Engagement is key to growth on any platform and healthy competition is beneficial. The Hive engagement league and the Leo are good initiatives and it's a lot of fun if you take it as it should be. I've had a lot of fun in the last few weeks trying to climb and maintain my position in the HEL, let's see what I can do in Leo's ;)
But the problem comes, as you rightly point out, in the comparisons. It is impossible to grow and be noticed if you don't comment. Many people complain about why they don't earn as others but they hardly look at their navel. A lot of people come and go and don't even respond to comments on their posts.
I just received a message from someone with a proposal, quite absurd from my point of view. In addition to Hive, I write for another platform where I have not been active for the last two months due to a lack of time. My articles there receive good rewards compared to those of others. This person wants to use my account to publish and profit from that, which is impossible for me. But he also doesn't realize that it's not just about posting, it's about how you interact with others. If I haven't been posting there it's not because I can't write an article it's because I don't have time to read my followers' posts and comment on them as it should be and even to follow the thread of conversations on my posts. And so until I have more time I prefer to focus on Hive and its environment. But this person is so short-sighted that he thinks it's just posting and that's it.
Engagement is the key, as evidenced by the growth of Jackie (littlebee4) and other accounts not only here on Leofinance but Hive also.
So let's bet that more people who are willing to engage will join Hive and the den.
Have a good day!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really they came with that proposal/question… they sure have no idea with what is needed.
And your thinking about it is so right. Don’t let something take you off it. You know your time and where you can better spend it.
Thanks @coquicoin
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yep, someone came with that proposal and a someone with whom I haven't exchanged more than a couple of comments. Maybe that's why he wonder because if he knew me better, would know that I would never accept something like that. To publish someone else's writings as my own.
It's amazing how People instead of spending their time productively look for ways to invent shortcuts without realizing that most of the time it backfires.
Thanks for your comment, happy day!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just strange and have to be ignored.Yes, people that don’t even really know you come with things like this @coquicoin.
You are welcome 😊
Happy day, today the sun is out for a change ☀️
Enjoying it on my terrace!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh, that's nice, enjoy your sunny day.☀️
Here, on the other hand, where it has been sunny for the last few days, today it is cloudy and a drizzle has fallen at times.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I sure will @coquicoin… getting some Vitamin D is important ☀️☀️☀️
Cloudy days make for some interesting moody photographs, my favourite.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A situation far too many overlook. It is not just the posting but the engagement with those who are commenting on the content. That is what keeps them returning.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly people come back for the comments and feedback, not for the articles themselves only.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta