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RE: Who deserves to be Rich?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The concept of "rich" in itself can be interpreted in a variety of ways I think. To many, being rich, will not imediately mean posessing monetary wealth. Many will see richness as happiness. You could have a rich family life, or a rich work life, or another variety there of. I guess in its most common form, to be rich means to have a lot of money. But money does not necessarily equal happiness. In my travels, I have seen a lot of people, "poor" people who were rich in happiness. Would they be happier if they were financially rich? Perhaps, or peraps financial richness brings in a lot of burden of the kind that makes the happy, unhappy. Look at the time you invest into being rich and see if you wouldn't be happier by investing that time into doing things that make you trully happy, like spending time with your family or just following your hobbies. That's why all those promotional, educational speakers, always talk about people needing to pursue things that they love doing and that riches will follow. Be happy first and see if you can monetise on your happiness. But do not try to acquire financial richness at the cost of your happiness, as that will inevitably lead to opposite results.


Damn. You sound like me xD

I have always battled the balance ever since I got some finacial "power" (meaning not being collage broke anymore).

I think I have pushes myself a bit way from that way of thinking lately, but its good to be reminded what it can mean :D


Good to know there are more steuggling souls out there like me.

Ye haha :D

I should be working more on happiness than I do, its a slow process xD