My Top 10 Dislikes 🙅♂️
Although I do love my new job, there are so things that annoy me about it.
Today I will share with you my least favorite aspects of my Instacart driving/shopping gig.
This list is in no particular order.
Let's get started...
1. Waiting in Parking Lots
The closer you are to the store, the earlier you are shown batches. If you want to take advantage of the best batches available in town, you need to be very close to the store. I live within a few miles of nearly a dozen stores, but none are in my backyard. This means that I can get some okay batches from my apartment, but the best ones can usually only be had while sitting in my car in the parking lot of the store. This is fine when you get batches quickly, but sometimes there is a period where there is no work. I've already had multiple days where I spent 30-60 minutes sitting in my car wasting time while I wait on an order. Luckily I end up getting something eventually, but I hate wasting time. It would be different if I got paid to sit and wait, but I earn nothing during that time.
2. Bad Tippers
Tips make up a minimum of 50% of my pay and sometimes more than that. There are actually customers who expect you to shop for them and then not be tipped for your work. I'm not sure if they realize it or not, but that's basically like me working for free. There is no way in hell I'd ever be okay with that. This means I have to avoid orders that say zero tips, which there are many of those. People are often so cheap and you never know when somebody will lower their tip after you did a great job for them. Luckily, there are still many generous people and as long as you're willing to wait it out for the good orders, you will be paid handsomely.
3. Stupid Drivers and Traffic
I have been driving for 15 years and I know there will always be bad drivers on the road. I didn't have to deal with that too often since I've never had a job that includes constant driving. Now that I'm driving for half of the day, I am stuck behind idiots all of the time. People who drive below the speed limit, don't use turn signals, or just other really dumb things they often do. I can't stand any of it and I get so angry whenever I am on a mission to get my customer their groceries as quickly as possible so I can start my next order and make the highest amount of money in the shortest amount of time.
4. Unaware Shoppers
You know those people who decide it makes sense to park their cart in the middle of an aisle as they stare aimlessly at a wall of items with no idea what they are looking for. There are plenty of walking zombies at the grocery store. I'm not afraid to speak up to let them know to get out of my way, but I feel like they should be more self-aware so I don't have to waste my breath. Don't even get me started on how the store employees take up 80% of an aisle with all of the groceries they are stocking. I get that somebody has to do the work, but why not after dark when there are no customers? Plus, I see employees way too often just standing there on their phones doing literally nothing and forcing me to turn around and go down another aisle just to get to what I need.
5. Multiple Orders In One Batch
This is usually good in terms of pay, but always annoying to have to deal with. I don't want to push around two carts at once (although I have before). If I have two orders I usually carry a basket inside of my cart and hope that the smaller of the two orders will fit inside it. Otherwise, I have to make mental notes of which item is for who. Sometimes I have as many as three orders in one batch and that's when the odds of messing up increase even more. I haven't made major mistakes yet, but it can be stressful keeping everything organized for checkout.
6. Stores That I Never Shop At
Although the Instacart app does usually tell you what aisle and shelf to look on for an item, it's not always exact. Some stores just say things like "snacks" and you have to figure out where the snacks are located. If it's a store I've been to a million times, I can usually figure things out. Even there I sometimes have to ask an employee. There are other stores that I never go to in my own time and I tend to avoid those orders because I know it will take me longer than usual to complete. I'm sure I'll be familiar with all stores soon enough, but for now, I am still clueless when I go to a few places.
7. Carrying Groceries In The Rain
I love the fact that I get to be outside so much for my job, this is going to be very fun in the summer after a few hours at the pool. However, the weather is not always nice. It's been winter ever since I started and although there haven't been any major snowstorms, there has been a lot of rain. I have a nice rain jacket, so I don't get totally soaked, but it's still not fun having to carry a dozen bags of groceries up a steep hill in the rain. It becomes even more difficult to deal with when I have to make multiple trips due to the volume of items in the order.
8. Customers Who Don't Respond To Messages
Who in their right mind orders groceries online for delivery and then doesn't respond to their shopper? Lots of people! We know that most people have their smartphones on them at all times, usually directly in front of their faces. I know this means that some customers choose to not engage and just expect me to figure their stuff out for them. This means I often just replace an out-of-stock item with something similar or I refund it if there is no equivalent. Sometimes I deal with elderly people and they are the only ones I forgive for not answering my messages.
9. Out-of-Stock Items
Speaking of out-of-stock items, this can be pretty irritating. Some customers are very picky and when they don't have what they want they just ask for a refund. This lowers my pay slightly and the more things that they get refunded, the less I earn. The app is supposed to be smart and send you to the store that has most of their items in stock, even if it isn't the closest one to their house. Even with that feature, I find myself having to refund or replace pretty much every single order.
10. Waiting In Line
Most stores offer self-checkout, but you aren't supposed to use it when doing an Instacart order. That means I have to wait in line at one of the very few human-operated registers that are open. There's always at least one, but I've never seen more than three open at once. Sitting in a queue and wasting my time sucks, but it's part of the job. It's the best place to have a short convo with another shopper and I sometimes even help elderly people unload their carts onto the belt. I still would rather never have to wait in line again.
Not all things are bad 👎👍
It may sound like I feel negatively towards my job, but trust me when I say not all is bad with Instacart.
I posted yesterday about My top 10 favorite things about working for Instacart.
Trust me when I say the positives outweigh the negatives, otherwise, I wouldn't continue doing this job.
Stay tuned for more Instacart-focused posts similar to this one.
Thanks for reading today folks!
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Those are all reasons I disliked Instacart as well, lol. Many times it was just not worth the time. But in today’s economy, I am basically taking what I get unless it’s just stupid.
I am not a fan of the multiple shops in one batch. It’s just too much to keep up with in some cases and it’s not worth the payoff, in my experience. So I am picky about what I take.
As far as sitting at the store, that makes sense actually. I guess if you like a particular store, or in my case in my kids’ town, the only store, you do need to sit up there…
Today was a bad day, although the app said it would be busy and had higher pay than usual. You really never know what you will get with this. It does have huge potential though. It sure beats my old job my many miles.
The multiple shops can be stressful, but I make sure neither order is too large before I accept them. Then I just keep a basket or two with me so that I can keep things separated along the way instead of having to do it at checkout.
It's too bad that we don't really have a location that has 3-4 busy stores in the same radius. All of my stores are separated, but at least there are lots of them and plenty of work usually.
Yeah it’s the nature of the gig game. Grub hub dropped their mileage rates recently which hurt bad. Plus it has just gotten slow. That’s why I am looking back at instacart.
Certainly some good gripes here lol. I get annoyed when people are there standing and oblivious to people and things around them. I'm always self aware of what's going on around me and it's remarkable that so many people don't have a clue! I don't say anything to them unless they are blocking the thing that i'm trying to get, but my time isn't money like it is for you in that sense so I let them skirt by without anything.
Traffic is definitely one of the things I don't miss very much! We've had to go driving to bigger cities recently a few times and that means we've had to deal with all kinds of traffic. It's not fun for sure lol but when you're on the clock making money for getting somewhere quickly so you can grab another order, I'm sure the traffic is very annoying!
Even if I'm looking down at my phone, my peripheral vision allows me to see people approaching before it's too late and I'm blocking their path. I don't see how all humans do not have this same ability, but maybe we are special.
I'm lucky that where we live, although it is our state's capital city, there really isn't a lot of traffic. 4-6pm is the only time it gets congested in some areas, but I can easily avoid those places during that time period. I can't imagine how annoyed I'd be if I lived somewhere that was bumper-to-bumper all of the time. That would take all the fun out of driving.
Well I can certainly understand the frustration when it comes to waiting😂 I damn well hate waiting for anything aswell.. But sometimes you just have to..
As regards to stupid drivers in traffic... Boy oh boy... Wait till you visit the Southern tip of Africa 😂😂🌍 a fucking shitstorm over here..
Strongs broh, it ain't always fun but try and make the best of it😎
I'm a very impatient person, although much better than I once was. I'm glad the app doesn't keep track of how much time I wasted waiting, that would be depressing to see those numbers. I just move on once the day is over and tell myself that the next day is going to be great.
Stupid drivers and bad roads are both reasons to have road rage.
You are absolutely right, whenever we are waiting for something and it doesn't come, we feel very bad and time doesn't pass at all. When we do our work honestly and deliver on time, it is our right to give good tip to those who order. This makes the heart of man happy and he does his work more diligently. It becomes very difficult to work in the rain and if we have to send something somewhere, if it is late, the one who has done it also tells the story. Then the person gets so angry and thinks that I should leave this job. When someone orders an item, he should keep his mobile on silent if he is aware that today is the delivery time of the item.
Well said my friend.
Thanks dear.
😎🤙 its all good, but yea..
delivering in the rain would just suck!
and shopping at a new store is just frustrating sometimes.
I cant imagine shopping 2 different orders (2 carts).. never done that one
I'm glad I have a good rain jacket.
And multi-order batches were intimidating at first, but really not that bad now.
It’s disgusting when you waste your time, also when you need to deal with stupid drivers, that’s sounds like something that brings you very tired to home. Hopefully the good things are in balance with that.
Off topic question: How do you feel about the Hive price today? 🤩
I'm hyped about HIVE and it seems like healthy growth is finally happening. No telling where it's going now. If we get what we really deserve, it won't stop where it is now. No telling if now is FINALLY the time where it just keeps going and going further up.
I'm also hyped about it too... I think it's deserves Daltono video hahah, maybe while you wait inside your card in your new job.
True, it doesn't make any sense if you waste time's for nothing, like those times you site in your car doing nothing, yet, that's works, one or two things maybe not okay, and that's Why we called it a job.
Today was one of those days. I was in my car prepared to work from 10am-2pm and there were no good orders. I only made $29 today and it was my worst day by far. I have a feeling the next two days will up for that though.
You are right, all days must not be the same, the best will come, my regards.
for me there are many more good things than bad, so you have to work friend and quickly recover the money you invested in your vehicle
I'm focused on staying positive about the job and being thankful for the fact that I have this new source of income.
Every Job has some good and bad things, why not share 10 good things about your job ? Oh you have a post already, about it. surely going to read it. I wish you best of luck for your job and praying all these bad things will go away from your job :P
Yes indeed, I made sure to focus on the positive aspects first. I'm lucky to have the gig.
All works have their bad side... the thing is if the pay is worth those bad things haha
I 100% agree with that statement.
Bad tippers seriously bro, You guys are lucky to receive tips from customers. I'm not sure what you will say, if you worked in India. No wonder why all Indians are leaving country.
I know that tips outside of the USA are a weird thing, but everybody here thinks they are normal. This includes employers who are allowed to play below minimum wage and let you just hope your tips are enough for you to live off of.
You've expressed the things you hate about Instacart into points in a very nice way.
I'm not sure if I HATE any part of this job, but there are some annoyances, as with pretty much everything.
In every job there are things to like and others not so much, it is a list which polishing some details is not so unpleasant
This is very true my friend.
Saludos 🤗 felicidades por tu storytelling tienes una forma muy original de escribir ✍️ contenido.
Estoy feliz de que disfrutes de mi trabajo 😁
Well, as we said in the other post, everything has pros and cons, but I think that by putting everything on the table, the pros are more convenient... it's all in all a decent job and then you can see that you like it.
Go on and go like a train Bro!
The bad parts of the job definitely are not enough to get me to give up, not even close.
This explains so much. ❤️ All the stuff you're saying is very helpful, thank you.
Thank you for reading again friend.
I worked in a shop in India for like 15000rs (2 months job. 1st month no salary, no tips, no incentives). I worked 460hrs for making that 15000rs. its like 0.39$ per hour. I had to work as on sight cctv and computer technician. I had to work as a marketing and sales executive also. I had to do the accounting if other employees were absent at shop. I also did DTP works.
Stop complaining these small things bro, your jobs are really good in my opinion. Some days at work I even had to work from morning 9am - 10pm. I was never happy doing those jobs but still I had to do the job, as I needed some money for some exam fees. So I did it.
You can't compare the cost of living and pay rates of people in your country and those in the US. Most people here in the US need to bring in at least $4000 a month just to survive. So his "complaints" for people not paying him for his time is extremely valid.
It would be different if the in the US tipping wasn't a big factor in whether a person eats or not.
In Canada we have Min wage and the tipping is just extra $.
People have every right to complain about anything they want @sachingeorge most of us live in a society where there is freedom of speech.
If we really wanted to start comparing things, I could tell you that you shouldn't be complaining about the job you're talking about as there are child sweatshop workers who probably only make, that is if they make any money at all, around a dollar a day.
@derangedvisions is right, you can't really be comparing the two. It would be like comparing a Pomeranian to a Pitbull. Sure, they are both dogs but have wildly different characteristics.
You know what’s really bad to say, it’s saying bad tippers. Just do your work and if you are lucky people might tip you for the work you have done. Consider tips as a bonus to your salary rather than a fee for the work you have done. Be happy with that income and adjust to that income.
Even in India you can reduce your cost of living to 4500rs and also increase it 35000rs etc. people will just adjust to the salary they get.
Tipping is the only way that people doing the job that @daltono is doing make any money. They are driving their own vehicle, using their own gas and their own time to make it more convenient for the customer because they don't want to go buy their own shit. You wouldn't want to work for free and @daltono shouldn't have to either. When people don't tip, it usually costs them money to work instead of actually making any money.
Saying people are bad tippers isn't bad at all, especially if it is telling the truth. I'm all for the whole tipping isn't a mandatory thing, but mostly because I live in Canada where people are paid a living wage without the needs for tips, most of the time.
Certain jobs are different, one of which are delivery driver jobs where people's main source of income is tips, and then you also have to take into account things like gas, car maintenance, etc.
NGL dude, your comment to Dal came off as major dickish. The bottom line is people have the right to complain about whatever they want. I can complain about how my computer chair took an extra week to get in, and Dal can complain about bad tippers or whatever else that pleases him. Just because you tell someone to "Stop Complaining" doesn't mean that they have to, nor does it mean they should.
This wasn't meant to be a complaint post. I enjoy this job a lot and wrote a post yesterday about 10 things that I love about it. So this is just me looking at the positive and negative sides of the job so that people who are interested in starting it as well can have an idea of what to expect.
My advice is to move away from a country that pays you so little. Not an easy task I'm sure, but anything is possible.
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