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RE: My top 10 dislikes about working for Instacart

in LeoFinance2 years ago

You can't compare the cost of living and pay rates of people in your country and those in the US. Most people here in the US need to bring in at least $4000 a month just to survive. So his "complaints" for people not paying him for his time is extremely valid.


It would be different if the in the US tipping wasn't a big factor in whether a person eats or not.

In Canada we have Min wage and the tipping is just extra $.

People have every right to complain about anything they want @sachingeorge most of us live in a society where there is freedom of speech.

If we really wanted to start comparing things, I could tell you that you shouldn't be complaining about the job you're talking about as there are child sweatshop workers who probably only make, that is if they make any money at all, around a dollar a day.

@derangedvisions is right, you can't really be comparing the two. It would be like comparing a Pomeranian to a Pitbull. Sure, they are both dogs but have wildly different characteristics.

You know what’s really bad to say, it’s saying bad tippers. Just do your work and if you are lucky people might tip you for the work you have done. Consider tips as a bonus to your salary rather than a fee for the work you have done. Be happy with that income and adjust to that income.

Even in India you can reduce your cost of living to 4500rs and also increase it 35000rs etc. people will just adjust to the salary they get.

Tipping is the only way that people doing the job that @daltono is doing make any money. They are driving their own vehicle, using their own gas and their own time to make it more convenient for the customer because they don't want to go buy their own shit. You wouldn't want to work for free and @daltono shouldn't have to either. When people don't tip, it usually costs them money to work instead of actually making any money.

Saying people are bad tippers isn't bad at all, especially if it is telling the truth. I'm all for the whole tipping isn't a mandatory thing, but mostly because I live in Canada where people are paid a living wage without the needs for tips, most of the time.

Certain jobs are different, one of which are delivery driver jobs where people's main source of income is tips, and then you also have to take into account things like gas, car maintenance, etc.

NGL dude, your comment to Dal came off as major dickish. The bottom line is people have the right to complain about whatever they want. I can complain about how my computer chair took an extra week to get in, and Dal can complain about bad tippers or whatever else that pleases him. Just because you tell someone to "Stop Complaining" doesn't mean that they have to, nor does it mean they should.