I believe they will constantly hijack what we do and we will keep building new things. Unlike before, we will be benefiting greatly and chipping away at their power every time they hijack something.
LEO is showing strength at a value over $0.05 and actuality at $0.053588. And we are just at the beginning of the bull cycle, I can only imagine how high we can go from here.
Aprovechamos para ir a la bolera Paloko en el 454 de la avenida Cabildo en Buenos Aires, y nos reencontramos con un deporte muy lindo practicado hace tiempo..!
También otras muchas cuestiones, pero eso no impidió que pasáramos un rato agradable, donde tuvimos altos y bemoles, pero siempre en el espíritu de compartir con los nuestros..!
It feels super greed right now. Memes are blowing up, 13 year old kids are scamming people and BTC wont push 100k for days now showing heavy resistance and most likely a sell off it if ever touches it.
I think there will be a huge sell off. Also hoping for it actually. Might bring down some of the alt coins I have placed buy orders for. They're going in the wrong direction as I want my buy orders to be filled 😆
the only thing that bugs me about Inleo, is @khaleelkazi is the single point of failure. What if he loses interest or his life takes him in another direction?
It might be prudent to start building InLeo governance, so that changes to the ecosystem can be proposed by any member, and the community can vote on them.
Ideally, once changes are approved, they would be implemented automatically by the system. (see Tezos governance).
You have to put these in consideration when supporting the platform. For me, I'm aware for this, but I'm not sure if it should change. Just hoping for the best.
Though, I like that anything posted on INLEO is recoverable as it's on the HIVE Blockchain.
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @mcoinz79!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
Bitcoin is finding support just under $100k, causing its market dominance to slip, and therefore alternative crypto projects are having a nice little rally.
Flux Capture Technology: By capturing magnetic flux at low levels, it provides a more accurate method for data retrieval and analysis of older formats.
Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to similar devices like Cryoflux and Applesauce, the Greaseweasel offers a budget-friendly option for archiving data.
Community-Driven Development: The open-source nature of the Greaseweasel ensures that it remains updated and relevant in the retro computing community.
Historical Data Preservation: By enabling easy access to vintage software and data, the Greaseweasel helps prevent the loss of important historical information.
I haven't been trading (much) during the last couple of days, gonna see that $BTC 100k card first. Interesting to see what happens then. A cool off period might follow even though fundamentals are strong. #crypto
O Fortaleza teve tudo para se colocar forte na briga pelo título do Campeonato Brasileiro no fechamento da 34ª rodada. A equipe cearense vencia o Fluminense, no Maracanã, até os 39 minutos do segundo tempo, quando sofreu o empate em 2 a 2. Se vencesse, suas chances de título subiriam de 3,57% para 6,48%, mas com o empate, caíram para 1,37%. A desvantagem que poderia estar em apenas três pontos para o líder Botafogo permaneceu em cinco.
A quatro rodadas do fim, a taça fica mesmo na disputa entre Botafogo e Palmeiras. O destaque deste meio de semana foi a subida alviverde por ter superado o Bahia, fora de casa, e contado com o tropeço do Botafogo, que ficou no 0 a 0 frente ao Atlético-MG. A equipe paulista subiu suas chances de título de 28,45% para 46,14%, e a queda do Alvinegro carioca foi de 14,43 pontos percentuais caindo de 65,62% para 51,19%.
Neste sábado, os dois primeiros colocados na classificação geral voltam a campo. O Botafogo recebe o Vitória, no Nilton Santos, enquanto o Palmeiras vai a Goiânia encarar o lanterna Atlético-GO. As partidas ocorrem às 19h30 (de Brasília) e vão aumentar ainda mais a expectativa para o aguardado confronto entre líder e vice-líder, na próxima terça-feira, no Allianz Parque.
As chances são determinadas por modelos estatísticos aplicados pelo economista Bruno Imaizumi sobre microdados coletados pela equipe do Espião Estatístico desde 2013. Foram analisadas as características de todas as finalizações e resultados de 4.519 jogos de Campeonatos Brasileiros que servem de parâmetro para medir a produtividade atual das equipes no ataque e na defesa a partir da métrica de expectativa de gol (xG), consolidada internacionalmente.
Por exemplo, se uma equipe com desempenhos ofensivos e defensivos apenas medianos será visitante no segundo turno contra adversários que estejam com as melhores performances mandantes, as chances desse visitante vencer são menores do que de um time eficiente e de alta produtividade ofensiva que tem agendados confrontos contra adversários que, neste momento, estejam com os piores desempenhos caseiros.
Porém, conforme novos jogos são disputados, os potenciais futuros mudam, rodada a rodada. Essas são algumas possibilidades que explicam quando as chances não acompanham exatamente as posições atuais da tabela de classificação: os potenciais futuros são diferentes dos resultados já conhecidos, entre outros motivos, devido à inversão de mandos no returno.
Os dados ajudam a calcular o potencial que cada equipe tem para vencer os jogos restantes, considerando mando de campo e outras características ao fazer 10 mil simulações para cada partida a ser disputada.
O empate em casa diante do Fortaleza deixou o Fluminense em uma situação delicada na classificação do Brasileirão. As possibilidades de a equipe permanecer na Série A em 2025 caíram de 75,13% para 67,43%: uma queda nas chances de permanência de 7,70 pontos percentuais. O time com maior redução de chances de ficar na elite nacional foi o Criciúma, que perdeu em casa para o Vitória no confronto direto. A probabilidade de o Tigre seguir na Série A no ano que vem caiu de 69,34% para 48,58%, uma redução de 20,76 pontos percentuais.
Com 38 pontos ganhos, o Fluminense é o 15º colocado e está fora do Z-4, mas tem apenas um ponto a mais que o Criciúma, 17º. Na próxima rodada, as duas equipes têm um confronto direto pela permanência na Série A, terça-feira, às 19h, no Maracanã. O preço da derrota para o Tigre será a sua manutenção entre os quatro últimos, e o Flu, se perder, só não vai para a zona de perigo, se o Juventude também for derrotado, em casa, pelo Cuiabá, penúltimo colocado.
O Vitória foi o grande vencedor da rodada: ampliou em 15,40 pontos percentuais seu potencial para ficar na Série A: de 81,70% para 97,10%. O Leão terá um jogo difícil neste sábado diante do líder Botafogo, no Rio.
Veja abaixo como ficou o potencial de as equipes seguirem na Série A em 2025. Pelas projeções do Espião Estatístico, o Atlético-GO não tem mais chances de permanecer na elite do futebol brasileiro na próxima temporada, apesar de seu rebaixamento ainda não ter sido matematicamente confirmado.
Com o título do Flamengo na Copa do Brasil, sempre que a equipe estiver entre os seis primeiros colocados, a faixa de classificação para a Libertadores vai até a sétima colocação. Por isso, passamos, a partir da 34ª rodada a calcular as chances de os times ficarem entre os sete primeiros colocados. No gráfico abaixo, até a 33ª rodada, apresentávamos a chance de as equipes ficarem entre os seis primeiros, por isso há uma variação após a final da Copa do Brasil.
Os seis primeiros colocados estão consolidados. Botafogo, Palmeiras, Fortaleza, Flamengo e Internacional já estavam garantidos no G-7 e, após a 34ª rodada, é a vez do São Paulo assegurar a sua posição nesse grupo pelas projeções do Espião Estatístico. A sétima vaga está em disputa direta por Cruzeiro e Bahia, com o Corinthians se apresentando como desafiante após sua série de cinco vitórias seguidas no Brasileirão.
Se o Cruzeiro for campeão da Sul-Americana neste sábado, a partir das 17h, contra o Racing-ARG, se classifica automaticamente para a Libertadores do ano que vem. Com isso, se a equipe celeste e o Flamengo estiverem entre os sete primeiros colocados, Bahia, Corinthians, Vasco e Atlético-MG passam a disputar a vaga via oitava colocação na classificação.
Se o Cruzeiro for o campeão da Sul-Americana, até mesmo o nono colocado do Brasileirão poderá ir para a Libertadores de 2025, caso o Botafogo, líder do Brasileirão, for o campeão da atual edição. A final será no sábado, dia 30, contra o Atlético-MG.
Apresentamos as probabilidades estatísticas baseadas nos parâmetros do modelo de "Gols Esperados" ou "Expectativa de Gols" (xG), uma métrica consolidada na análise de dados que tem como referência as finalizações cadastradas pelo Espião Estatístico em 4.475 jogos de Brasileirões desde a edição de 2013.
As variáveis consideradas no modelo são: (1) a distância e o ângulo da finalização em relação ao gol; (2) se a finalização foi feita cara a cara com o goleiro; (3) se foi feita sem a presença do goleiro; (4) a parte do corpo utilizada para concluir; (5) se a finalização foi feita de primeira, ajeitada ou carregada; se o chute foi feito com a perna boa ou ruim do jogador; (6) a origem do lance (pênalti, escanteio, cruzamento, falta direta, roubada de bola, lateral etc); (7) se a assistência foi feita de dentro da área; (8) a posição em que o atleta joga; (9) indicadores de força do chute; (10) o valor de mercado das equipes em cada temporada a partir de dados do site Transfermarkt (como proxy de qualidade do elenco); (11) o tempo de jogo; (12) a idade do jogador; (13) a altura do goleiro em jogadas originadas de bolas aéreas; (14) a diferença no placar no momento de cada finalização.
De cada cem finalizações da meia-lua, por exemplo, apenas sete viram gol. Então, uma finalização da meia-lua tem expectativa de gol (xG) de cerca de 0,07. Cada posição do campo tem uma expectativa diferente de uma finalização virar gol, que cresce se for um contra-ataque por haver menos adversários para evitar a conclusão da jogada. Cada pontuação é somada ao longo da partida para se chegar ao xG total de uma equipe em cada jogo. Essa variação indica as chances de os times vencerem cada adversário e, a partir daí, é calculada a chance de os clubes terminarem o campeonato em cada posição.
O modelo empregado nas análises segue uma distribuição estatística chamada Poisson Bivariada, que calcula as probabilidades de eventos (no caso, os gols de cada equipe) acontecerem dentro de um certo intervalo de tempo (o jogo). Para chegar às previsões sobre as chances de cada time terminar o campeonato em cada posição foi empregado o método de Monte Carlo, que basicamente se baseia em simulações para gerar resultados. Para cada jogo ainda não disputado, realizamos dez mil simulações.
"23 de novembro: o raio que caiu duas vezes no mesmo dia". Há cinco anos, o Flamengo conquistava a América pela segunda vez, após 38 anos. Em 1981, o continente ficou rubro-negro pela primeira vez, com Zico e companhia. Em 2019, Gabigol foi o herói na virada por 2 a 1 sobre o River Plate e se tornou o rosto da segunda geração mais vitoriosa da história do clube.
Foi com (muita) emoção que o Flamengo conquistou a Libertadores de 2019. Naquela tarde em Lima, no Peru, o Rubro-Negro se sagrou campeão com uma vitória por 2 a 1, de virada, em cima do River Plate, no Monumental. Gabigol marcou aos 43 e 46 minutos do segundo tempo. Para relembrar a conquista, o ge conversou com alguns personagens que viveram de perto aquele dia histórico (veja os depoimentos no topo da matéria)
Um dos principais nomes do elenco era Filipe Luís, que tinha acabado de chegar ao Brasil após mais de uma década na Europa, e rapidamente se tornou uma das referências no time. Cinco anos depois, ele está aposentado há quase um ano e é o atual técnico do Flamengo. No novo cargo, acabou de conquistar o último título do clube: a Copa do Brasil.
A noite anterior em Lima foi a primeira vez na minha carreira que significava demais o título, mais do que o normal. Meu sonho sempre foi ganhar a Champions, sempre foi esse na minha carreira como jogador. Eu não consegui ganhar a Champions, só que o fato de poder conseguir ganhar uma Libertadores com o clube do meu coração significava demais para mim - disse Filipe.
Big day. Mattress liquidation sale for my daughter's choir team and a meat raffle for my daughter's dance team. Good thing I eat and sleep a lot... 😆 #kids
Another 20k $gifu burnt today on bsc and 40k on hive engine by gabe on BRO discord. Remember, there's no gifu inflation, only burns! Don't fade this! 🔥
From the list I can see $BTC getting to $150k and ADA even surpassing $5. For the others I have my doubts and reservations, even if it would be amazing for $ETH to perform at $10k.
the amount of growth Blue Sky social is getting daily is astounding. Maybe we should be making accounts there and marketing for Leo to remind people they can get paid for their thoughts.
I've had a lot of success generating interest at substack. They are all writers and want to write and are also used to short form. Many are web3 friendly
Sure but being interested in both and having a hard time monetizing is a sure fire way to get someone onboard Leo. We have it all. Also long form pays better over time.
X algorithms hate everything we share. Spaces are good though if people from Leo actually talk in them!
are talking where all the extremists ran to after the election.
Yeah those folks will never become web3.
They have been anti web3 for years and years.
just like the other time the extremists on the other side went to parlour. My friend found parlour and was broke as fuck and then the idiots made him rich.
I know some tech-friendly people who are there, but most are political refugees that are or were, until very lately, staunchly anti-crypto for rigid ideological/tribalistic reasons.
I mean, if the other half is competent enough, there are good chance the project as a whole survives. Assassin Creed games are big enough that most of the people working on them won't need to work with the high level stuff.
Though, I think this is just so they could use the excuse of "half of the team was inexperienced" when the project fails.
That brings another question to me though: Why would they even want to work in AAA Game Dev if they didn't have an experience making their own games at least?!!
The field isn't attractive from a financial perspective, and any skill required for gamedev will give you better pay if you used it in another field!
I also have some free modules for it on my itch.io page.
I also am moving my content to a new platform that asked me to a featured publisher but cant' announce that yet.
It’s all about celebrating wifey’s birthday. We are going to a Turkish restaurant for lunch soon the boys then later this evening Tiffany and I will be driving out to Deland/DeBary where we will be staying overnight for our next running event in the morning. We’ll find a dinner spot out there this evening to cap off her birthday.
Those days are behind me. Coincidentally, I was born and raised in Brooklyn 🤘🏽 spent most of my life in New York, so know how badass those underground jams roll 🤪 Glad you had fun @senorcoconut
Yeah.. we took it easy really, just hung out with some of the OG crew we used to run around with. I left by 11pm!!! That world is kind of behind me too
an interesting community that I hitchhiked to and spent the night with last year was featured in a very big YouTube. I shared the video for subscribers. most stuff about my personal life will be hidden behind the paywall because I don’t want it being accessible to internet crawly bots
$HIVE is at twenty five. Let's make more orcas and dolphins and businesses that need those resource credits to take HIVE to twenty five DOLLARS! where it belongs 🚀
This is a great thought. What tools may they have at their disposal to do so? If we could "plug and play" Hive into businesses as an offering, maybe we'd get closer to such. !BBH !DIY !DOOK
Great to hear man. Although many are still a bit too foreign to much of crypto. Many have seen and heard of Bitcoin though. Keep at it! !INDEED !LUV !PIZZA
That's why I talk about Bitcoin so much. It's ubiquitous. If someone expresses interest, I explain other concepts to them and maybe help them by creating a HIVE account and showing them the ropes. It's tricky, but every person helps, right?
Yes of course. One of the simplest over the years has been: download a wallet, and gift some crypto. Once they are in the game so to speak in some way. They become more committed. Then they start learning. !BBH !DIY !DOOK
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @alex-rourke!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
If we can show potential investors/users that HIVE is a serious ecosystem, hopefully the whales will sell to them in the bull-run and we'll have a more decentralized token supply.
Investors/users = businesses and projects. These are the future of HIVE. They'll need to gobble up $HIVE for resource credits. Individual users will follow.
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @alex-rourke!
Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:
Watch Decentralized AI In 2025: The Convergence Of AI And Crypto
The term “decentralized AI” (DeAI) has emerged, where anyone can contribute to create a decentralized alternative to centralized AI companies like OpenAI.
1/🧵Hive has 2.5M accounts. FB has 1000X more active users. Even Redding is 100X ahead. Reddit also ranks better on search. Bright side is we've got tons more room left to grow.
Alts are starting to catch a little wealth under them. Let's have a look at where that money is flowing and should be flowing in 2025 in my latest InLeo article found in the comments.
I was just going through my #INLEO referral database and noticed one of my referrals has posted a whopping 174 blog posts! We need more new users like that! #cent #sapphirecrypto
Soy una Husky muy adorable, emprendedora en esta ciudad#bqto Denme la vivienda a esta comunidad!.
Bienvenida a este gran mundo de Inleo, si necesitas apoyo estamos por aquí 🙌
Hola!Llegando a esta comunidad.
Bazar navideño #bqto
bienvenida a la web 3!
Aquí en un bazar #Bqto con Hive estoy nuevo acá gracias por la presentación
To anyone who has made life-changing profits from #crypto, remember: the elites have been making this all along, while you've been excluded.
Keep crypto permissionless and open. Otherwise they'll just take it away again someday.
I believe they will constantly hijack what we do and we will keep building new things. Unlike before, we will be benefiting greatly and chipping away at their power every time they hijack something.
Yes, agreed.
"The cat is out of the bag" as they say, and no one can stop permissionless/open cryptocurrencies at this point.
But I think some people are going to have to learn the hard way, before they learn that self-custody is the way.
For some people it's a QuadrigaCX or an FTX, and for others maybe it'll be a Bitcoin/Ethereum ETF.
MicroStrategy will probably be the next big lesson, unfortunately.
See some of the coolest cosplay outfits in this threadcast!
LEO is showing strength at a value over $0.05 and actuality at $0.053588. And we are just at the beginning of the bull cycle, I can only imagine how high we can go from here.
#crypto #leo #hive #blockchain
Time for a dime!
Just completed my 100th Instacart order
Here ya go.
Puede que no lo parezca, pero nos hemos quitado algunos kilos y con ello la actividad física comienza aumentar..!
1/5 🧵
#outreach #threadstorm #sports #travel #fulldeportes
Los detalles los puedes leer en #InLeo, escritos para @fulldeportes, dentro de #Hive Blockchain, en el siguiente enlace:
5/5 🧵
Aprovechamos para ir a la bolera Paloko en el 454 de la avenida Cabildo en Buenos Aires, y nos reencontramos con un deporte muy lindo practicado hace tiempo..!
2/5 🧵
Nos llamó la atención la inmensa cantidad de personas que invadieron los espacios en cancha...
3/5 🧵
También otras muchas cuestiones, pero eso no impidió que pasáramos un rato agradable, donde tuvimos altos y bemoles, pero siempre en el espíritu de compartir con los nuestros..!
4/5 🧵
Two years ago yesterday Tiffany and I eloped and got hitched. We have been together for almost ten years but made it official that day.
Awesome Fracking Sauce my friend :) #bfom
Happy Saturday My Brother #bfom
HAppy Anniversary .!
🙏🏼 Thank You
happy anniversary 🎉 🎉 🎉
🙏🏼 Thank You
Happy Anniversary to you both!!!😊🎉
🙏🏼 Thank You 🤗
Congratulations, I wish you many more anniversaries.
Very Much Appreciated 🙏🏼
Congratulations #freecompliments
Very much appreciated 🙏🏼
Congratulations, you're a very lucky man. She's lucky too 😀
Thanks 🙏🏼 Have a great week ahead!
just 5x my ADA and took some profits.
Easy money in a short window.
Make sure you take profits.
Love to see it!
Have you looked into Iagon (IAG) on Cardano? looks promising..
I follow a lot of Cardano.
I prefer to stack ADA as the Midnight airdrop is going to be huge.
I do not remember when I saw such greed before

It feels super greed right now. Memes are blowing up, 13 year old kids are scamming people and BTC wont push 100k for days now showing heavy resistance and most likely a sell off it if ever touches it.
I think there will be a huge sell off. Also hoping for it actually. Might bring down some of the alt coins I have placed buy orders for. They're going in the wrong direction as I want my buy orders to be filled 😆
Crazy things happening around, for sure
Me too
1/5 ⬇️ Hi community Hive! vote for your Lion artisan of the Week N° 27 : Be sure to check out every post in this Thread! ⬇️
#polls #hivediy #poll #weeklytops #topauthors #inleo
4/5 Handmade handicraft
Mi voto es para @marile21 , ese letreo es espectacular, éxito
Gracias mi Sacra <3
5/5 Sewing and tailoring
3/5 Handmade handicraft
2/5 Crafts and decorations
A mi me gusto el ponche crema , pero acompañe al adorno que esta solito
mi favorita @marile21 excelente idea para nuestras
excelente idea para nuestras fotos
Stake Based Curation
Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.
For more info check below ⬇️
Stake based curation parameters
Leo voter already supported, but I think this one is worth sharing:
Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below
View or trade
Hey @chorock, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
Chaos For Just $0.37 USD
I love coffee. Shall I move to Finland?
I simply cannot work without coffee, especially when I go to work in the office. It fuels everything and my brain gets supercharged.
Coffee is better than tea, according to tastes.
Coffe is the real black gold :D
Coffee is one the best drinks in the whole world.
My digestive system disagrees, which sucks cus I like coffee :-(
Oh, not good.
Not yet , wait for me...I love coffee too
I do too. Luxembourg seems more my speed. 😜
coffee 🚀
the only thing that bugs me about Inleo, is @khaleelkazi is the single point of failure. What if he loses interest or his life takes him in another direction?
I believe inleo is being managed by a team. Even in the absence of Khal, the team should be able to keep things moving
I have thought about this too.
It might be prudent to start building InLeo governance, so that changes to the ecosystem can be proposed by any member, and the community can vote on them.
Ideally, once changes are approved, they would be implemented automatically by the system. (see Tezos governance).
Well, I believe there is a team behind the project. So, it is not the be-all and end-all.
I am hoping for the best for him.
This is what risk management is.
Yeah, and what if he died too.
You have to put these in consideration when supporting the platform. For me, I'm aware for this, but I'm not sure if it should change. Just hoping for the best.
Though, I like that anything posted on INLEO is recoverable as it's on the HIVE Blockchain.
This is indeed a risk. ☹️
He's the one that has led us this far as well however, but yeah, it is a consideration. !BBH !DIY !DOOK
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(5/100)@mcoinz79! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
(html comment removed:
You can query your personal balance by
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @mcoinz79! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
Bitcoin is finding support just under $100k, causing its market dominance to slip, and therefore alternative crypto projects are having a nice little rally.
Which is necessary
Playing around with other video summary tools. The summary below was created with NoteGPT
#retrocomputing #cent #technology #retrotech
The hosts discuss retro computing, focusing on the Greaseweasel device for floppy disk control and various vintage computer topics.
Greaseweasel Overview: A versatile USB device for reading and writing vintage floppy disks.
Compatibility: Works with various systems like Apple, Commodore, and Atari.
Archiving Capabilities: Captures magnetic flux for archiving and analyzing different disk formats.
Affordability: An affordable option for preserving historical data on floppy disks.
Active Development: An open and actively maintained solution for floppy disk preservation.
Unique Formats: Useful for archiving non-general-purpose computer disk drives and proprietary formats.
Historical Importance: Plays a crucial role in ensuring valuable historical data is preserved.
Key Insights
Versatile Floppy Control: The Greaseweasel allows retro computing enthusiasts to access and manipulate vintage floppy disks, promoting preservation.
Wide Compatibility: Its ability to interface with various legacy systems makes it a valuable tool for collectors and historians alike.
Flux Capture Technology: By capturing magnetic flux at low levels, it provides a more accurate method for data retrieval and analysis of older formats.
Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to similar devices like Cryoflux and Applesauce, the Greaseweasel offers a budget-friendly option for archiving data.
Community-Driven Development: The open-source nature of the Greaseweasel ensures that it remains updated and relevant in the retro computing community.
Preservation of Unique Formats: It excels in archiving proprietary formats, which are often overlooked by other devices.
Historical Data Preservation: By enabling easy access to vintage software and data, the Greaseweasel helps prevent the loss of important historical information.
What's up, Inleo gang?
I haven't been trading (much) during the last couple of days, gonna see that $BTC 100k card first. Interesting to see what happens then. A cool off period might follow even though fundamentals are strong. #crypto
A Turkish Pizza Dish was my choice. Not bad. Of course it’s not a New York Pizza.
#food #foodie #weekend
That looks very delicious, I hope you enjoy it.
Thank You 🙏🏼 David
Vote for your favorite foodie post and choose The Best Foodie Lion of the Week 68. Reward for the winner. You can see the participating posts, in the comments of this #thread #topauthors #poll #foodiesbeehive #inleo #foodie
Lion strides the bridge
Under moonlit silken night
Stars whisper above
#MajesticJourney #MoonlitRoam #haiku
#feedback Still can't click the button:
lol, I got an additionel bogus number (unclaimed rewards) ^^

Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #136
November 23
Botafogo e Palmeiras concentram chances de título do Brasileirão após tropeço do Fortaleza
O Fortaleza teve tudo para se colocar forte na briga pelo título do Campeonato Brasileiro no fechamento da 34ª rodada. A equipe cearense vencia o Fluminense, no Maracanã, até os 39 minutos do segundo tempo, quando sofreu o empate em 2 a 2. Se vencesse, suas chances de título subiriam de 3,57% para 6,48%, mas com o empate, caíram para 1,37%. A desvantagem que poderia estar em apenas três pontos para o líder Botafogo permaneceu em cinco.
A quatro rodadas do fim, a taça fica mesmo na disputa entre Botafogo e Palmeiras. O destaque deste meio de semana foi a subida alviverde por ter superado o Bahia, fora de casa, e contado com o tropeço do Botafogo, que ficou no 0 a 0 frente ao Atlético-MG. A equipe paulista subiu suas chances de título de 28,45% para 46,14%, e a queda do Alvinegro carioca foi de 14,43 pontos percentuais caindo de 65,62% para 51,19%.
Neste sábado, os dois primeiros colocados na classificação geral voltam a campo. O Botafogo recebe o Vitória, no Nilton Santos, enquanto o Palmeiras vai a Goiânia encarar o lanterna Atlético-GO. As partidas ocorrem às 19h30 (de Brasília) e vão aumentar ainda mais a expectativa para o aguardado confronto entre líder e vice-líder, na próxima terça-feira, no Allianz Parque.
As chances são determinadas por modelos estatísticos aplicados pelo economista Bruno Imaizumi sobre microdados coletados pela equipe do Espião Estatístico desde 2013. Foram analisadas as características de todas as finalizações e resultados de 4.519 jogos de Campeonatos Brasileiros que servem de parâmetro para medir a produtividade atual das equipes no ataque e na defesa a partir da métrica de expectativa de gol (xG), consolidada internacionalmente.
Por exemplo, se uma equipe com desempenhos ofensivos e defensivos apenas medianos será visitante no segundo turno contra adversários que estejam com as melhores performances mandantes, as chances desse visitante vencer são menores do que de um time eficiente e de alta produtividade ofensiva que tem agendados confrontos contra adversários que, neste momento, estejam com os piores desempenhos caseiros.
Porém, conforme novos jogos são disputados, os potenciais futuros mudam, rodada a rodada. Essas são algumas possibilidades que explicam quando as chances não acompanham exatamente as posições atuais da tabela de classificação: os potenciais futuros são diferentes dos resultados já conhecidos, entre outros motivos, devido à inversão de mandos no returno.
Os dados ajudam a calcular o potencial que cada equipe tem para vencer os jogos restantes, considerando mando de campo e outras características ao fazer 10 mil simulações para cada partida a ser disputada.
O empate em casa diante do Fortaleza deixou o Fluminense em uma situação delicada na classificação do Brasileirão. As possibilidades de a equipe permanecer na Série A em 2025 caíram de 75,13% para 67,43%: uma queda nas chances de permanência de 7,70 pontos percentuais. O time com maior redução de chances de ficar na elite nacional foi o Criciúma, que perdeu em casa para o Vitória no confronto direto. A probabilidade de o Tigre seguir na Série A no ano que vem caiu de 69,34% para 48,58%, uma redução de 20,76 pontos percentuais.
Com 38 pontos ganhos, o Fluminense é o 15º colocado e está fora do Z-4, mas tem apenas um ponto a mais que o Criciúma, 17º. Na próxima rodada, as duas equipes têm um confronto direto pela permanência na Série A, terça-feira, às 19h, no Maracanã. O preço da derrota para o Tigre será a sua manutenção entre os quatro últimos, e o Flu, se perder, só não vai para a zona de perigo, se o Juventude também for derrotado, em casa, pelo Cuiabá, penúltimo colocado.
O Vitória foi o grande vencedor da rodada: ampliou em 15,40 pontos percentuais seu potencial para ficar na Série A: de 81,70% para 97,10%. O Leão terá um jogo difícil neste sábado diante do líder Botafogo, no Rio.
Veja abaixo como ficou o potencial de as equipes seguirem na Série A em 2025. Pelas projeções do Espião Estatístico, o Atlético-GO não tem mais chances de permanecer na elite do futebol brasileiro na próxima temporada, apesar de seu rebaixamento ainda não ter sido matematicamente confirmado.
Com o título do Flamengo na Copa do Brasil, sempre que a equipe estiver entre os seis primeiros colocados, a faixa de classificação para a Libertadores vai até a sétima colocação. Por isso, passamos, a partir da 34ª rodada a calcular as chances de os times ficarem entre os sete primeiros colocados. No gráfico abaixo, até a 33ª rodada, apresentávamos a chance de as equipes ficarem entre os seis primeiros, por isso há uma variação após a final da Copa do Brasil.
Os seis primeiros colocados estão consolidados. Botafogo, Palmeiras, Fortaleza, Flamengo e Internacional já estavam garantidos no G-7 e, após a 34ª rodada, é a vez do São Paulo assegurar a sua posição nesse grupo pelas projeções do Espião Estatístico. A sétima vaga está em disputa direta por Cruzeiro e Bahia, com o Corinthians se apresentando como desafiante após sua série de cinco vitórias seguidas no Brasileirão.
Se o Cruzeiro for campeão da Sul-Americana neste sábado, a partir das 17h, contra o Racing-ARG, se classifica automaticamente para a Libertadores do ano que vem. Com isso, se a equipe celeste e o Flamengo estiverem entre os sete primeiros colocados, Bahia, Corinthians, Vasco e Atlético-MG passam a disputar a vaga via oitava colocação na classificação.
Se o Cruzeiro for o campeão da Sul-Americana, até mesmo o nono colocado do Brasileirão poderá ir para a Libertadores de 2025, caso o Botafogo, líder do Brasileirão, for o campeão da atual edição. A final será no sábado, dia 30, contra o Atlético-MG.
Apresentamos as probabilidades estatísticas baseadas nos parâmetros do modelo de "Gols Esperados" ou "Expectativa de Gols" (xG), uma métrica consolidada na análise de dados que tem como referência as finalizações cadastradas pelo Espião Estatístico em 4.475 jogos de Brasileirões desde a edição de 2013.
As variáveis consideradas no modelo são: (1) a distância e o ângulo da finalização em relação ao gol; (2) se a finalização foi feita cara a cara com o goleiro; (3) se foi feita sem a presença do goleiro; (4) a parte do corpo utilizada para concluir; (5) se a finalização foi feita de primeira, ajeitada ou carregada; se o chute foi feito com a perna boa ou ruim do jogador; (6) a origem do lance (pênalti, escanteio, cruzamento, falta direta, roubada de bola, lateral etc); (7) se a assistência foi feita de dentro da área; (8) a posição em que o atleta joga; (9) indicadores de força do chute; (10) o valor de mercado das equipes em cada temporada a partir de dados do site Transfermarkt (como proxy de qualidade do elenco); (11) o tempo de jogo; (12) a idade do jogador; (13) a altura do goleiro em jogadas originadas de bolas aéreas; (14) a diferença no placar no momento de cada finalização.
De cada cem finalizações da meia-lua, por exemplo, apenas sete viram gol. Então, uma finalização da meia-lua tem expectativa de gol (xG) de cerca de 0,07. Cada posição do campo tem uma expectativa diferente de uma finalização virar gol, que cresce se for um contra-ataque por haver menos adversários para evitar a conclusão da jogada. Cada pontuação é somada ao longo da partida para se chegar ao xG total de uma equipe em cada jogo. Essa variação indica as chances de os times vencerem cada adversário e, a partir daí, é calculada a chance de os clubes terminarem o campeonato em cada posição.
O modelo empregado nas análises segue uma distribuição estatística chamada Poisson Bivariada, que calcula as probabilidades de eventos (no caso, os gols de cada equipe) acontecerem dentro de um certo intervalo de tempo (o jogo). Para chegar às previsões sobre as chances de cada time terminar o campeonato em cada posição foi empregado o método de Monte Carlo, que basicamente se baseia em simulações para gerar resultados. Para cada jogo ainda não disputado, realizamos dez mil simulações.
Catarse do Flamengo contra o River completa cinco anos: "Nunca vou esquecer o dia 23 de novembro", diz Jesus
"23 de novembro: o raio que caiu duas vezes no mesmo dia". Há cinco anos, o Flamengo conquistava a América pela segunda vez, após 38 anos. Em 1981, o continente ficou rubro-negro pela primeira vez, com Zico e companhia. Em 2019, Gabigol foi o herói na virada por 2 a 1 sobre o River Plate e se tornou o rosto da segunda geração mais vitoriosa da história do clube.
#sports #flamengo
Foi com (muita) emoção que o Flamengo conquistou a Libertadores de 2019. Naquela tarde em Lima, no Peru, o Rubro-Negro se sagrou campeão com uma vitória por 2 a 1, de virada, em cima do River Plate, no Monumental. Gabigol marcou aos 43 e 46 minutos do segundo tempo. Para relembrar a conquista, o ge conversou com alguns personagens que viveram de perto aquele dia histórico (veja os depoimentos no topo da matéria)
Um dos principais nomes do elenco era Filipe Luís, que tinha acabado de chegar ao Brasil após mais de uma década na Europa, e rapidamente se tornou uma das referências no time. Cinco anos depois, ele está aposentado há quase um ano e é o atual técnico do Flamengo. No novo cargo, acabou de conquistar o último título do clube: a Copa do Brasil.
Big day. Mattress liquidation sale for my daughter's choir team and a meat raffle for my daughter's dance team. Good thing I eat and sleep a lot... 😆 #kids
very good thing you eat and sleep a lot man. But your daughter's got a great day who's doing everything to make her do well
I'm going to start journaling more on HIVE. I'd like to combine long, educational posts with just every day stuff and thoughts.
I also have this idea in mind. I am following to get involved if you don't mind.
This could be nice. Good luck with that.
Good way to do it. Just go with what feels right for you.
that's a great idea, I'll learn a lot from you so I'll keep following you 💪💪
This is a test :)
Another 20k $gifu burnt today on bsc and 40k on hive engine by gabe on BRO discord. Remember, there's no gifu inflation, only burns! Don't fade this! 🔥
Awesome Fracking Sauce :) !BBH !DOOK
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(31/100)@gifu! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
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$BTC is taking a nap today.
$HIVE is not 😀
Probably $BTC hitting $150 will happen first.
BTC, for sure!
NEAR & RNDR have the best chances, IMO.
From the list I can see $BTC getting to $150k and ADA even surpassing $5. For the others I have my doubts and reservations, even if it would be amazing for $ETH to perform at $10k.
Doge from $0.4 to $2
im honestly only interested in BTC Hive and Leo and Dash.
I am afraid XRP could go pass $4 sooner than BTC reaching $150,000 figure.
$BTC always leads the way 😀
the amount of growth Blue Sky social is getting daily is astounding. Maybe we should be making accounts there and marketing for Leo to remind people they can get paid for their thoughts.
I've had a lot of success generating interest at substack. They are all writers and want to write and are also used to short form. Many are web3 friendly
my thoughts are generally with tweeters. I feel like threads are the selling point over here.
Sure but being interested in both and having a hard time monetizing is a sure fire way to get someone onboard Leo. We have it all. Also long form pays better over time.
X algorithms hate everything we share. Spaces are good though if people from Leo actually talk in them!
are talking where all the extremists ran to after the election.
Yeah those folks will never become web3.
They have been anti web3 for years and years.
just like the other time the extremists on the other side went to parlour. My friend found parlour and was broke as fuck and then the idiots made him rich.
I know some tech-friendly people who are there, but most are political refugees that are or were, until very lately, staunchly anti-crypto for rigid ideological/tribalistic reasons.
the Ubisoft CEO said half is the team working on Assassins Creed Shadows have never works on a game before. It’s their first game.
Serious ???
How do you let people into the majors without some minor league experience
I mean, if the other half is competent enough, there are good chance the project as a whole survives. Assassin Creed games are big enough that most of the people working on them won't need to work with the high level stuff.
Though, I think this is just so they could use the excuse of "half of the team was inexperienced" when the project fails.
the game is already months late.
Has bad reviews.
Brand can only carry so long. You still have to make good games.
Totally agreed.
I never buy games full price, but with the problem AC:Shadows has, I won't buy it even at 90% off! ...Unless
somethinga lot of things change!Interestingly, I'm not done with Assassin's Creed series, I still want to play Mirage when I get to it, despite it not having the best reviews.
agreed. I love a lot of the series and was hyped for Shadows. It is a shame.
That brings another question to me though: Why would they even want to work in AAA Game Dev if they didn't have an experience making their own games at least?!!
The field isn't attractive from a financial perspective, and any skill required for gamedev will give you better pay if you used it in another field!
serious ? Game dev companies / Games studios don’t just have coders.
Writing code and doing development is the smallest part of game development.
And not everyone does everything in life from a financial perspective.
In fact that has never influenced a single decision i have ever made.
Ooops! I tunnel-focused there.
Now I think about it, me neither... I mean it's a factor but never the main factor.
25K LP is coming! 🔥
Flexing! I like it!
Very nice 🥳
prepping for DnD session later #gaming
what version are you playing??
After the attacks by Wotc on Gary and the other creators. We don’t play it anymore.
We do Fantasy rpg we just use other systems.
this campaign is 5e. after this we might trying something else. recommendations for alts?
I love Shadowdark.
it is very 5e like but combines old school style.
So easy to pick up for 5e players.
the starter rules are free.
ohhh nice sounds like it could be a good one for us to try
I also have some free modules for it on my itch.io page.
I also am moving my content to a new platform that asked me to a featured publisher but cant' announce that yet.
Enjoy 😊. How long has this campaign been going?
I think we're about 6 months in
Gotta be gettin fun by then!!! I never really played but I love the idea of it.
it's wild for sure
I loved it the one time I sat on on a session when I was a teen. Now my kid is into it and and we do real short ones once in a while. Have fun
Enjoy :) No DragonLance in your games yet?
not yet
Been a while since I have played D&D. Those were the days.
never a bad time to jump back in
Hi, @l337m45732,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
My choice
I chose Italy and United States. Not a fan of very spicy food, thus I should be fine with these. :)
India and Italy
I love French recipes. , I will chose France
Italy and Japan
india and italy :-)
I don't know about the second place, but the first (considering only this list) place will always be Italy.
What excitement is everyone having on this Saturday?
It’s all about celebrating wifey’s birthday. We are going to a Turkish restaurant for lunch soon the boys then later this evening Tiffany and I will be driving out to Deland/DeBary where we will be staying overnight for our next running event in the morning. We’ll find a dinner spot out there this evening to cap off her birthday.
Enjoy every moment my friend :)
As you know, you never know what the future brings.
Enjoy the present :)
For Sure 🙏🏼 Thank You my brother #bfom
Soud birthday plans! Unlike the debauchery of my best friend's birthday last night, in our old stomping grounds of Brooklyn underground party times!!
Those days are behind me. Coincidentally, I was born and raised in Brooklyn 🤘🏽 spent most of my life in New York, so know how badass those underground jams roll 🤪 Glad you had fun @senorcoconut
Yeah.. we took it easy really, just hung out with some of the OG crew we used to run around with. I left by 11pm!!! That world is kind of behind me too
an interesting community that I hitchhiked to and spent the night with last year was featured in a very big YouTube. I shared the video for subscribers. most stuff about my personal life will be hidden behind the paywall because I don’t want it being accessible to internet crawly bots
wen $HBD liquidity pools?
Beeswap has quite a few, but most are small except the SWAP.HIVE:SWAP.HBD pool.
Yes, but that requires you to use HIVE-ENGINE second layer. Can native $HBD liquidity pools be a reality? Maybe on LEODEX?
Definitely could...whether they will or not who knows!
HBD at $0.99 this is going to be awesome. Maybe during the time Hive rises with altcoin seasons
The Corg is not impressed that I’m letting the cat lay in my lap 😆
Hope your Saturday lacks annoyance!
#freecompliments #bbh #katshouse
It's quiet and very comfortable in that place.
bro is really unimpressed at all. Probably remembering the days where corg used to be the chief in the house.
$HIVE is at twenty five. Let's make more orcas and dolphins and businesses that need those resource credits to take HIVE to twenty five DOLLARS! where it belongs 🚀
This is a great thought. What tools may they have at their disposal to do so? If we could "plug and play" Hive into businesses as an offering, maybe we'd get closer to such. !BBH !DIY !DOOK
I'm trying to do just that. I'm starting with my barber shop. These are a few tools businesses can harness right off the bat:
Great to hear man. Although many are still a bit too foreign to much of crypto. Many have seen and heard of Bitcoin though. Keep at it! !INDEED !LUV !PIZZA
(3/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily@alex-rourke, @pepetoken
That's why I talk about Bitcoin so much. It's ubiquitous. If someone expresses interest, I explain other concepts to them and maybe help them by creating a HIVE account and showing them the ropes. It's tricky, but every person helps, right?
Yes of course. One of the simplest over the years has been: download a wallet, and gift some crypto. Once they are in the game so to speak in some way. They become more committed. Then they start learning. !BBH !DIY !DOOK
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/100)@alex-rourke! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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You can query your personal balance by
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @alex-rourke! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
Hi, @pepetoken,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Maybe one can start offering merchandise that people can have access to with their hive..
If we can show potential investors/users that HIVE is a serious ecosystem, hopefully the whales will sell to them in the bull-run and we'll have a more decentralized token supply.
Investors/users = businesses and projects. These are the future of HIVE. They'll need to gobble up $HIVE for resource credits. Individual users will follow.
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(20/100)@alex-rourke! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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You can query your personal balance by
@pepetoken just sent you a DIY token as a little appreciation for your comment dear @alex-rourke! Feel free to multiply it by sending someone else !DIY in a comment :) You can do that x times a day depending on your balance so:!DIYSTATS
Hive at $25 that'll be the best level we could reach. I think at that level we could be heard by the entire world
Justin Sun buys banana taped to wall for $6.2M and says he will eat it. No joke.
They replace the banana every week and it had been eaten multiple times by visitors. Sun buying is likely just tax evasion.

I think I need to go for a year premium. Just that I may need to power down to be able to do that.
Do it!! Save money and decrease headache.
Forbes gets it....do you?
Terms are emerging. AI and decentralization are a great combination and next year we will have many more things being created.
I'm thinking we'll see lots of "DeAI" tokens to be minted by grifters into 2025
We should know the legit projects by now
1/🧵Hive has 2.5M accounts. FB has 1000X more active users. Even Redding is 100X ahead. Reddit also ranks better on search. Bright side is we've got tons more room left to grow.
So let's bet some users aboard 👨💻
#threadstorm #outreach
2/🧵 I'm actually paying out of pocket for this. Goal is to give users enough reasons to stick around to get familiar.
They don't have to stay forever. I just want to see enough growth till Hive is mainstream. Let's hope it's 2025 🍀😇
3/🧵 We need to keep our owner mindset. We're like owners of a stock. So let's not act like some consumers like we're on Web2. Help what you can 🚀
Alts are starting to catch a little wealth under them. Let's have a look at where that money is flowing and should be flowing in 2025 in my latest InLeo article found in the comments.
https://inleo.io/@bitcoinflood/alts-are-starting-to-steamroll--2pt #gosh
I was just going through my #INLEO referral database and noticed one of my referrals has posted a whopping 174 blog posts! We need more new users like that! #cent #sapphirecrypto
Buz kill LEO counts threads and blog posts as the same thing on those stats lol
Can I have a gm?
Good morning :)

GM, Gm, gm
Vote for your favorite Vegan Lion and choose the Author of the Week 68. You can see the participating posts, in the comments
#topauthors #poll #plantpowervegan #inleo #foodie
Please check below Article and Help me to understand WHat i am doing wrong here ?
This is were the money at