We need more of such biodegradable alternatives to plastic.
Without a doubt. It is something that requires a great deal of attention. The plastic usage is not going to decrease anytime soon.
It will also help to reduce some dependence upon fossil fuel.
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If we can't manage the plastic problem, we might habe to find a new planet as our dumping ground. Earth will not be enough to sustain with that much pollution. When you burn it, it's even worse.
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Just point the rocket to the sun.
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If we can't break down plastic into the components used in petroleum, we may as well use plastic waste in ways which give us alternatives to other problems.
A few years ago I saw a video showing a plastic bottle turned into string which could be used for fishing lines and a substitute for rope.
I think compacted plastic could be used to make bricks or other construction pieces, just as wood shavings are used to make reinforced plywood panels used as protection from the elements during storms.
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