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RE: Australian vacancies and rents

in LeoFinance4 years ago

When I tell me buddies here these types of things and how we're the only culture to pay for medicine, they usually are too busy working to listen.

Have you ever been here man? Ever ventured anywhere through the US?


Have you ever been here man? Ever ventured anywhere through the US?

Nah, I have too many health issues to risk it ;D

One day I will head over - but I haven't really had the attraction to it like I have with European or Asian destinations. I would definitely like to see New York and take some photos though.

You don't wanna break yourself off here, that's for sure, but you might enjoy other things. I'm not opposed to anywhere, I love Europe too man. We got cut 5 countries short--we'll get back.

I always hear New York, Disneyland, Hollywood, those destinations. Man, write this down, if you get a chance to come this way, you wanna see places like Tennessee, West Virginia, Colorado. Much better picture opportunities.

And make sure you give me a heads up