I even wonder when and how social got the science word attached to it .... social science .... and now this soft science .... I see this everywhere, relativisation and interpetation at will ..... even gender is now up to debate... can we have a debate about how airoplanes fly and airodinamics ... maybe we should turn the wings upside down, put some people in it and let it fly ... jk :)
This is what I have in mind when mentioning sciense
Ah well I agree it is pretty frustrating to have so many people running around spouting nonsense when they clearly don't know what they are talking about... and then they call it science.
Look at how many billions have to be thrown at quantum particles to predict their behaviors, in the end, the word science doesn't mean anything aside frome the fact that it can help rich white men make even more money. Outside of our limited animal perception, there is no time and there is no us. On the cosmological scale, this conversation never happened. I see that you like things, to work, to be predictable and make you money. Ever stop to think at how narrow your criteria for exactitude really is? I don't have a better grip on pseudo sciences like astrology than your average person, but in the end, I can see that science is just one big money making machine, a self-fullfilling profecy.
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