Leo Talk 7/12/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago


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Michael Saylor got a big investment.

Capital International buys 1 million shares of Microstrategy.

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It is a nugget in the basin of crypto.
#MTSR looks more crypto than cloud service company

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They are fully making the transition to cryptocurrency. I agree with you they are no longer a cloud service company, at least not primarily.

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Was this part of his recent raise to buy more bitcoin? Or was it off the open market? I couldn't really tell from the limited information in the article...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would presume it was open market.

The most recent raise of capital was done using debt, not equity.

So this was likely just purchased through normal channels.

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I am guessing the funds from doing so will probably go towards buying more BTC off the market.

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I have a feeling it was an open market buy so they are buying the stock from others. It wasnt a direct purchase.

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Microstrategy is a BTC whale. Their shares are going to follow Bitcoin's pattern. ☝️☝️☝️

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$MSTR jumped in price after this news came out:


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They are a huge hodler of Bitcoin, there is no doubt about it. It is going to really enhance that company's holdings down the road if all of this pans out well.

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Sounds like the issue wasn't that he was streaming movies, but that he obviously wasn't paying the right amount of tax.

The taxman never misses...

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Yea it said he was evading taxes...and I think the government would definitely not ignore it.

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Hahaha yup, typical. Do whatever no one particularly cares. Don't pay tax get rekt

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It always get back to taxes. The taxing authorities always have to get their nut (although they should get deez instead).

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First I do not condone a person bypassing all those laws and then living the high life off of ill begotten funds. All those people working in the movie industry rely on the sales of movie rights for a living. From the camera operators, lighting, costume, makeup, caterer personnel just to name a few.

The majority of the persons that were paying White for the website access probably had no clue it was illegibly obtained thus believing a portion of the funds would get to the hands of the performers and actual workers that produced the media.

All in all, he got what he deserved. Crypto currencies do not deserve to be used as a way to do illegal actions, it just hurts crypto currencies as an industry and may cause governments to try and regulate it to a higher degree.

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it just hurts crypto currencies as an industry and may cause governments to try and regulate it to a higher degree.

It could have also been done with fiat too. I know it'll just build up more case to regulate crypto with stories like this.

He got what he deserves tho

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder if they will target all the other illegal movie sites.

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Don't pay taxes. Go to jail!

  • Government

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Looks like he was a poker player too.

He earned more than $100,953.00 USD in his career with poker events alone.


Guess he needed stake for a poker game and pirating videos was a good cash cow.

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This would be so awesome. But it will never happen in America....at least in my lifetime. Hopefully I'll get to a zero day work week on my own at some point. :-)


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I can't imagine 4 day work week considering if that happens roads, electricity, garbage and maintenance work will be pending too. Which I don't think is reasonable nor realistic unless you live places where these things don't exist in the first place?

Work will take place every day, it's just that people will be working 5, 4, or even 3 days a week. Where one shift was needed, there could be 2 shifts to cover the days we would have off.

The time for 5x(8 hour-days) is long past, yet the 5-day work week won't be going anywhere. Alternatives to it need to be available and used where it makes sense. Work schedules need to be made more flexible.

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Employees were productive — and happier, researchers say.

This is so obvious! I don't know why so employers don't get it.

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Hopefully I'll get to a zero day work week on my own at some point. :-)

That's freedom. You'll get there with time.

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America likes to promote the Protestant work ethic, that is for sure. As long as we see the competition with China, workweek is going to be one of the things that is used to outdo the other.

We are seeing a backlash though.

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You never know, I've been researching the Spanish Flu and were following the same path. Took 4 years for governments to give up on sending everyone into the one spot and invested in technology.

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There is already a lot of changes underway. We will see how many last. The cities are seeing a decline at the moment. We will if it holds.

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Only for the interim. I've been researching abit about the Spanish Flu and we are following the exact same trajectory.

Anti Vax, anti mask, pro business push back etc. Took four years than big parties and tech advancements.

Wonder how much will follow through to the modern world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If we're going to work 40 hours a week, we sould be offered options of 5x(9 to 5), 4x(8 to 6), 3x(7am to 8pm+) and then have scehdules made accordingly. As long as coverage is present when needed, companies can afford that flexibility in scheduling.

As a side benefit, less money is spent on transportation, less time is spent commuting, and more free time becomes available. If overtime is needed beyond those hours at those schedules, it can be managed.

If money is still an issue and hours need to be cut for all 3 options, the savings I mentioned above still make it worth it for both sides.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's nice overview.

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During my time in the work-force, I have worked all shifts from time-to-time. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shifts each had there pros and cons. Many times, especially while working for the Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center laundry, I would have to do swing-shift from time to time.

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Working extra long shifts while having to work 5 days a week is brutal no matter what jobs we have. On occasion it may be necessary, and some professions require that. But if we're talking about redistributing 40 hours a week, then doing extra long shifts may be worth it.

It may also mean hiring more staff or personnel to ensure that coverage is maintained, and that may or may not result in a cut in hours worked. Either way, that may work out well for everyone concerned.

Besides, we're in a time now when we have ways to make up for fewer hours working. Look no further than CRYPTOCURRENCY.

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I had to do those rolling 12-hour shifts once. That didn't last long. Talk about a hit to your body clock and sleep cycles!

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No matter what people say about it, the Protestant work ethic is an asset to any culture or society regardless of location.

The problem with it comes when it's enforced against people's will; that's a major turn off, and as a result it can backfire against the enforcers and the ruling class which employs them.

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Those Icelandic folk are different for sure. A while back, the Prime Minister at the time was made fun of for finding some Beatles and Led Zepplin records in a garbage dumpster.

At least this Prime Minister does not just talk about pollution and waste, but actually repurposes personally through dumpster diving!

You can't always find what you're looking for an army of Gudmundur [Icelandic Rock Musician], but sometimes you find what you need most!

Translation accessed from Google Translate® as I do not speak Icelandic

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I think it will happen soon enough as automation takes over.

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Seems like that also means some form of limited UBI will be offered as well.

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It will probably be used in the beginning as the transition happens. Eventually I think they will find a model that works digitally and pays people.

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I was surprised by how many vacation weeks they get when I was in Europe. Lots of little things over there that sadly will never be implemented here.

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Question: When you take out the HIVE or HBD or any crypto for that matter for the spending on local places where crypto is not accepted. What's the most safe and logical approach? Selling the crypto to FIAT when market is good or holding some amount in USDT/USDC type of the coins? What's the safe and least expensive approach?

I have no idea, so I defer to the experts on this. They have experience.

I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the 0.00000006 WEED accumulating in my Hive Wallet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the 0.00000006 WEED accumulating in my Hive Wallet.


Be careful with those, burning them could get you high on chain. Lol just kidding

I got about 4 weed 🌿 too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now I'm at 0.00000008 WEED. I'm getting it every day now!

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What do you guys think about "Tik Tok" banning influencers for promoting cryptocurrencies? Is it because of the Chinese government?


At some point, we might need a decentralized Tik Tok. I hope some Hive Dev is thinking about it already. ;)

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At some point, we might need a decentralized Tik Tok. I hope some Hive Dev is thinking about it already. ;)

Won't be surprised when we finally have something like that in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah we will have. The question is, who's going to build it on Hive?

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Well, I trust the leofinance team when it comes to stuff like this. I believe they will do a perfect job to suit users' needs.

I think they have a shot just that with a whole lot of projects at the moment, it'll have to be later in the future before such demand can be met.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, Leo Finance team can do it but they are already busy developing Cub Finance and LeoFinance.io

I think it's going to be someone else since Leo Finance is focusing on Finance & Crypto related apps.

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Yeah, Leo Finance team can do it but they are already busy developing Cub Finance and LeoFinance.io

That's true.

Hopefully, we'll find someone who is capable of doing a good job.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, we have great developers on Hive. Quite innovative and expericend. I am sure someone plan to make a Blockchain version very soon ;)

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I thing someone needs to make a blockchain based alternative. That would really help to alter the landscape.

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Maybe SPK Network will create another app besides their main one but for short videos. It would be a nice addition to their suite.

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I'm still looking for a Hive version of Instagram. I thought I hit the jackpot when I discovered DLike, but it turns out to be for STEEM and TRON blockchains. So my quest continues.

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Isn't TikTok's corporate owner still based in China? If this is the case, then that can explain its ban on promoting crypto content on the platform. The CBDC Yuan/Renmimbi needs to dominate at all costs over there.

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Richard Branson finally made it to space. Looks like the goal is to eventually do more than one flight a day with a price tag around $40k. Starting slower and higher than that obviously...


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It was nice watching the event live as it happened. Hopefully a sign a many more safe and enjoyable flights to come!

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Doesn't matter what anyone says or thinks, wow! He made it to Space. Hopefully not 66 years before we get a turn also.

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If it takes 66 years I think I will miss the opportunity. That would put me at about 126 years old. Not sure I wish to stick around that long. 😅

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126 will be the new 66.

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I saw that news article as well. 40k a ticket seems a bit expensive so I will wait for prices to drop if I ever decide in the future.

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Way out of my price range. So believe I will keep my money for other things.

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That's a good idea. I won't be having any talk on that, 40k ain't a joke to just go chill in space.

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Anything involving early adopters will be expensive. The more something is done (or the more units of some product are made), the sooner prices will drop. It was true for cruises, cars, computers, and cell phones, and it will be true for space travel.

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I am going to wait for the elevator. 😉

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Bezos is going up soon too, isn't he?

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Yepp! He's the next one in line. Flying on 20th July.

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Space Tourism is going to be a thing very soon. :')

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We do not need to go to space for tourism. We can check out the aliens right here digitally. Google Maps even gives one a spaceship avatar when going to street view!

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I am not sure it will be "very soon" but it will happen within a decade or two.

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Good job on Sir Richard. Now if he can get to Mars before Elon Musk and claim it for 🚀ⒺⓃⒼⓁⒶⓃⒹ, that would be grand! Well, grand for Britain.

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Just for those that may have missed the live launch, here is a recorded video courtesy of Bloomberg Quicktake

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#HIVE is everything listed down below (I guess) plus Feeles, 3 Second Transactions! ✌



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Hive needs the smart contract capability to the degree that Ethereum has without being on the base layer.

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I think blocktrades is working on the same through HAF. We definitely need sidechain smart contract functionalities.

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Is there insurance on HIVE?

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Institutional digital asset manager Grayscale announced that its Digital Large Cap Fund has now become an SEC reporting company.

filed for three additional trusts to become reporting companies: Grayscale Bitcoin Cash Trust, Grayscale Ethereum Classic Trust and the Grayscale Litecoin Trust.

Why Ethereum Classic? Lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Why Ethereum Classic? Lol.

The name. LOL

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Who doesn't like classics? Classic Rock, classic cars, classic Coke, ....

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Do you think crackdown on Binance will allow other crypto exchanges to emerge who follow all the regulations and laws?

Coinbase, Kraken, and Gemini are embracing regulation with open hands. Do you think it will help them in the long play?

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Hopefully we are seeing the beginning of the rise of decentralized exchanges.

We will see how this all unfolds. Binance is facing some headwinds.

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I think they will retaliate by accepting the changes in the industry. I feel 'regulations' is going to be a trend in 2021-22.

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It seems many are targeting CZ and his company.

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Yepp. This is their chance to get ahead in the game. After all it's business.

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I don't think so because the crypto space is still decentralized to an extent. Eventually these regulations will start turning into taxes and people will move off these platforms.

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It would be nice for me if Gemini became more popular, sine that's what I have to use in my jurisdiction. With the popularity, perhaps it can offer more cryptos besides the major ones.

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Good morning. It is 5:22 am here on the east coast of the United States. I have been awake since 3:50 am listening to the news. Italy is very happy having defeated England in the big football (soccer) match. Siamo dispiaciuti gente d'Inghilterra!

Here is the CUB Finance Market action for the past 24-hour period.

Screenshot: LIVECOINWATCH.COM accessed 5:30 am Mon, 12 Jul 2021

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CUB is bouncing up and down between the $0.77-0.78.

It's going up in the long terms anyway. \m/ Buying more cubs whenever I can.

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I agree with you completely. We are the ones who keep adding CUB. It is a winner in my opinion and those who keep stacking it are going to be very happy.

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I am trying to learn various facets of DeFi through CUB Finance. My CUB and CAKE kingdoms are working so well for me. ✌️

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After listening to Khal on the last AMA, I am focusing more on filling my $LEO token bag since it is the base for all the other projects. That is just me though. I will add some more CUB soon, that goes without saying.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm with you on that, although I'm trying to do it mostly through the bLEO/BNB farm. That way I'm also getting CUB while I wait. I did add a couple thousand to my staking stack to get my curation rewards up some more but for the most part, I'm going to keep adding to farms. Seriously, 200% returns are too good to pass up right now. I mean, that's a double in less than 6 months with the compounding. Crazy good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a great strategy. Can't go wrong with that Sarge. ✌️

Khal is throwing bombs in each AMA. 👻

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Even though I detest soccer, I was rooting for England to win on behalf of my English college mates who for some strange reason like watching that.

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Do you think Crypto Card Industry has a bright future? This way we will be able to spend our crypto easily. Not cheap though!


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No. That entire industry is nothing more than intermediary. Why do we need need something like that when a wallet will do the same thing.

It is a hybrid because most people understand debit and credit cards.

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What is the best wallet to have for crypto? To be used in in the real world for payment for food and such?

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I don't have an answer to that question, but only because I think it depends on which cryptocurrencies you hold and which ones are accepted by the merchants you care about.

I'd like to use HIVE or HBD (once I have enough to spend), but without someone else accepting either all I can do is let them accumulate and earn interest.

Perhaps Metamask can suit your needs, and I think Hive blockchain uses it.

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I don't think so. At least it doesn't have as much bonuses to make me consider this card over other cards.

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I was delaying it quite a bit but I moved over some LEO to BSC and added to the bLEO/BNB Farm. At the same time, I harvested and invested the CUB I got from the farms into the kingdom.

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For me, all new additions have been heading to the Cubfinance kingdom.

That said, the bLEO/BNB is very important to the ecosystem.

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Yea and with the exposure to CUB I get from the kingdoms, putting a bit more exposure to BNB and bLEO seems to be a good idea as well.

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Finally. One more country to be added in the hood.

Coinmarketcap has a page called "Legal Tender Countries":

Would be so amazing to see this growing.

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We need to get half a dozen or so to join in. That would be of great assistance.

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Right. It would be so cool to see more countries joining in this year. Will make 2021 more epic!

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If things go well over there, perhaps we can add Cuba to that list.

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It would be helpful if another couple add to it.

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Here is another @leomarkettalk post.

Let's have some fun and post a lot of stuff today. It is the beginning of the week and Monday is usually a good day for us.

Have at it.

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I do not know if they are auto-votes195 followers and this post has 275 votes so far today! or manual curation, but @leomarkettalk has made a name for itself! I have noticed that our followers are growing! As of this comment, we now have


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In June while I was hyping POB TALK at Proof of Brain I kept comparing it to Leo Market Talk. My point was that POB TALK could do for Proof of Brain what LMT has done for LeoFinance. I hope the hype helped both PT & LMT.

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Mondays are fun! Love them. I try to get the most out of them. It's like a fresh start. ;)

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Yes you are right, it's that one day that everyone is fully prepared and 100% focused.

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They are quite productive for me. ✌

Set a strong base for the week.

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Yesterday was kind of bad. I dropped by but there wasn't much going on.

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Yes it was a rough news day. I kept trying to find things but there wasnt much out there.

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I'm about to head out into the great unknown and decided to stop in and share some comments. It's 83 degrees and very humid, but they are calling for thunderstorms around 5PM.

I wish there was some way we could send some of that rain out west. I can't imagine 120 degree heat.

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Grab thee some #CANDIES.

Fill them jars until they are overflowing. This is safe and will not affect your waistline.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

2760 - thanks for the reminder!

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No problem. That is what we are here for.

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My candy jar today is over 2,000 candies

We Lions 🦁 of the @leomarkettalk engagement initiative all have a sweet tooth!

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and nearing 3,000! As always, thank you for the reminder and a big thanks to @coingecko for our candies everyday!

We are on the #CANDIE bandwagon.

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I collected my candies, diamonds and hearts.

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Same to same! Do you know we can claim 10 hearts every 12 hours? So it's 20 Hearts per day!

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The 12 hour cooldown is a bit annoying so I prefer once per day since it counts down from the last time you collected.

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Mostly I check once I see the reminder here. But every once in a while I check twice a day.

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How do you get diamonds and hearts? I only see candies. Maybe it's because I'm new.

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Diamonds are on coinmarketcap and hearts are on stakingrewards

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It looks as if a post needs to be published explaining these point-like assets (they aren't tokens or cryptos) and how to earn them. That post can be updated whenever new items are added, thus allowing recurring opprtunities for earnings.

I would make a post like that, but we only know about those 3 point-like assets. If anyone else wants to do that post, have at it!

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Me, too. They were delicious. Two more days til y3k.

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Congratulations. They really add up over time.

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Tomorrow is a 100 candies day. I am going to hit 1000. What a coincidence! 😂


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I'm right on the doorstep of 200 candies.

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That's awesome. Jar will fill fast if you check @leomarkettalk once a day. As soon as I see the reminder, I go ahead and claim candies, diamonds and hearts.

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Just go in on the candy thing. I'll keep getting as much as I can and see what the future of candy holds.

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I must have missed yesterday due to assignments and exams due by midnight. It started over at 10 candies, or does it reset every Monday?

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Steve Wozniak is damn right!

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He'll be speaking in our state later on this year. I may finally get a chance to see one of the "Steves" in person.

I'm still kicking myself for not attending WWDC 2011. Had the funds and could have gone, but didn't. I had no idea we would lose Steve Jobs later on that year.

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That sucks mate. I hope you get to see him live. I can only see him online so that works for me. But I am sure it would be a totally different experience when you are physically present. Good luck buddy!

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Steve has a website https://www.signedbywoz.com/ where he signs Apple-related items for sale. I was able to purchase a signed poster of him and SJ in 2019. So even if I can't make his appearance, I'll still have that. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha. That's cool. He should mint some NFTs for fans like you! They would sell like hot cakes.

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Well its pretty much true since its a deflationary decentralized store of wealth.

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It's mathematics and science clubbed together.

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If you DCA is your strategy when it comes to investing in bitcoin, you are in for a treat. It's going only in one direction. :D


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Massive anti-government protests erupt in CUBA over lack of freedom and bad economic situation.

This is the biggest one that happened in decades!

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The rebellion about tyranny across the globe.

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This is getting international attention!

Cubans are in suffering and I hope they witness new leadership emerging out of this.

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I expect more of it given how people are fed up with the lockdowns and economic policies.

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Both Castro brothers are gone, and the new guy is just some schmoe without the aura or skills of the Castro brothers. We shall see what happens.

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That is nice. So the rest will still rely on the other sources? Also I think they should have some back-up generators since I don't know how stable geothermal is.

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I always thought geothermal was as stable as hydropower; both seem to be on all the time.

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Top Line Comment Banner for LeoFinance

I have a question or two....

Can I delegate to someone tokens from my wallet at Hive Engine if I want to earn a different kind of token or even Hive? If so, How dies this work?

I won't do it right now, but after I accumulate more tokens I may try that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A very interesting and relevant article on the taxing of staking "rewards". Apparently it's in court now so we'll see where it ends up. Definitely has ramifications for all of us in CUB. In the US, at least. Definitely worth reading....


There is also a LeoFinance article written about it.


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When a farmer plants a new crop, it is not taxed when harvested, it is taxed when sold at the market. And when a painter paints a new portrait, it is not taxed when completed, it is taxed when sold at a gallery. The same holds true for newly created tokens. At creation, they are not taxed and should only be taxed when sold or exchanged.

Isn't it obvious? IRS must be smoking some cheap stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is obvious, and yet the tax code is unhumanly massive. It takes a while to get through that thing, which is one reason tax attorneys and CPAs get the big bucks. They suffer through that so you don't have to (until the bill arrives).

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It will put a burden on both the investor and these professionals. Would be stupid and unfair if they implement this.

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While taxation is a deceiving synonym for theft, we still pay taxes because it's the taxing authorities wich have the guns and the jails to put us in when we don't-- and they won't hesitate to put us there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Scoundrels! Get away to Malta or something.

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Not Malta-- that's where Binance is!

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The cloud as a global computer.

IBM feels that the future of cloud computing is that it is non-proprietary open universal computer.

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Taskmaster, please check the link. It appears to be directed to the illegal movie story.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I saw that as well. The link is wrong.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have it going to Bitcoin.com.

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The link is wrong. Can't get to the article.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Corporate taxes increases will be 2022 at the earliest. It seems like they are just pushing things back but it doesn't look like they are going to change their stance on taxes.

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The problem with taxes is that corporations simply pass them on. This is especially true when all corporations are hit with the same thing. It makes it easy to do it across the board by all corporations.

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Yes but I think the PMI and ISM has shown that the producers hasn't been able to fully pass the cost over to the consumer yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No this is happening in both the US and Europe both.

The PPI is going up more than the CPI. The inbound to factories is increasing more than the outbound. It is going to be reflected in earnings at some point. Cant cut margins without it not doing that.

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The faucet freebitcoin.io does drop on the rarer numbers. I guess gaining an extra $20 is good but my luck is never so good.


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Faucets can be a good way to get started with cryptocurrency. I am with you, it doesnt seem likely that I would have the luck to harness the $20 number.

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Not crypto related but...Novak Djokovic tied Nadal and Federer for the most Grand Slams titles in men's tennis history this morning by winning his 7th Wimbledon. Some great points and amazing tennis. He now has a chance to win all four Grand Slam events in the same calendar year by winning next month's US Open. It would be the first time that's happened since Rod Laver did it in 1968. Oh yeah, and it would also give him his 21st title making him the greatest men's tennis player of all time. If you love watching tennis, then you've been spoiled for the last 20 years watching the greatest trio of stars in history. Epic, epic matches between them all with each of them winning their share, obviously.


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Novak Djokovic will definitely claim the calendar-year Grand Slam. He seems to be at the peak of his career. 20 titles is a huge achievement.

This trio is truly EPIC. Legends!


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Novak is on a mission lately.
Nadal is the guy with a clay mentality

but he will win anywhere if you let him play his way

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I love Nadal. He is a tough beast for sure.

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Stealing electricity, mining with Playstation 4's, and an officially recognized CBDC. Apparently a lot is happening in Ukraine we're not hearing about....


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They already have a CBDC called the digital hryvnia. Wow, I didn't know that. Ukrainians are quite ahead it seems.

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I think the huge energy usage would of probably left quite a bit of evidence so I don't think they would tried doing so. But it does make sense to use the PS4 consoles since they are starting to be replaced by PS5 whenever they come out with more stock. They might as well repurpose it without worrying about the GPU shortage in the past year or so.

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That's a huge investment. Wonder if they made it back before they got caught.

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A nice piece on Stablecoins and crypto's industry hunt to find a truly decentralized one.

Not sure if they know about HBD. DAI is a good one too!

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I think both need to be more well known and actually have trading pairs available. So it would need to be listed on exchanges quite a bit more otherwise people will default back to USDT or USDC because its easier.

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CZ Speaks on the recent regulatory crackdowns on Binance. He is calling regulations a positive sign.

Binance was forced to cease offering services to users in Ontario, Canada, on June 25th. The British bank Barclays stopped users from making payments to Binance commencing on July 5th. The exchange cited a regulatory notice issued by UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The list goes on...

Binance has outlined three steps that it is taking to improve its compliance -

  1. Increase the compliance team by hiring the right people with experience to guide the company.

  2. force partnerships that will help implement new controls and regulation technology into its operating procedures

  3. Finally, to localize the operation to meet the local regulations.

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I guess its the start of the crackdown on "regulations".

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Ghana's CBDC pilot run is starting in September this year.

During Pilot phase a few people would be able to use the digital cedi on the mobile application that is under development. As per Ghana's central bank, it was the first one to start work on CBDCs.

Will this improve the current money system in Ghana?

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Will this improve the current money system in Ghana?

Can't say much about that, but they are making efforts to improve the financial system of the country, unlike Nigeria who only see anything crypto as the Enemy.

We'll see how that turns out with time I guess.

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It would be great to see them getting in on it before other African countries. I hope Nigeria follows as well.

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The citizens would gladly accept everything that cryptocurrency has to offer them, but the government on the other hand are full with bunch of illiterate who doesnt even know what a VPN does.

When they see you as a threat to their money making strategy, best way is to get you out of the way.

  • Crypto was seen as a threat, now we only have p2p to thank for our daily transactions.

  • Twitter was also seen as a voice of the people, due to it fuelling a protest. Now we have VPN to thank for getting our daily tweets out there.

seems crazy right😬😬

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Yeah man. It's crazy! They find numerous ways to protect themselves. If for once they do something for the people, why won't they vote them. That's why we need crypto for our rescue. They cannot ban it or completely regulate it. It's out of their hands. The sooner they accept this fact, the better.

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They cannot ban it or completely regulate it. It's out of their hands. The sooner they accept this fact, the better.

I guess they are still brainstorming on how to find another way to get back at us for suppressing all their mental and emotional threat.

It's sometimes funny and also sad to read news these days from the government. They just don't know what's going on around here. Give would make their heads go crazy when they find out about this amazing place

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Yes. I hope they change their stance. We need to enforce them on creating investor friendly regulations otherwise we are screwed big time.

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I wonder if the new economic system using CBDCs will be instant and fee-less. I have doubts about that though.

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Hey Guys, Please check out the El Salvador Bitcoin Story from the perspective of Jack Mallers. He is Strike's CEO working with the local government to provide cheap, easy, and fast access to Bitcoin. Jack lived in El Zonte for a few months and worked with the local initiative called Bitcoin Beach to understand the issues they were facing.

He launched the app and the news got viral on El Salvador's social media while jack was in El Salvador. The next day, he gets a Twitter DM from the president's brother which made him shit his pants.

He thought he was in trouble for challenging the central financial system. Pushed the meeting to another week to get his shit together because he only packed Hoodies for his trip. 😂 It's an amazing story!

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That's funny. He looks like he's 22 or something. I signed up for the waitlist.

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The guy is so young. We need fresh blood in crypto. They have more energy and creative ideas to execute. We will be in good hands.

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And let's face it. At this point, the hoodie is official crypto-geek gear! :)

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LMAO. True! I love hoodies. It's like you always have a hugging partner with you. Never feel alone. 😂👻

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It sure is an interesting story. I feel like he was all over the place during the story though as though he was trying to figure out what to say.

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Very few numbers there. Hopefully we'll have greater numbers in years to come. Let's say 10 more years might see a change in crypto adoption or what do you think?

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Awesome. I think I should make such a list for India.

It would be cool to know about them!

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At least we are seeing some banks accepting it.

Also I just saw that I can't tip because brave browsers are up. I guess its one of the ways they want to change the system but I don't feel its worth it to remove the shield or not.

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I don't know if BTC will always be the top but it will definitely be among the top. I just don't see it going away.

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Bitcoin is definitely the King. The best money system we could ever get. I am sure it will remain in that position for a very long time. That's why I am buying it whenever I can even in small quantities.

In the long run, only Bitcoin really matters.

With thousands of other cryptocurrencies. ✌

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Bitcoin will always be king as I see it because I don't see any other competitors like Elon or Zuck offering us something better than just to make them richer. To them, it's all about the business of making more money.

In the long term, Hive is far more than capable to gain the attention of the people. Bitcoin is owned mostly by the big players.

We are growing every day and we see a lot of new projects going on here. The future is looking brighter with each passing day.

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Nice article providing details on the 7 largest DeFi projects:


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Most of them are multichain aggregators. No surprises there. Cub Finance aiming to become a one stop shop for DeFi is a smart move! Very smart.

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Well there was a number 8 at the bottom (Pancake).

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  1. Can't see the article Kevin.

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It must have been deleted. It was there no problem first thing this morning!

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Can you delete posts on Publish0x?

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I believe you can or it can also be taken down if Publish0x deems its spam or plagiarism.

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I just checked, you can unpublish an article on Publish0x.

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I believe so, but I'm not sure. I know though that the post was there this morning.

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This could push things a little bit. Travel will revive sooner or later.

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Well it is the summer and it tends to have a bunch of people who want to travel. So I think summer will be good but they have a short-term staff problem.

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Biden and governmental investment in EV's:


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This will help EV industry getting pushed into mainstream. That's the future so it makes sense. But they need to setup a decent infrastructure to support so many EVs running on the highways.

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I think was to be expected given the environmentalists. I have a feeling the republicans are going to be complaining about how much they are spending again.

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NFTs and Videos Games - A Match made in heaven. 'Getting Paid to Play' is getting famous!

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Well it looks more like the second best thing since Axie is too expensive.

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Transformative Change??? My ass, it's just anothe move to turn America socialist!


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I have a feeling that people are just getting used to the helicopter money and I have a feeling it will pass.

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I see many Blockchain startups rallying up the charts in a few years. Crypto unicorns are coming for ya all. 🦄 👻

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I am thinking Tesla probably has the best chances right now.

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Very interesting! Drawbacks to moving China's Bitcoin Mining to India:


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It is a huge challenge simply because there's is no clarity on crypto as of now. Can lose your business in a day. Indian government is like that. But even then the space is thriving. I still have hope.

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It sure seems like its tough and picking a good place is going to be something they need to consider. I suggest crypto friendly places like Texas, Miami and etc.

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I am sure there is no going back from this. This is the best model to work.

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Yea it makes it easier on the employees so I don't see why they should refuse.

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By the time the world central banks launch respective digital currencies, the decentralised freedom that has given cryptocurrency its conceptual purity shall surely be a flag in tatters.

100%. Banks and governments will take enough time to figure this out. In the meanwhile, builders are going to build huge things. The world economy is dying and I think crypto can play a major role in its revival.

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It reminds me of what happened with the Mariel Boatlift from Cuba to Florida in the early 1980s:

  • For a brief time, Fidel Castro allowed freedom of expression;
  • Some people exercised that freedom;
  • It was revoked, and those exercising that freedom were tracked;
  • Many ended up in prison, and many in prison were set free to travel to Florida.

The Oliver Stone / Al Pacino version of Scarface begins the movie with an explanation better than mine here.

Essentially, governments and central banks are farming out cryptocurrency development to private parties to let them figure out everything first, then the governments and central banks will swoop in to use it for their respective CBDCs. We shouldn't be surprised if in the process cryptocurrencies get banned or outlawed.

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Well it does seem like the world economic and political situation will be intertwined with crypto for a while. The regulations and CBDCs will probably take years to play out.

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Today's flight was absolutely amazing. Not only is it good for space travel but this has just made passenger planes redundant in a few years.

No more 2 day flights or stop overs. Simply going up and straight down will get you anywhere on the globe in under an hour.

Amazing. Can't wait too see how this advances travel.


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It's so amazing to see all of this coming to reality while we are alive.

Space travel is going to be a common thing in a few decades and it's crazy if you think about it. Would like to get some tickets for myself and my family. 👻 Would be a fun trip up in the space.

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I know right! Hopefully we get to have a ride before our time ends.

Oscar-winning movie director Spike Lee announces he will direct a coming #bitcoin ATM commercial.

“Old money is not going to pick us up; it pushes us down. The digital rebellion is here.” : Bitcoin

Lol, how cool is that. ✌

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Well BTC ATMs are a good way if people want to stay anonymous but its not for me since I don't like the fees they charge.

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They do charge heavy fees! But they seem quite convenient of you can afford.

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How can we stay anonymous by using a BTC ATM if we can't stay anonymous using a regular ATM? You may be right, but I'm missing something on this.

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I'm not a fan of Spike Lee, but I can support this project.

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NFTs have taken us to mainstream for sure. Nifty’s Inc. launches social NFT platform with Warner Bros. partnership.

They will create a social media community for digital collectibles that supports the new artists.

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Well the digital collectibles seem like a way to capitalize on their IP and create another source of funding. I don't think movies and etc are dong as well as they use to.

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We need more of such biodegradable alternatives to plastic. Time capsules found in the future will be covered or probably filled with plastic if we don't do something about it.

Chinese have the ability to mass produce such a product and replace it with the current plastic form.

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We need more of such biodegradable alternatives to plastic.

Without a doubt. It is something that requires a great deal of attention. The plastic usage is not going to decrease anytime soon.

It will also help to reduce some dependence upon fossil fuel.

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If we can't manage the plastic problem, we might habe to find a new planet as our dumping ground. Earth will not be enough to sustain with that much pollution. When you burn it, it's even worse.

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Just point the rocket to the sun.

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If we can't break down plastic into the components used in petroleum, we may as well use plastic waste in ways which give us alternatives to other problems.

A few years ago I saw a video showing a plastic bottle turned into string which could be used for fishing lines and a substitute for rope.

I think compacted plastic could be used to make bricks or other construction pieces, just as wood shavings are used to make reinforced plywood panels used as protection from the elements during storms.

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This would definitely be nice. I know a lot of people who also re-use plastic bags to store stuff so I guess they need to be careful when this gets released.

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I thought they've been working on that for years. They must have made a breakthrough.

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Virgin Galactic taking advantage of the successful flight.

Virgin Galactic set to raise $500 million.

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I have no doubt they would want to raise more capital. Do you think Richard Branson will be selling off his shares again when they come in?

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DeFi is getting huge. We are seeing tremendous growth on Ethereum based upon this analysis.

DeFi users on Ethereum cross 3 million

We really need to kick start more of this on #hive.

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Defi got started on ETH and its where all the big players tend to be. So I think there will continue to be more there because the fees are nothing to the big guys.

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If fees ever do become a problem, they can slide over to Polygon (MATIC).

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