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RE: The CryptoManiacs Podcast - Episode 92-ish w/ Blocktrades

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Another great show! Just when I think we're going to "get" somewhere and nownext project and the timer starts all over again. lol Now we've got to wait another year for smart contracts and reputation systems?!? :p everything can take off, @blocktrades starts talking about the

Truly though, the amazing thing is what is going on around us as we're waiting. Each piece added adds another layer of development branching out in all sorts of directions. This place is almost unrecognizable from what it was a year ago. With HAF being released in a couple months, I can imagine that come this time next year, HIVE will have undergone another major level of transformation.

Brick by brick this place continues to build into one of the most incredible blockchains in existence. With devs like this and others you've had on the show, our future is very, very bright. I'm very happy to be a part of it. Even if it's only watching Jon sit silently for an hour. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


HE (Blocktrades) is looking to develop his own layer 2 solutions. Before that can happen, things needed to get to the point where the base layer was in order. He feels they are approaching on that. HAF is a big piece of the puzzle it seems.

There will always be code changes at the base layer but it seems like they are closing in on the heavy lifting being done. That is a huge step forward.

No, I get it. You walked us tech-less people through it very well. I'm just commenting on the fact that there's always another big piece coming. Which is a VERY GOOD THING! It's just seems like there's always another even bigger and better shiny new toy around the corner.

Like I said above, what is really amazing is how much progress is actually being made around us while we're waiting for those new toys. The things getting completed and implemented are having gigantic impacts on the whole ecosystem and sometimes it's hard to see it from inside.

Great interview as always! Can't wait to see what HAF brings to the table.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

ha ha ha ha I suck!

I just needed to let Task and Blocktrades get into what they know best. I'm just the Geico Gecko and sometimes dance on camera!

Hey, I'm not knocking you. I'm always amazed by how insightful Task is with the questions he asks. I wouldn't have anything to add either. I just find it amusing that you start everything off, say a few words, and lawn furniture the rest of the way. lol You should at least get some charts or something you can hold up each week. New HIVE accounts or Active users on Splinterlands or something. Or even track the prices of 10 key cards on Splinterlands and display the updated prices each week.

Like I said, I have NO complaints. You guys do an awesome job! I just like poking fun a little...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

lolol oh nah nah, didn't take it as a knock at all :)