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RE: Content

There's no doubt that what makes a post valuable comes down to the attention it gets. A post with a lot of attention (views and engagement) is more valuable than a post with none regardless of whether it is short or long. I think that on average good long form content ages better though and therefore has more long term value. I think that short form content tends to draw short term attention. Long form content draws attention longer term though it may not get as immediate of a short term burst as some short form content. That's just gut feel though, I don't have any metrics to back that up.


Long form content draws attention longer term though it may not get as immediate of a short term burst as some short form content.

But can most people create that kind of content? I dont think they can. They need an "in" thats much more approachable. That is short form imo even though I almost exclusively post long form and enjoy it the most.