beside me to feel all your support and love and energy - and you know its what is driving me to make that new project shine. (oh i hope. i hope. i hope) lol

i can't wait to see if we have something really GOOD to bring to the social-crypto world. i'm so ready for it. i'm tired of the greed and evil and nastiness that is pulling everyone apart at the seams.

we can do better for this space. we can all do better!

i love you!!!!

there's so much fraction in the cryptosphere ma, and please know whatever project you have in mind, rest assured of my support and please include me for I am with you on this. We can bring peace and harmony instead and be more proactive. God be with our dreems.We believe in us, in YOU Tiger Ma.

For the new project - check the graduate channel in Tiger Trennd on discord - there is an important message there for anyone who wants to be involved ;)

I love you Pat!!! thank you for your encouragement!!!

Ma'am it isn't strange to me that you're yet to feel like yourself. The tragedy was quite hard. It will take time before you could completely put it aside.
It's funny how people try to justify stealing with some funny slangs "he needed the money". Don't we all need money? Should we go about stealing cos we need money? Like you said, there's no justification whatsoever.
With all the step you're taking, I hope the thief is caught, or the wallet is at least frozen.

wouldn't that just be the sweetest ever???
If all that money just SAT THERE frozen??? unable to be touched by those thieves!

ohhhhhhhh i would LOVE it. because they should not enjoy one cent of it. It's not theirs to enjoy!!!

and yes - i agree with you Michael. What kind of ridiculous excuses can thieves be saying these days? we all need money. there are ways to get what we need. and when you see their wallet - you can see - they don't NEED millions. they're taking it because they WANT it.

thanks for you love and kind words :)

but guess what? I'm really almost back to full Tiger force again hehehehe

very excited about the things to come!!! :) God is good!

My sincere condolences.
Have you any idea how the thief might have gotten access to your password? It's definitely worth considering. Not to be alarmist, but if they planted a trojan on any of the devices you used to interact with your wallet... They're still in the system and a somewhat tedious but necessary housekeeping operation is in order.

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" What I did first.
Well, for me, I was leading a community. And that community had a lot of controversy around it RIGHT at the time of my hack. (this will come up in another post, I'm sure, as it was very very suspicious timing) But for me - it was important that I share what happened WITH the community.

So, I immediately made a video, and shared THAT night. I was bawling my eyes out (and I'm not talking that pretty cry where Demi Moore has the beautiful single tear roll down her gorgeous cheek in Ghost. "

This is an awesome information,the information should be able to help alot of people who are in similar situation..

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First of all, let me say ypu are such a strong lady I idealize you. After going through this massive theft you ARE STILL YOU, yes you are. You haven't lost your struggles. Your direction has diversified. You are now learning new things. But you are still the determined, passionate and furious tiger.
Those millionaire theives need no money and they are not going to get any thing in return in the long run but the one who believes her God will definitely get the multi folded returns