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RE: Leo Talk 7/12/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago

This would be so awesome. But it will never happen in least in my lifetime. Hopefully I'll get to a zero day work week on my own at some point. :-)

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I can't imagine 4 day work week considering if that happens roads, electricity, garbage and maintenance work will be pending too. Which I don't think is reasonable nor realistic unless you live places where these things don't exist in the first place?

Work will take place every day, it's just that people will be working 5, 4, or even 3 days a week. Where one shift was needed, there could be 2 shifts to cover the days we would have off.

The time for 5x(8 hour-days) is long past, yet the 5-day work week won't be going anywhere. Alternatives to it need to be available and used where it makes sense. Work schedules need to be made more flexible.

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Employees were productive — and happier, researchers say.

This is so obvious! I don't know why so employers don't get it.

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Hopefully I'll get to a zero day work week on my own at some point. :-)

That's freedom. You'll get there with time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

America likes to promote the Protestant work ethic, that is for sure. As long as we see the competition with China, workweek is going to be one of the things that is used to outdo the other.

We are seeing a backlash though.

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You never know, I've been researching the Spanish Flu and were following the same path. Took 4 years for governments to give up on sending everyone into the one spot and invested in technology.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is already a lot of changes underway. We will see how many last. The cities are seeing a decline at the moment. We will if it holds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Only for the interim. I've been researching abit about the Spanish Flu and we are following the exact same trajectory.

Anti Vax, anti mask, pro business push back etc. Took four years than big parties and tech advancements.

Wonder how much will follow through to the modern world.

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If we're going to work 40 hours a week, we sould be offered options of 5x(9 to 5), 4x(8 to 6), 3x(7am to 8pm+) and then have scehdules made accordingly. As long as coverage is present when needed, companies can afford that flexibility in scheduling.

As a side benefit, less money is spent on transportation, less time is spent commuting, and more free time becomes available. If overtime is needed beyond those hours at those schedules, it can be managed.

If money is still an issue and hours need to be cut for all 3 options, the savings I mentioned above still make it worth it for both sides.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's nice overview.

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During my time in the work-force, I have worked all shifts from time-to-time. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shifts each had there pros and cons. Many times, especially while working for the Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center laundry, I would have to do swing-shift from time to time.

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Working extra long shifts while having to work 5 days a week is brutal no matter what jobs we have. On occasion it may be necessary, and some professions require that. But if we're talking about redistributing 40 hours a week, then doing extra long shifts may be worth it.

It may also mean hiring more staff or personnel to ensure that coverage is maintained, and that may or may not result in a cut in hours worked. Either way, that may work out well for everyone concerned.

Besides, we're in a time now when we have ways to make up for fewer hours working. Look no further than CRYPTOCURRENCY.

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I had to do those rolling 12-hour shifts once. That didn't last long. Talk about a hit to your body clock and sleep cycles!

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No matter what people say about it, the Protestant work ethic is an asset to any culture or society regardless of location.

The problem with it comes when it's enforced against people's will; that's a major turn off, and as a result it can backfire against the enforcers and the ruling class which employs them.

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Those Icelandic folk are different for sure. A while back, the Prime Minister at the time was made fun of for finding some Beatles and Led Zepplin records in a garbage dumpster.

At least this Prime Minister does not just talk about pollution and waste, but actually repurposes personally through dumpster diving!

You can't always find what you're looking for an army of Gudmundur [Icelandic Rock Musician], but sometimes you find what you need most!

Translation accessed from Google Translate® as I do not speak Icelandic

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I think it will happen soon enough as automation takes over.

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Seems like that also means some form of limited UBI will be offered as well.

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It will probably be used in the beginning as the transition happens. Eventually I think they will find a model that works digitally and pays people.

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I was surprised by how many vacation weeks they get when I was in Europe. Lots of little things over there that sadly will never be implemented here.

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