He'll be speaking in our state later on this year. I may finally get a chance to see one of the "Steves" in person.
I'm still kicking myself for not attending WWDC 2011. Had the funds and could have gone, but didn't. I had no idea we would lose Steve Jobs later on that year.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That sucks mate. I hope you get to see him live. I can only see him online so that works for me. But I am sure it would be a totally different experience when you are physically present. Good luck buddy!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Steve has a website https://www.signedbywoz.com/ where he signs Apple-related items for sale. I was able to purchase a signed poster of him and SJ in 2019. So even if I can't make his appearance, I'll still have that. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha. That's cool. He should mint some NFTs for fans like you! They would sell like hot cakes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta