1/🧵Hive has 2.5M accounts. FB has 1000X more active users. Even Redding is 100X ahead. Reddit also ranks better on search. Bright side is we've got tons more room left to grow.
So let's bet some users aboard 👨💻
1/🧵Hive has 2.5M accounts. FB has 1000X more active users. Even Redding is 100X ahead. Reddit also ranks better on search. Bright side is we've got tons more room left to grow.
So let's bet some users aboard 👨💻
2/🧵 I'm actually paying out of pocket for this. Goal is to give users enough reasons to stick around to get familiar.
They don't have to stay forever. I just want to see enough growth till Hive is mainstream. Let's hope it's 2025 🍀😇
3/🧵 We need to keep our owner mindset. We're like owners of a stock. So let's not act like some consumers like we're on Web2. Help what you can 🚀