Key To Leofinance Success: Watch Your Own Wallet

Many are like kids in grade school. Instead of focusing upon their own test paper, they cannot resist letting their eyes wander onto that of someone else. This is not a way to learn nor is it a way to get ahead in life.

Sadly, we carry this habit with us throughout life, never growing on. On Hive in general, and Leofinance in particular, it can be a way to sabotage ourselves very quickly.

In this realm, as opposed to looking at the paper next to us, we are now focused upon the wallets of others. We do this with emotions of envy, lust, and longing. Oh how we want to be like them.

The only problem is we also do it with distain. The Whales are mean. They don't love me. Their only care about themselves.

After all, in my first post I wrote an epic that should rank up there with classics such as Gone With The Wind. Therefore, my first article should be on the front page of every frontend tied to Hive.

Obviously, this is taking things a bit to the extreme yet isn't that what people do?


Tend To Your Own Garden

There is an old saying about tending to one's own garden. If you are busy looking at your neighbor's the weeds will overtake yours. The only way to deal with the situation is to focus upon your own garden.

On Leofinance, the garden is your own wallet. You have the choice to have it overrun with weeds. Or, if you tend to it properly, perhaps you will get wonderful tomatoes out of the deal.

Of course, if you are worried about the gardens of others, it is guaranteed that your garden will be sick.

Lately, we did some discussing about how smaller accounts can have an impact on Hive. This concept is taken to another level when one focused upon a community such as Leofinance. When one is contributing consistently, it is easier to stand out in a community such as this.

We regularly discuss how engagement is key on a platform such as Leofinance. Those who are following this suggestion are finding that others are reciprocating.

All of this amounts to tending to one's own garden.

Massive Engagement

the impact smaller accounts can make:Here is a post that went up the other day discussing this very topic. It focused upon the work of @Littlebee4 and the growth of her account. There are a few things that stand out about this post also detailing

  • Scroll through the comments and notice how many of them have upvotes. There are a number that are going to receive some payout in LEO as well as HIVE. Granted it is not going to make someone rich but if people are doing that daily, it adds up over time.

  • There are over 330 comments on that article. Notice how many "conversations" were taking place. Ask those people if it was "work" to any of them.

  • Now many want to be like @littlebee4. Keep in mind she is on the site 5 months and people are already following her.

  • She certainly got my attention based upon her interaction. I did not find her based upon her articles or posts. It was her commenting. That is beneficial since my LEO upvote can be pretty healthy.

1,400 LEO to the people who beat him in the engagement contest last week. How would you like to get 100 LEO from Khal?We even have @khaleelkazi sending out

The 14 people can tell you it is pretty tasty LEO. And how did we get it? By engaging with other members of the community.

Form that same article, look at @hitmeasap. He is the first comment and a book was written. The value of that comment jumps out, over 13 LEO. Leaving that aside, notice where he is now standing with Khal. If Khal didn't know him before, which he did, he would after that epic.

Certainly, the comment was not written with the intention of getting that type of reward. Anyone would be foolish hoping for 13 LEO upvotes on their comments. As we can see it can happen, just not very often.

However, @hitmeasap was tending to his own wallet for months now. He is also experiencing some growth, at least with his LEO. I presume the HP in his account is also following a similar path.

Grow Your Own Holdings

The key to all this is to do what you have to so that your own holdings keep growing. Leofinance offers the potential to get rewarded for activity. This will only happen if one focuses upon his or her own wallet.

Humans seem to have a need to compare. It is like we are all still in high school checking out the size of the breasts or peckers on the others. Instead of looking at their packages, now we focus upon their wallets.

This is not have you get ahead.

Keep your eyes peeled forward and get the keyboards working. Posting articles is important and suggested. People who want to excel at long-form content are welcome to hone their craft here.

However, it is not for everyone. Fortunately, one does not have to be a great writer to excel at commenting. The only thing it requires is commitment.

That is how one will grow his or her holdings.

In conclusion, I am going to leave you with a secret. Look at the list of top 10 accounts with their comments last week. Outside of myself there are 9 on the list (9+1=10). From the chart we cannot tell what was earned. However, I can tell you that each person received a number of upvotes from me during the week on their comments.

Each upvote is worth .9 LEO, or a payout to the author of .45 (if they made the comment through the Leofinance frontend or mobile app).

So there you have it. Watch your own wallet and comment like there is no tomorrow.

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comment section below. Could we get another 200 comments out of this one? Just a hint, there might be some upvotes given in the comment section.

Image from article linked.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

gif by @doze


logo by @st8z

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


In this realm, as opposed to looking at the paper next to us, we are now focused upon the wallets of others. We do this with emotions of envy, lust, and longing. Oh how we want to be like them.

Funny you say this. This is my last comment before the one I am writing right now:

Yeah, comparing ourselves or our results with others tends to lead to misery and anxiety. It's often discouraging instead of encouraging, which ultimately can lead to giving up because things aren't "fair" and whatever things you can come up with. - Comment

However, everything you've said here is accurate, on point and extremely true. We compare our own results (wallets) with others. It's literally a shortcut to disaster.

We have seen people doing this (comparing themselves with others) who tries to come up with a "quick fix" for it by turning into beggars who does everything they can think of to get attention of whales and larger accounts, in desperate moves to earn. - It doesn't work.

In fact, it is far more likely that it will turn potential upvotes into downvotes instead, or that people block/ignore those people due to the greedy behaviour.

Everyone wants money. All of us are looking for more tokens in one way or another, but why on earth would someone who's been putting in time, effort and hard work for years (or invested a lot of FIAT to buy stake) just give a bunch of random beggars money for no reason?

It doesn't work like that in real life and it doesn't work like that on the blockchain either. People are rewarding value.

While value lies in the eyes of the beholder, it doesn't mean that anyone will happily give away money/tokens for nothing.

Be valuable, in one way or another for others and you will be appreciated and rewarded for those contributions, sooner or later.

The fastest way to earn is to figure out what someone else sees as valuable. Engagement? Specific types of content? You name it. Want to grow faster? - Do more. Be of more value.

Once you find those "golden nuggets", just rinse and repeat.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Adding value is something people need to consider more. For me, if I never put in the effort to engage, I don't think my posts would have really succeeded. It was hard when I started and things never really took off until I started engaging. It's fun and rewarding so I continue to do so even when I should be putting more focus on making more posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, you are right. Adding value needs to be there.
It also needs to remain fun… otherwise it becomes like a job you are not happy with.
Having fun is important too 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People are not going to do this on a large scale if it is like Chinese water torture.

Enjoyment and education is vital.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I so understand…

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have been working on engagement to, I know is not easy but I don’t focus on the difficult part of it I focus on improving my numbers week in week out I know I can make it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What has been your favorite type of content to read?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you are a prime example of what can occur. Your focus upon commenting got you on the radar of some decent accounts who tend to upvote not only your comments but also some of your posts.

That has to help your wallet a great deal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like to remember that everyone brings value.

Even the lurkers who never comment or post, they add to our views, and help us grow just by existing.

Of course, a lurker can't later complain about not having a piece of the pie, but they are still helping bake the pie.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is something we keep promoting and some people are starting to clue in. We are getting more people involved in the engagement game. Having a growing number shows a great deal of health with the community.

And you are right, there are a lot of nuggets to be had. We are seeing so much being added, which is helping everyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been enjoying the ride the past few weeks. It's awesome to see so much focus on both engagement and optimized content, which are two of the things I care about the most actually. I see the potential of those things, and I truly believe that we can- and will push LeoFinance and Hive to new heights by improving both.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are a lot of things that are blossoming before our eyes. Leofinance is growing with each passing day.

The numbers might not be huge be we are seeing the green sprouts from which more will come.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, the environment is truly awesome. I love to see new names within the comment sections and on the engagement leaderboards. It's really cool!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is great to see those names popping up and being getting involved.

This is going to have a big impact upon the entire platform going forward as long as they keep engaging. Most will fall off but a few will stick around.

That is how it seems to work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Most will fall off but a few will stick around

That is the nature of it, which makes it sort of difficult to fully enjoy things during the ups. We're so familiar with things so we expect the downs, which is inevitable.

However, some of them will stick around, and that's what we need to focus on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree 100%, on Polycub alone there are massive changes in store and ready to take effect. Even our love Leofinance has a mobile app and multiple feature changes to the desktop version.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ready for all of these things mixed together to really make a difference $$$ to us all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It’s so great to see Indeedy!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just wrote an "outward facing content" post, and shoot, the "look at my rising star account hive is so cool" posts are way easier to write.


I'm training, those, posts are gonna be just as easy to write soon enough.

See, I got my own soonverse building.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The first of many more to come. :)
You're totally right though, it gets easier with time and it involves a lot of trial and error, but eventually it's going to be easier than what it is right now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes I agree 100%
...comparing yourself to others is the root of all discontent and disappopintment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think comparing yourself is that bad but you shouldn't get fixated on it. Leaving it as a point of reference is fine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you on this, comparing yourself is not totally bad but you must set your mind a perfect way and not by thinking you could what took some people 2years of their lives a week. It must motivate us to do more and take the step one at a time and not trying to be successful overnight

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Engagement is key to growth on any platform and healthy competition is beneficial. The Hive engagement league and the Leo are good initiatives and it's a lot of fun if you take it as it should be. I've had a lot of fun in the last few weeks trying to climb and maintain my position in the HEL, let's see what I can do in Leo's ;)

But the problem comes, as you rightly point out, in the comparisons. It is impossible to grow and be noticed if you don't comment. Many people complain about why they don't earn as others but they hardly look at their navel. A lot of people come and go and don't even respond to comments on their posts.

I just received a message from someone with a proposal, quite absurd from my point of view. In addition to Hive, I write for another platform where I have not been active for the last two months due to a lack of time. My articles there receive good rewards compared to those of others. This person wants to use my account to publish and profit from that, which is impossible for me. But he also doesn't realize that it's not just about posting, it's about how you interact with others. If I haven't been posting there it's not because I can't write an article it's because I don't have time to read my followers' posts and comment on them as it should be and even to follow the thread of conversations on my posts. And so until I have more time I prefer to focus on Hive and its environment. But this person is so short-sighted that he thinks it's just posting and that's it.

Engagement is the key, as evidenced by the growth of Jackie (littlebee4) and other accounts not only here on Leofinance but Hive also.

So let's bet that more people who are willing to engage will join Hive and the den.
Have a good day!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really they came with that proposal/question… they sure have no idea with what is needed.

And your thinking about it is so right. Don’t let something take you off it. You know your time and where you can better spend it.

Thanks @coquicoin

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, someone came with that proposal and a someone with whom I haven't exchanged more than a couple of comments. Maybe that's why he wonder because if he knew me better, would know that I would never accept something like that. To publish someone else's writings as my own.

It's amazing how People instead of spending their time productively look for ways to invent shortcuts without realizing that most of the time it backfires.

Thanks for your comment, happy day!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just strange and have to be ignored.Yes, people that don’t even really know you come with things like this @coquicoin.

You are welcome 😊
Happy day, today the sun is out for a change ☀️
Enjoying it on my terrace!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, that's nice, enjoy your sunny day.☀️
Here, on the other hand, where it has been sunny for the last few days, today it is cloudy and a drizzle has fallen at times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I sure will @coquicoin… getting some Vitamin D is important ☀️☀️☀️

Cloudy days make for some interesting moody photographs, my favourite.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A situation far too many overlook. It is not just the posting but the engagement with those who are commenting on the content. That is what keeps them returning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly people come back for the comments and feedback, not for the articles themselves only.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

200 comments a day is mind blowing. I'm simply trying to get myself somewhere on that top list just to try and hold myself accountable to a higher standard.

I'll also say this I often find high quality new people to upvote and comment on from them leaving comments on my posts. It works people put in the little extra effort each day and it will pay off over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The key with upvotes is that we have so many areas to support. So it takes a few of us looking in many different directions. Newer people are great to vote for. You cover some good posts you find; I focus upon comments.

Both are needed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love finding new people to upvote in the comment sections.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I often find high quality new people to upvote and comment on from them leaving comments on my posts.

It shows that they are willing to engage as well, which is one of the most important parts for me. I'd rather reward someone who's active in the comment sections than someone who never seems to bother about engagement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

200 comment a day is very possible but to achieve that someone must put in more effort. Commenting is very important and the best way to grow quickly in this community

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a lot of work.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL, it is nearly impossible.

you have to have a constant internet connection, plus time, plus a good device.

I imagine trying to engage in 200 comments a day by typing with only your thumbs can get a bit carpel tunnel ish.

These engagement leagues are great but they sometimes make us aim higher than we have to.

For example, no matter that task can write 2-3 quality articles per day, I will still only shoot for one.

My brother is a marathon runner, no matter how many marathons her runs, my goal is always to walk at least one mile per day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Its not just the number of comments either.

The engagement list is tracking posts, depth of comments, number of characters used, and more.

We are engaging more, but more in depth too. And the comment sections are now great places to find your next article on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with this 100%

I'll also say this I often find high quality new people to upvote and comment on from them leaving comments on my posts.


This is my number one place to discover new talent, and I make it a point to check out their blogs after upvoting them!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Personally, I see no problem with seeing other Hivers' wallets provided that you are thankful for their growth and you are using that information to motivate yourself. Competition in that sense is good. Life would be boring without it.

Others would prefer to compare their current performance with their previous performance. That to me is also a better alternative if one is inclined to be envious when they see others' purses.

The key is gratitude for the opportunity that is set before us. If I understand it correctly, in cryptocurrency, someone's gain is not another's loss. Everyone can grow though with different capacities, and that is fine for that is a basic reality of life. If this is the case, any form of hostility and envy against someone's growth and increasing capital has no place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The key is gratitude for the opportunity that is set before us.

This is true yet we know it is not commonplace. Bitching and complaining far outweigh gratitude, in all of life. This is just a microcosm of what takes place.

There is a tremendous opportunity for those who are involved in Hive and Leofinance. Some are going to ignore the noise and take advantage. Many will not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Those who campare themselves with themselves are not wise.

That's what came to mind after reading this post. I must confess, I have sometimes turned green with jealousy when I compared myself with others. But most times, that jealousy inspires me to put in the work I need to achieve the same results because I know that the people I am comparing myself with also put in an insane amount of work to get to where they are.

So when I look at them, I see what is possible for me if I put in the work.

Thanks for always inspiring us @taskmaster4450

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

If you use the success of others to inspire you into action that will help you, that is great. Sadly, it seems most do not. Instead they get green with envy and it disincentivizes them.

We see it on here all the time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's sad some people think in such ways. Maybe they can learn to draw motivation from the success of others.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

It is true what you say, very sad. We need to simply target the ones we can motivate. The masses will, unfortunately, not catch on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's very true... The masses would sadly be unable to catch on, but I can't help but feel this compulsion to be optimistic. But I know it's more of a hopeless optimism.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Yes, I very much get that concept of tending to your own garden...and facing ones lane. Although, that checking others wallet thingy may be common to newbies but ordinarily, as time goes on, one should leAve that childish stage. Because I believe one should grow with time - outgrow it and focus on building your stake on the chain..
I believe those stats Is a challenge for me to use the #leofinance frontend the more, as I have been acquainted with the peakd. I guess Its time for me to step up my game. Thanks for bringing this on @taskmaster4450le 😁.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let the games begin 😉👋🏻🦁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Blows the trumpet......

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta




start… 📣 🚩

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Post that on Dporn and it carries a different meaning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What is Dporn, pls?
Oh, never mind.. I just googled it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Way to advertise one of our other tribes.

Keep it in the hiveverse.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would agree, it does pass with time. Today, I rarely look in the wallet of others unless there is a reason, like to see someone's progress. At this point, I really do not care what people have.

Well if you use the leofinance front end, you get all your author rewards (both on posts and comments). If you use another you use a portion of the LEO rewards to burn (you still get 100% of whatever the HIVE is).

So it is a way to get a bit more in your wallet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well if you use the leofinance front end, you get all your author rewards (both on posts and comments). If you use another you use a portion of the LEO rewards to burn (you still get 100% of whatever the HIVE is).

Well, it is still seemingly better to use the leofinance frontend then, as often as I can. But it is still okay either way, for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes. Obviously if you are posting articles that are not Leofinance related, then Peakd is the best choice since it is general use.

However, for all my commenting, I use Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very well, I get it now.
Thanks a lot for the advice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are welcome. Just trying to help get a bit more tokens in your wallet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I so much appreciate it, and I'd good use of your advice.

Don't play, its cause you don't have time.

Imagine how many less articles you could write, and how many less posts you could read if you had to search everyone who you engaged with's wallet.

It takes time to be nosy and doesn't much get you very far.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep your hands on your own pecker !LOLZ

That's basically what everything boils down to.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How long is one minute?
It depends on what side of the bathroom door you're on.

Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ.
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
(9/10)@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an on behalf of @imno

Keep your hands on your own pecker !LOLZ

And what if one doesnt have a pecker like the females on here. I guess then they should put theirs on another.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This thing is as old as the fire. I know plenty of users from a few years ago that have quit Hive for particularly this reason.

I was close to doing the same after plenty of months of hard working on my posts, but little to no engagement at all.

I realized the power of engagement and here I am... My advice for a new user would be: if you're not a superstar but crave for exposure start engaging with others.

That's why we call it social media.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

That's why we call it social media.

It seems many overlook the social part.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Amen to that 😎

The comments I got… so many want to be like me. 😉 That never works, as I am “me” and I have my own qualities, things I’m good at. And I so do not want to brag… but I am capable of many many disciplines, on a high level.
It just takes work, real work. There are no shortcuts.
It’s not just the comments that got my growth this high, my posts also contributed to that. As this one: 2 beautiful Bridges in Madrid ~ Puente Monumental de Arganzuela and Puente de Toledo 🇪🇸 will show you.

Try to find what works for you… no need to copy somebody else. Find your NICHE and enjoy the ride!

Thanks @taskmaster4450

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

NO but when people focus solely on the wallet, that is all they see and they want to have the same result. Of course, when you talk about work, effort, and focus, they ignore all that. It isnt sexy, glamorous, or orgasmic. Getting paid large sums for little effort is more appealing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, as a few already have proven in the last days 😉
Work and truly engaging is nothing like that… easy.

That is so for the majority. “Why work hard, I want it now the easy way.” It is such a wrong mentality…

Luckily we don’t have that. We want to put in the work that is needed, for ourselves but also for the entire community, we see what it can be in the long term. We are ONE!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Comments are rewarding and more people need to do so. I don't think all the commenting was a lot of work and I had fun doing so. I do have to spend an extra hour I could spend sleeping to comment but I do that willingly. After all, quite a few of the names were already top engagers before Khal offered the LEO up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. The incentive to comment, along with the payoffs, for many did not come from Khal.

That is just a nice bonus. And my how we like to take his LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Comparison is indeed poison. It makes you give up the battle before it is even started. Everybody around us is successful in one way or the other. Imagine by seeing someone successful in splinterlands or Axie if we choose to not play the game, we would not grow and earn from rewards.

Just because someone is successful does not mean we have to stop living or hustle. Hustle has no ends. Only way to happiness and success is keep going no matter all the people around us are successful while we continue to hustle but eventually hustle compounds and we get the results that we want.

The achievements of others can be used for motivation and inspiration. Having the if she/he can do it, so can I attitude is positive. However, we see so many who allow things to build to the point where they quit.

It is as if the success of others crushed them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For me, i just try to do my best!! It's a a beautiFULL life. Being involved with Hive feels good. And, has an amazing track record so far. Would be nice & beneficial to have more time mind you!! Always More :) Go Hive!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The solution is simply to type faster.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Words of wisdom. I think about my slow and steady growth on Hive in general with a long view. Many of us have been on traditional social media (Twitter, FB, IG, YT) for years. How much time did we dedicate to the content we created, commented on, liked, and shared? Did our following on these traditional platforms grow with a wave of a magic wand? Or did it grow over time?

I see what I am doing here and know that it will take time to grow. But since I'm going to be creating content anyway, I may as well create it here where there is a possibility of earning. Note I did not say there was a guarantee of earning. Merely a possibility.

I enjoy the content creation process, getting to know the fab community, and hopefully offering value of my own to add to the overall conversation that is happening here. I look at my garden and I see what will bear fruit in the years to come.

You bring up a very valid point. Many spend a long time building a following on traditional social media yet think it should be instant on Hive.

Also, consider the payouts financially there compared to here.

I never made a dime directly off any tweet I made. There are plenty of comments I made on Hive where I got paid a little something.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that watching other peoples' wallets is phenomenon that is more likely to be encountered among newbies than among Leofinance/Hive veterans. People who began using these platforms and kept using them despite the frustrating lack of "easy money" are likely to have some idea what works for them and what does not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I think it is more a situation with newer people. But then they do a lot of the same thing with rewards and how much people are getting paid. Either way, the premise is still the same.

Have to focus upon what we ourselves are doing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are correct, one need to interact and build your network of friends!!

In this realm, as opposed to looking at the paper next to us, we are now focused upon the wallets of others. We do this with emotions of envy, lust, and longing. Oh how we want to be like them.

For me, I look into other wallets (from their reports on Leofinance) to understand how they can achieve it. Learning from the best is the fastest way to improve myself :)
My emotion is excitement. Because I know I can reach to a certain level with my clear targets and commitments to achieve them

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is a productive reason to do it. If everyone took the same approach, they would be much better off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Growth comes when we are focused on ourselves and doing what is right. comparing is not totally wrong but comparing to achieve what you know it will take you years to achieve in days will not get us anywhere but only make us lose focus is the process but irrespective of what we do in these community engagement is the to success on hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The only person we can control is ourselves. This is something that is crucial. We are now at the point where those who are following that idea, we seeing more people excelling.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Self control is a major tool in becoming successful in other to follow an idea perfectly we must have control over self

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is so true and stop looking and worrying what everyone else is earning. Users grow at different speeds and it is mainly down to time and effort mixed with consistency. There are no tricks and shortcuts to this and the sooner people knuckle down the sooner they will see growth. I just ticked over 10K Leo today and has been 2 years in the process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt. If people focused upon growth, they would be so much better off and the entire ecosystem would be stronger.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There's absolute truth, making our way to the top as we do the needful is important.
A step that can't be overlooked and would only be the real deal to progress.

I need to vote more comments on posts that I read. I always vote my readers but slack when it comes to curating comments in other places even though I read a ton of them. But besides you and a few others, I don't receive a lot of votes when I do comment. I'm definitely not in it for that. Im a curator to try and distribute the token to everyone so don't care if my comments get votes but It would help me build my stake faster. with my 5,000 LP I'm able to earn just about 1 leo per day and give that amount out. It is starting to yield fruit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

1 LEO per day with 5K? Sounds pretty awesome. I'm closing in on my first milestone of 5000 LEO. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It became a nice round number for me. Easy to manage but not done on purpose. I spent 1000 leo on polycub and might spend 500 more. I would rather spend leo than hive on leo projects but I might be better served to have not participated and power up. I was actually completely liquid a few months ago. I recently powered up the 5000 because I felt bad about commenting and not voting. I like curating.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

POLYCUB is looking like a bottom formed. There was a lot of price decline but the airdrop is coming to an end.

Next up is the halving which will reduce the emissions even more.

Couple that with the expected release of pHIVE and we could see some instant buying pressure just as the emissions are declining.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Polycub has increased more than 30% already and that is just the beginning and I’m not even worried about it because it definitely going to come back up because it a good project

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not worried about it, never was. There is a lot going on with it. To me, as always, development is the key.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That’s true development is everything and the key to greatness

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm basically the same with my milestone of 5K LEO. It just feels like a decent amount to aim for. The first stepping stone towards new heights!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m aiming for 250Leo now… small beginnings. 😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That will be the first milestone of many to come. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will be 😁🦁 thanks @hitmeasap

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Having levels of focus is always valuable.

We can see how people can use it as a building strategy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. That's why I need to figure out my next moves shortly. I need some proper milestones to strive for. Makes it a lot easier to keep focused.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are doing a great job of adding to your holdings. Of course, the LP only will provide more LEO coming in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My LEO growth has been awesome, both due to rewards on posts & engagement, but most of all due to the prices, as I buy LEO for my HBD rewards.

However, I am not likely to continue doing the same once I reach my milestone of 5K LEO. I will probably change my approach once that happens. (Hopefully before the end of next week!)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At some point, rewards enter the picture. It is great to buy LEO but there is also something to be said for the stacking of HBD.

Nevertheless, we have to have priorities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, I didn't just publish Best Way To Earn Interest On Crypto just for the sake of organic traffic. ;)

I am likely to focus on HBD savings in the near-ish future, because those 20% is looking really tasty, but I wouldn't say "SOON™". lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL yes they are hard to pass up. We know the power of compounding.

I am going to get into the pHIVE LP to get that going. We will see what the APR is on it. Either way, it will help the value of POLYCUB.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It all adds up.

I dont claim that there are millions of upvotes given to comments but there are some. And as the one by @hitmeasap proves, there are times when a big upvote can be dropped.

It is a good habit to get into, upvoting comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I keep losing so much voting power. I need a bigger stake so I can cut the vote value in half and give out twice as many. I don't like commenting without voting but I run out. Im using vote weight multiplier which is helpful. It allows me to vote here and then go off to peaked to curate on hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No matter how much you add, the VP gets drained. Just need to be smart about it. Do not vote every comment since that will zap your VP.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah it's a tough call. I can't manage to keep my leo and hive at the same level. If they ever even out I will turn off the vote weight multiplier so my leo votees get more hive. But only way I even out right now is take 3 days off.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is why I run two accounts; one for Hive and one with the LE for LEO.

I couldnt keep the voting power straight so I just do both. My Leo account does have enough HP that even the comment votes are above the dust level so people earn a bit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good idea...
I should look at this too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've never cared about VP, but hearing that 5K LEO can give you 1 LEO per day in curation rewards makes me think that it's about time that I start to care. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Curation can really add up. Of course, simply using it to upvote some of your favor content can really lead to a nice outcome for you and the ones who is receiving the upvote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Best part is that it will automatically increase over time as well. For both parties, or regardless of which end of the stick you're on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I actually wasn't even aware of that. I don't have enough time to look at what I may or may not earn from comments. lol

It's obviously an awesome bonus, which I am grateful for. The best part of your entire posts was probably this though:

"Leaving that aside, notice where he is now standing with Khal. If Khal didn't know him before, which he did, he would after that epic."

I've just been thinking that Khal must be exhausted by now, from all my bitching and moaning about optimized content, specific rewards for that type of content and so on.. :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've just been thinking that Khal must be exhausted by now, from all my bitching and moaning about optimized content, specific rewards for that type of content and so on.. :D

Nobody said it was easy to get on someone's radar. Persistence pays off.

But it is an important topic to you, for the sake of the platform so, keep the Bitchin'.

In fact, double the effort.

Tell him to it is time to release the name of #ProjectBlank so we can begin to optimize it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Tell him to it is time to release the name of #ProjectBlank so we can begin to optimize it.

Not sure I have enough influence to request such a thing, or that he would actually listen to me, but .. You have a really good point so I'll do it immediately! :D

prior to the actual launch.@khaleelkazi, I can see some reasons for not revealing the real name of ProjectBlank, but for optimization's sake, building hype and for marketing reasons I would recommend releasing the name at least 3 months

  • What say you?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Combined all have the combined might to beat up Khal. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My voting power is drained after your article came out… have to get that up again. 😉
I comment and upvote on other good posts a lot and on comments to their and my posts. It is just part of the game for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe you don’t normally for comment because you choose to do more of spreading the Token rather than engagement and as an investor you should focus on engagement as well because this is where the ads money comes from and the ads money is the the investors

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am guilty of this also...

I read. I always vote my readers but slack when it comes to curating comments in other places even though I read a ton of them.

Not that it's a crime, but I think you are right that the comments section of other peoples posts gives us the opportunity to engage people we would otherwise miss.

Agree 100%

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Tons of valuable practical lessons from this. If one is vain, better not go snooping around anybody's garden and tend to his own instead. I hope fellow cubs will take these to heart and go, grow and glow :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope some take it to heart.

This is spelling out a partial path to success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is spelling out a partial path to success.

No doubt about that and fortunate to have partaken from such wisdom today :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a very interesting topic, friend, since we usually make that mistake and see other people's wallets as if it were our own and sometimes we want them to support us, when they can dispose of their money however they want and are not obliged to support us. The only thing left is to work hard and gradually reinvest how much or how little we have earned in the #Hive family.


My little experience here on leofinance has showed me how just staying true to a cause or just doing what you like to add more value to the community is very vital and will reflect in your overall performance.

Just let it come natural and the rewards may or may not come later, it doesn't have to be about how much you're earning but how much value you are adding.

I did get a huge upvote in one of my comments some days ago which is 30+ Leo from onealfa and other curators too.

Adding up your 0.9 per vote is even not yet added into the mix for that day, all this will add up to something big with time.

The goal should be to keep growing at your own pace every day and doing better than yesterday.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

My little experience here on leofinance has showed me how just staying true to a cause or just doing what you like to add more value to the community is very vital and will reflect in your overall performance.
Just let it come natural and the rewards may or may not come later, it doesn't have to be about how much you're earning but how much value you are adding.

One those mistake we make as a beginner in this this is that we so much focus on earning and not value and this happen sometimes majorly because of those people that introduce us without properly orientate about how things show be done.

Adding up your 0.9 per vote is even not yet added into the mix for that day, all this will add up to something big with time.
The goal should be to keep growing at your own pace every day and doing better than yesterday.

This is what we fail to realize that everything will add gradually and all our efforts will be rewarded as time goes on . The best thing is never to give on one’s self

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There's no time to give up brother. I'll always keep pushing forward no matter what.

You did lecture me well I'm sure, even with how things were doing back then on steemit.

Hive is here to do better for everyone and anyone ready to put in the work. Nah who give up fck up, there's no better time to build than now*

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Na so oo, seriously given is not an option we must keep pushing till everything including hive becomes better.

Hive is actually better and it is just us that have put in the work. I know is not easy but if we put our mind to it anything is possible

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you.
Anything is possible

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Adding up your 0.9 per vote is even not yet added into the mix for that day, all this will add up to something big with time.

I can get into "conversations" with people in the comment section and upvote them 5 or 6 times.

Again not going to make anyone rich but it does add up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Again not going to make anyone rich but it does add up.

6 upvotes (0.45 LEO each after payout) is 2.7 LEO. You are active and engaging 7 days per week (from how it looks at least).

That's an extra 18.9 LEO per week, if you where to upvote 6 comments each day. That's 982.8 LEO in a year. Yeah, I would say that it adds up. :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I dont give 6 upvotes per day to the same person, each day. But I do hit up a lot of the same people repeatedly.

This is something that does add up for them. It is how we make smaller accounts bigger if they keep stacking their LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I dont give 6 upvotes per day to the same person, each day.

Probably because they aren't active as much as you.. lol :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They just need to type faster.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Seems to be your answer for most of the engagement problems one can face.. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everything adds up with time.

With hitmeasap stats, that's almost 19 Leo in a week through comments alone.

This number amount to something substantial in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sure does. ~20 LEO isn't something to sneeze at. Imagine when the price of LEO sits at $1 or $5 per token.

I think most people would be very satisfied with a vote worth 0.5 LEO for a single comment by then.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LEO is going to keep going up in price once the ecosystem starts to gain more traction.

We are likely to see a similar situation with HP.

Of course, the key is there will be more people. That is when things really start to get interesting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't help but imagine a $5 Leo someday.

A better reason to keep building up now and wait for time to do its magic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There's definitely potential to reach those prices. What has been worrying me in the past has been the lack of engagement, how curators constantly rewards internal content (inward-facing) rather than external (outward-facing content) and that we've been missing out on tremendous amounts of organic traffic due to the lack of optimized content..

Lately though, things have changed and it seems to be a lot more focus on all these different things simultaneously nowadays, which makes me believe the these "new heights" we're longing for will be within reach in a rather near-ish future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is a nice weekly take. Almost 1K LEO per year. Nothing wrong with that for posting comments.

That is a healthy payoff for engaging and having fun with it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's 5k Leo in 5 years only through comments.

It's so fun when you think about how much you can accomplish reading and commenting here every day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah and what if LEO is worth $5 at some point.

Not a bad haul simply from commenting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's going to be a big deal for every Leo user.

Nothing is impossible, especially in the crypto world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I rarely look at someone else wallet. And when I do, I usually try to get a hint on what coin/token they are strongly supporting. When I am not familiar to that token, I do some research about it.

Anyways, I agree, a lot of person tends to look at what others have instead of focusing on how they can improve on their own.

Personally, I do tend to put more importance on the "conversations" as compared to the token/coin that I would get from upvotes. Don't get me wrong, I do love some free tokens/coins. However, building a strong relationship with the community is far more beneficial in the long run. That is what I believe. :)

I would love to think that the community is my garden and my wallet is the basket for the fruit of my "crops". :)


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would love to think that the community is my garden and my wallet is the basket for the fruit of my "crops". :)

A good way of thinking about it in my opinion. We are now to the point where I believe enough people are starting to clue in. This will start to get very exciting in terms of the "relationships" we can build.

From there, the tokens/rewards will follow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right, building a bond/ strong relationship with the community is important.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's crazy how quick people are to compare their wallets to other users, especially whales. It's discouraging. Better to find more ways to grow your own wallet rather than drool over someone else's. Comments are the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I always thought about just working up the scale.

We need to just focus what is ahead of us. That is why I like to impress upon users to look at their account in terms of percentage growth.

That is what truly counts. Where will your wallet be in 3, 6 or 12 months?

To me, that is the focus.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think holding yourself accountable to the rate of growth you want is important too. Our Hive accounts are our businesses, which means we need personal accountability to them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think more people would be better served if they looked t this as a business and not just something they do occasionally.

This is about building a brand. We are now at the point where the money is going to start growing as some of the different tokens like LEO go up in price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They sure should see it like that.
Exciting times ahead of us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is a mental transformation all are going to have to make. As DeFi penetrates everything, we are going to see more people understanding there is a business component to all we do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Luckily we are amongst the first ones. 😉
Before the “big” rush.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

More should see it as a business. Hope they will…

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think more people will start seeing it that way as their account grows.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That’s good.

Hope you are having a great day so far 👋🏻

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It brings a new level of seriousness to it.

We have to have a different mindset when money is involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course, we are playing with money.
For some it can/will have life changing consequences.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is the key to drive home. We are dealing with the potential of life changing money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just keep your head down and do the little things. When you look in a week, a month, a year, and compare where you are then to where you were, you will be absolutely astonished by how far you've come.

Remember, this stuff all compounds. Daily. While you're adding tiny bits and pieces from comments here and there, it is all adding up and earning you larger and larger bits and pieces as you go.

It's been said many times but it's a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the journey and the destination will arrive a lot sooner than you think.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All of that is true.

I simply post what I do each day and add the comments throughout the day.

To me, that is the epitome of putting my head down while going forward. You are right, after a year or two, it all compounds upon itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, we are in it for the long run. Keep building steadily at their own pace is key to their growth…

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes. And when accounts are smaller, the pace can be accelerated as you exemplified. That is where the motivation should come from.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The smaller account can change so much for later.
Built the foundation well…

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They can rocket up, percentage wise, very quickly. You proved and I hope people take the lessons you are providing and jump on it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hope it too 🤞🏻

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice quote:

It's been said many times but it's a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the journey and the destination will arrive a lot sooner than you think.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree 100%

Engagement is key to become recognized whether you are old or new on the platform, you have to network and commenting is networking.To borrow from @scardycatguide :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. We have to put ourselves out there. Cannot be seen if we are hiding under our beds.

Commenting is how engagement takes place. When I see the same name repeatedly, I cannot help but to notice them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 104 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


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I’ve been trying to get on and commnent more with this account on the leo stuff, although I don’t know if I’ll rank much in the league but that’s okay. It’s good to get some engagement going though because in the bear or boring markets when there isn’t a lot of hype or excitement going around one of the best things we can do is just work on being consistent and engaged. In the best times as in the decent or worst times, engagement is key!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is easy to get annoyed at the whales, but... at least on leofinance, the whales are writing on a daily basis, they are on discord generating new ideas, and they are curating trying to find great content from everywhere.

I agree with this post but... well, I like to look at wallets too, its not a bad thing, in real life I like to look at purse collections...

Can't wait for LEO to moon so I can NOT pull some of my income out to buy a Louis - but know that I can afford it any time I want.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is definitely a start to my new learning curve. I always thought I should keep my focus mainly on publishing posts.

One of my biggest yearnings is to learn more about cryptocurrencies and how to build my portfolio. I was hesitant to take part in conversations though, due to my lack of knowledge.

I am so glad my eyes are opening up to see the reality, that engagement is the best way of learning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta