I agree it was Cub Finance being the issue. I quit using Leo finance when that came out. To be honest, it made Leo Finance look and market itself like, "Hey, we're another fly-by-night project, after we launch a project, we move on to the next, and keep asking for investments into the next big thing." -- Projects always looking for the next best thing, are never the best thing. Investment gets confused and dispersed, interest dwindles. Maybe I'll put $100 into LEO. But then if I put $100 into LEO and Cub shows up, what I put $50 into that? Then Kitty Finance shows up next month and I put $25 in that? Catfish-Fi? It diminishes the idea and slows down accumulation in the core asset.
Plus, Leo Finance was difficult enough for me to research on, the last thing I wanted to heap on that plate was learning about Cub Finance.
The best sort of alternative projects to launch are in established communities, and it needs to be an additive project not a subtracting project.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta